1. Which statement about both the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and t traduction - 1. Which statement about both the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and t Créole haïtien comment dire

1. Which statement about both the B

1. Which statement about both the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and the rise of fascism in Germany and Italy is accurate?
(1) Economic conditions led to political change.
(2) Industrialization hindered national development.
(3) Goals were achieved by peaceful means.
(4) Communist ideals fueled both movements.

2. What was one reason that totalitarian dictatorships gained power in Europe between World War I and World War II?
(1) Famine and AIDS spread throughout Europe.
(2) Trade was banned between western and eastern Europe.
(3) Governments failed to meet the needs of the people.
(4) Monarchies were reinstated in many nations.

3. Totalitarian countries are characterized by
(1) free and open discussions of ideas
(2) a multiparty system with several candidates for each office
(3) government control of newspapers, radio, and television
(4) government protection of people’s civil liberties

4. Totalitarian governments are characterized by the
(1) elimination of heavy industry (2) use of censorship, secret police, and repression
(3) lack of a written constitution (4) support of the people for parliamentary decisions

5. In the 1920’s and 1930’s, the rise of totalitarian governments in Germany, Italy, and Spain was largely the result of
(1) the success of the Communists in establishing a command economy in the Soviet Union
(2) severe economic and social problems that arose in Europe after World War I
(3) the active support of the United States
(4) movements demanding the return of the old monarchies

6. During the mid-1930’s, which characteristic was common to Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and Communist Russia?
(1) government ownership of the means of production and distribution
(2) one-party system that denied basic human rights
(3) encouragement of individual freedom of expression in the arts
(4) emphasis on consumer goods rather than on weapons

7. Fascist leaders in Italy and Germany came to power in the 1920s and 1930s because they
(1) supported the League of Nations
(2) exploited economic hardships to gain popular support
(3) resisted all forms of extreme nationalism
(4) maintained political traditions

8. In the 1920’s and 1930’s, the rise of totalitarian governments in Germany, Italy, and Spain was largely the result of
(1) the success of the Communists in establishing a command economy in the Soviet Union
(2) severe economic and social problems that arose in Europe after WWI
(3) the active support of the United States
(4) movements demanding the return of the old monarchies

9. In Europe during the 1920s and 1930s, severe inflation, high unemployment, and fear of communism all contributed to the
(1) overthrow of monarchies in Italy and Germany
(2) rise of Fascist governments in Italy, Germany, and Spain
(3) formation of the Common Market in Italy and Spain
(4) growth of democratic institutions

10. “. . . The key-stone of the Fascist doctrine is its conception of the State, of its essence, its functions, and its aims. For Fascism the State is absolute, individuals and groups relative. Individuals and groups are admissable in so far as they come within the State.Instead of directing the game and guiding the material and moral progress of the community, the liberal State restricts its activities to recording results. The Fascist State is wide awake and has a will of its own. For this reason it can be described as ‘ethical’. . . .” Benito Mussolini, Fascism:Doctrine and Institutions, 1932

Which statement expresses the main idea of the passage?
(1) The people have a right to overthrow ineffective governments.
(2) The state is more important than the individuals within it.
(3) The state gets its authority from the power of individuals.
(4) The establishment of an empire will cause division and chaos.

11. A totalitarian society is one in which
(1) the government controls most aspects of life
(2) religious beliefs are supported by the government
(3) the state is considered a servant of the citizens
(4) citizens can punish leaders

12. Which event occurred first and led to the other three?
(1) rise of fascism in Europe (2) Bolshevik Revolution
(3) World War I (4) signing of the Treaty of Versailles
13. Which situation is an example of totalitarianism in Germany in the 1930s?
(1) frequent meetings of the German Reichstag (2) decline of the German economy
(3) strict government control of the press
(4) negotiation of a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union

14. During the mid-1930’s, which characteristic was common to Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and Communist Russia?
(1) government ownership of the means of production and distribution
(2) one-party system that denied basic human rights
(3) encouragement of individual freedom of expression in the arts
(4) emphasis on consumer goods rather than on weapons

15. Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Communist Russia were similar in that each
(1) protected individual rights (2) elected their leaders through popular vote
(3) supported market-based economies (4) established totalitarian governments

