4. 5. During which period did the domestication of animals and growing traduction - 4. 5. During which period did the domestication of animals and growing Créole haïtien comment dire

4. 5. During which period did the d

5. During which period did the domestication of animals and growing of crops first occur? (1) Iron Age (2) Old Stone Age
(3) Neolithic Revolution (4) Scientific Revolution

6. What was an important result of the Neolithic Revolution?
(1) Food supplies became more reliable. (2) New sources of energy became available.
(3) People became more nomadic. (4) Populations declined.

7. The Neolithic Revolution was characterized by the
(1) change from nomadic herding to settled farming
(2) growth of iron tool making technology
(3) migration of early peoples to the Americas (4) decline of large empires

8. Early peoples who moved frequently as they searched for the food they needed for survival are called (1) hunters and gatherers (2) village dwellers
(3) subsistence farmers (4) guild members

9. Seventeenth-century scholars Galileo Galilei and René Descartes faced serious challenges to their scientific theories because their ideas
(1) were based on the Bible
(2) contradicted traditional medieval European beliefs
(3) relied only on teachings from non-Christian cultures
(4) were not supported by scientific investigations

10. Which period of history had the greatest influence on the Enlightenment ideas of natural law and reason?
(1) Pax Romana (2) Middle Ages (3) Age of Exploration (4) Scientific Revolution

11. One way in which the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment were similar is that they
(1) encouraged the spread of new ideas (2) strengthened traditional institutions
(3) led to the Protestant Reformation (4) rejected Renaissance individualism

12. One similarity of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment is that both
(1) had the support of the Roman Catholic Church
(2) placed great value on traditional beliefs
(3) emphasized the value of human reasoning
(4) contributed to the end of feudalism

13. “With sincere heart and unpretended faith I [reject] . . . , and detest the aforesaid errors and heresies [of Copernicus] and also every other error . . . contrary to the Holy Church, and I swear that in the future I will never again say or assert . . . anything that might cause a similar suspicion toward me.” — Galileo

The best explanation as to why Galileo made this statement is that he
(1) was a strong supporter of Church doctrine
(2) feared that the Church might excommunicate him
(3) had lost faith in the teachings of science
(4) wanted to advance his ideas through the Church

14. The historical issue referred to in this quotation is the conflict between
(1) privileged upper classes and exploited lower classes
(2) 16th-century Protestants and Catholics
(3) city-states and nation-states (4) established institutions and new ideas

15. Which statement best describes the effects of the works of Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Sir Isaac Newton, and René Descartes?
(1) The acceptance of traditional authority was strengthened.
(2) The scientific method was used to solve problems.
(3) Funding to education was increased by the English government.
(4) Interest in Greek and Roman drama was renewed

15. The breakdown of traditions, increased levels of pollution, and the expansion of slums are negative aspects of
a. militarism b. collectivization c. pogroms d. urbanization

16. “. . . The factory owners did not have the power to compel anybody to take a factory job. They could only hire people who were ready to work for the wages offered to them. Low as these wage rates were, they were nonetheless much more than these paupers could earn in any other field open to them. It is a distortion of facts to say that the factories carried off the housewives from the nurseries and the kitchens and the children from their play. These women had nothing to cook with and [nothing] to feed their children. These children were destitute [poor] and starving. Their only refuge was the factory. It saved them, in the strict sense of the term, from death by starvation. . “ Ludwig von Mises, Human Action, A Treatise on Economics

Which statement summarizes the theme of this passage?
a. Factory owners created increased hardships.
b. Factory owners preferred to use child laborers.
c. The factory system allowed people to earn money.
d. The factory system created new social classes.

17. A major reason the Industrial Revolution began in England was that England possessed a. a smooth coastline b. abundant coal and iron resources
c. many waterfalls d. numerous mountain ranges

18. In England, which circumstance was a result of the other three?
a. availability of labor b. abundance of coal and iron
c. waterpower from many rivers d. start of the Industrial Revolution

19. The Commercial Revolution helped lead to the Industrial Revolution because during the Commercial Revolution
a. the barter system was instituted b. new forms of business were developed
c. socialism was introduced to Europe d. subsistence agriculture was promoted

20. During the 1800s, reform legislation passed in Great Britain, France, and Germany led to
a. formation of zaibatsu, greater equality for men, and establishment of a banking system
b. legalizing trade unions, setting minimum wages, and limiting child labor
c. government-owned factories, establishment of five-year plans, and limits placed on immigration
d. bans on overseas trade, mandatory military service, and universal suffrage for women

