5. Islam- advancements in math, science, and medicine - preservation o traduction - 5. Islam- advancements in math, science, and medicine - preservation o Créole haïtien comment dire

5. Islam- advancements in math, sci

5. Islam
- advancements in math, science, and medicine
- preservation of Greek and Roman culture
- Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage to Mecca
- achievements of Islamic civilization spread to Western Europe after the Crusades
20. What was a significant effect of Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage to Mecca?
(1) The African written language spread to southwest Asia.
(2) Military leaders eventually controlled Mali.
(3) Islamic learning and culture expanded in Mali.
(4) The trading of gold for salt ended.

21. A major contribution of the Golden Age of Islam was the
(1) development of mercantilism (2) creation of the first polytheistic religion
(3) spread of democratic ideals (4) advancement of mathematics and science

22. Which statement about the Golden Age of Islam is a fact rather than an opinion?
(1) Islamic art was more abstract than Greek art.
(2) Muslims were the best early mathematicians.
(3) Islamic society preserved Greek and Roman culture.
(4) Muslim artists had more talent than European artists.

23. The Golden Age of Muslim culture was best known for its
(1) attempts to colonize North America
(2) frequent conflicts between Christians and Jews
(3) advances in mathematics, science, and medicine
(4) policies to reduce trade between the Middle East and China

24. Many achievements of Islamic civilization reached European society by way of the
(1) Crusades and eastern Mediterranean trading networks
(2) merchant guilds and the Industrial Revolution
(3) Middle Passage and the Columbian Exchange
(4) conquests of the Germanic tribes and trade along the Silk Road 804-

25. A major contribution of the Golden Age of Islam was the
(1) development of mercantilism (2) creation of the first polytheistic religion
(3) spread of democratic ideals (4) advancement of mathematics and science

26. Which heading best completes the partial outline below?
I. ___________________
A. Development of medical encyclopedias
B. Development of algebra and astronomical tables
C. Production of cotton textiles and woolen carpets
D. Production of literature, calligraphy, and geometric art

(1) Achievements of Feudal Societies
(2) Inventions During the Neolithic Revolution
(3) Issues of the Protestant Reformation
(4) Contributions of the Islamic Civilization

27. Which statement about the Golden Age of Islam is a fact rather than an opinion?
(1) Islamic art was more abstract than Greek art.
(2) Muslims were the best early mathematicians.
(3) Islamic society preserved Greek and Roman culture.
(4) Muslim artists had more talent than European artists.

28. The Golden Age of Muslim culture was best known for its
(1) attempts to colonize North America
(2) frequent conflicts between Christians and Jews
(3) advances in mathematics, science, and medicine
(4) policies to reduce trade between the Middle East and China

29. Many achievements of Islamic civilization reached European society by way of the
(1) Crusades and eastern Mediterranean trading networks
(2) merchant guilds and the Industrial Revolution
(3) Middle Passage and the Columbian Exchange
(4) conquests of the Germanic tribes and trade along the Silk Road

30. • Indian scholars contributed to mathematics by developing the decimal system and the concept of zero.
• Arab mathematicians transmitted the decimal system and the concept of zero to the Western world.
Based on these statements, which conclusion is valid?
(1) Indians and Arabs developed the first civilizations.
(2) Through contact, ideas were exchanged and then spread.
(3) Trade is an inefficient way to spread ideas.
(4) Western civilization had few ideas to share with Indians and Arabs.

31. The spread of Islam into the kingdoms of Ghana and Mali resulted from
(1) imperialism (2) ethnocentrism
(3) cultural diffusion (4) self-determination