16. One reason the Fascist governments of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler came to power in Italy and Germany was that these nations
(1) were threatened by the United States (2) supported civil liberties for all
(3) failed to join the League of Nations (4) faced economic and political difficulties

17. One characteristic of a totalitarian state is that
(1) minority groups are granted many civil liberties
(2) several political parties run the economic system
(3) citizens are encouraged to criticize the government
(4) the government controls and censors the media

18. Joseph Stalin’s rule in the Soviet Union was characterized by the
(1) introduction of democratic political institutions
(2) encouragement of religious beliefs
(3) development of a market economy (4) establishment of a totalitarian dictatorship

19. “Why should freedom of speech and freedom of the press be allowed? Why should a government, doing what it believes is right, allow itself to be criticized? It would not allow opposition by lethal weapons. Ideas are much more fatal things than guns.”

Which individual would most likely agree with the ideas expressed in this speech?
(1) Nelson Mandela (2) Lech Walesa (3) Benito Mussolini (4) Mohandas Gandhi

20. Which political belief would this speaker support?
(1) Societies need war to bring about progress.
(2) Education is a necessary ingredient for a stable society.
(3) All people are born with certain natural rights.
(4) The needs of the state are more important than the rights of individuals.

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
1. ki deklarasyon ki ta mande tou de revolisyon-an nan Lawisi ak ogmantasyon de fascism nan Germany ak Itali li ki egzat? (1) kondisyon ekonomik yo ki te dirije pou chanjman politik. (2) endistriyalizasyon obstacle devlòpman nasyonal.(3) objektif yo te akonpli pa mwayen pèzib. (4) kominis idéaux alimenté les mouvements. 2. sa ki te youn nan rezon totalite lajè avèk diktati ant acquise pouvwa an Ewòp ant gè mondyal ak gè MONDYAL? (1) grangou ak SIDA ki simaye nan tout Europe. (2) komès te entèdi ant rejyon lwès e lès Europe.(3) gouvènman echwe pou li rankontre bezwen pèp la.(4) Monaki te rétabli nan anpil nasyon. 3. totalite peyi yo ki karakterize pa (1) anyen e ouvè diskisyon ide (2) yon sistèm système ak plizyè kandida pou biwo chak (3) gouvènman an kontwòl jounal, radyo ak televizyon (4) pwoteksyon libète sivil pèp la nan gouvènman an 4. totalite gouvènman sont karakterize pa la (1) eliminasyon de se yon gwo endistri (2) utiliser censure, sekrè polis ak repwesyon (3) mank de sipò ekri konstitisyon an (4) yon pèp la pou palmantè décisions 5. nan 1920's Et 1930's, pye de totalite gouvènman an Almay, Itali, ak Espay te lajman rezilta de (1) an siksè de kòminis lan nan etablisman yon ekonomi kòmand nan Inyon Sovyetik la(2) sevè ekonomik ak sosyal pwoblèm ki te pwezante an Ewòp apwè gè mondyal(3) a sipò aktif nan Etazini (4) mouvman yo mande pou retou de l' ancien Monaki 6. pandan la mitan-1930 a, te genyen karakteristik ki komen pou Fascist Itali, Almay Nazi ak kominis Larisi? (1) gouvènman an komen mwayen pwodiksyon ak distribisyon (2) yon sèl pati sistèm nan ki te refize dwa zimen fondamantal(3) ankourajman endividyèl libète represyon nan èv yo (4) l' sou pwodi olye ke se te sou zam 7. fachis lidè yo nan Itali ak Almay monte sou pouvwa nan les années Et années paske yo (1) en lig lòt nasyon(2) exploitées