62. In China and the former Soviet Union, the communist governments di traduction - 62. In China and the former Soviet Union, the communist governments di Créole haïtien comment dire

62. In China and the former Soviet

62. In China and the former Soviet Union, the communist governments discouraged organized religion because religions
1. compete for the loyalties of the people
2. support the principles of laissez-faire
3. favor anarchy over organized government
4. stress economic rather than political values

63. A major goal of the Cultural Revolution in China during the 1960’s was to
1. restore China to the glory of the Han Dynasty
2. reemphasize Confucian traditional values
3. weaken communist ideas 4. eliminate opposition to Mao Zedong

64. After World War II, the Chinese Communists were successful in their revolution mainly because the
1. United States refused to support the Nationalists
2. communists had the support of the peasants
3. communists had more technologically advanced weapons
4. nationalist had been defeated by Japan

65. An immediate result of the Cultural Revolution in China was that it
1. helped to establish democracy in urban centers in China
2. led to economic cooperation with Japan and South Korea
3. disrupted China’s economic and educational systems
4. strengthened political ties with the United States

66. The main reason the Chinese Communists gained control of mainland China in 1949 was that
1. they were supported by many warlords and upper class Chinese
2. the United States had supported the Chinese Communist Party during WWII
3. the dynamic leadership of Mao Zedong had the support of the peasant class
4. they had superior financial resources and were supported by Japan

67. In China, the Great Leap Forward was an attempt to
1. promote democratic reform 2. end the private ownership of land
3. strengthen economic ties with Europe
4.increase agricultural and industrial production

68. The goal of Mao Zedong’s policy known as the Great Leap Forward was to
1. develop foreign export industries in China’s coastal urban centers
2. eliminate state-owned industries in rural China
3. modernize China’s economic system by dividing China into communes
4. introduce capitalism to the Chinese economy

69. The Confucian view of government and the Chinese Communist view of government were similar in that both stressed
1. loyalty to the government 2. the need for filial piety
3. a civil service system 4. equality of men and women

70. A major reason for the success of the Communist revolution in China was that the Communists
1. stressed Buddhism in their military training
2. included important businessmen in their ranks
3. promised land and power to the peasant class
4. fought successfully against the United States during World War II

71. In China, the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution promoted by Mao Zedong were similar in that both plans
1. ended dynastic rule 2. disrupted industrial development
3. encouraged capitalism 4. guaranteed human rights

72. During the 1980’s, the Chinese government adopted policies designed to
1. increase industrial productivity
2. reestablish Confucian traditions and values
3. gain colonies throughout East Asia
4. maintain its isolation from world events

73. Which statement about the economy of China in the 1980’s is most accurate?
1. China surpassed the Soviet Union in steel production
2. China’s economy slowed down because of a lack of natural resources
3. China increased its industrial capacity and foreign trade
4. China’s economy suffered from overproduction of consumer goods

74. Sun Yat-sen’s “Three Principles of the People” (1911) and the demonstrations in Tiananmen Square (1989) were similar in that they both demanded that the Chinese government
1. achieve global interdependence 2. restore dynastic rule
3. introduce democratic reforms 4. end foreign influences in China

75. “A wind has been blowing from the West; now it will begin to blow from the East.” — Mao Zedong, 1949

Which idea was Mao Zedong expressing in this quotation?
1. The monsoons will soon shift and bring destruction to the mainland of Asia.
2. Chinese culture will no longer influence the people of Asia.
3. European power will decline as a new center of power emerges in Asia.
4. The Asian people have much to learn from the Western Europeans.