De: Anglais
Vers: Créole haïtien
Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
5. Islamis-progrès nan matematik, syans, ak medikaman -préservation de moun lòt nasyon ak sitwayen women kilti -Pelerinaj pye fig Mansa pou Muslim -réalisations de civilisation Islamik se pou peyi rejyon lwès Ewòp après les Croisades+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++20. sa ki te yon gwo efè pelerinaj pye fig Mansa pou Muslim? (1) Africaine a ekri lang se sidwès Azi te di. (2) lidè militè yo te evantyèlman kontwole Mali. (3) formation Islamik ak kilti elaji nan Mali.(4) la négociation an lò pou sèl te fini. 21. te genyen yon pi gwo kontribisyon an laj Golden Islamis a (1) devlopman de mercantilism (2) kreyasyon an premye relijyon polytheistic (3) gaye nan avansman demokratik idéaux (4) de matematik ak syans22. ki deklarasyon ki ta mande Golden laj Islamis se yon reyalite olye de yon opinyon? (1) Islamik èv Khitan résumé plis pase atis grèk. (2) de Mizilman dola yo pi bon / byen bonè. (3) sosyete Islamik konsève kilti moun lòt nasyon ak sitwayen women.(4) Mizilman atis te gen swasannkenz plis pase atis Ewopeyen an. 23. Golden a laj de Mizilman kilti li te genyen meyè enkoni pou li (1) tantativ pou coloniser Amerik di Nò (2) souvan konfli ant kretyen ak jwif yo (3) anyen nan matematik, syans, ak medikaman(4) politik pou redwi komès ant Mwayen Oryan ak Lachin 24. anpil réalisations de civilisation Islamik te rive Ewopeyen sosyete par moyen de laCroisades (1) Et zòn lès Mediterane an komès rezo(2) aux komèsan e revolisyon Industriel a (3) au pasaj Et la gen echanj (4) lide Germaniques chak branch fanmi yo ak komès nan wout swa 804-25. te genyen yon pi gwo kontribisyon an laj Golden Islamis a (1) devlopman de mercantilism (2) kreyasyon an premye relijyon polytheistic (3) gaye nan avansman demokratik idéaux (4) de matematik ak syans26. rubrique ki meyè konplete pasyèl plan ki pi ba?I. ___________________ Aiyalam devlòpman medikal encyclopédies B devlopman de Aljèb Et tab astronomik C pwodiksyon de koton tekstil Et tapis woolen D. pwodiksyon literati, calligraphie, ak atizay jeometrik(1) réalisations de sosyete feodal (2) traka bay tèt pandan revolisyon Néolithique la (3) questions de la Réforme Protèstan (4) kontribisyon de la Civilisation Islamik 27. ki deklarasyon ki ta mande Golden laj Islamis se yon reyalite olye de yon opinyon? (1) Islamik èv Khitan résumé plis pase atis grèk. (2) de Mizilman dola yo pi bon / byen bonè. (3) sosyete Islamik konsève kilti moun lòt nasyon ak sitwayen women.(4) Mizilman atis te gen swasannkenz plis pase atis Ewopeyen an. 28. Golden a laj de Mizilman kilti li te genyen meyè enkoni pou li (1) tantativ pou coloniser Amerik di Nò (2) souvan konfli ant kretyen ak jwif yo (3) anyen nan matematik, syans, ak medikaman(4) politik pou redwi komès ant Mwayen Oryan ak Lachin29. anpil réalisations de civilisation Islamik te rive Ewopeyen sosyete par moyen de laCroisades (1) Et zòn lès Mediterane an komès rezo(2) aux komèsan e revolisyon Industriel a (3) au pasaj Et la gen echanj (4) lide Germaniques chak branch fanmi yo ak komès nan wout swa la 30. • Endyen chercheurs a pou matematik pou devlope sistèm desimal Et konsèp la zewo. • Arab / transmis a sistèm desimal Et konsèp la zewo pou mond Lwès la.Baze sou deklarasyon sa yo, konklizyon ki bon? (1) endyen ak Arab devlope pwemye civilisations. (2) atravè kontak, lide te chanje se lè sa a. (3) komès se yon fason pa efikas ditou pou se lide. (4) civilisation lwès te gen kèk ide pou pataje ak endyen ak Arab. 31. a gaye afiche pwisans Islam nan peyi ki Gana Et Mali a de (1) l' (2) ethnocentrism (3) l' kiltirèl piblikasyon (4)