ekonomi difisil pou jwenn sipò popilè (3) reziste tout fòm ekstrèm nasyonalism(4) maintenu traditions politik 8. nan 1920's Et 1930's, pye de totalite gouvènman an Almay, Itali, ak Espay te lajman rezilta de (1) an siksè de kòminis lan nan etablisman yon ekonomi kòmand nan Inyon Sovyetik la(2) sevè ekonomik ak sosyal pwoblèm ki te pwezante an Ewòp après WWI(3) a sipò aktif nan Etazini (4) mouvman yo mande pou retou de l' ancien Monaki 9. an Ewòp pandan les années Et années, enflasyon sevè, haute chomaj ak krentif pou tout sistèm kominis a pou a (1) renversement de Monaki nan peyi Itali ak Almay (2) ogmantasyon de gouvènman fachis nan peyi Itali, Almay, ak Espay(3) fòmasyon de mache komen nan Itali e Espay (4) croissance de enstitisyon demokratik yo 10. “. . . Kle wòch la fachis doktrin se li konsepsyon de eta an, de esans li, li, sa yo vize li. Fascism leta a se absoli, personnes ak gwoup paran yo. Mounn ak gwoup yo se yo ki nan admissable nan pour bien y' a State.Instead de diriger jwèt lan nan Et directeurs materyèl ak moral pwogrè nan kominote a, eta liberal la limite aktivite li pou enregistrement rezilta yo. Eta Fascist an klè Et gen yon Sera de pwòp. Se poutèt sa li kapab pou te dekri comme 'éthique'.... " Benito Mussolini, Fascism, doktrin ak enstitisyon, 1932Deklarasyon ki exprime pi gwo lide a pasaj? (1) moun gen dwa pou ranvèse gouvènman efikas. (2) eta a ki pi enpòtan pase moun ki te nan men l. (3) eta a jwenn ak otorite li wete yo anba pouvwa de personnes. (4) a etablisman yon anpi pwal koze divizyon e kawo. 11. yon sosyete totalite se yonn nan ki(1) gouvènman an contrôles pifò kap viv(2) relijye croyances te sipòte pa gouvènman an (3) eta an konsidere kòm yon domestik sitwayen (4) sitwayen ka pini lidè yo 12. evènman ki te fèt anvan Et a fè lòt twa? (1) ogmantasyon de fascism nan Europe (2)-revolisyon (3) gè mondyal (4) ap siyen de trete Versailles 13. sitiyasyon sa se yon egzanp de totalitarisme nan peyi Almay an 1930? (1) souvan reyinyon yo de a Reichstag Alman (2) baisse de ekonomi Alman an (3) gouvènman strik kontwòl sou laprès la(4) negosyasyon de yon pak nonaggression avèk Inyon Sovyetik 14. pandan la mitan-1930 a, te genyen karakteristik ki komen pou Fascist Itali, Almay Nazi ak kominis Larisi? (1) gouvènman an komen mwayen pwodiksyon ak distribisyon (2) yon sèl pati sistèm nan ki te refize dwa zimen fondamantal(3) ankourajman endividyèl libète represyon nan èv yo (4) l' sou pwodi olye ke se te sou zam 15. Almay Nazi, Fascist Itali, ak kominis Larisi te menm jan an nan chak sa (1) protégé dwa endividyèl (2) ki te eli yo lidè yo nan vòt popilè (3) en baze nan mache ekonomi (4) te etabli totalite gouvènman yo16. yonn raison fachis gouvenman Benito Mussolini, ke Nazis Adolf Hitler monte sou pouvwa nan peyi Itali ak Almay li te genyen ki lòt nasyon sa yo (1) te menase pou tout moun ak libète sivil nan Etazini (2) en(3) echwe pou jwenn ak lig de nasyon (4) fè fas a ekonomik ak politik difikilte17. yon karakteristik de yon eta totalite, se pou sa (1) gwoup minorite sont accordées anpil libète sivil (2) plizyè pati politik yo kouri a sistèm ekonomik (3) sitwayen ap ankouraje w pou kritike gouvènman an (4) gouvènman an contrôle Et censure media 18. règle Joseph Stalin nan Inyon Sovyetik la te karakterize pa la (1) entwodiksyon demokratik enstitisyon politik li yo (2) ankourajman kwayans relijye (3) devlopman yon mache ekonomi (4) etablisman yon diktati totalite19. "Poukisa