21. In the late 1800s, one response of workers in England to unsafe working conditions was to a. take control of the government b. return to farming
c. set minimum wages d. form labor unions

22. Which headline would most likely have appeared in a pamphlet during the Industrial Revolution?
a. “Michelangelo Completes Sistine Chapel” b. “Karl Marx Attacks Capitalism”
c. “Martin Luther Speaks Out Against Sale of Indulgences”
d. “John Locke Calls for the People to Choose the King”

23. The needs of the Industrial Revolution in 19th-century Europe greatly contributed to the a. growth of overseas empires b. beginning of the triangular trade
c. development of international peacekeeping organizations
d. promotion of political and economic equality in Asia and Africa

24. “ . . . A place more destitute of all interesting objects than Manchester, it is not easy to conceive. In size and population it is the second city in the kingdom, containing above fourscore thousand [80,000] inhabitants. Imagine this multitude crowded together in narrow streets, the houses all built of brick and blackened with smoke; frequent buildings among them as large as convents, without their antiquity, without their beauty, without their holiness; where you hear from within, as you pass along, the everlasting din of machinery; and where when the bell rings it is to call wretches to their work instead of their prayers, . . . ”
— Robert J.Southey, Letters from England, 1807

The conditions described in this passage occurred during the
a. Age of Discovery b. Renaissance c. Industrial Rev. d. Green Rev.

25.Statement A: We worked in a place that was noisy and dangerous. We did the
same work over and over again. Many workers, often children, lost fingers, limbs, and even their lives.
Statement B: Government should not interfere in business. To do so would disrupt
the balance of supply and demand.
Statement C: Government has a duty to interfere in order to best provide its people
with a happy and safe life.
Statement D: Advances in agricultural techniques and practices resulted in an
increased supply of food and raw materials, causing a movement of
the farmers from the countryside to the city.

All of these statements describe events or viewpoints that relate to the
a. Protestant Reformation b. Commercial Revolution
c. Industrial Revolution d. Berlin Conference

26. Which event had the greatest influence on the development of laissez-faire capitalism?
a. fall of the Roman Empire b. invention of the printing press
c. Industrial Revolution d. Green Revolution

