21. The terms Bushido, samurai, and daimyo are most closely associated traduction - 21. The terms Bushido, samurai, and daimyo are most closely associated Créole haïtien comment dire

21. The terms Bushido, samurai, and

21. The terms Bushido, samurai, and daimyo are most closely associated with which group in Japanese history?
(1) emperors (2) warriors (3) peasants (4) merchants

22. A major goal of the Christian Church during the Crusades (1096–1291) was to
(1) establish Christianity in western Europe
(2) capture the Holy Land from Islamic rulers (3) unite warring Arab peoples
(4) strengthen English dominance in the Arab world

23. Both European medieval knights and Japanese samurai warriors pledged oaths of
(1) loyalty to their military leader (2) devotion to their nation-state
(3) service to their church (4) allegiance to their families

24. The feudal systems in both medieval Europe and early Japan were characterized by (1) a decentralized political system (2) religious diversity
(3) an increased emphasis on education (4) the development of a wealthy middle class

25. Feudalism influenced Europe and Japan by
(1) providing social stability (2) fostering the growth of religion
(3) eliminating warfare (4) encouraging formal education

26. The geographic isolation of a society most often leads to the
(1) development of trade (2) strengthening of traditional culture
(3) promotion of cultural diffusion (4) growth of international alliances

27. One way in which the code of chivalry in Europe and the code of Bushido in Japan were similar is that both codes were intended to
(1) help the ruler control his people (2) guide the behavior of a warrior class
(3) benefit all the social classes (4) support revolutionary ideas 1

29. Which statement about government during the Tokugawa period in Japan is most accurate?
(1) The power of the emperor was absolute and supreme.
(2) The real power was held by foreign countries.
(3) Actual power was held by the shogun.
(4) Political power was in the hands of the merchant class.

32. Which situation best illustrates the concept of isolationism?
(1) The Spanish government required that gold found in its colonies be brought directly to Spain.
(2) Japan closed its ports to trade with other nations.
(3) France, Germany, Belgium, and Great Britain negotiated to divide various areas of Africa into colonies.
(4) The British ruled much of India through the control of local rulers.

3. Reformation

• The Protestant Reformation was a movement that objected to the worldly power and riches of the Catholic Church. It brought an end to Christian unity.

• Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Henry VIII were leaders of the Protestant Reformation. They challenged the teachings of the Catholic Church.

• In 1517, Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Theses on a church door in Wittenberg, Germany. It argued that the church was wrong to sell indulgences (a pardon for one’s sins).

• Martin Luther stressed that salvation could not be bought. He argued that salvation could only be achieved thru faith. This idea became a central concept of Lutheranism.

• In 1521, the Diet of Worms, a meeting of the diet (legislature) of the Holy Roman Empire in Worms (in Germany) convened to determine Luther’s fate. The diet issued the Edict of Worms, outlawing Luther and banning all his books as those of a heretic.

• John Calvin wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion. Like Luther’s Ninety-five Theses, it criticized Church practices. It also emphasized the theory of predestination.
• Predestination is the belief that God has already decided, even before their birth, the people who will go to heaven and those who will go to hell.
Calvinism (and the belief of predestination) spread throughout Switzerland.

• The printing press was a reason for the success of the Protestant Reformation. It allowed Protestant writings to spread quickly throughout Europe.

• The Parliament of England appointed Henry VIII the head of the Church of England (the Anglican Church) when it passed the Act of Supremacy (1534).

• Effects of the Protestant Reformation: The power of the Roman Catholic Church was lessened. The power of monarchies (royal power) was strengthened.

• The Counter Reformation (Catholic Reformation) was a reform movement within the Roman Catholic church taken shortly after - and in response to - the Protestant Reformation.

• The Council of Trent was a very important meeting of Catholic Church officials (an ecumenical council) that established the goals of the Counter Reformation. It clarified the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. It also reformed numerous church abuses (e.g. abolished the sale of indulgences), condemned the teachings of Martin Luther and other Protestant reformers and attempted to reinstate the power of the Roman Catholic Church by strengthening the papacy.

