otodetèminasyon6. The Byzantine Empire• After the western Roman Empire traduction - otodetèminasyon6. The Byzantine Empire• After the western Roman Empire Créole haïtien comment dire

otodetèminasyon6. The Byzantine Emp

otodetèminasyon6. The Byzantine Empire
• After the western Roman Empire fell to Germanic invaders in the 5th century A.D., the eastern part of the empire maintained a stable government and eventually became known as the Byzantine Empire

• Justinian’s Code [created by Emperor Justinian] adapted Roman principles of justice and served as a model for European legal systems

• The Byzantine Empire preserved Greek and Roman [Greco-Roman] culture

• The Hagia Sophia – the Church of the Holy Wisdom [rebuilt by Justinian]

• The fall of the Byzantine Empire to the Ottoman Turks (1453) prompted Spain and Portugal to seek new trade routes to East Asia – This is a turning point in history
32. The golden ages of the Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman Empires can be attributed in part to
(1) cultural isolation (2) stable governments
(3) command economies (4) distinct social classes

33. What is considered one of the Byzantine Empire’s greatest contributions to western European society?
(1) spreading Hinduism throughout the region (2) supporting the Catholic Church
(3) defeating the Mongols at Kiev (4) preserving Greek and Roman culture

34.. One of the major achievements of Byzantine Emperor Justinian was that he
(1) established a direct trade route with Ghana
(2) defended the empire against the spread of Islam
(3) brought Roman Catholicism to his empire
(4) preserved and transmitted Greek and Roman culture

35. The Byzantine Empire made its most important contribution to later civilizations by
(1) recognizing the Pope as the head of the Byzantine Church
(2) preserving much of Greco-Roman heritage
(3) establishing trade routes to the Americas
(4) encouraging the spread of Buddhism

36. The Justinian Code is considered a milestone because it
(1) preserved many ancient Chinese legal decrees in writing
(2) served as a model for European legal systems
(3) became the first democratic constitution
(4) united Muslim and Roman thought
37. The Twelve Tables, Justinian’s Code, and the English Bill of Rights are similar in that each addresses the issue of
(1) social mobility (2) economic development
(3) the individual and the state (4) the importance of religion

38. What is a major contribution of the Byzantine Empire to global history?
(1) preservation of Greek and Roman culture (2) construction of the pyramids
(3) expansion of equal rights (4) invention of writing

39. Which heading best completes the partial outline below?
I. __________________
A. Fall of Constantinople B. Collapse of communism in the Soviet Union
C. Posting of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses D. Voyages of Columbus

(1) Importance of Revolution (2) War and Rebellion
(3) Turning Points in History (4) Effects of Economic Change

40. Which action would best complete this partial outline?
I. Byzantine Heritage
A. Blended Christian beliefs with Greek art and philosophy
B. Extended Roman engineering achievements
C. Preserved literature and science textbooks
D. _____________________

(1) Adapted the Roman principles of justice
(2) Used a senate as the chief governing body
(3) Led crusades to capture Rome from the Huns
(4) Helped maintain Roman rule over western Europe

41. After the western Roman Empire fell to Germanic invaders in the 5th century A.D., the eastern part of the empire eventually became known as the
(1) Byzantine Empire (2) Carthaginian Empire
(3) Islamic Empire (4) Persian Empire

42. One way in which the Twelve Tables, the Justinian Code, and the Napoleonic Code were similar is that they
(1) emphasized social equality (2) provided a written set of laws
(3) established democratic governments (4) proposed economic goals

43. The fall of the Byzantine Empire to the Ottoman Turks (1453) prompted Spain and Portugal to
(1) seek new trade routes to East Asia
(2) extend religious tolerance to Muslim peoples
(3) reform their political systems
(4) expand the Catholic Inquisition into the Middle East

