1. One way in which the Twelve Tables and Justinian’s Code were simila traduction - 1. One way in which the Twelve Tables and Justinian’s Code were simila Estonien comment dire

1. One way in which the Twelve Tabl

1. One way in which the Twelve Tables and Justinian’s Code were similar is that both provided
1. a standardized system of laws 2. a means of achieving social equality
3. the freedom to pursue their own religion 4. the right to a public education

2. King Louis XIV of France, Peter the Great of Russia, and Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire were all considered absolute rulers because they
1. broke from the Roman Catholic Church
2. helped feudal lords build secure castles
3. instituted programs that provided more power to their parliaments
4. determined government policies without the consent of their people

3. The Justinian Code is considered a milestone because it
1. preserved many ancient Chinese legal decrees in writing
2. served as a model for European legal systems
3. became the first democratic constitution
4. united Muslim and Roman thought

4. One similarity in the rule of Peter the Great, Suleiman I, and Louis XIV is that each leader
1. shared power with a legislature 2. practiced religious toleration
3. expanded his territory 4. decreased the amount of taxes collected

5. One way in which Asoka, Mansa Musa, and Suleiman the Magnificent are similar is that they
1. established republics 2. led nationalist movements
3. ruled during times of prosperity 4. discouraged scientific advancements

6. The Pillars of Emperor Asoka of the Mauryan Empire and the Code of Hammurabi of Babylon are most similar to the
1. ziggurats of Sumeria 2. map projections of Mercator
3. Great Sphinx of the Egyptians 4. Twelve Tables of the Romans

7. One of the major achievements of Byzantine Emperor Justinian was that he
1. established a direct trade route with Ghana
2. defended the empire against the spread of Islam
3. brought Roman Catholicism to his empire
4. preserved and transmitted Greek and Roman culture

8. One way in which Suleiman the Magnificent and Akbar the Great are similar is that they both brought about periods of
1. political stability and religious tolerance 2. religious conquest and persecution
3. isolationism and cultural stagnation 4. modernization and political disunity

9. Which historic figure is correctly paired with the empire he ruled?
1. Charlemagne — Spanish Empire 2. Peter the Great — Ottoman Empire
3. Justinian — Byzantine Empire 4. Sulieman the Magnificent-Russian Empire

10. Peter the Great and Catherine the Great changed Russia by
1. abolishing all social class distinctions 2. becoming constitutional monarchs
3. preventing wars with neighboring nations 4. introducing Western ideas and customs

11. Which was characteristic of France under Napoleon’s rule and Germany under Hitler’s rule?
1. Democratic ideas and diversity were encouraged.
2. Authoritarian control and a strong sense of nationalism prevailed.
3. Peaceful relations with neighboring countries were fostered.
4. Artistic and literary freedom flourished.

12. Czar Peter the Great of 18th-century Russia and Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi of 20th-century Iran were similar in that both leaders
1. established democratic institutions in their nations
2. converted their nations to Christianity
3. introduced Western ideas and technology into their nations
4. expanded political and human rights in their nations

13. The national policies of most countries in Europe in the decade immediately following the defeat of Napoleon in 1815 are best described as
1. liberal 2. Moderate 3. Reactionary 4. revolutionary

14. Changes in Russia under Peter the Great were most similar to changes that occurred in
1. China before the Opium War 2. Japan during the Meiji Restoration
3. Iran after the fall of Shah Pahlevi 4. France during the feudal period

15. "Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely."
- Lord Acton, British historian
Which individual would most likely agree with this quotation?
1. Louis XIV 2. Niccolò Machiavelli 3. John Locke 4. Joseph Stalin

16. Which list of French leaders is in the correct chronological order?
1. Louis XVI→Napoleon→Robespierre 2. Robespierre → Napoleon →Louis XVI
3. Louis XVI→Robespierre→Napoleon 4. Napoleon → Louis XVI → Robespierre

17. One similarity between the rule of Peter the Great of Russia and that of Akbar the Great of India was that both leaders
1. implemented strict religious codes of conduct within their nations
2. modernized and expanded their empires using ideas from other cultures
3. relied on peaceful resolutions of conflicts with neighboring peoples
4. introduced democratic ideas into their political systems

18. One major effect of Napoleon’s rule of France was that it led to
1. an increase in the power of the Roman Catholic Church
2. massive emigration to the Americas
3. trade agreements with Great Britain
4. a restoration of political stability

