I. European ImperialismA) Imperialism (also called colonization) is wh traduction - I. European ImperialismA) Imperialism (also called colonization) is wh Créole haïtien comment dire

I. European ImperialismA) Imperiali

I. European Imperialism
A) Imperialism (also called colonization) is when a strong country conquers and takes over a weaker country.

B) During the 19th century (1800s), many European nations such as Great Britain, France, Germany, and Italy took over lands throughout Africa and Asia.
C) Causes of imperialism- The European nations imperialized/colonized lands in Africa and Asia for several important reasons:
1) Europeans wanted raw materials/natural resources (like coal, iron) in order to make goods in their factories.

2) “White Man’s Burden”
- a poem that encouraged Europeans to civilize (help improve) the people
that they took over by teaching them European customs and religious beliefs (like Christianity).

3) Social Darwinism
the idea that it was natural for strong countries (like the European nations) to take over weaker countries (like nations in Africa and Asia).

II. Imperialism in India, China, and Africa (1800s-1914)
A) Effects of imperialism
1) “Scramble for Africa”
Over 90% of Africa was taken over by European countries that scrambled (raced) to take over the continent.

2) China
After the British began smuggling opium (an addictive drug) into China, the Chinese fought back in the famous Opium Wars. After being defeated, China was carved up into spheres of influence.

3) India
India was taken over by Great Britain (England) and ruled for almost 200 years.

B) Rebellion
1) Sepoy Mutiny (India)- tried (but failed) to gain independence from Great Britain.

2) Boxer Rebellion (China) - tried (but failed) to gain independence from the various European nations that controlled them.

II. Japanese Imperialism
• A scarcity (lack of) natural resources caused Japan to begin a policy of imperialism in order to acquire more

• The Global Regents Exam will sometimes use the term “raw materials” in place of natural resources. It will also use the term “expansionism” as an alternative way of referring to Japanese imperialism

• Examples of Japanese imperialism include:
Russo-Japanese War of [1905]
Annexation of Korea [1910]
Invasion of Manchuria [1931]
Sino-Japanese War [1937-1945])
Rape of Nanking [1937]

• The Global Regents Exam may compare the RAPE OF NANKING to other examples of HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS (like the Armenian massacre and the Holocaust).

• You are likely to see a map illustrating Japanese imperial expansion.

• The Japanese, the Germans, and the Italians (the Axis Powers) all pursued a policy of expansionism before World War II.

• Japanese imperialism began in the late 1800s (as a result of the Meiji Restoration) and ended after their defeat in World War II.

• During the Meiji Restoration, Japan industrialized. This led to a greater need for natural resources. NATURAL RESOURCES! NATURAL RESOURCES is the answer to many questions on the exam regarding Japanese imperialism!
Japan has a scarcity (lack of) NATURAL RESOURCES (such as coal and iron).
A scarcity of natural resources and the limits of its land area have forced Japan to focus on developing technological products for export.

Geographic features (such as a scarcity of natural resources) have had a significant impact on Japanese history. Other geographic features that have impacted Japanese history include:
- the fact that Japan is an archipelago (chain of islands)
- a mountainous topography
- environmental dangers (earthquakes, volcanic activity, tsunamis)
- Japan’s close proximity to Korea and China.

• More on the Russo-Japanese War
Japan defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905). Russian humiliation over this incident led to the Revolution of 1905. As a result of their victory, Japan emerged as a major world power.

• More on the Japanese invasion of Manchuria
The Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 demonstrates the failure of the League of Nations (a group of more than 40 countries formed after WWI with the goal of settling problems through negotiation, not war.) Hitler’s rebuilding of the German military in 1935 also demonstrates the
failure of the League of Nations.

• More on the Sino-Japanese War
The RAPE OF NANKING (1937) occurred during the Sino-Japanese War. It refers to the six-week period following Japan’s capture of the Chinese city of Nanking. During this time, the Japanese Army committed HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS such as rape, looting, arson and the execution of prisoners of war and civilians.