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
4. 5. Pandan peryòd ki te fè domestication D' animaux Et plus de rekòt yo anvan vin nan tèt yon? (1) an fè laj (2) wòch yeyès (3) revolisyon syantifik Néolithique revolisyon (4) 6. sa ki te yon rezilta enpòtan du Néolithique revolisyon an?(1) manje ak ekipman ki te plis serye. (2) sous nouvo enèji ki te disponib. (3) moun ki te pi nomadik. (4) laplipa moun lan zile a. 7. la revolisyon Néolithique te karakterize pa la(1) chanjman D' élevage nomadik pou etabli agriculture(2) croissance de fèt an fè konnen si yon moun fè teknoloji (3) imigrasyon Des peuples byen bonè pou Amerik (4) dekalaj empires laj 8. bonè nasyon ki tonbe anpil fwa menm jan yo fin konprann jan pou manje yo te bezwen pou lavi yo rele (1) chasè yo ak -(2) vil habitants (3) manm guild subsistance agriculteurs (4)9. xviie syèk chercheurs Jipitè Galilei Et Rene Descartes fè fas a gwo defi pou filozòf syantifik yo paske lide yo (1) te baze sou règ bib la (2) été tradisyonèl médiéval Ewopeyen croyances(3) est sèlman sou kòmandman de reyinifikasyon ki pa kretyen (4) te pa te sipòte pa syantifik envestigasyon yo 10. ki peryòd istwa a la plus enfliyanse kòripsyon nan lide Lumières yo de lwa natirèl Et pourquoi? (1) Pax Romana (provens) (2) ans mitan (3) Âge eksplorasyon revolisyon (4) syantifik11. yon sèl chemen nan ki syantifik revolisyon an ak Lumières a te menm jan an se sa yo (1) ankouraje gaye de nouvo lide (2) redwi tradisyonèl enstitisyon yo(3) a pou la Réforme Pwotestan (4) ke yo rejte renesans individualism 12. yon similitude de syantifik revolisyon an Et Lumières la, se pou sa tou le de (1) avait sipò de legliz Katolik Romèn (2) placé byen chita sou croyances tradisyonèl (3) a rapòte ou lajan pou moun konnen lide(4) a jouk sa kaba • 13. "ak kè sincères, ak unpretended mete konfyans mwen [rejete]..., Et rayi les erreurs ladite Et heresies [de Copernicus] Et tou chak lòt erreur... ale kont legliz Bondye a, epi mwen sèmante ke nan fiti mwen ap janm di oswa pou yo revandike... nenpòt bagay ki ta koze yon menm jan an dout vers avè m '" — JipitèA pi bon esplikasyon: Poukisa Jipitè te fè deklarasyon sa a, se sa li (1) te yon gwo sipòtè de legliz doktrin (2) moun pè ke legliz la te ka excommunicate li (3) te pèdi konfyans nan kòmandman syans(4) te vle pou avanse lide l' nan legliz la 14. la question istorik refere li nan guillemets sa a se konfli a ant pwoteje upper klas Et exploités lower klas (1) (2) 16th syèk Protèstan Et Katolik (3) city-states Et enstitisyon-(4) te etabli ak nouvo lide yo15. deklarasyon ki pi bon dekri efè yo tou sa fè Nicolaus Copernicus, Galilei Jipitè, Sir Isaac Newton, ak Rene Descartes? (1) a acceptation de tradisyonèl otorite te redwi. (2) syantifik metòd te itilize pou rezoud pwoblèm.Financement (3) pou edikasyon ki te fin pa gouvènman Anglè an. (4) enterè nan moun lòt nasyon ak sitwayen women Dram te renouvle l 15. la répartition Des traditions, ogmante nivo de polisyon, ak ekspansyon Des bidonvilles yo kap negatif Aiyalam militarism b collectivization c pogroms ibanizasyon d.16. “. . . Les propriétaires faktori pa te gen pouvwa pou fòse okenn moun pou pran yon faktori travay. Yo te kapab anplwaye sèlman moun yo te prè pou m travay pou salè yo ofri l ' pou yo. Faible jan taux salè sa yo te, yo te gen menm si sa pi plis pase paupers sa yo te kapab fè lajan nan nenpòt lòt jaden pou yo. Li se yon distorsion ki fè sa yo pou di ke les usines te pote désactiver housewives de pépinières Et cuisine Et moun de jouer yo. Fanm sa a pa gen anyen pou kwit ak Et [] pa di anyen pour pitit yo. Moun sa yo yo démunis [pòv] Et kap mouri ak grangou. Refij sèlman yo te genyen faktori a. Li te sove yo, nan kè di sans de tèm la, soti nan lanmò pa famine. . "Ludwig von Mises, moun aksyon sa, yon Traité sou ekonomiDeklarasyon ki résume tèm pasaj sa a? Aiyalam faktori propriétaires te kreye une difficultés. b faktori propriétaires pwefere pou sèvi ak timoun laborers. c la sistèm faktori yo te pèmèt moun yo pou yo fè lajan lajan. d. faktori sistèm lan te kreye nouvo klas sosyal. 