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Résultats (Estonien) 1: [Copie]
1. One way in which the Twelve Tables and Justinian’s Code were similar is that both provided1. a standardized system of laws 2. a means of achieving social equality3. the freedom to pursue their own religion 4. the right to a public education2. King Louis XIV of France, Peter the Great of Russia, and Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire were all considered absolute rulers because they1. broke from the Roman Catholic Church 2. helped feudal lords build secure castles3. instituted programs that provided more power to their parliaments4. determined government policies without the consent of their people3. The Justinian Code is considered a milestone because it1. preserved many ancient Chinese legal decrees in writing2. served as a model for European legal systems3. became the first democratic constitution4. united Muslim and Roman thought4. One similarity in the rule of Peter the Great, Suleiman I, and Louis XIV is that each leader1. shared power with a legislature 2. practiced religious toleration3. expanded his territory 4. decreased the amount of taxes collected5. One way in which Asoka, Mansa Musa, and Suleiman the Magnificent are similar is that they1. established republics 2. led nationalist movements3. ruled during times of prosperity 4. discouraged scientific advancements6. The Pillars of Emperor Asoka of the Mauryan Empire and the Code of Hammurabi of Babylon are most similar to the1. ziggurats of Sumeria 2. map projections of Mercator3. Great Sphinx of the Egyptians 4. Twelve Tables of the Romans7. One of the major achievements of Byzantine Emperor Justinian was that he1. established a direct trade route with Ghana2. defended the empire against the spread of Islam3. brought Roman Catholicism to his empire4. preserved and transmitted Greek and Roman culture8. One way in which Suleiman the Magnificent and Akbar the Great are similar is that they both brought about periods of1. political stability and religious tolerance 2. religious conquest and persecution3. isolationism and cultural stagnation 4. modernization and political disunity9. Which historic figure is correctly paired with the empire he ruled?1. Charlemagne — Spanish Empire 2. Peter the Great — Ottoman Empire3. Justinian — Byzantine Empire 4. Sulieman the Magnificent-Russian Empire10. Peter the Great and Catherine the Great changed Russia by1. abolishing all social class distinctions 2. becoming constitutional monarchs3. preventing wars with neighboring nations 4. introducing Western ideas and customs11. Which was characteristic of France under Napoleon’s rule and Germany under Hitler’s rule?1. Democratic ideas and diversity were encouraged.2. Authoritarian control and a strong sense of nationalism prevailed.3. Peaceful relations with neighboring countries were fostered.4. Artistic and literary freedom flourished.12. Czar Peter the Great of 18th-century Russia and Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi of 20th-century Iran were similar in that both leaders1. established democratic institutions in their nations2. converted their nations to Christianity3. introduced Western ideas and technology into their nations4. expanded political and human rights in their nations13. The national policies of most countries in Europe in the decade immediately following the defeat of Napoleon in 1815 are best described as1. liberal 2. Moderate 3. Reactionary 4. revolutionary14. Changes in Russia under Peter the Great were most similar to changes that occurred in1. China before the Opium War 2. Japan during the Meiji Restoration3. Iran after the fall of Shah Pahlevi 4. France during the feudal period15. "Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely." - Lord Acton, British historianWhich individual would most likely agree with this quotation?1. Louis XIV 2. Niccolò Machiavelli 3. John Locke 4. Joseph Stalin16. Which list of French leaders is in the correct chronological order?1. Louis XVI→Napoleon→Robespierre 2. Robespierre → Napoleon →Louis XVI3. Louis XVI→Robespierre→Napoleon 4. Napoleon → Louis XVI → Robespierre17. One similarity between the rule of Peter the Great of Russia and that of Akbar the Great of India was that both leaders1. implemented strict religious codes of conduct within their nations2. modernized and expanded their empires using ideas from other cultures3. relied on peaceful resolutions of conflicts with neighboring peoples4. introduced democratic ideas into their political systems18. One major effect of Napoleon’s rule of France was that it led to1. an increase in the power of the Roman Catholic Church2. massive emigration to the Americas3. trade agreements with Great Britain4. a restoration of political stability