• Japan invaded Southeast Asia during World War II to acquire natural resources (oil and rubber). Southeast Asia is sometimes referred to as Indochina. Think of Southeast Asia as the land between India and China. This landmass includes Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. Motive of French colonization of Vietnam is also natural resource.
1. The primary reason France and Japan were interested in controlling parts of Indochina in the 20th century was to
(1) dominate the Indian Ocean (2) obtain valuable natural resources
(3) stop the spread of communism (4) prevent Spanish colonization

2. The annexation of Korea and Japan’s invasion of Manchuria were attempts by Japan to
(1) spread Shinto beliefs (2) protect human rights
(3) acquire natural resources (4) establish theocratic governments

3. A primary reason for Japan’s involvement in the Sino-Japanese War and the Russo- Japanese War was to
(1) acquire natural resources in Manchuria and Korea
(2) control trade and markets in Southeast Asia
(3) end Japan’s policy of isolationism
(4) remove foreign invaders from Japanese soil

4. What was one impact of industrialization on Japan during the Meiji Restoration?
(1) Japan became more isolated from world affairs.
(2) Demand for natural resources increased.
(3) Japan became a colonial possession of China.
(4) Traditional practices of Bushido were reintroduced.
6. One reason the Japanese followed a policy of expansionism before World War II was to gain
(1) warm-water ports (2) control of Tibet
(3) additional natural resources (4) control of the Suez Canal

7. What was a major reason for Japan’s invasion of Manchuria in 1931?
(1) The province of Manchuria was originally a Japanese territory.
(2) The government of Japan admired Manchurian technical progress.
(3) The people of Manchuria favored Japanese control.
(4) Japan needed the natural resources available in Manchuria.

8. The Armenian massacre, the Holocaust, and the Rape of Nanking are examples of (1) appeasement policies (2) resistance movements
(3) Russification efforts (4) human rights violations

10. •Japan annexes Korea (1910)
•Japan attacks Manchuria (1931)
•Japan invades French Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia) (1940)
Based on these events, the most valid conclusion about Japan’s foreign policy is that Japan
(1) needed raw materials (2) based its aggression on the concept of isolation
(3) was only interested in spreading its religion
(4) readily accepted Western culture and values

12. Which event is associated with the changes shown on this map?
(1) Opium War (2) Meiji Restoration
(3) Chinese Nationalist Revolution (4) rise of the Soviet Union

13. The main reason Japan invaded Southeast Asia during World War II was to
(1) recruit more men for its army (2) acquire supplies of oil and rubber
(3) satisfy the Japanese people’s need for spices
(4) prevent the United States from entering the war

14. Between the late 1800s and the end of World War II, Japan implemented a policy of imperialism mainly because Japan
(1) admired the economic power of China
(2) lacked coal, iron, and other important resources
(3) wanted to unify the governments of East Asia
(4) feared the expansion of Nazi Germany in the Pacific

16. The Japanese, the Germans, and the Italians pursued a policy of expansionism before World War II to gain
(1) natural resources (2) warm-water ports
(3) manufacturing plants (4) freedom of the seas

17. The Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 and Hitler’s rebuilding of the German military in 1935 demonstrate the
(1) success of defensive alliances (2) fear of communist expansion
(3) support for the Treaty of Versailles (4) failure of the League of Nations

18. What was one effect of the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905)?
(1) Japan emerged as a major world power. (2) Korea gained its independence.
(3) Czar Nicholas II gained power in Russia.
(4) Russia formed a military alliance with Japan.

19. The primary reason for Japan’s territorial growth during this period was that Japan wanted to
(1) convert new areas to Shinto (2) spread communism as quickly as possible
(3) obtain raw materials and food for its people
(4) establish new homes for its surplus population

20. An analysis of the Russo-Japanese War and the Boer War shows that one reason nations go to war is to
(1) assist oppressed people (2) spread religious beliefs
(3) satisfy imperialist goals (4) honor provisions of a treaty

21. A scarcity of natural resources and the limits of its land area have forced Japan to focus on
(1) exporting agricultural products (2) expanding its command economy
(3) returning to an isolationist policy
(4) developing technological products for export

23. A primary purpose for building the Suez Canal was to
(1) encourage Jewish settlement in nearby Palestine
(2) increase trade between the Middle East, Europe and Asia
(3) reduce the time needed for travel between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea
(4) allow Indian merchants to reach the east coast of Africa