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
62. nan peyi Lachin yo ak ansyen Inyon Sovyetik la, gouvènman kominis yo m dekouraje òganize relijyon paske relijyon1. concurrence pou loyauté pèp la 2. sipòte principes de laissez-faire 3. favoriser anachi sou gouvènman òganize 4. tèt chaje olye ke valè politik ekonomik 63. yon gwo objectif de revolisyon Culturel an nan la chin pandan années yo se te pou1. restauration Lachin pou tout bèl pouvwa peyi a met Han 2. reemphasize pèp Confucian valè tradisyonèl 3. vin pi fèb kominis ide 4. éliminer opozisyon pou Mao Zedong 64. après gè MONDYAL, la Chinwa a te pote anpil siksè nan revolisyon yo kesyon sa te poze paske a1. nan Etazini te refize pou sipòte nasyonalis 2. kòminis lan te gen gwo lanp peyizan yo 3. kòminis lan te pi plan avanse zam yo 4. nasyonalis te defèt ak Japon 65. yon rezilta immédiate de revolisyon Culturel an nan la chin te genyen ke li1. a pou etabli demokrasi a nan sant ibèn yo nan la chin 2. a pou kowoperasyon ekonomik ak Japon an ak Kore di sid 3. sistèm perturbé Lachin nan ekonomik ak edikasyon 4. redwi politik lyen avèk eta Zini 66. rezon pwensipal a Chinwa la ki te pran kontwòl Lachin tè pwensipal la an 1949 te sa1. yo te sipòte pa anpil seigneurs ak Lelit Chinwa 2. Lè Zeta Zini te en pati kominis Chinwa an pandan GMII 3. la dynamique lidè de Mao Zedong te gen sipò klas peyizan la 4. yo te gen siperyè resous finansye yo, yo te sipòte pa Japon 67. nan la chin, a gwo Leap an avan li te genyen yon tantativ pou1. ankouraje refòm demokratik 2. fin pwive an komen ki rete nan peyi 3. bay/pote jarèt ekonomik lyen avèk Ewop 4. ogmante pwodiksyon agrikòl e endistriyèl 68. objektif li ki se Mao Zedong politik ke yo rekonèt kòm a gwo Leap an avan li te genyen pou1. devlope endistri etranje ekspòtasyon yo nan kot sant ibèn yo peyi Lachin nan 2. éliminer leta endistri yo nan la chin seksyon riral 3. modènize sistèm ekonomik peyi Lachin nan pa division peyi Lachin nan communes 4. prezante kapitalis pou ekonomi Chinwa a 69. a wè pèp Confucian gouvènman an ak vi kominis Chinwa a nan gouvènman an te menm jan an sa a tou de a1. fidélité pou gouvènman an, 2. bezwen pou devosyon fwatènèl 3. yon sistèm sèvis sivil 4. egalite moun, fanm kou gason 70. yon pi gwo rezon pou siksè revolisyon kominis an nan la chin te genyen ki kominis yo1. a Boudis nan antrènman militè yo 2. te gen ladann D' enpòtan nan rangs yo 3. la tè pwomi ak pouvwa pou klas peyizan la 4. Se anpil siksè kont Etazini pandan gè MONDYAL 71. nan la chin, a gwo Leap Avant ak Culturel revolisyon an ankouraje pa Mao Zedong te menm jan an nan ke plan de1. s' dynastic t' ap mache sou 2. perturbé devlòpman endistriyèl 3. ankouraje kapitalis 4. garanti dwa zimen 72. pandan années yo, mande gouvènman Chinwa a adopté politik ki te fèt pou1. ogmante endistriyèl pwodwisite 2. rétablir traditions pèp Confucian yo ak valè 3. / pran koloni atravè Azi de lès 4. kenbe li blanch de evènman mondyal 73. ki deklarasyon ki ta mande ekonomi an nan peyi Lachin nan années yo li ki pi egzat?1. peyi Lachin byen Inyon Sovyetik nan moulen an asye pwodiksyon 2. ekonomi peyi Lachin nan a ralenti poutèt yon mank de resous natirèl 3. peyi Lachin te ogmante kapasite endistriyèl li ak nan komès etranje 4. ekonomi peyi Lachin nan a de surproduction de marchandises dafè pou konsomatè 74. solèy Yat ki sen an "twa Principes de la moun" (1911) Et Des yo nan plas kare piblik Tiananmen (1989) ont menm jan an nan sa yo tou de te mande gouvènman Chinwa a1. atteindre global Entèdepandans 2. restauration dynastic t' ap mache sou 3. prezante refòm demokratik 4. etranje ki mouri nan la chin 75. "yon van ki te kònen sou bò solèy kouche, Koulye a, li pral kòmanse soufle soti bò solèy leve a."— Mao Zedong, 1949 Lide ki te Mao Zedong exprimer nan guillemets sa a?1. monsoons l' ap dès maj Et pote pèdi tè pwensipal la pou peyi Lazi. 2. Chinwa kilti a ankò enfliyanse pèp la nan peyi Lazi. 3. Ewopeyen pouvwa ap bese tankou yon nouvo sant pouvwa se nan pwovens Lazi. 4. Azi pèp mwen gen anpil bagay pou aprann de l' Ewopeyen.
