China (1949-Present)A) Mao Zedong  1) He gained the support of peasant traduction - China (1949-Present)A) Mao Zedong  1) He gained the support of peasant Créole haïtien comment dire

China (1949-Present)A) Mao Zedong

China (1949-Present)
A) Mao Zedong
1) He gained the support of peasants because he promised to provide them with their own land once the Communists were brought to power.

2) Great Leap Forward
a) the attempt by Mao to modernize the industrial and
agricultural production of China.
b) Peasants in China were forced to move onto large government
c) This program was very similar to the Five Year Plans and Collectivization that took place in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin.

3) Cultural Revolution
a) Political policy to eliminate Mao’s rivals and train a new
generation in the revolutionary spirit
b) It resulted in beatings, terror, mass jailings, and the deaths of

B) Deng Xiaoping
1) He was the ruler in China after Mao Zedong.

2) Deng changed the economy of China from a command/communist
economy (in which the government owns businesses) to a market/
capitalist/free enterprise economy (in which individuals own
businesses). This is the system that is largely used in China today.

3) Tiananmen Square Protests/Massacre (1989)
a) This was a series of protests where the Chinese peacefully
demanded democratic reforms -They wanted more
rights and a say in government.

b) Deng Xiaoping called in the army to repress the protests.
Hundreds of Chinese protesters were killed or arrested.

C) Current issues in China
1) China controls the Buddhist region of Tibet. The people of Tibet want
2) China denies its people human rights (such as freedom of speech and the
right to vote).
3) In order to prevent overpopulation (China has 1.3 billion people), the
government of China only allows each family to have one child.

Decolonization (India, Africa, Southeast Asia)
I. Decolonization is the period after WWI in which the nations of Africa and Asia finally gained independence from the European (Western) nations that controlled them.

II. Decolonization in India (1948)

A) After WWII, India gained independence from Great Britain. This was largely due to the efforts of Mohandas Gandhi.

B) In order to prevent conflict between Hindus and Muslims, the region that was controlled by Great Britain was divided into two separate countries:
1) India- Nation created for the Hindus of the region.
2) Pakistan-­ Nation created for the Muslims of the region.
3) NOTE: Despite the creation of two separate nations, there is still ethnic
tension between Hindus and Muslims in the region. Kashmir is an area
near India and Pakistan that both nations claim to control.
The situation is dangerous since both India and Pakistan have nuclear

C) India after independence:
1) India established a democratic government.
2) India followed a policy of nonalignment (or neutrality) during the Cold
War, which means that it did not take sides. It remained neutral.
3) Caste System-­social classes (or castes) in India, there continues to be
discrimination in rural areas since tradition remains strong there.
Discrimination against untouchables (the lowest class/caste) is
especially severe.

III. Decolonization in Africa (1945-­1980)

A) Between 1945 and 1980, the many nations of Africa finally gained independence from the European nations that controlled them.

B) Independence was achieved largely due to the efforts of nationalist leaders who led movements to gain self-government.
(example) Jomo Kenyatta (Kenya)

C) South Africa after independence:
1) After independence, white Europeans still controlled the government of South Africa. They established the racist system known as apartheid.

2) Apartheid was the system of racial segregation that was used in South Africa from 1948 until 1990. Black South Africans were required to use separate bathrooms, attend separate schools, carry identification passbooks, and even go to separate beaches.
3) Nelson Mandela
a) Black South African nationalist leader who fought against Apartheid.
b) He was imprisoned for 27 years by the white South African gov.
c) He became the first black president of South Africa after apartheid
officially came to an end in 1990.

D) Rwanda after independence:
1) During the 1990s, there was serious ethnic conflict between two groups in the African nation of Rwanda: the Hutus and the Tutsis.
2) 1994-The Hutus slaughtered 800,000 Tutsis in only a few months. This was an example of genocide (the attempt to exterminate a group of people) and it was a major human rights violation.

IV. Decolonization in Southeast Asia (Cambodia and Vietnam)

A) Between 1953 and 1954, Cambodia and Vietnam both gained independence from France.

B) Ho Chi Minh- Nationalist leader who led an 8-year war against France.

C) Vietnam after independence:
1) Vietnam was divided into two countries: Communist North Vietnam and non-Communist South Vietnam.
2) After the Vietnam War, all of Vietnam was reunited to form one communist nation. Vietnam is still communist today.

D) Cambodia after independence
1) After independence, Cambodia was ruled by a Communist group called the Khmer Rouge.
2) Pol Pot
a) He was the leader of the Khmer Rouge and ruler of Cambodia from
b) He was a brutal dictator who denied his people of human rights.
c) Genocide- Pol Pot executed 2 million people within his nation (almost
20% of the population).