yo dwe libète lapawòl ak libète sou laprès la gen dwa? Poukisa ta dwe yon gouvènman, fè sa li kwè ki dwat, pèmèt tèt li pou fè te kritike? Li pa pwal pèmèt opozisyon ak zam k ap touye ou. Ide yo se pi plis bagay i touye moun pase zam."Ki moun ki ta dakò ki pi probablement ak tout lide ki te rapòte nan diskou sa a? (1) Nelson Mandela (2) Lech Walesa (3) Benito Mussolini (4) Mohandas Gandhi20. ki kwè politik ki tap ka sa a oratè sipòte? (1) sosyete bezwen lagè pou li pòte osijè pwogrè. (2) edikasyon se yon ingrédient nesesè pou yon sosyete stab. (3) tout moun fèt ak sèten dwa natirèl. (4) bezwen leta a ki pi enpòtan pase dwa de personnes.
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
1. Ki deklarasyon sou tou de Revolisyon an Bòlchevik nan Larisi ak monte nan nan fachis nan Almay ak Itali ki vre?
(1) Kondisyon ekonomik mennen nan chanjman politik.
(2) Endistriyalizasyon anpeche devlopman nasyonal.
(3) Objektif yo te reyalize pa mwayen pezib .
(4) Ideyal kominis yo ankouraje tou de mouvman. 2. Ki sa ki yon rezon ki fè te fè diktatè totalitè pran pouvwa nan Ewòp ant Premye Gè Mondyal la ak Dezyèm Gè Mondyal la? (1) Grangou ak SIDA gaye toupatou nan Ewòp. (2) Komès te entèdi ant lwès ak lès Ewòp. (3) Gouvènman echwe pou pou satisfè nan bezwen nan moun yo. (4) Monarchi yo te retabli nan anpil nasyon. 3. Peyi Totalitè yo karakterize pa (1) diskisyon gratis epi yo louvri nan lide (2) yon sistèm pluripartit ak plizyè kandida pou chak pòs (3) kontwòl gouvènman an nan jounal, radyo, ak televizyon (4) pwoteksyon gouvènman an libète sivil moun nan 4. Gouvènman totalitè yo karakterize pa (1) eliminasyon an nan endistri lou (2) pou sèvi ak sansi, polis sekrè, epi represyon (3) mank de yon konstitisyon ekri (4) sipò nan moun yo pou pran desizyon palmantè 5. Nan lane 1920 la ak 1930 la a, monte nan nan gouvènman totalitè nan Almay, Itali, ak Espay te lajman rezilta a nan (1) siksè nan Kominis yo nan etabli yon ekonomi lòd nan Inyon Sovyetik (2) grav pwoblèm ekonomik ak sosyal ki leve nan Ewòp apre Premye Gè Mondyal la (3) sipò nan aktif nan peyi Etazini (4) mouvman mande retou a nan monachi yo fin vye granmoun 6. Pandan la nan mitan 1930-yo, ki karakteristik te komen nan fachis Itali, Almay Nazi, ak Larisi Kominis? (1) an komen gouvènman an vle di la a pwodiksyon ak distribisyon (2) yon sèl-pati sistèm ki refize dwa imen debaz (3) ankourajman nan libète endividyèl yo nan ekspresyon nan boza (4) anfaz la sou byen pou konsomatè olye ke sou zam 7. Lidè fachis nan peyi Itali ak Almay te vin sou pouvwa nan ane 1920 yo ak ane 1930 yo paske yo (1) sipòte Lig Nasyon yo (2) eksplwate difikilte ekonomik yo jwenn sipò popilè (3) reziste tout fòm ekstrèm nasyonalis (4) konsève tradisyon politik 8 . Nan lane 1920 la ak 1930 la a, monte nan nan gouvènman totalitè nan Almay, Itali, ak Espay te lajman rezilta a nan (1) siksè nan Kominis yo nan etabli yon ekonomi lòd nan Inyon Sovyetik (2) grav pwoblèm ekonomik ak sosyal ki leve nan Ewòp apre WWI (3) sipò nan aktif nan peyi Etazini (4) mouvman mande retou a nan monachi yo fin vye granmoun 9. An Ewòp pandan ane 1920 yo ak ane 1930, enflasyon grav, chomaj segondè, epi yo te pè kominis tout kontribye nan (1) ranvèse gouvènman an nan monachi nan peyi Itali ak Almay (2) ogmantasyon nan gouvènman fachis nan peyi Itali, Almay, ak Espay (3) fòmasyon nan Komen Market la nan peyi Itali ak Espay (4) kwasans nan enstitisyon demokratik 10. ". . . Kle-wòch la nan