17. yon pi gwo rezon ki revolisyon Industriels an ki te kòmanse nan Angletè te ke Angletè avait Aiyalam yon bon nan lèspas b anpil anpil chabon ak resous an fè c. rale anpil d le plages mòn 18. nan Angletè, sikonstans ki te genyen yon rezilta de lòt twa? Aiyalam disponibilité de travay b bondans chabon ak fèt an fè c waterpower de anpil dlo larivyè Nil d. ou konmanse revolisyon Industriels la19. la revolisyon komèsyal a mennen a revolisyon Industriels la paske pandan revolisyon komèsyal la Aiyalam sistèm pwatik komèsyal lan te a b nouvo fòm biznis yo devlopec sosyalis ki te a an Ewòp. d subsistance agrikilti yo te ankouraje 20. pandan les années, refòm lejislasyon an te pase an Grann Bretay, Fwans, Et Almay a pou Aiyalam fòmasyon zaibatsu, pi gwo egalite pou moun, ak etablisman yon sistèm bankè b legalize òganizasyon mache komen yo, mete minimòm salè ak limit travay pititc gouvènman an ki te usines, etablisman de senk ane plan, Et limites sou imigrasyon d. aboli sou komès lòt bò dlo, obligatwa pou sèvis militè ak inivèsèl suffrage pou fanm 21. nan byen ta années a, yon repons travayè yo nan Angletè pou ensekirite kondisyon travay yo te bay kontwòl Aiyalam prendre de retour l' b gouvènman an c définir Salè minimòm. d fòm travayè inyon22. titre sa ki pi ke ta gen te parèt nan yon ti liv pandan revolisyon Industriels la? Aiyalam "Michelangelo konplete Chapel Sixtine" b "Karl Marx atak kapitalis"c "Martin Luther pale sou vant Indulgences" d. "John Locke apèl pou pèp la pou yo chwazi wa a" 23. bezwen revolisyon Industriels an Ewòp 19-syèk considérablement a pouse Aiyalam empires à b kòmansman de sikwolojis komès la c devlopman entènasyonal fòs mentyen lapè òganizasyon yo d. pwomosyon egalite politik ak ekonomik nan Azi ak Afwik24. “ . . . Yon plis démunis D' objets enteresan tout pase Manchester, sa se pa fasil pou in ansent. Sa se dezyèm vil la nan peyi a, ki gen pi wo pase nan taille Et lane fourscore mil [genyen 80,000 sòlda] abitan yo. Imajine multitude sa a te gwoupe yo ansanm nan lari yo jis, kay tout te konstwi de bòs ak pati ak pandye bò dife. bâtiments souvan nan mitan yo gwo tankou convents, san antikite yo, san beauté yo, san sainteté yo, ki kote ou tande de nan, menm jan nou pase nan, a din éternel de machin, e ki kote lè lè klòch sonnen se pou yo rele wretches pou travay yo olye ke yo lapriyè,... ” — Robert J.Southey, lèt nan Angletè, 1807Kondisyon yo te dekri nan pasaj sa a ki te fèt pandan tout Aiyalam laj de jwenn renesans b c endistriyèl Rev. d Green fevriye.25. deklarasyon r: nou te travay nan yon kote sa yo ki te renmen fè bwi epi danjre. Nou te fè a menm bagay la tou travay yo pase sou fwa. Anpil travayè, souvan timoun, dwèt pèdi, m' ap danse ak menm nan lavi yo.Deklarasyon B: gouvènman an ta dwe entèfere pa nan biznis. Pou fè sa ta deranje lekòl D' approvisionnement ak demand balans.Deklarasyon C: gouvènman an gen yon sèvis pou entèfere pou meyè nou sa bay tout moun li yo ak yon benediksyon pou Et sans lavi.Deklarasyon D: anyen nan teknik agrikòl ak pratik ki a nan yon une offre de manje ak materyo yo, epi yon mouvman de les producteurs de la campagne pou vil la.Tout de deklarasyon sa yo dekri evenman ak viewpoints ki te rakonte pou a Aiyalam revolisyon komèsyal Protèstan Réforme b c d. Industriels revolisyon Berlin konferans 26. evènman sa te fè pi gwo enfliyans sou devlopman moun kapitalis laissez-faire? Aiyalam tonbe de envansyon b anpi women de Sur l' a c d. Industriels revolisyon Green revolisyon