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
otodetèminasyon6. Anpi Byzantine an• Apwè anpi women l' an te tonbe pou Germaniques repouse anvayisè yo nan a 5kyèm syèk A.D., pati lès anpi an toujou kenbe yon gouvènman stab Et evantyèlman est ke yo rekonèt kòm anpi Byzantine anKòd • Justinien [kreye sou anperè Justinien] adapté Romen principes de jistis Et te sèvi kòm yon modèl pou sistèm legal Ewopeyen yo• A Byzantine Empire konsève moun lòt nasyon ak sitwayen women kilti [lutte] • A Sophie Sophia-legliz la apa pou Bondye bon konprann [regaye pa Justinien] • Tonbe anpi Byzantine an pou Ottoman Turks (1453) à Lèspay ak Pòtigal pou chache nouvo komès wout yo pou Azi de lès – sa a se yon pwen nan istwa++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++32. L' âge golden sitwayen women, Byzantine ak Ottoman Empires kapab être attribuée an pati pou (1) gouvènman (2) stab blanch kiltirèl yo(3) kòmand ekonomi (4) disten sosyal klas 33. sa te konsidere kòm youn nan pi gwo kontribisyon anpi Byzantine an pou rejyon lwès sosyete Ewopeyen an? (1) simaye Endouyis atravè rejyon an (2) en legliz Katolik(3) vaincre Mongols nan Kiev (4) konsève moun lòt nasyon ak sitwayen women kilti34.. yonn nan tout gwo réalisations de Byzantine anperè Justinien li te genyen sa li (1) te etabli yon dirèk wout komès ak Gana (2) te defann anpi an kont gaye afiche pwisans Islam (3) a sitwayen women konvèti Katolik pou l' anpi(4) konsève Et transmis moun lòt nasyon ak sitwayen women kilti35. Empire Byzantine la fè li kontribisyon ki pi enpòtan pou plus civilisations pa (1) reconnaissant pap lan tankou tèt legliz ki Byzantine (2) konsève anpil de lutte du(3) etablisman komèsyal wout pou Amerik yo(4) ankouraje gaye de Boudis36. kòd Justinien a te konsidere kòm yon mache paske li (1) konsève anpil ansyen Chinwa legal décrets ekri (2) a kòm yon egzanp pou sistèm legal Ewopeyen yo (3) est premye konstitisyon demokratik (4) inite que Mizilman ak sitwayen women 37. le douz tab, kòd Justinien a, ak Anglè deklarasyon dwa a menm jan an sa a chak adresses la question de (1) devlopman (2) ekonomik mobilité sosyal(3) endividi ki an e chèf deta (4) enpòtans relijyon 38. sa se yon gwo kontribisyon an anpi Byzantine an pou istwa global? (1) préservation de moun lòt nasyon ak sitwayen women kilti (2) konstriksyon de pyramides (3) ekspansyon egal-ego dwa (4) denonse moun ekri 39. rubrique ki meyè konplete pasyèl plan ki pi ba?I. __________________Aiyalam tonbe Constantinople b disparisyon sistèm kominis nan Inyon Sovyetik la C validation de Martin Luther 95. d Ces Voyages de Columbus(1) enpòtans de gè revolisyon (2) Et rebelyon(3) vire pwen nan istwa (4) efè chanjman ekonomik 40. aksyon ki pwal konplete meyè plan pasyèl sa a?Tou Byzantine du A. Combinées kretyen croyances ak Grèk zèv ak Filozofi B pwolonje Romen réalisations Jeni C konsève literati ak syans nan liv pou klas D. _____________________(1) adapté Romen pwensip yo ki la jistis(2) te itilize yon Sena a te chèf fanmi D' kò a (3) croisades led pou kenbe Rome de Huns (4) a kenbe Romen ki t' ap mache sou sou peyi rejyon lwès Ewòp 41. Apre anpi women peyi rejyon lwès la te tonbe pou Germaniques repouse anvayisè yo nan 5kyèm A.D. syèk la, pati lès anpi an evantyèlman est ke yo rekonèt kòm a (1) Empire (2) Carthaginian Byzantine Empire(3) Empire Gòlf Pèsik Islamik Empire (4) 42. yon sèl chemen nan douz tab, kòd Justinien a ak tout kòd-te gen menm jan an se sa yo (1) a egalite sosyal (2) te founi ansanm ekri yon lwa(3) te etabli gouvènman Demokratik (4) te pwopoze ekonomik objektif 43. a tonbe de anpi Byzantine an pou Ottoman Turks (1453) à Lèspay ak Pòtigal pou (1) chèche nouvo komès wout yo pou Azi de lès (2) s' relijye tolerans lòt nasyon Mizilman(3) réforme sistèm politik yo (4) elaji a lè enkizisyon Katolik nan Mwayen Oryan