24. An analysis of the Russo-Japanese War and the Boer War shows that one reason nations go to war is to
(1) assist oppressed people (2) spread religious beliefs
(3) satisfy imperialist goals (4) honor provisions of a treaty

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
Tou l' Ewopeyen anUN) l' (tou te rele colonisation) se lè sa a, yon gwo peyi astérix Et prend sou yon peyi ki pi fèb.B) pandan 19 syèk la (années), anpil nasyon Ewopeyen an tankou Grann Bretay, Fwans, Almay, ak Itali te pwan relèv ak lòt peyi atravè Afrik ak moun Lazi. C) gwo zafè l'-peyi Ewopeyen imperialized/colonisé tè nan Afrik ak moun Lazi pou plizyè rezon enpòtan: 1) Ewopeyen yo te vle resous materyèl bwit yo/natirèl (tankou chabon, an fè) pou kapab fè byen nan faktori yo kap. 2) "blanch moun tèt ou bay bojan" -yon Powèm ki ankouraje Ewopeyen pou sivilize (ede amelyore) pèp la sa yo te pran pa moutre yo Ewopeyen douanières Et kwayans relijye (tankou Krisyanis). 3) sosyal Darwinism lide ke li te natirèl pou gwo peyi yo (tankou peyi Ewopeyen yo) pou pwan pi fèb peyi yo (tankou lòt nasyon nan Afrik ak moun Lazi). II. L' nan peyi Zend, peyi Lachin, ak Afwik (années 1914) UN) efè de l' 1) "destabilizasyon pou Afrik" Pase 90% pami Afrika te pwan ak peyi Ewopeyen yo ki ap batay (fait) pou pwan nan kontinan an. 2) Lachin Apwè ke se Bwitich ki te kòmanse contrebande ke (yon san kontwòl dwòg) nan Lachin, Chinwa an te batay tounen nan lagè ke pi popilè. Apwè yo te defèt, Lachin te sculpté sou enfliyans de domaines. 3) peyi Zend Peyi Zend te pwan ak Grann Bretay (Angletè) Et a pou pwèske 200 zan. B) rebelyon 1) revòl sepoy (Zend) - te eseye (men pa rive) pran endepandans li nan men Grann Bretay. 2) rebelyon Boxer (Lachin) - te eseye (men failed) pran endepandans li nan men plizyè peyi Ewopeyen ki te kontwole yo. II. Japonè l' • UN manque (mank de) resous natirèl te koze Japon pou kòmanse yon politik de l' pou yo jwenn plis• Ekzamen Regents Global an pwal itilize pafwa a tèm "materyèl bwit yo" plas resous natirèl. Li tou pwal itilize tout tèm "expansionism" kòm yon fason altènatif la se pou l' Japonè• Egzanp de l' Japonè genyen ladan yo: Gè Russo-Japonè de [an 1905] Annexion de Corée, [1910] Envazyon de Manchuria [1931] Sino-Japanese lagè [1937-1945]) Fè kadejak sou Nanking [1937] • Ekzamen Regents Global an ka konpare fè kadejak sou NANKING pou lòt ekzanp de vyolasyon dwa ZIMEN yo (tankou masak Ameni la e te di a).• Ou gen chans pou yo wè yon kat illustrant Japonèz imperial ekspansyon.• Japonè an, Almay yo, ak Italyen (aks pouvwa yo) tout poursuivi yon politik expansionism devan gè MONDYAL.• L' Japonè a nan la byen ta années (kòm yon rezilta restorasyon Meiji) e ki te fini apwè yo defèt nan gè MONDYAL.• Diran restorasyon Meiji a, Japon pays. Sa a pou yon pi gwo bezwen pou resous natirèl. RESOUS NATIRÈL. RESOUS NATIRÈL se repons pou kesyon anpil nan egzamen an konsènan Japonè l'!Japon, ki gen yon rareté (mank de) resous NATIRÈL (tankou chabon ak fè).Yon rareté de resous natirèl, ak limit kote zòn peyi li te fòse Japon pou konsantre sou devlope teknolojik pwodwi pou ekspòtasyon yo.Fonctionnalités géographique (tankou yon rareté de resous natirèl) èske gen yon gwo enpak sou istwa Japonè. Fonctionnalités géographique lòt ki te ntre nan istwa Japonè genyen ladan yo: -Lefèt ke Japon yo se yon gwoup zile, (chèn zile yo) -yon mòn topographie -anviwònman danje (ebranle, aktivite vòlkan, tsunamis) -Japon an tou pwe proximité pou Kore di ak Lachin.