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
Lachin, (1949-Présent)Yon) Mao Zedong 1) li acquise sipò de peyizan yo paske li te pwomèt pou bay yo ansanm ak pwòp une kominis yo te pote sou pouvwa. 2) grands Leap an avan a) a tantativ pa Mao pou modènize a industriels Et pwodiksyon agrikòl Lachin. b) peyizan nan la chin te fòse pou yo avanse sou gwo gouvènman an Farms. c) pwogram sa a ki te trè menm jan a a senk ane te gen plan Et Collectivization sa ki te rete nan Inyon Sovyetik la anba Joseph Stalin. 3) Culturel revolisyon a) politik politik pou elimine Mao a rival Et antrene yon nouvo génération nan Lespri Bondye a Revolisyonè b) li a nan bat, terreur, mas jis nan pwizon, ak moun ki mouri de rejiman mil sòlda. B) Deng Xiaoping te 1) li te chèf nan peyi Lachin gen après Mao Zedong. 2) Deng chanje ekonomik peyi Lachin nan yon kòmand/kominis ekonomi (kote gouvènman an est biznis yo kap) pou yon mache / sistèm kapitalis la kòm/lib antrepwiz ekonomi (nan endividi ki posede biznis yo kap). Sa se nan sistèm nan ki te ki lajman itilize nan la chin jodi a. 3) plas kare piblik Tiananmen Protestations/masak (1989) a) sa te yon seri de protestations kote Chinwa lapè te mande demokratik refòme - yo te vle plis dwa ak yon pawòl nan gouvènman an. b) Deng Xiaoping te rele nan lame a pou seulement les manifestations. Dè santèn de manifestants Chinwa te mouri oswa te arete. C) kouran pwoblèm nan Lachin 1) Lachin contrôles rejyon Boudis Tibet. Moun lavil Tibet vle endepandans. 2) Lachin prive tout moun li yo dwa zimen (tankou libète lapawòl Et la dwa pou vote). 3) pou anpeche eksè popilasyon (la chine te gen moun 1.3 milya), la gouvènman peyi Lachin sèlman pèmèt chak fanmi pou gen yon sèl pitit.Dekolonizasyon (peyi Zend, Afrik, Azi di Disès)Tou Dekolonizasyon se peryòd apwè WWI kote moun lòt nasyon ki Afrik ak moun Lazi a la fen yo te pwan endepandans soti nan lòt peyi Ewopeyen (Ouest) ki te kontwole yo.II. Dekolonizasyon nan peyi Zend (1948) UN) après GUERRE, peyi Zend te pwan endepandans de Grann Bretay. Sa te lajman akòz efò de Mohandas Gandhi.B) pou anpeche konfli ant Aux Et Mizilman, ki te kontwole Grann Bretay nan rejyon an te pran yo an de peyi yo separe: 1) peyi Zend nasyon te kreye pou Aux rejyon an. 2) Pakistan nasyon te kreye pou Mizilman yo nan rejyon an. 3) nòt: Malgre kreyasyon de nasyon separe, se toujou etnik tansyon ant Aux Et Mizilman ki nan rejyon an. Kashmir se yon zòn tou pwe peyi Zend Et Pakistan ke tou de nasyon yo reklame kontwòl. Sitiyasyon an danjere depi ke tou de peyi Zend ak Pakistan ont nikleyè zam yo. C) Zend apwè endepandans: 1) peyi Zend te etabli yon gouvènman Demokratik. 2) peyi Zend te swiv yon politik de nonalignment (ou neutralité) pandan fredi Lagè, sa vle di ke li pa te pwan kote yo. Li rete netral. 3) fanmi wayal sistèm-sosyal klas yo (oswa castes) nan peyi Zend, la kontinye rete diskriminasyon nan zòn riral yo depi tradisyon rete fèm la. Diskriminasyon kont les (la plus klas/fanmi wayal) se sitou sevè. MALAD. Dekolonizasyon an Afwik, (an 1945-1980) UN) ant an 1945 Et lane 1980, anpil nasyon Afrik a la fen yo te pwan endepandans de peyi Ewopeyen ki te kontwole yo. B) endepandans te acheve lajman akòz efò de lidè nasyonalis yo ki te ap dirije mouvman yo vin pi l'. (egzanp) Jomo Kenyatta (Kenya)C) Afrik di sid apwè endepandans: 1) après endepandans, blan Ewopeyen toujou kontwole gouvènman an Afrik di sid la. Yo te etabli rasis sistèm a, ke yo rekonèt kòm apated. 