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
5. Pandan ki peryòd domestikasyon t 'la nan bèt ak ap grandi nan rekòt premye rive? (1) Laj Iron (2) Old Stone Laj
(3) Revolisyon Neyolitik (4) Revolisyon Syantifik 6. Ki sa ki te yon rezilta enpòtan nan Revolisyon Neyolitik la? (1) materyèl Manje te vin pi plis serye. (2) Nouvo sous enèji te vin disponib. (3) Moun ki te vin pi plis nomad. (4) Popilasyon te bese. 7. Revolisyon Neyolitik la te karakterize pa (1) chanjman nan soti nan nomad twoupo rete agrikilti (2) kwasans nan zouti fè fè teknoloji (3) migrasyon pèp byen bonè nan Amerik yo (4) bès nan anpi gwo 8. Pèp Bonè ki te deplase souvan menm jan yo fouye pou manje a yo te bezwen pou yo siviv yo rele (1) chasè yo ak keyi (2) moun ki rete vilaj (3) kiltivatè sibsistans (4) manm Guild 9. Entelektyèl disetyèm syèk la Galileo Galilei ak René Descartes te fè fas defi grav nan teyori syantifik yo paske lide yo (1) te baze sou Bib la (2) kontredi kwayans tradisyonèl medyeval Ewopeyen an (3) te konte sèlman sou ansèyman ki soti nan kilti ki pa kretyen (4) pa te sipòte pa envestigasyon syantifik 10. Ki peryòd nan istwa te gen pi gwo enfliyans sou lide yo Syèk Limyè nan lwa natirèl ak rezon ki fè? (1) Pax Romana (2) Mwayennaj (3) Laj Eksplorasyon (4) Revolisyon Syantifik 11. Yon fason Revolisyon an Syantifik ak Syèk Limyè a te sanble se yo ke yo (1) ankouraje a gaye nan nouvo lide (2) ranfòse enstitisyon tradisyonèl (3) mennen nan Refòm Pwotestan an (4) rejte endividyalis Renesans 12. Yon resanblans nan Revolisyon an Syantifik ak Syèk Limyè a se ke tou de (1) te gen sipò an nan Legliz Katolik Women an (2) mete anpil valè sou kwayans tradisyonèl (3) mete aksan sou valè a nan rezònman imen (4) kontribye nan fen a nan feyodalis 13. "Ak kè sensè ak lafwa unpretended mwen [rejte]. . . , Ak rayi erè yo susnome ak erezi [nan Copernicus] epi tou tout lòt erè. . . kontrè ak Legliz Sen an, e mwen fè sèman ke nan fiti mwen pral pa janm ankò di oswa afime. . . nenpòt ki bagay ki ta kapab lakòz yon soupson ki sanble pou mwen. "- Galileo Pi bon eksplikasyon kòm poukisa Galileo fè deklarasyon sa a se ke li (1) te yon gwo sipòtè Legliz doktrin (2) te pè ke Legliz la ta ka èkskomunikasyon l ' (3) te gen pèdi konfyans yo nan ansèyman yo nan syans (4) te vle avanse ide li nan Legliz la 14. Pwoblèm nan istorik refere yo bay nan sitasyon pi ba sa a se konfli ki genyen ant (1) klas privilejye anwo ak pi ba eksplwate klas (2) 16th syèk la Pwotestan ak Katolik (3) eta-vil ak eta nasyon-(4) enstitisyon etabli ak nouvo lide 15 . Ki deklarasyon ki pi byen dekri efè yo nan travay yo nan Nikola Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Sir Isaac Newton, ak René Descartes? (1) aksepte la nan otorite tradisyonèl te fòs ankò. (2) te itilize metòd syantifik la yo rezoud pwoblèm. (3) Finansman nan edikasyon te ogmante pa gouvènman an angle. (4) Enterè nan grèk ak dram Women te renouvle 15. Dekonpozisyon nan tradisyon, ogmante nivo polisyon, ak ekspansyon nan bidonvil yo aspè negatif nan yon. militaris b. kolektivizasyon c. pogwòm d. ibanizasyon 16. ". . . Mèt pwopriyete yo faktori pa t 'gen pouvwa a fòse okenn moun yo pran yon travay faktori. Yo te kapab sèlman anboche moun ki te pare pou travay pou salè yo ofri yo. Low kòm pousantaj salè sa yo te, yo te Alòske pi plis pase sa yo te kapab touche indijan nan nenpòt ki lòt jaden louvri yo. Li se yon deformation nan reyalite yo di ke faktori yo pote yo ale Menager yo soti nan Pepinyè yo ak kwizin yo ak timoun yo soti nan pyès teyat yo. Fanm sa yo pa te gen anyen yo kwit manje avèk yo epi [anyen] ba l manje timoun yo. Timoun sa yo yo te endijan [pòv] ak mouri grangou. Sèlman refij yo te faktori a. Li sove yo, nan sans strik nan tèm nan, ki soti nan lanmò pa grangou. . "Ludwig von miz, Aksyon Moun, Yon trete sou Ekonomi Ki deklarasyon ki rezime tèm nan nan pasaj sa a? a. Mèt faktori kreye ogmante difikilte. b. Mèt faktori pito yo sèvi ak travayè timoun. c. Faktori sistèm pèmèt moun yo touche lajan. d. Sistèm nan faktori kreye nouvo klas sosyal. 