1. OverviewAn economic system is the way that a society produces, dist traduction - 1. OverviewAn economic system is the way that a society produces, dist Créole haïtien comment dire

1. OverviewAn economic system is th

1. Overview
An economic system is the way that a society produces, distributes, and uses goods and services.

A) Traditional Economy
1) based on barter (trade without using money) and subsistence agriculture (farming in which the crops are used only to feed the farmer and his family).

2) closely linked to the natural environment

3) Economic decisions are often influenced by tradition and religious beliefs.

4) People in a traditional society are likely to have the same occupation as their parents.

5) Slash-and-burn techniques are typically practiced by subsistence farmers who plant an area until the soil loses its fertility

6) Manorialism is a kind of traditional economy

B) Market Economy
1) Individuals own businesses and make economic decisions.

2) Individuals determine the price of goods based on supply and demand.

3) “capitalism” (Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nation) , “laissez-faire”
(Malthus), free enterprise

4) mercantilism
• The term “mercantilism” is defined as an economic system in which colonies exist for the benefit of the colonial power. (Colonial powers considered their colonies to be possessions to benefit the imperial power.) European countries (e.g. Portugal) sought trade benefits from their colonial possessions.

• The might of a country consists of GAINING SURPLUSES OF GOLD AND SILVER.

• A nation’s strength is found in economic independence and the maintenance of a FAVORABLE BALANCE OF TRADE. (One goal of mercantilism was the creation of a favorable balance of trade. Controlling trade was a key to increasing power.)

• Countries need to gain COLONIES both as SOURCES FOR RAW MATERIALS and as MARKETS FOR MANUFACTURED GOODS. (According to the economic theory of mercantilism, the purpose of colonies is to ship raw materials to the colonial power and buy finished goods from the colonial power.)

• Developed in the 17th century, mercantilism supported the Age of Exploration, European colonialism, the Atlantic trade routes, and during the Industrial Revolution

C) Command Economy
1) The government own businesses and make economic decisions.
2) The government determines the price of goods.
3) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
- argued laissez-faire allowed greedy factory owners to exploit poor
factory workers.
- wrote Communist Manifesto
- history has been about class struggles
- wealthy and greedy factory owners (Bourgeoisie) were taking
advantage of the poor factory workers (Proletariat) to earn money.
- Proletariat should rise up, overthrow the bourgeoisie in a violent
revolution, and eliminate laissez faire capitalism.
- Proletariat then create a new kind of society where work and wealth
was shared equally to everyone (and where social classes no longer

2. Economic Issues After WWII
I. Economic Cooperation
A) After WWII, various regions of the world started to create organizations that were designed to increase trade and promote economic prosperity.
1) European Union (E.U.)- Now includes 27 countries in Europe. They have decreased tariffs (taxes) and now use a single form of currency the Euro.

2) North American Free Trade Agreement (N.A.F.T.A.)- includes the US, Canada, and Mexico. By decreasing tariffs, this organization has increased trade between the three main countries of North America.

3) These two organizations are examples of economic cooperation and interdependence (countries working together and relying on each other).