• During the Counter Reformation, the Spanish Inquisition served to prevent the introduction of Protestant religions.

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
21. tèm yo Bushido, samurai Et daimyo sont ki pi kole ak asosye avèk gwoup ki nan istwa Japonè? (1) romains (2) ekip Warriors la (3) peyizan yo (4) marchands22. yon gwo objectif de legliz Christian la pandan les Croisades (1096-1291) se te pou(1) etabli Krisyanis nan rejyon lwès Ewòp (2) kaptire w la pou peyi a nan men chèf Islamik (3) s' gèrye peuples Arab (4) bay/pran fòs Anglè dominasyon nan mond Arab lan 23. tou de knights médiéval Ewopeyen an ak Japonè samurai ekip Warriors la ki se fè sèman de(1) fidélité pou yo lidè militè (2) devouman pou nasyon separe yo (3) sèvis fidèlite (4) legliz yo pou yo separe bay chak fanmi pa yo pou yo 24. feodal sistèm nan tou de, médiéval an Ewòp ak Japon byen bonè te karakterize pa (1) yon sistèm politik décentralisée divèsite (2) relijye (3) yon pwogram edikasyon (4) pou ogmante devlopman yon klas rich nan mitan 25. • te enfliyanse tèren an Ewòp ak Japon pa(1) ofri estabilite sosyal (2) promouvoir la croissance de relijyon (3) éliminer gè (4) ankouraje fòmèl edikasyon 26. a géographique blanch de yon sosyete ki pi souvan ki kondwi a la (1) devlopman de (2) komès renforcement de tradisyonèl kilti (3) pwomosyon de croissance kiltirèl piblikasyon (4) de alyans entènasyonal 27. yon sèl chemen nan kòd de 31 an Ewòp ak kòd de Bushido nan Japon te gen menm jan an se sa les codes te fèt pou pou (1) èd ki gen pouvwa, ki kontwole l' moun (2) gid konpòtman yon klas warrior(3) benefis sosyal tout klas (4) sipò Revolisyonè ide 129. ki deklarasyon ki ta mande gouvènman an pandan peryòd Ieyasu nan Japon li ki pi egzat? (1) a pouvwa de anperè a te absoli Et sipwèm. (2) a vrè pouvwa te kenbe pa peyi etranje yo.(3) réel pouvwa te kenbe pa shogun a.(4) pouvwa politik ki te nan men machann klas la. 32. pi bon sitiyasyon ki montre ke Izolatè? (1) gouvènman Panyòl an mande ke an lò te jwenn nan koloni li pote li dirèkteman Espay lan. (2) Japon fèmen tout pò ak kòmès nan ak lòt nasyon yo. (3) Lafwans, Almay, Bèljik, ak Grann Bretay negosye pou divize plizyè zòn Afrik nan koloni. (4) ke se Bwitich ki a anpil nan peyi Zend nan kontwòl chèf lokal. 3. Réforme• La Réforme Pwotestan te genyen yon mouvman ki te refize pou riches legliz Katolik ak pouvwa a travè lemond antye. Li te pote yon fen pou inite kretyen.• Martin Luther, John Calvin, Et Henry VIII se te lidè yo de la Réforme Pwotestan. Yo te defye kòmandman de legliz Katolik la.• Nan 1517, Martin Luther te poste l' 90 - senk Ces nan yon pòt legliz la nan Wittenberg, Germany. Li te diskite ke legliz la te mal pase pou vann indulgences (padon pou peche yon).• Martin Luther a ki delivre te kapab pa achte. Li te diskite ke delivre te kapab sèlman être atteint thru konfyans nan Bondye. Lide sa a ki te yon konsèp santral de Lutheranism.