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
5. Islam
- progrès nan matematik, syans, ak medikaman
- prezèvasyon kilti Grèk ak Women
- Pelerinaj Mansa Musa nan Lamèk
- reyalizasyon nan Sivilizasyon Islamik gaye nan lwès Ewòp apre Kwazad yo
+++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
20. Ki sa ki te yon efè enpòtan nan pelerinaj Mansa Musa nan Lamèk?
(1) ekri gaye nan Afriken lang nan sidwès pwovens Lazi.
(2) lidè militè evantyèlman kontwole Mali.
(3) aprann Islamik ak kilti elaji nan Mali.
(4) komès la nan lò pou sèl te fini. 21. Yon gwo kontribisyon Laj la Golden nan Islam te (1) devlopman nan mèkantilis (2) kreyasyon premye relijyon politeyis la (3) gaye lide demokratik yo (4) avansman matematik ak syans 22. Ki deklarasyon sou Laj la Golden nan Islam se yon reyalite olye ke yon opinyon? (1) atizay Islamik te plis abstrè pase atizay grèk. (2) Mizilman yo te pi bon Matematisyen yo byen bonè. (3) sosyete Islamik konsève kilti Grèk ak Women. ( 4) atis Mizilman te gen plis talan pase atis Ewopeyen an. 23. Laj a Golden nan kilti mizilman te pi byen konnen pou li yo (1) eseye kolonize Amerik di Nò (2) konfli souvan ant kretyen ak jwif (3) pwogrè nan matematik, syans, ak medikaman (4) règleman yo diminye komès ant Mwayen Oryan an ak Lachin 24. Reyalizasyon Anpil nan sivilizasyon Islamik rive sosyete Ewopeyen pa fason pou la (1) Kwazad ak lès rezo komès Mediterane (2) asosyasyon komèsan ak Revolisyon Endistriyèl la (3) Lookup mwayen ak Echanj nan Kolonbyen (4) konkèt branch nan jèrmen ak komès epi li ansanm Wout Swa a 804- 25. Yon gwo kontribisyon Laj la Golden nan Islam te (1) devlopman nan mèkantilis (2) kreyasyon premye relijyon politeyis la (3) gaye lide demokratik yo (4) avansman matematik ak syans 26. Ki tit ki pi ale ak deskripsyon an pati ki anba a? I. ___________________ A. Devlopman nan medikal ansiklopedi B. Devlopman nan aljèb ak tablo astwonomik C. Pwodiksyon de tekstil koton ak kapèt lenn D. Pwodiksyon nan literati, kaligrafi, ak atizay jewometrik (1) Reyalizasyon nan Feyodal Sosyete (2) Envansyon Pandan Revolisyon Neyolitik la (3) Kesyon sou Refòm Pwotestan an (4) Kontribisyon Sivilizasyon Islamik la 27. Ki deklarasyon sou Laj la Golden nan Islam se yon reyalite olye ke yon opinyon? (1) atizay Islamik te plis abstrè pase atizay grèk. (2) Mizilman yo te pi bon Matematisyen yo byen bonè. (3) sosyete Islamik konsève kilti Grèk ak Women. ( 4) atis Mizilman te gen plis talan pase atis Ewopeyen an. 28. Laj a Golden nan kilti mizilman te pi byen konnen pou li yo (1) eseye kolonize Amerik di Nò (2) konfli souvan ant kretyen ak jwif (3) pwogrè nan matematik, syans, ak medikaman (4) règleman yo diminye komès ant Mwayen Oryan an ak Lachin 29. Reyalizasyon Anpil nan sivilizasyon Islamik rive sosyete Ewopeyen pa fason pou la (1) Kwazad ak lès rezo komès Mediterane (2) asosyasyon komèsan ak Revolisyon Endistriyèl la (3) Lookup mwayen ak Echanj nan Kolonbyen (4) konkèt branch nan jèrmen ak komès epi li ansanm Wout Swa a 30. • entelektyèl Ameriken kontribye nan matematik pa devlope sistèm nan desimal ak konsèp nan zewo. • Matematisyen Arab transmèt sistèm an desimal ak konsèp nan zewo nan mond oksidantal la. Baze sou deklarasyon sa yo, ki konklizyon sa a valab? (1) Endyen ak Arab devlope sivilizasyon yo an premye. (2) Atravè kontak, lide yo te echanje ak Lè sa a gaye. (3) Komès se yon fason rezèvwa gaye lide. (4) sivilizasyon oksidantal te gen kèk ide yo pataje ak Endyen ak Arab. 31. Gaye nan nan Islam nan peyi ki sou Gana ak Mali a soti nan (1) enperyalis (2) etnosantris (3) difizyon kiltirèl (4) otodetèminasyon

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