• Plis sou gè Russo-Japonè a Japon te defèt Lawisi nan lagè Russo-Japonè (1904-1905). Imilyasyon Lawisi sou ensidan sa a ki te dirije pou revolisyon an de an 1905. Kòm yon rezilta yo victory lè yo di Japon est tankou yon gwo pisans mondyal. • Plis sou envazyon Japonè an de Manchuria Envazyon Japonè Manchuria nan 1931 montre échec de nasyon de lig la (yon group plis pase 40 peyi ki te fòme après WWI ak objektif li ki se régler pwoblèm nan negosyasyon, pa lagè.) Hitler a rekonstwi Alman lame a nan 1935 tou montre la ki dire chanpyonna de lòt nasyon. • Plis sou gè Sino-Japonè a Yo fè kadejak sou DE NANKING (1937) ki te fèt pandan lagè Sino-Japonè a. Sa se pou kaptire w Chinwa vil la nan Nanking a sis semèn règ suivant Japon an. Pandan tan sa a, lame Japonè a te komèt vyolasyon dwa ZIMEN yo fè kadejak sou, tankou pillage, incendie Et ekzekisyon prizonye ou fè nan lagè sivil yo.• Japon a Azi di Disès pandan gè MONDYAL pou jwenn resous natirèl (lwil oliv ak en). Azi di Disès pafwa refere li kòm Indochine. Azi di Disès de panse ke tankou peyi a ant peyi Zend ak Lachin. Masse sa a gen ladann Cambodia, Laos, ak Vyetnam. Mobile la colonisation Fwansè de Vyetnam se tou resous natirèl.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1. la rezon pwensipal ke la frans, e Japon te enterese nan contrôle pati nan Indochine nan 20tyèm syèk la se te pou (1) dominent Oseyan Endyen an (2) jwenn précieux resous natirèl(3) rete a gaye sistèm kominis (4) anpeche colonisation èspanyòl 2. a annexion de Kore di ak Japon an envazyon Manchuria ont tente pa Japon pou gaye (1) Shinto croyances (2) pwoteje dwa zimen (3) acquérir resous natirèl (4) etabli gouvènman theocratic 3. yon rezon pwensipal ke pou enplikasyon li Japon an nan lagè Sino-Japonè a Et Russo - Japonè lagè a se te pou (1) acquérir resous natirèl nan Manchuria ak Kore di (2) kontwole komès e mache yo nan Azi di Disès(3) met fen a politik Japon an de Izolatè (4) retire etranje repouse anvayisè yo nan Japonè du 4. sa ki te yon enpak endistriyalizasyon sou Japon diran restorasyon Meiji? (1) Japon ki te plis izole nan zafè yo sou latè. (2) demand pou resous natirèl te ogmante. (3) Japon ki te yon koloni posesyon peyi Lachin.(4) tradisyonèl pwatik de Bushido te réintroduit. 6. youn nan rezon Japonè an te swiv yon politik expansionism anvan gè MONDYAL te vin pi (1) de (2) kontwòl de Tibet, pò warm dlo(3) kontwòl lòt resous natirèl (4) de la Suez/tande/zòrèy7. ki te yon pi gwo rezon pou envazyon Japon an de Manchuria nan 1931? (1) an pwovens Manchuria te genyen été yon teritwa Japonè an. (2) a gouvènman peyi Japon admire pwogrè teknik Manchurian. (3) pèp la ki Manchuria te anfavè pou kontwòl Japonè.