34. Joseph Stalin’s leadership of the Soviet Union can best be charact traduction - 34. Joseph Stalin’s leadership of the Soviet Union can best be charact Créole haïtien comment dire

34. Joseph Stalin’s leadership of t

34. Joseph Stalin’s leadership of the Soviet Union can best be characterized as a period of
1. democratic reform and nationalism 2. humanism and democracy
3. religious freedom and tolerance 4. censorship and terror

35. The philosophies of Confucius and Mao Zedong both emphasized
1. individual rather than cooperative gain 2. industry rather than agriculture
3. group rather than individual welfare 4. religious values rather than economic profits

36. One similarity between Mao Zedong and Fidel Castro is that they
1. achieved their goals through the use of peaceful resistance
2. worked to protect citizens’ rights to freedom of expression
3. considered capitalism to be the best economic system
4. led revolutionary movements that established Communist governments

37. One action taken by both V.I. Lenin and Joseph Stalin was
1. attempting to bring democracy to Russia
2. jailing or murdering potential opponents
3. supporting the Russian Orthodox Church
4. providing economic aid to Japan after World War I and World War II

38. Deng Xiaoping’s economic reforms in China differed from the previous economic policies of Mao Zedong in that Deng’s reforms
1. discourage private ownership of businesses 2. promote further collectivization
3. include elements of capitalism 4. decrease trade with the US

39. The travels of Marco Polo resulted in the
1. introduction of gunpowder to China
2. decline of Mongol rule in China
3. expansion of trade between China and Europe
4. use of Confucian teachings in Europe

40. Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, and Slobodan Milosevic were similar in that each leader supported actions that
1. modernized their economies 2. introduced democratic ideas
3. supported minority rights 4. violated human rights

41. The travels of Marco Polo and of Ibn Battuta were similar in that these travels
1. led to nationalistic movements 2. helped to spread the ideas of religious leaders
3. stimulated the expansion of trade 4. supported democratic forms of government

42. The issues of the sale of indulgences and of the worldly lives of the clergy were addressed by
1. Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations 2. John Locke in his treatises on government
3. Martin Luther in his ninety-five theses 4. Karl Marx in The Communist Manifesto

43. "Americans today, and perhaps to a greater extent than ever before, who live within the Spanish system, occupy a position in society no better than that of serfs destined for labor, or at best they have no more status than that of mere consumers...."
This quotation, written in September 1815, represents the views of
1. Martin Luther 2. Catherine the Great 3. Simón Bolívar 4. Adam Smith

44. "I saw that the whole solution to this problem lay in political freedom for our people, for it is only when a people are politically free that other races can give them the respect that is due to them. It is impossible to talk of equality of races in any other terms. No people without a government of their own can expect to be treated on the same level as peoples of independent sovereign states. It is far better to be free to govern or misgovern yourself than to be governed by anybody else. . . ."
-- Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana: The Autobiography of Kwame Nkrumah, Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1957
Which idea is expressed in this statement by Kwame Nkrumah?
1. free trade 2. collective security
3. self-determination 4. peaceful coexistence

45. Adam Smith would most likely agree with which statement?
1. Revolution is the only solution to economic problems.
2. Five-year plans are necessary in order to industrialize.
3. All nations would benefit from an agricultural economy.
4. Government should follow a laissez-faire policy.