17. Yon rezon prensipal Revolisyon Endistriyèl la te kòmanse nan England te ke England posede yon. yon lakòt ki lis b. abondan chabon ak resous fè c. anpil kaskad dlo ta. anpil mòn chenn 18. Nan Langletè, ki sikonstans te yon konsekans twa lòt yo? a. disponiblite nan travay b. abondans nan chabon ak fè c. enèji nan anpil rivyè ta. kòmanse nan Revolisyon Endistriyèl la 19. Revolisyon a Komèsyal te ede mennen nan Revolisyon Endistriyèl la paske pandan Revolisyon Komèsyal yon nan . sistèm nan echanj yo te souplas b. nouvo fòm biznis te devlope c. te sosyalis prezante nan Ewòp d. agrikilti sibsistans te monte 20. Pandan ane 1800 yo, lwa sou refòm ki te pase nan Grann Bretay, Lafrans, ak Almay te mennen nan yon. fòmasyon nan zaibatsu, plis egalite pou gason, epi kreyasyon yon sistèm bankè b. legalize sendika, mete salè minimòm, epi limite travay timoun c. gouvènman-posede faktori, kreyasyon plan senk ane, ak limit yo te mete sou imigrasyon d. entèdi sou lòt bò dlo komès, sèvis militè obligatwa, ak sifraj inivèsèl pou fanm 21. Nan fen ane 1800 yo, yon sèl repons travayè nan Angletè nan sekirite kondisyon travay te nan yon. pran kontwòl nan gouvènman b la. retounen nan agrikilti c. mete salè minimòm d. fòme sendika yo 22. Ki gran tit ta gen plis chans te parèt nan yon bwochi pandan Revolisyon Endistriyèl la? a. "Michelangelo reyalis Sistine Chapel" b. "Karl Marx atak Kapitalis" c. "Martin Luther Pale soti Kont vann nan endiljans" d. "John Locke apèl pou Pèp la yo chwazi wa a" 23. Bezwen yo nan Revolisyon Endistriyèl la nan Ewòp 19yèm syèk anpil kontribye nan yon la. kwasans nan anpi lòt bò dlo b. kòmanse nan komès triyangilè c la . devlopman nan òganizasyon entènasyonal mentyen lapè ta. pwomosyon nan egalite politik ak ekonomik nan Lazi ak Lafrik 24. ". . . Yon kote plis endijan nan tout objè enteresan pase Manchester, li se pa fasil vin ansent. Nan gwosè ak popilasyon se lavil la dezyèm nan Peyi Wa a, ki gen pi wo a te gen katreventwazan mil [80,000] moun. Imajine lame sa a ki gen anpil moun ansanm nan lari etwat yo, kay yo tout bati nan brik ak nwasi ak lafimen; bilding souvan nan mitan yo ki gwo tankou kouvan, san antikite yo, san yo pa bote yo, san yo pa lavi apa pou Bondye yo; kote ou tande pale de nan, menm jan ou pase ansanm, din etènèl la nan machin; ak ki kote lè klòch la bag li se yo rele pitye nan travay yo olye pou yo priyè yo,. . . " - Robert J.Southey, Lèt soti nan Angletè, 1807 Kondisyon yo dekri nan pasaj sa a te fèt pandan yon an . Laj nan Dekouvèt b. Renesans c. Endistriyèl Rev. ta. Green Rev. 25.Statement A: Nou te travay nan yon kote ki te fè bwi ak danjere. Nou te fè travay la menm sou yo ak sou ankò. Anpil travayè yo, souvan timoun, dwèt pèdi, branch, e menm lavi yo. Deklarasyon B: Gouvènman pa ta dwe entèfere nan biznis. Pou fè sa ta deranje balans lan nan demand ak ekipman pou. Deklarasyon C: Gouvènman te gen yon devwa nan entèfere nan lòd yo pi bon bay moun li yo ak yon lavi kontan ak an sekirite. Deklarasyon D: Pwogrè nan teknik ak pratik agrikòl a nan yon ekipman pou ogmante nan manje ak matyè premyè, sa ki lakòz yon mouvman nan kiltivatè yo soti nan peyi a nan lavil la. Tout moun nan deklarasyon sa yo dekri evennman oswa pwennvi ki gen rapò ak yon la . Pwotestan Refòm b. Revolisyon Komèsyal c. Revolisyon Endistriyèl ta. Konferans Bèlen 26. Ki evènman te gen pi gwo enfliyans sou devlopman nan kapitalis lesefè? a. tonbe nan b la Anpi Women an. envansyon nan laprès enprime c la . Revolisyon Endistriyèl ta. Revolisyon Vèt

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