(4) Japon bezwen pou disponib nan Manchuria resous natirèl yo.8. Ameni masak la, te di a, epi fè kadejak sou Nanking sont egzanp politik (1) apaisement (2) rezistans mouvements (3) vyolasyon dwa moun efò (4) Russification10. •Japan annexes Kore di (1910) Atak •Japan a, Manchuria (1931) •Japan invades Indochine Fwansè (Vyetnam, Laos, ak Cambodia) (lane 1940)Baze sou evènman sa yo, ak konklizyon ki pi bon sou politik etranjè Japon an se sa Japon (1) bezwen materyèl bwit yo (2) baze li agresyon sou konsèp blanch(3) sèlman te enterese nan simaye relijyon li (4) facilement te asepte kilti rejyon lwès ak valè 12. ki evènman ki asosye ak chanjman montre sou kat sa a? (1) ke lagè restorasyon Meiji (2) (3) Chinwa nasyonalis revolisyon (4) ogmantasyon Inyon Sovyetik 13. a rezon pwensipal Japon a Azi di Disès pandan gè MONDYAL li te genyen pou (1) recruter plis moun pou lame li (2) acquérir ekipman de lwil oliv Et en (3) aux bezwen pèp japonè pou fèy santi bon(4) anpeche eta Zini k ap antre nan lagè a 14. ant la byen ta années Et fen gè MONDYAL, Japon aplike yon politik de l' principalement paske Japon (1) admire ekonomik pouvwa peyi Lachin (2) n' chabon, an fè ak lòt resous enpòtan(3) yo te vle fè youn gouvènman peyi Azi de lès (4) moun pè a ekspansyon Almay Nazi nan pasifik 16. Japonè, Almay yo ak Italyen poursuivi yon politik expansionism gè MONDYAL vin pi devan (1) pò warm dlo (2) resous natirèl(3) manifakti plant (4) libète de la lanmè 17. a envazyon Japonè an Manchuria nan 1931 Et Hitler a rekonstwi Alman lame a nan 1935 demontre a (1) siksè defansiv alyans (2) pè ekspansyon kominis(3) sipò pou fayit trete de Versailles (4) la moun lòt nasyon ki nan lig18. sa ki te fè yon sèl sòlda Russo-Japonè (1904-1905)?(1) Japon est tankou yon gwo pisans mondyal. (2) Kore di yo te pwan endepandans li. (3) kont Nicholas II acquise pouvwa nan Lawisi. (4) Larisi te fòme yon alyans militè ak Japon. 19. rezon pwensipal ke grandi tèritoryal Japon an pandan tan sa a te genyen ke Japon te vle pou yo (1) konvèti nouvo zòn yo pou Shinto (2) gaye sistèm kominis ke posib(3) jwenn resous materyèl sa yo ak pou tout moun li yo manje(4) etabli nouvo kay pou popilasyon li a ki sipli 20. yon analiz de gè Russo-Japonè a yo pa fè lagè Boer la montre ke youn nan rezon nasyon yo ale nan lagè yo pou (1) asiste kwayans relijye oprime pèp gaye (2)(3) aux objektif impérialistes (4) honneur dispositions Des yon trete 21. yon rareté de resous natirèl, ak limit kote zòn peyi li te fòse Japon pou konsantre sou (1)-agrikòl pwodwi (2) en ekonomi li kòmandan an(3) retounen pou yon politik separasyonis (4) en teknolojik pwodwi pou ekspòtasyon23. yon objèktif pou yo bati Canal Suez la se te pou(1) ankouraje règlement jwif nan Palestine à (2) fè vini pi gran komès ant Mwayen Oryan, an Ewòp ak asie (3) redwi lè te bezwen pou vwayaj ant Oseyan Atlantik la ak nan lanmè Karayib la a (4) pèmèt marchands Endyen yo rive sou kòt lès Afrik 24. yon analiz de gè Russo-Japonè a yo pa fè lagè Boer la montre ke youn nan rezon nasyon yo ale nan lagè yo pou (1) asiste kwayans relijye oprime pèp gaye (2) (3) aux objektif impérialistes (4) honneur dispositions Des yon trete