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
34. Joseph Stalin lidè Inyon Sovyetik la kapab meyè être se tankou yon peryòd de1. demokratik refòm Et nasyonalism, 2. humanism ak demokrasi3. relijye libète ak tolerans 4. censure Et laterè35. philosophies de Confucius Et Mao Zedong tou de te detaye1. moun olye de coopération/pran 2. endistri olye de agrikilti3. gwoup olye de grenn pa grenn sociale 4. valè relijye olye ke pwofi ekonomik36. yon similitude ant Mao Zedong ak Fidel Castro, se pou sa yo1. te acheve objektif yo through the use of rezistans la pè2. travay pou pwoteje dwa sitwayen yo pou libète lapawòl3. konsidere kòm kapitalis en a meyè sistèm ekonomik4. te dirije Mouvman Revolisyonè yo ki te etabli gouvènman kominis37. te genyen yon aksyon V.I. Lenin Et Joseph Stalin1. chache pou pote demokrasi nan Lawisi2. jailing ou akizasyon ke li tiye potansyèl opozan3. en legliz Orthodox Larisi4. bay èd ekonomik pou Japon apwè gè mondyal ak gè MONDYAL38. Deng Xiaoping refòm ekonomik nan la chin étaient de précédente politik ekonomik de Mao Zedong nan refòm sa Deng1. dekouraje pwive propriété de biznis yo kap 2. ankouraje plus collectivization3. gen ladan yo eleman moun kapitalis 4. vini pi piti komès ak Etazini39. Se de Marco Polo te bay an rezilta nan a1. yon ti rale de à peyi Lachin 2. dekalaj règle Mongol nan la chin3. ekspansyon komès ant peyi Lachin ak nan Ewòp la 4. utilisation de pèp Confucian kòmandman an Ewòp40. pol chodyè, Joseph Stalin, ak Slobodan Milosevik te menm jan an sa a chak lidè en aksyon sa1. modernes yo ekonomi 2. a lide demokratik3. en 4, dwa minorite. te vyole dwa moun41. Se de Marco Polo Et de Ibn Battuta ont menm jan an nan ki se sa yo1. a pou mouvements nationaliste 2. yo te ede se lide de antèt relijye yo3. stimuler la ekspansyon komès 4. en demokratik fòmilè de gouvènman an42. les problèmes de vant de indulgences Et de vi a travè lemond antye klèje la te adrese pa1. Adan Smith nan richès nasyon yo 2. John Locke nan trete l' yo nan gouvènman an3. Martin Luther nan l' ces katrevenkenz 4. Karl Marx nan manifeste kominis la43. "Ameriken yo jodi a, e petèt pou yon pi gwo mesure pase tout tan tout tan anvan, ki rete nan sistèm Espanyòl la, pran yon plas nan sosyete a pa gen pi bon pase sa de serfs à pou travay, ou nan meyè yo gen okenn kondisyon plis pase sèlman aux..."Prix sa a, li te ekri 1815 septanm, reprezante opinyon1. maten Lutè Kin nimewo 2. Catherine 3 anpil la. Simón Bolívar 4. Adam Smith44. "mwen te wè sa a an antye solisyon pou tout pwoblèm sa a chita nan libète politik pou moun ou yo, paske se sèlman lè yon moun yo politikman lib pou courses lòt ka ba yo gade sou figi sa gen pou yo. Sa se ta kapab fè pale de egalite de races nan yon lòt tèm. Moun pa gen yon gouvènman ak pwòp san kapab espere pou trete a nivo tankou pèp peyi endepandan. Li se pi meyè pou fè sèvis pou gouvène ou misgovern tèt ou pase pou ka gouvènen peyi okenn lòt moun.... " -Kwame Nkrumah, Gana: A son de Kwame Nkrumah, Thomas Nelson ak pitit gason yo, 1957Lide ki te rapòte nan deklarasyon sa a pa Kwame Nkrumah?1. komès lib 2. kolektif sekirite3. L' 4. rejyon lapè45. Adam Smith pwal dakò ki pi probablement ak deklarasyon ki?1. revolisyon se la sèlman nan solisyon pou tout pwoblèm ekonomik.2. senk ane plan sont nesesè pou kapab Endistriyalize.3. tout nasyon sa a pwal benefisye de yon ekonomi agrikòl.4. gouvènman an ta dwe swiv yon politik laissez-faire yo.
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
Lidèchip 34. Joseph Stalin nan nan Inyon Sovyetik ka pi byen karakterize kòm yon peryòd de