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
62. Nan Lachin ak ansyen Inyon Sovyetik la, gouvènman yo kominis dekouraje òganize relijyon paske relijyon
1. konpetisyon pou lwayote yo nan moun yo
2. sipòte prensip yo nan lesefè
3. favorize anachi sou gouvènman òganize
4. estrès ekonomik olye ke valè politik 63. Yon objektif prensipal Revolisyon Kiltirèl la nan peyi Lachin pandan la a 1960 te 1. retabli Lachin nan tout bèl pouvwa a nan Dinasti a Han 2. Remete aksan sou confucian valè tradisyonèl 3. febli lide kominis 4. elimine opozisyon a Mao Zedong 64. Apre Dezyèm Gè Mondyal, Kominis yo Chinwa yo te siksè nan revolisyon yo sitou paske 1 la . Etazini te refize sipòte Nasyonalis yo 2. kominis te gen sipò an nan peyizan yo 3. kominis te gen plis teknoloji avanse zam 4. nasyonalis te bat pa Japon 65. Yon rezilta imedya de moun ki Revolisyon Kiltirèl la nan Lachin te ke li 1. te ede etabli demokrasi nan sant iben nan peyi Lachin 2. mennen nan koperasyon ekonomik ak Japon ak Kore di Sid 3. deranje sistèm ekonomik ak edikasyon Lachin nan 4. ranfòse lyen politik ak Etazini yo 66. Rezon prensipal ki fè Chinwa Kominis yo te gen kontwòl nan tè pwensipal Lachin an 1949 te ke 1. yo te sipòte pa anpil warlords ak klas anwo Chinwa 2. Etazini yo te sipòte Pati a Chinwa Kominis pandan GMII 3. lidèchip nan dinamik nan Mao Zedong te gen sipò an nan klas la peyizan 4. yo te gen siperyè resous finansye ak te sipòte pa Japon 67. Nan Lachin, Gwo Avansman a te yon tantativ 1. ankouraje demokratik refòm 2. fen pwopriyetè a prive nan peyi 3. ranfòse relasyon ekonomik ak Ewòp 4.increase agrikòl ak endistriyèl pwodiksyon 68. Objektif la nan politik Mao Zedong nan li te ye tankou Gwo Avansman a te 1. devlope ekspòtasyon etranje endistri nan kotyè sant iben Lachin nan 2. elimine leta endistri nan zòn riral peyi Lachin 3. modènize sistèm ekonomik Lachin nan lè yo divize an komin Lachin 4. prezante kapitalis nan ekonomi an Chinwa 69. View nan confucian nan gouvènman an ak gade nan Chinwa Kominis nan gouvènman yo te menm jan an nan ke tou de ensiste 1. lwayote nan gouvènman an 2. bezwen an pou pyete filyal 3. yon sèvis sivil sistèm 4. egalite nan gason ak fanm 70. Yon rezon prensipal pou siksè yo nan revolisyon Kominis la nan Lachin te ke Kominis yo 1. ensiste Boudis nan fòmasyon militè yo 2. enkli biznisman enpòtan nan ranje yo 3. te pwomèt peyi yo ak pouvwa nan klas la peyizan 4. goumen avèk siksè kont Etazini pandan Dezyèm Gè Mondyal 71. Nan Lachin, Gwo Avansman a ak Revolisyon Kiltirèl la ankouraje pa Mao Zedong te menm jan an nan ke tou de plan 1. te fini règ Dinasti 2. deranje devlopman endistriyèl 3. ankouraje kapitalis 4. garanti dwa moun 72. Pandan a nan lane 1980, gouvènman Chinwa a te adopte politik ki fèt yo 1. ogmante pwodiktivite endistriyèl 2. re-etabli tradisyon confucian ak valè 3. jwenn koloni nan tout pwovens Lazi East 4. kenbe izolasyon li yo soti nan evènman lemonn 73. Ki deklarasyon sou ekonomi an nan Lachin nan la a 1980 ki pi egzat? 1. Lachin plis pouvwa pase Inyon Sovyetik nan pwodiksyon asye 2. Ekonomi Lachin nan ralanti desann paske yo gen yon mank de resous natirèl 3. Lachin ogmante kapasite endistriyèl li yo ak komès etranje yo 4. Ekonomi Lachin nan soufri nan twòp pwodiksyon nan byen pou konsomatè 74. Sun Yat-sen an "Prensip Twa nan moun yo" (1911) ak manifestasyon yo nan Tiananmen Square (1989) yo te menm jan an nan yo ke yo tou de mande ke gouvènman Chinwa a 1. reyalize entèdepandans mondyal 2. retabli Dinasti règ 3. prezante refòm demokratik 4. fen enfliyans etranje nan peyi Lachin 75. "Yon van ki te mouche soti nan Wès la; kounye a li a pral kòmanse bay kònen soti nan Lès la. "- Mao Zedong, 1949 Ki lide te Mao Zedong eksprime nan sitasyon sa a? 1. Mousson yo pral byento chanje epi pote destriksyon nan tè pwensipal la nan peyi Lazi. 2. Kilti Chinwa va sispann enfliyanse moun yo nan pwovens Lazi. 3. Pouvwa Ewopeyen an ap deperi kòm yon sant nouvo ki gen pouvwa result nan pwovens Lazi. 4. Foul moun yo Azyatik gen anpil bagay yo aprann nan men Ewopeyen yo oksidantal yo.

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