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
I. Ewopeyen Enperyalis
A) Enperyalis (yo rele tou kolonizasyon) se lè yon peyi fò atake ak pran sou yon peyi pi fèb. B) Pandan (19yèm syèk la ane 1800), anpil nasyon Ewopeyen yo tankou Grann Bretay, Lafrans, Almay, ak Itali te pran . sou tè nan tout Lafrik ak Lazi C) Kòz nan imperialism- nasyon yo Ewopeyen an imperialized / tè kolonize nan Lafrik ak Lazi pou plizyè rezon enpòtan: 1) Ewopeyen te matyè premyè / resous natirèl (tankou chabon, fè) nan lòd fè machandiz nan faktori yo. 2) "chaj Blan Man la" - yon powèm ki ankouraje Ewopeyen sivilize (ede amelyore) moun yo ke yo te pran sou pa anseye yo koutim Ewopeyen yo ak kwayans relijye (tankou Krisyanis). 3) Dawinis Sosyal lide ki fè konnen li te natirèl pou peyi fò (tankou nasyon yo Ewopeyen an) pran sou pi fèb peyi (tankou nasyon nan Lafrik ak Lazi). II. Enperyalis nan peyi Zend, peyi Lachin, ak Lafrik di (ane 1800-1914) A) Efè enperyalis 1) "Goumen pou Lafrik" Plis pase te 90% nan Lafrik di pran sou bò peyi Ewopeyen ki grenpe moute (te kouri) pran sou kontinan an. 2) Lachin Apre Britanik yo te kòmanse kontrebann opyòm (yon dwòg depandans) nan peyi Lachin, Chinwa yo goumen tounen nan pi popilè Lagè Opyòm yo. Apre yo fin bat, Lachin te fè mete pòtre moute nan zòn enfliyans yo. 3) Lend Lend te pran sou bò Grann Bretay (England) ak te dirije pou prèske 200 zan. B) Rebelyon 1) Leve Kanpe Sepoy la (peyi Lend) - te (men echwe) jwenn endepandans li nan men Grann Bretay yo. 2) Rebelyon Boksè (Lachin) - te (men echwe) jwenn endepandans li nan men divès kalite nasyon yo Ewopeyen yo ki kontwole yo. II. Enperyalis Japonè • Yon rate (mank de) resous natirèl ki te koze Japon yo kòmanse yon politik enperyalis yo nan lòd yo jwenn plis • Egzamen an Global Regents pral pafwa itilize tèm "materyèl yo anvan tout koreksyon" nan plas resous natirèl yo. Li pral tou sèvi ak tèm "ekspansyonis nan" kòm yon fason altènatif nan refere li a enperyalis Japonè • Men kèk egzanp sou enperyalis Japonè yo enkli: Riso-Japonè Lagè nan [1905] aneksasyon Kore [1910] Envazyon nan Manchouri [1931] Sino-Japonè Gè [ 1937-1945]) Vyòl nan Nanking [1937] • Egzamen an Global Regents ka konpare vyòl la nan Nanking lòt egzanp nan moun DWA VYOLASYON (tankou masak la Amenyen ak Olokòs la). • Ou gen plis chans yo wè yon kat jeyografik ilistre Japonè Imperial ekspansyon. • Japonè yo, Almay yo, ak Italyen yo (Pouvwa a Aks) tout kouri dèyè yon politik ekspansyonis anvan Dezyèm Gè Mondyal la. • enperyalis Japonè te kòmanse nan fen ane 1800 yo (kòm yon rezilta nan Restorasyon Meiji) ak te fini apre defèt yo nan Dezyèm Gè Mondyal. • Pandan Restorasyon Meiji, Japon endistriyalize. Sa a mennen nan yon pi gwo bezwen pou resous natirèl yo. RESOUS NATIRÈL! Resous Natirèl se repons lan nan anpil kesyon nan egzamen an konsènan enperyalis Japonè! Japon gen yon rate (mank de) resous natirèl (tankou chabon ak fè). Yon rate nan resous natirèl ak limit yo nan zòn peyi li yo te fòse Japon yo konsantre sou devlope pwodwi teknolojik pou ekspòtasyon. karakteristik Geographic (tankou yon rate nan resous natirèl) te gen