2) apated dola li te genyen sistèm lan ki Segregasyon sou baz ras ki te itilize nan Sid Afrika depi 1948 jiska lane 1990. Black sid la nan trenen se te mande pou yo sèvi ak separe salles, ale nan lekòl separe, pote passbooks idantifikasyon, epi yo menm ale nan mitan plaj. 3) Nelson Mandela yon) nwa Sid Afriken lidè nasyonalis ki te goumen kont apated. b) li te emprisonné pou depi 27 tan pa a tou blan gouvènè Sid Afriken c) li vin premye prezidan nwa Afrik di sid la après apated ofisyèlman te pase nan lane 1990. D) Ouwanda aprè endepandans: 1) pandan ane 1990 yo, te gen serye etnik konfli ant de gwoup nan nasyon Afriken nan Ouwanda: Outou yo ki la Et Toutsis. 2) 1994-Outou yo ki te defandi Toutsis plis ke 800,000 nan kèk mwa sèlman. Sa te yon egzanp jenosid (la tantativ pou ekstèmine yon gwoup moun) Et se te yon vyolasyon dwa zimen.IV. Dekolonizasyon nan Azi di Disès (Cambodia ak Vyetnam) UN) ant Fred Et 1954, Cambodia ak Vyetnam Les yo te pwan endepandans sòti an Fwans. B) Hô Chi-Minh-- nasyonalis lidè ki te ap dirije yon 8 ane gè kont peyi Lafwans.C) Vyetnam apwè endepandans: 1) Vietnam te divize de peyi yo: Kominis Vietnam nan nò ak ki pa - kominis disid Vyetnam. 2) Apre lagè Vyètnam lan, tout Vietnam te reyini pou fòme yon sèl nasyon kòminis. Vyetnam toujou kominis jodi a. D) Cambodia après endepandans 1) après endepandans, Cambodia li te soumèt devan yon gwoup kominis ki te rele Khmer Rouge. 2) pol chodyè a) li te genyen lidè a Khmer Rouge Et chèf Cambodia de 1976-1979. b) li te gen yon brital diktatè ki te demanti ke pèp li dwa moun. c) jenosid nan Pol chodyè exécuté 2 milyon moun nan peyi l (pwèske 20% nan popilasyon an).
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
Lachin (1949-Prezante)
A) Mao Zedong
1) Li te vin jwenn sipò nan peyizan paske li te pwomèt yo founi yo ak peyi pwòp yo yon fwa Kominis yo te fin mennen yo pouvwa. 2) Gwo Avansman a) tantativ la pa Mao modènize a endistriyèl ak pwodiksyon agrikòl nan Lachin. b) Peyizan nan peyi Lachin yo te fòse yo deplase sou gouvènman gwo fèm. c) Pwogram sa a te trè menm jan ak ane Plan yo ak Senk kolektivizasyon ki te pran plas nan Inyon Sovyetik anba Joseph Stalin. 3) Revolisyon Kiltirèl a) politik Politik elimine rival Mao nan yo ak pou antrene yon nouvo jenerasyon nan lespri revolisyonè b a ) Li a nan bat, laterè, pwizon mas, ak lanmò yo nan dè milye. B) Deng Xiaoping 1) Li te chèf nan nan peyi Lachin apre Mao Zedong . 2) Deng chanje ekonomi an nan Lachin ki sòti nan yon lòd / kominis ekonomi (nan ki gouvènman an posede biznis) nan yon mache / kapitalis / gratis ekonomi antrepriz (nan ki moun pwòp biznis). Sa a se sistèm nan ki se lajman itilize nan Lachin jodi a. 3) Manifestasyon Tiananmen Square / Masak (1989) a) Sa a te yon seri de manifestasyon kote Chinwa yo pasifikman mande refòm demokratik -Yo te vle plis dwa ak yon di nan gouvènman an. b) Deng Xiaoping rele nan lame a Répwésyon manifestasyon yo. Dè santèn de manifestan Chinwa yo te touye oswa arete. C) pwoblèm Kouran nan peyi Lachin 1) Lachin kontwole rejyon an Boudis nan Tibet. Moun yo nan Tibet vle endepandans yo. 2) Lachin nye pèp li a dwa moun (tankou libète lapawòl ak dwa a yo vote). 