1. refòm demokratik ak nasyonalis 2. imanis ak demokrasi
3. libète relijyon ak tolerans 4. sansi ak laterè 35. Filozofi yo nan Confucius ak Mao Zedong tou de mete aksan sou 1. endividyèl olye ke koperativ genyen 2. endistri olye ke agrikilti 3. gwoup olye ke moun byennèt 4. valè relijye olye ke pwofi ekonomik 36. Yon resanblans ant Mao Zedong ak Fidel Castro se yo ke yo 1. reyalize objektif yo nan sèvi ak rezistans pasifik 2. te travay nan pwoteje dwa sitwayen yo libète ekspresyon 3. konsidere kòm kapitalis yo dwe pi bon sistèm ekonomik la 4. dirije mouvman revolisyonè ki te etabli gouvènman kominis 37. Youn aksyon pran pa tou de VI Lenin ak Joseph Stalin te 1. eseye pote demokrasi nan Larisi 2. jailing oswa touye opozan potansyèl 3. sipòte Legliz la Ris Otodòks 4. bay èd ekonomik nan Japon apre Dezyèm Gè ak Dezyèm Gè Mondyal 38. Refòm ekonomik Deng Xiaoping nan nan peyi Lachin diferans nan anvan yo politik ekonomik yo nan Mao Zedong nan refòm ki Deng a 1. dekouraje komen prive nan biznis 2. ankouraje plis kolektivizasyon 3. gen ladan eleman nan kapitalis 4. diminisyon komès ak US la 39. Vwayaj yo nan Marco Polo a nan 1 an . entwodiksyon nan poud pou zam nan peyi Lachin 2. n bès nan règ Mongòl nan Lachin 3. ekspansyon komès ant Lachin ak Lewòp 4. itilize nan ansèyman confucian nan Ewòp 40. Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, ak Slobodan Milosevic te sanble paske chak lidè sipòte aksyon ki 1. modènize ekonomi yo 2. prezante ide demokratik 3. dwa minorite sipòte 4. vyole dwa moun 41. Vwayaj yo nan Marco Polo ak nan Ibn Battuta yo te sanble paske vwayaj sa yo 1. mennen nan mouvman nasyonalis 2. te ede gaye lide yo nan lidè relijye 3. ankouraje ekspansyon an nan komès 4. sipòte fòm demokratik nan gouvènman an 42. Pwoblèm yo nan vant lan nan endiljans ak nan lavi yo monn lan nan legliz la te adrese pa 1. Adam Smith nan richès lòt nasyon 2. John Locke nan Trete l 'sou gouvènman 3. Martin Luther an katrevendis-senk tèz l '4. Karl Marx nan Kominis Manifès 43 an . "Ameriken jodi a, e petèt nan yon limit pi gwo pase tout tan anvan, ki moun ki ap viv nan sistèm panyòl, rete nan yon pozisyon nan sosyete a pa pi bon pase sa yo ki an peyizan destine pou travay, oswa nan pi bon yo pa gen okenn kondisyon plis pase sa nan konsomatè sèlman. ... " Sa a sitasyon pi ba, ekri nan mwa septanm nan 1815, reprezante opinyon yo nan 1. Martin Luther 2. Catherine Great 3. Simón Bolívar 4. Adam Smith a 44. "Mwen te wè ke solisyon a tout antye nan pwoblèm sa a kouche nan libète politik pou pèp nou an, pou li se sèlman lè yon moun ki politikman gratis ki lòt ras ka ba yo respè a ki se akòz yo. Li enposib yo pale nan egalite a ras nan nenpòt ki lòt tèm. Pa gen moun ki san yo pa yon gouvènman nan pwòp yo ka atann yo trete sou nivo a menm jan ak pèp nan eta endepandan souveren. Li se byen lwen pi bon yo dwe lib yo gouvène oswa misgovern tèt ou pase yo dwe gouvène pa okenn moun lòt bagay. ... " - Kwame Nkrumah, Gana: Otobiyografi a nan Kwame Nkrumah, Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1957 Ki lide se ki eksprime nan deklarasyon sa a pa Kwame Nkrumah? 1. komès lib 2. sekirite kolektif 3. detèminasyon endepandan 4. viv ansanm nan lapè 45. Adam Smith ta gen plis chans dakò ak ki deklarasyon? 1. Revolisyon se solisyon a sèlman nan pwoblèm ekonomik. 2. Plan senk ane yo nesesè yo nan lòd yo endistriyalize. 3. Tout nasyon ta va benefisye de yon ekonomi agrikòl. 4. Gouvènman an ta dwe swiv yon politik lesefè.

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