yon enpak siyifikatif sou istwa Japonè. Lòt karakteristik jeyografik ki te afekte istwa Japonè yo enkli: - lefèt ke Japon se yon achipèl (chèn nan zile) - yon relief montaye - danje anviwonman an (tranblemanntè, aktivite vòlkanik, tsoumani) - fèmen pwoksimite Japon an nan Kore di ak Lachin. • Plis sou Lagè Riso-Japonè Japon an bat Larisi nan Lagè Riso-Japonè (1904-1905). Ris imilyasyon sou ensidan sa a te mennen nan Revolisyon an nan 1905. Kòm yon rezilta nan viktwa yo, Japon parèt kòm yon pouvwa mond pi gwo. • Plis sou envazyon Japonè a nan Manchouri envazyon Japonè a nan Manchouri nan 1931 demontre fayit la nan Lig Nasyon yo (yon gwoup ki gen plis pase 40 peyi ki te fòme apre WWI avèk objektif pou rezoud pwoblèm nan negosyasyon, pa lagè.) rekonstriksyon Hitler nan militè a Alman nan 1935 tou demontre echèk la nan Lig Nasyon yo. • Plis sou Lagè a Sino-Japonè vyòl la nan Nanking (1937) ki te fèt pandan Lagè Sino-Japonè. Li refere a peryòd la sis-semèn apre kapti Japon an nan lavil la Chinwa nan Nanking. Pandan tan sa a, lame a Japonè komèt IMEN DWA VYOLASYON tankou vyòl, piyaj, mete dife ak ekzekisyon an nan prizonye nan lagè ak sivil. • Japon anvayi Azi Sidès pandan Dezyèm Gè Mondyal a jwenn resous natirèl (lwil oliv ak kawotchou). Azi Sidès se pafwa refere yo kòm Indochina. Panse a Azi Sidès kòm peyi ki genyen ant peyi Zend ak Lachin. Mas tè sa a gen ladan Kanbòdj, Laos, ak Vyetnam. Motive nan kolonizasyon franse nan Vyetnam se tou resous natirèl. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++ 1. Rezon ki fè la prensipal Lafrans ak Japon te enterese nan kontwole pati nan Indochina nan 20yèm syèk la te (1) domine Oseyan Endyen an (2) jwenn ki gen anpil valè resous natirèl (3) sispann gaye nan kominis (4) anpeche kolonizasyon Panyòl 2. Aneksyon a nan envazyon Kore di ak Japon an nan Manchouri te tantativ pa Japon (1) gaye Shinto kwayans (2) pwoteje dwa moun (3) jwenn resous natirèl (4) etabli gouvènman teyokratik 3. Yon rezon prensipal pou patisipasyon Japon an nan Sino-Japonè Lagè ak Lagè Russo- Japonè te (1) jwenn resous natirèl nan Manchouri ak Kore di (2) kontwole komès ak mache nan Sidès Lazi (3) fini politik Japon an nan izolasyonis (4 ) retire anvayisè etranje soti nan tè Japonè 4. Ki sa ki te yon konsekans endistriyalizasyon sou Japon pandan Restorasyon Meiji? (1) Japon te vin pi plis izole nan zafè lemonn. (2) Demand pou resous natirèl ogmante. (3) Japon te vin tounen yon posesyon kolonyal nan Lachin. (4) pratik tradisyonèl nan Bushido te vin parèt ankò. 6. Youn nan rezon Japonè yo te swiv yon politik ekspansyonis anvan Dezyèm Gè Mondyal te jwenn (1)-dlo tyèd pò (2) kontwòl nan Tibet (3) lòt resous natirèl (4) kontwòl Kanal Syèz 7. Ki sa ki te yon gwo rezon pou envazyon Japon an nan Manchouri nan 1931? (1) pwovens lan nan Manchouri te orijinèlman yon teritwa Japonè yo. (2) Gouvènman an nan Japon admire mandchou pwogrè teknik. (3) Moun yo nan Manchouri te favorize kontwòl Japonè yo. ( 4) Japon te bezwen resous natirèl ki disponib nan Manchouri. 