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Résultats (Estonien) 2:[Copie]
1. Üks viis, kuidas Kaksteist Lauad ja Justinianuse koodeks oli sarnane on, et nii on ette
1. standardne süsteem seadused 2. saavutamise vahendid sotsiaalset võrdsust
3. vabaduse järgida oma religiooni 4. õigus riiklikule haridusele 2. Kuningas Louis XIV, Prantsusmaa Peeter Venemaa ja Suleiman Ottomani impeeriumi loeti kõiki absoluutne valitsejad, sest nad 1. murdis roomakatoliku kirik 2. aitas feodaalid ehitada turvaline lossid 3. algatatud programme, mis on ette rohkem võimu oma parlamendid 4. otsustanud valitsuse poliitika nõusolekuta oma rahva 3. Justinianuse koodeksi peetakse verstapost, sest see 1. säilinud paljud iidsed hiina juriidiline dekreedid kirjalikult 2. eeskujuks Euroopa õigussüsteemide 3. sai esimene demokraatlik põhiseadus 4. Ameerika moslemite ja Roman arvas 4. Üks sarnasus õigusriigi Peeter Suleiman I ja Louis XIV on see, et iga juht 1. jagatud võimu seadusandja 2. harjutanud religioosne sallivus 3. laiendatud oma territooriumil 4. vähenenud sissenõutud maksude summast 5. Üks viis, kuidas Asoka, Mansa Musa, ja Suleiman on sarnane, et nad 1. kehtestatud vabariikide 2. viinud rahvuslike liikumiste 3. välistada aegadel heaolu 4. julge teaduslik areng 6. Sambad keiser Asoka of Mauryan Empire ja Code Hammurapi Paabeli on kõige sarnasem 1. ziggurats Sumeria 2. kaart prognoosid Mercator 3. Suur sfinks egiptlased 4. Twelve tabelid roomlased 7. Üks suuremaid saavutusi Bütsantsi keiser Justinianus oli see, et ta 1. loodud otseste kaubatee Ghanaga 2. kaitses impeeriumi vastu islami levik 3. tõi katoliiklus oma impeeriumi 4. säilinud ja edastatud Kreeka ja Rooma kultuur 8. Üks viis, Suleiman ja Akbar Suur on sarnane on, et nad mõlemad toonud perioodid 1. poliitilise stabiilsuse ja usulise sallivuse 2. religioosne vallutamist ja tagakiusamise 3. isolatsionismi ja kultuurilise stagnatsiooni 4. moderniseerimise ja poliitiline killustatus 9. Milline ajalooline figuur on korrektselt ühendatud impeeriumi ta valitses? 1. Karl - Hispaania Empire 2. Peeter - Osmanite impeeriumi 3. Justinianus - Bütsantsi 4. Sulieman Magnificent-Vene keisririigi 10. Peeter ja Katariina Suure muutunud Venemaa poolt 1. kaotades kõik sotsiaalse klassi eristusi 2. muutumas põhiseaduslik monarh 3. ennetada sõdu naabritega 4. kasutusele Lääne ideed ja tolli 11. Milline oli iseloomulik Prantsusmaal Napoleon eeskiri ja Saksamaa Hitleri reegel? 1. Demokraatlik ideid ja mitmekesisuse julgustati. 2. Autoritaarne kontrolli ja tugeva rahvusluse valitsenud. 3. Rahumeelsed suhted naaberriikidega olid soodustanud. 4. Kunsti- ja kirjandusloomingu vabaduse õitses. 12. Tsaar Peeter I 18. sajandi Venemaa ja Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi 20. sajandi Iraani olid sarnased, et mõlemad juhid 1. kehtestatud demokraatlike institutsioonide ja rahvaste 2. ümber rahvaste kristluse 3. tutvustas Lääne ideede ja tehnoloogia nende rahvaste 4. laiendatud poliitilist ja inimõiguste ja rahvaste 13. Riikliku poliitika enamik Euroopa riike kümnendi kohe pärast lüüasaamist Napoleon 1815 on kõige parem kirjeldada kui 1. liberaalne 2. Mõõdukas 3. reaktsiooniline 4. revolutsioonilise 14. Muutused raames Venemaa Peeter I oli kõige sarnasem toimunud muudatused 1. Hiina enne Opium War 2. Jaapan ajal Meiji 3. Iraani pärast langemist Shah Pahlevi 4. Prantsusmaa ajal feodaalne perioodil 15. "Power kipub raisku absoluutne võim korrumpeerib absoluutselt." - Lord Acton, Briti ajaloolane kus üksikud tõenäoliselt nõus tsitaat? 1. Louis XIV 2. Niccolò Machiavelli 3. John Locke 4. Jossif Stalin 16. Milline nimekirja Prantsuse juhid on õiges ajalises järjekorras? 1. Louis XVI → Napoleon → Robespierre 2. Robespierre → Napoleon → Louis XVI 3. Louis XVI → Robespierre → Napoleon 4. Napoleon → Louis XVI → Robespierre 17. Üks sarnasus Reeglina Peeter Suure Venemaa ja et Akbar Suur India oli see, et mõlemad juhid 1. rakendatud range usulise tegevusjuhendite oma rahvaste 2. uuendada ja laiendada oma impeeriumi kasutades ideid teistest kultuuridest 3. tugines rahumeelne konfliktide lahendamine naaberriigi rahvaste 4. kasutusele demokraatia ideid oma poliitilise süsteemi 18. Üks suur mõju Napoleoni õigusriigi Prantsusmaa oli, et see tõi kaasa 1. võimsuse kasv roomakatoliku kirik 2. tohutu väljaränne Ameerikasse 3. kaubanduslepingud Suurbritannias 4. poliitilise stabiilsuse taastamisel

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