• Nan 1521, ki pa gen anpil manje, yon reyinyon a ki pa gen anpil (pouvwa lejislatif) de Saint anpi women nan vè (nan peyi Almay) transfòte pou detèmine kanpe ankò Lutè Kin nimewo a. Manje a lòd nan vè, moun kap Lutè Kin nimewo Et interdisant tout liv l' tankou moun fanmi yon hérétique.• Calvin Jan Batis te ekri Institute relijyon Christian a. Tankou 90 - senk Thèses Lutè Kin nimewo a, li te kritike legliz pwatik. Li te tou a teori de predestination.• Predestination se te kwè Bondye te deja deside, menm devan yo te fèt, tout moun ki pral nan syèl la ak tout moun ki va ale kote mò yo ye.Calvinism (la ka pale ak de predestination) simaye nan tout Swis.• Sur l' a li te genyen yon rezon pou siksè de la Réforme Pwotestan. Li te pèmèt Protèstan ekri nan liv la pou simaye nan tout Europe rapidement.• Palman an Angletè nonmen Henry VIII tèt Angletè de legliz la (Anglikann legliz la) lè l' te pase lwa de Suprématie (1534).• Efè de la Réforme Pwotestan: tou de legliz Katolik Romen te réduit. A Monaki (wayal pouvwa) te redwi.• La Réforme kont (Katolik Réforme) li te genyen yon mouvman refòm nan legliz Katolik Romen pran yon ti tan aprè - Et nan repons pou - la Réforme Pwotestan.• Konsèy Trent li te genyen yon reyinyon trè enpòtan legliz Katolik ofisyèl (yon œcuménique konsèy) ki te etabli objektif de Réforme fas a. Li a kòmandman de legliz Katolik Romen. Li te tou réformer le abi legliz la (pa egzanp lè w abolished vant indulgences), te kondane chita son Martin Luther ak lòt Protèstan refòme Et tap fè tantativ pou repran pouvwa legliz Katolik Romen pa renforcer la papacy.• Pandan la Réforme kont, a lè pou enkizisyon Espanyòl te sèvi pou anpeche yon ti rale de Protèstan relijyon.
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
21. Tèm yo Bushido, samurai, ak daimyo yo pi asosye ak ki gwoup nan istwa Japonè?
(1) anprè (2) vanyan sòlda (3) peyizan (4) komèsan 22. Yon objektif prensipal nan Legliz la kretyen pandan Kwazad yo (1096-1291) se te (1) etabli Krisyanis nan lwès Lewòp (2) pran Tè Sent la nan chèf Islamik (3) ini lagè pèp Arab (4) ranfòse dominasyon angle nan la mond Arab 23. Tou de chevalye medyeval Ewopeyen an ak vanyan sòlda samurai Japonè pwomèt sèman nan (1) lwayote nan lidè militè yo (2) devosyon yo nasyon-eta (3) sèvis nan legliz yo (4) alejans nan fanmi yo 24. Sistèm yo feyodal nan tou de medyeval Ewòp ak byen bonè Japon te karakterize pa (1) yon sistèm politik desantralize (2) divèsite relijye (3) yon anfaz ogmante sou edikasyon (4) devlopman nan yon klas rich mitan 25. Feyodalis enfliyanse Ewòp ak Japon pa (1) bay estabilite sosyal (2) ankouraje kwasans la nan relijyon (3) elimine lagè (4) ankouraje edikasyon fòmèl 26. Izolasyon nan jeyografik nan yon sosyete ki pi souvan mennen nan (1) devlopman an nan komès (2) ranfòse nan kilti tradisyonèl (3) pwomosyon nan difizyon kiltirèl (4) kwasans nan alyans entènasyonal 27. Yon fason Kòd la chevalri nan Ewòp ak kòd la nan Bushido nan Japon te sanble sèke toulède kòd te gen entansyon (1) ede kontwòl nan chèf pèp li a (2) gide konpòtman an nan yon klas vanyan sòlda (3) benefisye tout klas sosyal yo (4) sipòte ide revolisyonè 1 29. Ki deklarasyon sou gouvènman pandan peryòd la Tokugawa nan peyi Japon ki pi egzat? (1) Pouvwa a nan anperè a te absoli epi siprèm. (2) Pouvwa a reyèl te ki te fèt nan peyi etranje . (3) te aktyèl pouvwa ki te fèt nan chogoun la. (4) Pouvwa politik te nan men yo nan klas la komèsan. 