8. Masak la Amenyen, Olokòs la, ak Vyòl la nan Nanking yo se egzanp (1) politik apezman (2) mouvman rezistans (3) efò Risifikasyon (4) vyolasyon dwa moun 10. • Japon anèks Korea (1910) • Japon atake Manchouri (1931) • Japon abize franse Indochina (Vyetnam, Laos, ak Kanbòdj) (1940) Ki baze sou evènman sa yo, konklizyon ki pi valab sou politik etranje Japon an se ke Japon (1) bezwen matyè premyè (2) baze agresyon li yo sou konsèp nan izolasyon (3) te sèlman ki enterese nan gaye relijyon li yo (4) fasilman aksepte kilti oksidantal ak valè 12. Se Ki evènman ki asosye ak chanjman sa yo montre sou kat sa a? (1) Opyòm Lagè (2) Restorasyon Meiji (3) Chinwa Revolisyon nasyonalis (4) ogmantasyon nan Inyon Sovyetik 13. Rezon prensipal ki fè Japon anvayi Azi Sidès pandan Dezyèm Gè Mondyal te (1) rekrite plis moun pou lame li yo (2) jwenn pwovizyon lwil ak kawotchou (3) satisfè bezwen pèp la Japonè a pou epis santi bon (4) anpeche Etazini yo soti nan k ap antre nan lagè a 14. Ant fen ane 1800 yo ak nan fen Dezyèm Gè Mondyal la, Japon aplike yon politik enperyalis sitou paske Japon (1) admire pouvwa ekonomik la nan Lachin (2) te manke chabon, fè, ak lòt resous enpòtan (3) te vle inifye gouvènman yo nan Azi de lès (4) te pè ekspansyon an nan Almay Nazi nan Pasifik la 16. Japonè yo, Almay yo, ak Italyen yo pran kouri dèyè yon politik ekspansyonis anvan Dezyèm Gè Mondyal jwenn (1) resous natirèl (2)-dlo tyèd pò (3) manifakti plant (4) libète nan lanmè yo 17. Envazyon Japonè a nan Manchouri nan 1931 ak rekonstriksyon Hitler nan militè a Alman nan 1935 demontre (1) siksè nan nan alyans defans (2) lapè pou ekspansyon kominis (3) sipò pou Trete Vèsay la (4) echèk nan Lig Nasyon yo 18. Ki sa ki te yon konsekans Lagè Riso-Japonè (1904-1905)? (1) Japon parèt kòm yon pouvwa mond pi gwo. (2) Kore di pran endepandans li yo. (3) Za Nicholas II te vin jwenn pouvwa nan Larisi. (4) Larisi ki te fòme yon alyans militè ak Japon. 19. Rezon ki fè la prensipal pou kwasans teritwa Japon an pandan peryòd sa a te ke Japon te vle (1) konvèti nouvo zòn Shinto (2) gaye kominis kòm byen vit ke posib (3) jwenn matyè premyè ak manje pou pèp li a (4) etabli nouvo kay pou popilasyon sipli li yo 20. Yon analiz de Lagè Riso-Japonè ak Lagè Boer montre ke yon rezon ki fè nasyon ale nan lagè se (1) ede moun t'ap peze (2) gaye kwayans relijye (3) satisfè objektif enperyalis (4) dispozisyon onè nan yon trete 21. Yon rate nan resous natirèl ak limit yo nan zòn peyi li yo fòse Japon yo konsantre sou (1) ekspòte pwodwi agrikòl (2) agrandi ekonomi lòd li yo (3) retounen nan yon politik izolasyonis (4) devlope pwodwi teknolojik pou ekspòtasyon 23. Yon objektif prensipal pou bati Kanal Syèz te (1) ankouraje jwif règleman nan ki tou pre Palestin (2) ogmante komès ant Mwayen Oryan an, Ewòp ak Azi (3) diminye tan ki nesesè pou vwayaje ant Oseyan Atlantik ak lanmè Karayib la ( 4) pèmèt machann Ameriken yo rive jwenn kòt lès nan Lafrik di 24. Yon analiz de Lagè Riso-Japonè ak Lagè Boer montre ke yon rezon ki fè nasyon ale nan lagè se (1) ede moun t'ap peze (2) gaye kwayans relijye (3) satisfè objektif enperyalis (4) dispozisyon onè nan yon trete

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