1. - Classical Greco-Roman ideas were revived. - Wealthy patrons suppo traduction - 1. - Classical Greco-Roman ideas were revived. - Wealthy patrons suppo Créole haïtien comment dire

1. - Classical Greco-Roman ideas we

1. - Classical Greco-Roman ideas were revived.
- Wealthy patrons supported the arts and education.
- Humanism spread throughout western Europe.
Which period in European history is most closely associated with these statements?
(1) Early Middle Ages (2) Industrial Rev. (3) Renaissance (4) Hellenistic Period

2. One major characteristic of the Renaissance period is that the
(1) Catholic Church no longer had any influence in Europe
(2) manor became the center of economic activity
(3) classical cultures of Greece and Rome were revived and imitated
(4) major language of the people became Latin 17 From the 15th to the 18th centuries

3. Which statement best expresses an idea held by many Renaissance humanist philosophers?
(1) People should study worldly subjects as well as sacred matters.
(2) Governments should establish overseas empires.
(3) Individuals should withdraw from the world and study religion.
(4) Scholars should dedicate themselves to the study of life after death.

4. •Leonardo DaVinci used movement and perspective in his work.
•Machiavelli’s The Prince advised rulers on how to gain and maintain power. •Humanist scholars examined worldly subjects and classical culture.

Which period is associated with these statements?
(1) French Rev. (2) Renaissance (3) Early Middle Ages (4) Enlightenment

5. The Renaissance in western Europe is best described as a period marked by
(1) unquestioned reliance on the teachings of Aristotle
(2) an advance of Muslim culture (3) Christian unity throughout the region
(4) great intellectual and artistic creativity

6. The revival of Greek and Roman culture, the economic growth of Italian city-states in the 1400s, and the development of humanism were aspects of the
(1) Age of Revolutions (2) Protestant Reformation
(3) spread of Islam (4) European Renaissance

7. In which way were the developments of the Renaissance in Italy similar to the developments of the Tang dynasty in China?
(1) The rebirth of art, technology, and learning was a central theme in both regions.
(2) Warfare and insurrection led to the devastation of both societies.
(3) Religious reform was a main focus in both regions.
(4) The peasant class was responsible for the emergence of both eras.

8. One way in which the writers of the Renaissance were influenced by the writers of ancient Greece was that the Renaissance writers
(1) stressed the power of human reason
(2) promoted the religious doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church
(3) showed little interest in secular affairs
(4) produced few new scientific ideas

9. Venice in Europe, Mogadishu in Africa, and Canton in China emerged during the 13th century primarily as important centers of
(1) agriculture (2) trade (3) manufacturing (4) mining

10. Which statement concerning the Renaissance in Europe is based on opinion rather than on fact?
(1) Literature began to appear in languages other than Latin.
(2) The art of the Northern Renaissance was superior to that of the Italian Renaissance.
(3) Art reflected the ideas of humanism and individualism.
(4) Art produced during the Renaissance had religious as well as secular themes. 6

11. Which factor contributed to the beginning of the Renaissance in Italian cities? (1) occupation by foreign powers (2) interaction with Latin America
(3) surplus of porcelain from Japan (4) access to important trade routes

12. What was one reason that some Italian cities developed into major commercial and cultural centers during the 13th and 14th centuries?
(1) unified central government (2) isolationist economic policies
(3) geographic location (4) system of social equality

13. A major reason that the Renaissance began in Italy was that
(1) Italian city-states had grown wealthy from trade between Europe and Asia
(2) farmers produced great agricultural surpluses on vast plains
(3) merchants supported the Green Revolution
(4) many European scholars had migrated to this area