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
1. kourikoulòmYon sistèm ekonomik se konsa ke yon sosyete produit, distribue ak itilize machandiz ak sèvis. Yon) tradisyonèl ekonomi 1) baze sou echanj (komès san w ap itilize lajan) Et subsistance agrikilti (l' ki rekòt yo ki itilize sèlman pou bay kiltivatè a ansanm ak fanmi l). 2) étroitement liés pou anviwònman natirèl 3) ekonomik décisions sont souvan te enfliyanse tèren yo tradisyon Et kwayans relijye. 4) moun nan yon sosyete tradisyonèl yo gen anpil chans pou gen menm metye kòm paran yo. 5) dechikete-Et-pike, boule teknik sont généralement pratiquée pa subsistance fèmye ki plante yon zòn jiskaske du a ki pat asire li la 6) manorialism, ki se yon jan de tradisyonèl ekonomiB) ekonomi de mache 1) personnes posede biznis yo kap Et pran desizyon ekonomik. 2) personnes detèmine prix Des marchandises ki baze sou demand ak ekipman. 3) "kapitalis" (Adam Smith, richès nasyon a), "laissez-faire" (Malthus), lib antrepwiz 4) mercantilism• A tèm "mercantilism" defini antanke yon sistèm ekonomik ki koloni egziste Tajuana pwisans kolonyal la. (Kolonyal pouvwa koloni yo te konsidere kòm en biens benefisye imperial pouvwa.) Peyi Ewopeyen yo (par Pòtigal) ki tap chèche benefis komès de biens kolonyal yo.• A ta ka de yon peyi ki konstitiye pwemye difikilte-l genyen SURPLUS DE fèt an LÒ ak an ajan.Fòs • UN nasyon an pa te jwenn nan endepandans ekonomik ak mentni de yon FAVORAB BALANS DE KOMÈS. (Yon sèl objectif de mercantilism li te genyen kreyasyon yon favorab balans de komès. Contrôle komès li te genyen yon kle pou plus pouvwa.)• Peyi sa yo bezwen vin pi koloni les tankou SOUS pou resous MATERYÈL sa yo ak tankou mache yo pou FABRIQUÉS MARCHANDISES. (Selon ekonomik teori de mercantilism, But de koloni, se pou bato materyèl bwit yo pou pwisans kolonyal la achte machandiz fini de pwisans kolonyal la.)• Devlope nan 17th syèk la, mercantilism te sipòte a laj de eksplorasyon, kolonyalis Ewopeyen, Atlantik komès wout, Et pandan revolisyon Industriels la C) kòmand ekonomi 1) gouvènman an posede biznis yo kap Et pran desizyon ekonomik. 2) gouvènman an détermine prix Des marchandises. 3) Karl Marx Et Friedrich Engels -a laissez-faire ki te pèmèt propriétaires qui faktori tankou yon eksplwa pòv faktori travayè yo. -a manifeste kominis-istwa ki te sou nan lit klas -rich Et qui faktori propriétaires (Bourgeoisie) te pran avantaj sou moun k'ap pòv faktori (Pwoletè) pou gen lajan. -Pwoletè ta dwe leve, jete bourgeoisie nan yon vyolan revolisyon, Et éliminer laissez faire kapitalis. -Pwoletè Apre sa kreye yon nouvo jan sosyete kote travay ak richès li te genyen partagé egal-ego pou tout moun (Et kote sosyal klas ankò nou vle. 2. ekonomik questions Après GMIITou kòperasyon ekonomik UN) après GUERRE, plizyè rejyon nan mond lan te kòmanse pou kreye òganizasyon ki fèt menm pou ogmante komès e ankouraje pwosperite ekonomik. 1) Inyon Ewopeyen an (ue)-Koulye a gen 27 peyi kòmanse an Ewòp. Yo te diminye tarif (taks) Et kounye a itilize yon fòm moun ki pa marye a Euro lajan.Akò 2) Nò Ameriken komès lib la, (N.A.F.T.A.)-comprend Ozetazini, Kanada, ak Meksik. Pa n bès tarif, òganizasyon sa yo kontinye ogmante komès ant twa pi gwo peyi yo nan Amerik di Nò. 3) yo de òganizasyon sont egzanp kowoperasyon ekonomik ak Entèdepandans (peyi yo ap travay ansanm ak repoze yo sou chak lòt).