doktrin nan fachis se KONSEPSYON li yo nan Eta a, nan sans li yo, fonksyon li yo, ak objektif li yo. Pou fachism Eta a se absoli, moun ak gwoup manm fanmi. Moun ak gwoup yo admissable nan byen lwen tèlman kòm yo vin nan State.Instead a dirije jwèt la epi k ap gide materyèl la ak pwogrè moral nan kominote a, Eta a liberal mete restriksyon sou aktivite li yo nan rezilta anrejistreman. Eta a fachis se gran reveye e li gen yon volonte nan pwòp li yo. Pou rezon sa a li kapab dekri kòm 'etik'. . . . "Benito Mussolini, fachism: Doktrin ak Enstitisyon, 1932 ? Ki deklarasyon ki eksprime lide prensipal ki nan pasaj la (1) Moun yo gen dwa jete gouvènman efikas. (2) eta a ki pi enpòtan pase moun ki nan li. ( 3) eta a vin otorite li soti nan pouvwa a nan moun. (4) Etablisman an nan yon anpi pral lakòz divizyon ak dezòd. 11. Yon sosyete totalitè se youn nan ki (1) gouvènman an kontwole pifò aspè nan lavi (2) kwayans relijye ki te sipòte pa gouvènman an se (3) eta a konsidere kòm yon domestik nan sitwayen yo (4) sitwayen yo ka pini lidè 12. Ki evènman ki te fèt premye ak te mennen twa lòt? (1) ogmantasyon nan nan fachis nan Ewòp (2) Revolisyon Bòlchevik (3) Premye Gè Mondyal la (4) siyen nan Trete Vèsay la 13. Ki sitiyasyon ki se yon egzanp totalitaris nan Almay nan ane 1930 yo? (1) reyinyon souvan nan Reichstag Alman an (2) bès nan ekonomi Alman an (3) strik kontwòl gouvènman an laprès la (4) negosyasyon nan yon pak nonaggression ak Sovyetik la Inyon 14. Pandan la nan mitan 1930-yo, ki karakteristik te komen nan fachis Itali, Almay Nazi, ak Larisi Kominis? (1) an komen gouvènman an vle di la a pwodiksyon ak distribisyon (2) yon sèl-pati sistèm ki refize dwa imen debaz (3) ankourajman nan libète endividyèl yo nan ekspresyon nan boza (4) anfaz la sou byen pou konsomatè olye ke sou zam 15. Almay Nazi, fachis Itali, ak Kominis Larisi te sanble paske chak (1) pwoteje dwa endividyèl (2) lidè eli yo atravè vòt popilè (3) sipòte ekonomi mache ki baze sou (4) etabli gouvènman totalitè 16. Youn nan rezon gouvènman yo fachis nan Benito Mussolini ak Adolf Hitler te vin sou pouvwa nan peyi Itali ak Almay te ke nasyon sa yo (1) yo te menase pa Etazini (2) sipòte libète sivil pou tout (3) echwe pou pou rantre nan Lig Nasyon yo ( 4) te fè fas difikilte ekonomik ak politik 17. Youn nan karakteristik yon eta totalitè se ke (1) yo te akòde gwoup minorite anpil libète sivil (2) plizyè pati politik kouri sistèm ekonomik la (3) yo ankouraje sitwayen yo kritike gouvènman an (4) kontwole yo gouvènman an ak sansur medya yo 18. Te règ Joseph Stalin nan Inyon Sovyetik karakterize pa (1) entwodiksyon an nan demokratik enstitisyon politik (2) ankourajman nan kwayans relijye (3) devlopman nan yon ekonomi de mache (4) kreyasyon yon diktati totalitè 19. "Poukisa libète lapawòl ak libète laprès la ta dwe gen dwa? Poukisa yo ta dwe yon gouvènman, fè sa li kwè se dwa, pèmèt tèt li yo dwe kritike? Li pa t 'pèmèt opozisyon pa zam letal. Lide yo se pi plis fatal bagay pase zam. " Ki moun ta gen plis chans dakò ak ide yo eksprime nan diskou sa a? (1) Nelson Mandela (2) Lech Walesa (3) Benito Mussolini (4) Mohandas Gandhi 20. Ki kwayans politik ta sa a oratè sipò? (1) Sosyete bezwen lagè yo pote sou pwogrè. ​​(2) Edikasyon se yon engredyan ki nesesè pou yon sosyete ki estab. (3) Tout moun ki fèt ak sèten dwa natirèl. (4) Bezwen yo nan eta a yo pi enpòtan pase dwa yo ki nan moun.

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