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
otodetèminasyon6. Bizanten Anpi
• nan Apre Anpi lwès Women te tonbe nan anvayisè jèrmen nan AD syèk la 5th, pati lès nan anpi an kenbe yon gouvènman ki estab ak evantyèlman te vin li te ye tankou Anpi Bizanten Kòd • Jistinyen an nan [kreye pa Anperè Jistinyen] adapte prensip Women an jistis ak te sèvi kòm yon modèl pou sistèm legal Ewopeyen an • Anpi Bizanten an konsève [greko-Women] kilti Grèk ak Women • Sophia Hagia nan - Legliz la nan Sajès la Sentespri [rebati pa Jistinyen] • Sezon otòn la nan Anpi Bizanten an Ottoman an Il Tirk (1453) pouse Espay ak Pòtigal yo chèche wout komès nouvo nan Azi de lès - Sa a se yon pwen vire nan istwa ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 32. Laj la an lò nan Women an, Bizanten, ak Otoman Anpi ka dwe atribiye nan pati (1) izolasyon kiltirèl (2) gouvènman ki estab (3) ekonomi lòd (4) klas sosyal diferan 33. Ki sa ki se konsidere kòm youn nan pi gwo kontribisyon Anpi Bizanten an nan lwès sosyete Ewopeyen yo? (1) pwopaje Endouyis nan rejyon an (2) sipòte Legliz Katolik (3) bat Mongòl yo nan Kyèv (4) prezève kilti Grèk ak Women 34 .. Youn nan reyalizasyon yo nan gwo Bizanten Anperè Jistinyen te ke li (1) te etabli yon wout komèsyal dirèk ak Gana (2) defann anpi a kont pwopagasyon a nan Islam (3) pote Women Katolik anpi l ' (4) konsève ak transmèt Grèk ak Women kilti 35. Anpi Bizanten an te fè kontribisyon pi enpòtan li nan pita sivilizasyon pa (1) rekonèt Pap la kòm tèt la nan Legliz la Bizanten (2) konsève anpil nan greko-Women eritaj (3) etabli wout komès nan Amerik yo (4) ankouraje a gaye nan Boudis 36. Kòd la Jistinyen ki konsidere kòm yon etap enpòtan paske li (1) konsève anpil ansyen dekrè legal Chinwa yo ekri (2) te sèvi kòm yon modèl pou sistèm legal Ewopeyen an (3) te vin premye konstitisyon demokratik la (4) ini Mizilman ak Women te panse 37. Douz Tab yo, Kòd Jistinyen an, ak Bill angle a Dwa se menm jan an nan ke chak adrese pwoblèm nan nan (1) mobilite sosyal (2) devlopman ekonomik (3) moun nan ak eta a (4) enpòtans ki genyen nan relijyon 38. Ki sa ki se yon kontribisyon enpòtan nan Anpi Bizanten an nan istwa global? (1) prezèvasyon nan kilti Grèk ak Women (2) konstriksyon piramid yo (3) ekspansyon dwa egal (4) envansyon nan ekri 39. Ki tit ki pi ale ak deskripsyon an pati ki anba a? I. __________________ A. Otòn nan Konstantinòp B. Ki te tonbe kominis nan Inyon Sovyetik C. a Afiche nan Martin Luther an 95 Tèz D. Voyages nan Columbus (1) Enpòtans Revolisyon (2) Lagè ak Rebelyon (3) Vire Pwen nan Istwa (4) Efè Chanjman Ekonomik 40. Ki aksyon ki ta pi byen konplete sa a yon pati nan deskripsyon? I. Eritaj Bizanten A. Miks kwayans kretyen ak atizay grèk ak filozofi B. Pwolonje reyalizasyon jeni Women C. Konsèv literati ak syans liv D. _____________________ (1) Adapte prensip yo Women nan jistis (2) Itilize yon sena kòm chèf gouvène kò a (3) Led kwazad pran lavil Wòm soti nan un yo (4) Te ede kenbe règ Women sou lwès Lewòp 41. Apre lwès Anpi Women an te tonbe nan anvayisè jèrmen nan AD syèk la 5th, pati lès nan anpi a evantyèlman te vin rekonèt kòm (1) Anpi Bizanten (2) kartajinwaz Anpi (3) Anpi Islamik (4) Anpi Pèsik 42. a Yon fason Douz Tab yo, Kòd Jistinyen, ak Kòd la Napoleon te sanble se yo ke yo (1) mete aksan sou egalite sosyal (2) bay yon seri ekri nan lwa (3) gouvènman demokratik etabli (4) pwopoze objektif ekonomik 43. Sezon otòn la nan Anpi Bizanten an Tik Otoman yo (1453) pouse Espay ak Pòtigal (1) chache wout komès nouvo nan Azi de lès (2) ekstansyon pou tolerans relijye pèp Mizilman (3) refòme sistèm politik yo (4) elaji Katolik la enkizisyon nan Mwayen Oryan an

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