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
1. Apèsi sou lekòl la
Yon sistèm ekonomik se fason ke yon sosyete pwodui, distribye, epi li sèvi ak machandiz ak sèvis. A) Tradisyonèl Ekonomi 1) baze sou ki twòk (komès san yo pa itilize lajan) ak agrikilti sibsistans (agrikilti nan ki rekòt yo yo te itilize sèlman nan manje kiltivatè a ak fanmi l '). 2) lye a anviwònman natirèl la 3) desizyon ekonomik yo souvan enfliyanse pa tradisyon ak kwayans relijye yo. 4) Moun ki nan yon sosyete tradisyonèl gen plis chans yo gen okipasyon an menm jan paran yo. 5) koupe -Yo AK-boule teknik yo, se tipikman pratike pa kiltivatè sibsistans ki plante yon zòn jiskaske tè a pèdi fètilite li yo 6) manoryalis se yon kalite ekonomi tradisyonèl B) Market Ekonomi 1) Moun pwòp biznis ak pran desizyon ekonomik. 2) Moun detèmine pri a nan machandiz ki baze sou òf ak demann. 3) "kapitalis" (Adam Smith, richès la nan peyi), "lesefè" (Malthus), lib antrepriz 4) mèkantilis • Tèm "mèkantilis la" se defini kòm yon sistèm ekonomik nan ki koloni egziste pou benefis nan pouvwa kolonyal la. (Pouvwa kolonyal konsidere kòm koloni yo yo dwe byen nan avantaj pouvwa a Imperial.) Peyi Ewopeyen (egzanp Pòtigal) t'ap chache benefis komès soti nan byen kolonyal yo. • fòs la nan yon peyi konsiste nan pran surplus an lò ak an ajan. • fòs Yon nasyon an se yo te jwenn nan endepandans ekonomik ak antretyen an nan yon balans komèsyal favorab. (Yon objektif mèkantilis te kreyasyon an nan yon balans favorab nan komès. Komès Kontwole te yon kle nan ogmante pouvwa.) • Peyi bezwen jwenn koloni tou de kòm SOUS POU materyèl bwit ak kòm mache pou ekspòte pwodwi. (Dapre teyori ekonomik la nan mèkantilis, bi pou yo koloni se yon bato matyè premyè sou pouvwa kolonyal la epi achte fini byen yo depi nan pouvwa kolonyal la.) • Devlope nan syèk la 17th, mèkantilis sipòte Laj Eksplorasyon an, kolonyalis Ewopeyen an, nan wout Atlantik komès, ak pandan Endistriyèl Revolisyon C a ) Kòmandman Ekonomi 1) Gouvènman an pwòp biznis ak pran desizyon ekonomik. 2) Gouvènman an detèmine pri a nan machandiz yo. 3) Karl Marx ak Friedrich Engels - te diskite lesefè pèmèt mèt pwopriyete faktori visye esplwate pòv travayè faktori. - wrote Kominis Manifès - te istwa te sou lit klas - mèt pwopriyete rich ak visye faktori (boujwazi) yo te pran avantaj de ouvriye faktori a pòv (Pwoletè) nan touche lajan. - Pwoletè ta dwe monte moute, jete boujwazi a nan yon vyolan revolisyon, ak elimine laissez faire kapitalis. - Lè sa a, kreye yon Pwoletè nouvo kalite sosyete kote travay ak richès te pataje egalman a tout moun (ak ki kote klas sosyal pa gen okenn ankò te egziste. 2. Pwoblèm Ekonomik Apre GMII I. Kowoperasyon Ekonomik A) Apre GMII, plizyè rejyon nan mond lan te kòmanse yo kreye òganizasyon ki te fèt yo ogmante komès ak ankouraje pwosperite ekonomik. 1) Inyon Ewopeyen an (EU) - Koulye a, gen ladan 27 peyi nan Ewòp. Yo te diminye tarif (taks) e kounye a, sèvi ak yon fòm sèl nan lajan Euro a. 2) Nò Ameriken Akò Lib Echanj (NAFTA) - ki gen ladann US, Kanada, ak Meksik la. Pa diminye tarif, li te òganizasyon sa a ogmante komès ant twa peyi prensipal yo nan Amerik di Nò. 3) Òganizasyon sa yo de yo se egzanp de koperasyon ekonomik ak entèdepandans (peyi travay ansanm ak repoze sou youn ak lòt).

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