3) Yo nan lòd yo anpeche surpepleman (Lachin gen 1.3 milya dola moun), gouvènman an nan Lachin sèlman pèmèt chak fanmi yo gen yon timoun. dékolonizasyon (peyi Zend, Lafrik di, Azi Sidès) I. Dékolonizasyon se peryòd la apre WWI nan ki nasyon yo nan Lafrik ak Lazi finalman te vin jwenn endepandans li nan men Ewopeyen an (Western) nasyon ki kontwole yo. II. Dékolonizasyon nan peyi Zend (1948) A) Apre GMII, peyi Zend te vin jwenn endepandans li nan men Grann Bretay yo. . Sa a te lajman akòz efò yo nan Mohandas Gandhi B) Yo nan lòd yo anpeche konfli ant Endou ak Mizilman, yo te rejyon an ki te kontwole pa Grann Bretay divize an de peyi separe: 1) Peyi Zend-Nation kreye pou Aux yo nan rejyon an . 2) Nation Pakistan- kreye pou Mizilman yo nan rejyon an. 3) REMAK a : Malgre kreyasyon an de nasyon ki apa a, gen se toujou etnik tansyon ant Endou ak Mizilman nan rejyon an. Kashmir se yon zòn tou pre Lend ak Pakistan ke tou de nasyon fè reklamasyon yo kontwole. Sitiyasyon an se danjere depi tou de peyi Zend ak Pakistan gen nikleyè zam. C) Lend apre endepandans: 1.) peyi Zend te etabli yon gouvènman demokratik 2) peyi Zend ki te swiv yon politik non-aliyman (oswa netralite) pandan Fwad Gè la , ki vle di ke li pa t 'pran bò yo. Li te rete net. 3) klas Kas System-sosyal (oswa castes) nan peyi Zend, gen kontinye ap fè diskriminasyon nan zòn riral depi tradisyon rete fò a. Diskriminasyon kont entouchabl (ki pi ba klas / kas la) se espesyalman grav. III. Dékolonizasyon nan Lafrik di (1945-1980) A) Ant 1945 ak 1980, nasyon yo anpil nan Lafrik di finalman te vin jwenn endepandans li nan men nasyon yo Ewopeyen yo ki kontwole yo. B) Endepandans te reyalize lajman akòz efò yo nan lidè nasyonalis ki te ap dirije mouvman jwenn pwòp tèt ou -government. (egzanp) Jomo Kenyatta (Kenya) C) Lafrik di sid apre endepandans: 1) Apre endepandans, Ewopeyen blan toujou kontwole gouvènman an nan Lafrik di sid. Yo etabli sistèm nan rasis li te ye tankou apated. 2) apated te sistèm nan nan segregasyon rasyal ki te itilize nan Lafrik di sid nan 1948 jouk 1990. Nwa Sid Afriken yo te oblije sèvi ak twalèt ki apa a, ale nan lekòl ki apa a, pote livre idantifikasyon, e menm ale nan plaj ki apa a. 3) Nelson Mandela a) Nwa lidè Sid Afriken nasyonalis ki te goumen kont apated. b) Li te nan prizon pou 27 ane pa blan gov an Sid Afriken. c) Li te vin premye prezidan an nwa nan Lafrik di sid apre apated ofisyèlman te vin nan yon fen nan 1990. D) Rwanda apre endepandans: 1) Pandan ane 1990 yo, te gen grav konfli etnik ant de gwoup nan peyi a Afriken nan Rwanda:. Outou a ak Toutsi yo 2) 1994-la Outou touye 800,000 Toutsi nan sèlman yon kèk mwa. Sa a te yon egzanp sou jenosid (tantativ nan ekstèminasyon yon gwoup moun) ak li te yon gwo vyolasyon dwa moun. IV. Dékolonizasyon nan pwovens Lazi Sidès (Kanbòdj ak Vyetnam) A) Ant 1953 ak 1954, Kanbòdj ak Vyetnam tou de pran endepandans li nan men Lafrans. B) Ho Chi Minh- nasyonalis lidè ki te ap dirije yon lagè 8-ane kont Frans. C) Vyetnam apre endepandans: 1 ) Vyetnam te divize an de peyi:. Kominis North Vyetnam ak ki pa Peye-Kominis South Vyetnam 2) Apre Lagè Vyetnam nan, nan tout Vyetnam te reyini yo fòme yon sèl pèp kominis. Vyetnam se toujou jodi a kominis. D) apre endepandans Kanbòdj 1) Apre endepandans, Kanbòdj te te dirije pa yon gwoup Kominis rele Rouge a Khmer. 2) Pol Pot a) Li te lidè nan Khmer Rouge la ak chèf nan Kanbòdj soti nan 1976-1979 . b) Li te yon diktatè brital ki refize pèp li nan dwa moun. c) Genocide- Pol Pot egzekite 2 milyon moun ki nan nasyon li (prèske 20% nan popilasyon an).

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