32. Ki sitiyasyon pi byen montre konsèp nan izolasyonis? (1) Gouvènman Panyòl la mande dwe ke lò yo te jwenn nan koloni li yo mennen l 'dirèkteman nan peyi Espay. (2) Japon fèmen pò li yo nan komès ak lòt nasyon. (3) Lafrans, Almay, Bèljik, ak Grann Bretay negosye yo divize plizyè zòn nan Lafrik di nan koloni yo. (4) Britanik la te dirije anpil nan peyi Zend nan kontwòl la nan chèf lokal yo. 3. Refòm • Refòm Pwotestan an te yon mouvman ki objekte pouvwa a monn lan ak richès nan Legliz Katolik la. Li te pote yon fen nan inite kretyen. • Martin Luther, John Calvin, ak Henry VIII te lidè yo nan Refòm Pwotestan an. Yo defye ansèyman yo nan Legliz Katolik la. • Nan 1517, Martin Luther afiche Katrevenkenz Tèz l 'sou yon pòt legliz nan Wittenberg, Almay. Li te diskite ke legliz la te mal nan vann endiljans (yon padonnen pou peche yon sèl la). • Martin Luther ensiste pou ke delivre pa t 'kapab ka achte. Li te diskite ke delivre te kapab fèt sèlman reyalize rive lafwa. Lide sa a te vin tounen yon konsèp santral la nan luteranism. • Nan 1521, rejim alimantè a nan vè, yon reyinyon nan rejim alimantè (lejislati a) nan Anpi Women an Sentespri nan Vè (nan Almay) konvoke detèmine sò Luther an. Rejim alimantè a bay lòd la nan vè, entèdiksyon Luther ak ki entèdi tout liv li kòm sa yo ki nan yon eretik. • John Calvin te ekri Enstiti Relijyon Kretyen an. Tankou Katrevenkenz Tèz Luther a, li kritike pratik Legliz la. Li te tou mete aksan sou teyori a nan predestinasyon. • Predestinasyon se kwayans a ke Bondye te deja deside, menm anvan nesans yo, moun yo ki moun ki pral ale nan syèl la ak tout moun ki pral ale nan lanfè. kalvinism (ak kwayans nan predestinasyon) gaye nan tout Swis . • Près ekri a se te yon rezon pou siksè yo nan Refòm Pwotestan an. Li pèmèt ekri Pwotestan yo gaye byen vit toupatou nan Ewòp. • Palman an nan England nonmen Henry VIII tèt la nan Legliz la nan Angletè (Legliz la Anglikan) lè li te pase Lwa a nan Sipremasi (1534). • Efè Refòm Pwotestan an: pouvwa a nan Legliz Katolik Women an te diminye. Te pouvwa a nan monachi (pouvwa wayal) fòs ankò. • Counter Refòm lan (Katolik Refòm) se te yon mouvman refòm nan Legliz Katolik Women an te pran yon ti tan apre - ak nan repons a -. Refòm Pwotestan an • Konsèy la nan Trent te yon trè enpòtan reyinyon nan ofisyèl Legliz Katolik (yon konsèy èkumenik) ki etabli objektif yo nan Counter Refòm lan. Li klarifye ansèyman yo nan Legliz Katolik Women an. Li te tou refòme abi legliz anpil (egzanp aboli vant lan nan endiljans), kondannen ansèyman yo nan Martin Luther ak lòt refòmatè Pwotestan ak eseye retabli pouvwa a nan Legliz Katolik Women an pa ranfòse pap la. • Pandan Counter Refòm lan, enkizisyon a Panyòl sèvi yo anpeche entwodiksyon an nan relijyon pwotestan.

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