14. A direct impact that the printing press had on 16th-century Europe was that it encouraged the
(1) spread of ideas (2) beginnings of communism
(3) establishment of democracy (4) development of industrialization
15. Which statement explains why the Renaissance began in Italy?
(1) Italy was not influenced by a classical heritage.
(2) The Italian city-states were wealthy centers of trade and manufacturing.
(3) Italy was politically unified by a strong central government.
(4) The Catholic Church did not have any influence in Italy.
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
1. - ide lutte klasik te vle fè reviv. -Rich clients en divinò ak edikasyon. -Humanism simaye nan tout peyi rejyon lwès Ewòp.Peryòd ki nan istwa Ewopeyen pi kole ak asosye avèk deklarasyon sa yo? (1) au Mwayenaj reveran (2) Industrielle (3) renesans (4) Époque peryòd 2. yon gwo karakteristik peryòd renesans a se sa a (1) legliz Katolik ankò a okenn enfliyans an Ewòp (2) gwan est sant aktivite ekonomik (3) reyinifikasyon klasik de grès Et Rome te vle fè reviv Et imiter (4) lang gwo pèp la vin Laten 17 de 15th pou yo de 18tyèm syèk3. ki pi bon deklarasyon rapid yon lide ki te kenbe pa anpil philosophes humanist renesans? (1) moun ta dwe etidye sijè a travè lemond antye osi byen ke sakre questions. (2) gouvènman yo ta dwe etabli empires lòt bò dlo.(3) personnes ta dwe retire li nan mond lan ak etid relijyon. (4) universitaires ta dwe consacrer tèt yo pou yo etidye nan lavi apwè lanmò. 4. •Leonardo DaVinci te itilize mouvman Et pèspektiv nan afè nan travay li. Prince a •Machiavelli an te avize chèf sou kijan pou yo pran e pou kenbe pouvwa. •Humanist chercheurs konsilte sijè a travè lemond antye ak kilti klasik. Peryòd ki asosye avèk deklarasyon sa yo? (1) (3) bonè nan mitan Fwansè reveran (2) renesans ki nan laj Lumières (4) 5. la renesans nan peyi rejyon lwès Ewòp meyè yo kòm kòm yon peryòd ki pa te make (1) reliance the sou kòmandman yo de Aristote (2) yon avanse yo kretyen inite mizilam kilti (3) atravè rejyon an(4) gwo kreyativite intellectuelle Et atistik6. la relance de moun lòt nasyon ak sitwayen women kilti, kwasans ekonomik Italyen an city-states nan 1400s an ak devlopman de humanism ont aspè de la (1) laj de Réforme (2) Protèstan Tours(3) gaye de renesans Ewopeyen Islamis (4)7. nan fason ki te gen évolution de renesans a nan peyi Itali menm jan an pou devlopman de dinasti Tang la nan la chin? (1) la Renaissance de zèv, teknoloji, ak aprann li te genyen yon tèm santral nan rejyon yo tou de. (2) gè Et insurrection te dirije pou devastasyon sosyete tou de. (3) relijye refòm li te genyen yon pi gwo se nan rejyon yo tou de. (4) klas peyizan la ki te reskonsab aparisyon les époques. 8. yon sèl chemen ki ekriven de renesans a te pwofondman pa ekriven peyi Lagrès ansyen te nan sa ekriven renesans yo (1) a pouvwa moun raison (2) monte relijye doctrines de legliz Katolik Romèn(3) te montre ti enterè nan zafè relijye (4) te pwodwi kèk nouvo lide syantifik 9. Venice an Ewòp, Moukdicho an Afwik, Et Canton nan la chin est pandan jou 13 syèk la premyèman kòm enpòtan sant de (1) agrikilti komès (2) (3) manifakti (4) min 10. ki deklarasyon konsènan renesans a nan Ewòp te baze sou opinyon olye ke se te sou fait? (1) literati ki te kòmanse parèt nan lang pa Latin. (2) jan moun ki konn renesans pati Nò a te siperyè sa de renesans Italyen an genyen.(3) Art te reflete ide yo de humanism Et individualism. (4) Art produit pandan renesans a te gen relijye osi byen ke eksklizyon thèmes. 611. ki faktè a nan kòmansman de renesans a nan vil Italyen yo? (1) pouvoirs okipasyon pa etranje a, entèraksyon (2) ak nan Amerik Latin (3) sipli de pòslèn du Japon (4) aksè pou wout enpòtan komès yo12. sa ki te youn nan rezon ki gen kèk vil Italyen yo devlope nan pi gwo komèsyal ak kiltirèl sant pandan jou 13 Et 14 siècles? (1) politik ekonomik gouvènman santral inifye separasyonis (2)(3) sistèm kote géographique (4) egalite sosyal 13. yon pi gwo rezon ki renesans an ki te kòmanse an Itali te sa(1) city-states Italyen te ogmante rich nan komès ant an Ewòp ak asie(2) agriculteurs te pwodwi gwo excédents agrikòl sou vas plèn (3) marchands en revolisyon Green la (4) anpil chercheurs Ewopeyen te migration nan zòn sa a 14. yon enpak dirèk ke Sur l' a te sou Europe 16th syèk lan te genyen li ankouraje a (1) gaye ide débuts (2) sistèm kominis(3) etablisman de developman demokrasi, (4) de endistriyalizasyon 15. deklarasyon ki eksplike Poukisa renesans a te kòmanse an Itali? (1) Itali te pa te enfliyanse tèren yo yon pòsyon tè klasik. (2) city-states Italyen an se te rich sant komèsyal ak manifakti. (3) Itali te politik inifye ak yon fòs gouvènman santral. (4) legliz Katolik a pa te gen okenn enfliyans nan peyi Itali.
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
1. - Classical lide greko-Women yo te vle fè reviv.
- Patwon rich yo sipòte boza ak edikasyon.
- Imanis gaye nan tout lwès Ewòp.
Ki peryòd nan istwa Ewopeyen ki asosye pi plis ak deklarasyon sa yo?
(1) Kòmansman Mwayennaj (2) Endistriyèl Rev. (3) Renesans (4) Elenistik Peryòd 2. Youn nan pi gwo karakteristik nan peryòd la Renesans se ke (1) Legliz la Katolik pa te gen okenn enfliyans nan Ewòp (2) manwa te vin sant la nan aktivite ekonomik (3) kilti klasik nan Grès ak Wòm te vle fè reviv ak imite (4) lang gwo nan moun yo te vin Latin 17 Soti nan 15 a syèk yo 18th 3. Ki deklarasyon ki pi byen eksprime yon lide ki te fèt nan anpil Renesans filozòf imanis? (1) Moun dwe etidye sijè mondyal kòm byen ke zafè sakre. (2) Gouvènman yo dwe tabli anpi lòt bò dlo. (3) Moun ta dwe retire li nan mond lan ak etidye relijyon. ( 4) Scholars ta dedye tèt yo a etid la nan lavi apre lanmò. 4. • Leonardo DaVinci te itilize mouvman ak pèspektiv nan travay li. • Machiavelli nan Prince la avize chèf sou kòman yo jwenn epi kenbe pouvwa. • Disip Imanis yo egzamine sijè monn lan ak kilti klasik. Ki peryòd ki asosye avèk deklarasyon sa yo? (1) franse Rev. (2) Renesans (3) Kòmansman Mwayennaj (4) Syèk Limyè 5. Renesans la nan lwès Ewòp se pi byen dekri tankou yon peryòd make pa (1) reliance endiskute sou ansèyman Aristòt (2) yon avanse, ki kilti mizilman (3) inite kretyen nan tout rejyon an (4) gwo kreyativite entelektyèl ak atistik 6. Renesans la nan grèk ak kilti Women an, kwasans ekonomik la nan eta-vil Italyen an nan ane 1400 yo, ak devlopman nan imanis te aspè nan (1) Laj la nan Revolisyon (2) Refòm Pwotestan (3) gaye nan Islam (4) Ewopeyen Renesans 7. Nan ki fason te devlopman yo nan Renesans la nan peyi Itali ki sanble ak devlopman yo nan dinasti Tang la nan Lachin? (1) rne a nan atizay, teknoloji, ak aprantisaj te yon tèm santral nan tou de rejyon yo. (2) Lagè ak konplo mennen nan dega ki fèt nan tou de sosyete. (3) refòm relijye te yon konsantre prensipal nan tou de rejyon yo. (4) Klas la peyizan te responsab pou Aparisyon nan tou de epòk. 8. Yon fason ekriven sa yo nan Renesans la te enfliyanse pa ekriven sa yo nan ansyen Grès te ke ekriven sa yo Renesans (1) ensiste pouvwa a nan rezon ki fè moun (2) ankouraje doktrin relijye yo nan Legliz Katolik Women an (3) te montre enterè ti kras nan zafè eksklizyon (4) pwodui kèk nouvo lide syantifik 9. Venice nan Ewòp, Mogadishu nan Lafrik di, ak Canton nan Lachin parèt pandan syèk la 13th prensipalman sant kòm enpòtan nan (1) agrikilti (2) komès (3) manifakti (4) min 10. Ki deklarasyon konsènan Renesans la nan Ewòp se ki baze sou opinyon olye ke sou reyalite? (1) Literati te kòmanse parèt nan lòt pase Latin lang. (2) Atizay la nan Renesans la Northern te siperyè ak sa yo ki nan Renesans Italyen an. (3) Atizay reflete ide yo nan imanis ak endividyalis. (4) Atizay pwodui pandan Renesans la te gen relijye kòm byen ke tèm eksklizyon. 6 11. Ki faktè kontribye nan konmansman an nan Renesans la nan lavil Italyen yo? (1) okipasyon pa pouvwa etranje yo (2) entèraksyon ak Amerik Latin (3) sipli nan porselèn soti nan Japan (4) aksè a wout komès enpòtan 12. Ki sa ki te yon rezon ki fè kèk vil Italyen devlope nan gwo sant komèsyal ak kiltirèl pandan 13th ak 14th syèk yo? (1) inifye gouvènman santral (2) politik ekonomik izolasyonis (3) kote jeyografik (4) sistèm nan egalite sosyal 13. Yon rezon prensipal ki fè Renesans lan te kòmanse nan peyi Itali te ke (1) eta-vil Italyen te vin rich ki sòti komès ant Ewòp ak Azi (2) kiltivatè pwodwi gwo surplus agrikòl nan plenn vas (3) sipòte machann Revolisyon Vèt la (4) anpil savan Ewopeyen te imigre nan zòn sa a 14. Yon enpak dirèk ki près ekri a te genyen sou Ewòp 16th syèk la te ke li ankouraje (1) gaye nan nan lide (2) kòmanse nan kominis (3) kreyasyon demokrasi (4) devlopman nan endistriyalizasyon 15. Ki deklarasyon ki eksplike rezon ki fè Renesans lan te kòmanse nan peyi Itali? (1) Itali pa te enfliyanse pa yon eritaj klasik. (2) vil eta yo-Italyen te sant rich nan komès ak manifakti. (3) Itali te politikman inifye pa yon gouvènman santral ki fò . (4) Legliz Katolik pa t gen okenn enfliyans nan peyi Itali.

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