18. Under the policy of mercantilism, colonial powers considered their traduction - 18. Under the policy of mercantilism, colonial powers considered their Créole haïtien comment dire

18. Under the policy of mercantilis

18. Under the policy of mercantilism, colonial powers considered their colonies to be (1) independent nations that traded throughout the world
(2) independent nations that had special relationships with European powers
(3) possessions to benefit the imperial power
(4) possessions being prepared for independence

19. Karl Marx predicted that laissez-faire capitalism would result in
a. a return to manorialism b. a revolution led by the proletariat
c. fewer government regulations d. an equal distribution of wealth and income

20. One way in which Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, and Kim Jong Il are similar is that each a. set up democratic governments b. used Marxist political principles
c. overthrew a ruling monarch d. promoted Confucian principles

21. Speaker A: Government should not interfere in relations between workers and
business owners.
Speaker B: The workers will rise up and overthrow the privileged class.
Speaker C: Private property will cease to exist. The people will own the means of
Speaker D: A favorable balance of trade should be maintained by the use of tariffs.

Which two speakers represent Karl Marx’s ideas of communism?
a. A and B b. B and C c. B and D d. C and D

22. Which speaker is referring to laissez-faire capitalism?
a. A b. B c. C d. D

23. Under communism in the former Soviet Union, people were required to
a. put the interests of the state before individual b. limit the size of their families
c. honor their ancestors and religious traditions d. reject modern technology

24. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels encouraged workers to improve their lives by
a. electing union representatives b. participating in local government
c. overthrowing the capitalist system d. demanding pensions and disability insurance

25. Which leader based his rule on the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels?
a. Neville Chamberlain b. Vladimir Lenin
c. Adolf Hitler d. Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek)

26. Where did Karl Marx predict a revolution of the proletariat would occur first?
a. industrial Europe b. independent Latin America
c. colonial Africa d. agricultural Russia

27. Laissez-faire economists of the 19th century argued that
a. the government should regulate the economy and foreign trade
b. individuals should be allowed to pursue their self-interest in a free market
c. governments should develop a state-run banking system to prevent instability
d. anarchy would result if universal male suffrage was granted

28. Which two major ideas are contained in the writings of Karl Marx?
a. survival of the fittest and natural selection
b. class struggle and revolutionary change
c. separation of powers and checks and balances
d. monotheism and religious tolerance

29. The terms cottage industries, mercantilism, guilds, and laissez-faire are most closely associated with
a. political systems b. social systems c. economic systems d. belief systems

30. “. . . The replacement of the bourgeois by the proletarian state is impossible without a violent revolution. The abolition of the proletarian state, i.e., of all states, is only possible through ‘withering away.’ . . .” — V.I.Lenin, 1917

This quotation is associated with the principles of
a. imperialism b. capitalism c. communism d. militarism

31. Which event had the greatest influence on the development of laissez-faire capitalism? a. fall of the Roman Empire b. invention of the printing press
c. Industrial Revolution d. Green Revolution

32. Which headline would most likely have appeared in a pamphlet during the Industrial Revolution?
a. “Michelangelo Completes Sistine Chapel”
b. “Karl Marx Attacks Capitalism”
c. “Martin Luther Speaks Out Against Sale of Indulgences”
d. “John Locke Calls for the People to Choose the King”

33. The political ideas of Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, and Pol Pot were strongly influenced by the writings of
a. Confucius b. Mohandas Gandhi c. Desmond Tutu d. Karl Marx

34. Laissez-faire capitalism as attributed to Adam Smith called for
a. heavy taxation of manufacturers
b. strict government control of the economy
c. minimal government involvement in the economy
d. government investments in major industries

35. A key principle of the economic theory of communism is
a. restoration of a bartering system b. organization of workers’ unions c. government ownership of property d. privatization of business

36. “. . . They [the Communists] openly declare that their ends can be attained [achieved] only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Working men of all countries, unite!” — Friederich Engels and Karl Marx, Communist Manifesto, 1848

These views, expressed by Engels and Marx, were developed in reaction to the
a. unification of Germany b. Commercial Revolution
c. Congress of Vienna d. Industrial Revolution
37. The economic theory of laissez-faire capitalism proposes that
a. command economies should provide the greatest opportunity for national growth
b. the nobility should have strict control over business and industry
c. the practices of mercantilism should be expanded
d. governments should not interfere with business

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
18. anba politik la mercantilism, pouvwa kolonyal konsidere koloni yo pou (1) nasyon endepandan ke komèsyal atravè lemond (2) endepandan nasyon ki te gen relasyon espesyal ak pouvwa Ewopeyen (3) biens pou benefis imperial pouvwa(4) biens te vè dlo endepandans19. Karl Marx prévu kapitalis laissez-faire pwal abouti nan Aiyalam tounen nan yon revolisyon ki te dirije pa Pwoletè a, b manorialism c mwens gouvènman règleman d. yon distribisyon egal de richès ak kantite lajan 20. yon sèl chemen nan ki Hô-Chi Minh-, Fidel Castro, Et Il Kim Jong yo sanble se chak Aiyalam mete sou pye gouvènman Demokratik b te itilize principes politik pou rebèl Marxist c retire yon décision monak d. te monte pèp Confucian principes 21. oratè r: gouvènman an ta dwe pa mele nan relasyon ant travayè Et biznis propriétaires.Oratè, B: travayè yo va leve, jete pwoteje klas la.Pwopwiyete pwive C: oratè a sispann egziste yo a. Pèp la ap posede enpòtans pwodiksyon an.Oratè D: yon favorab balans de komès ta dwe patisipe pou menteni konn de tarif.Intervenants de ki repwezante lide Karl Marx sistèm kominis? Aiyalam UN Et b B a, B Et c C a, B Et d D. C Et D 22. ki oratè refere li a kapitalis laissez-faire? Aiyalam yon b, B c, C d. D 23. sou sistèm kominis nan ansyen Inyon Sovyetik la, foul moun yo te egzije w pouAiyalam mete enterè leta a anvan endividyèl b limite la taille de fanmi yo c honneur ke zansèt yo ak relijye traditions. d rejeter teknoloji a la mòd24. Karl Marx Et Friedrich Engels ankouraje travayè yo pou yo amelyore lavi yo pa Aiyalam élire b représentants inyon ki patisipe nan gouvènman lokal c ranvèse pansyon demand pou sistèm kapitalis. d ak asirans enfimite 25. lidè ki baze li te wa sou tout lide de Karl Marx Et Friedrich Engels? Aiyalam Neville Chamberlain b Vladimir Lenin c ke Nazis Adolf Hitler. d Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek) 26. kote a Karl Marx predi yon revolisyon Pwoletè a ta rive anvan? Aiyalam endistriyèl Europe b endepandan nan Amerik Latin c kolonyal Afrik. d agrikòl Lawisi 27. ekonomis laissez-faire yo de syèk 19 la te diskite sa Aiyalam, gouvènman an ta dwe réglementer a ekonomi ak komès etranje b personnes yo dwe gen dwa pou pouswiv intérêt yo nan yon mache lib c gouvènman an ta dwe devlope yon sistèm bancaires leta pou anpeche une d. anachi kapab bay kòm rezilta si inivèsèl suffrage gason te ba 28. de ki pi gwo lide sont Kin an ki ekri nan liv Karl Marx? Aiyalam survie de la "Et chwazi natirèl lit klas b Et Revolisyonè chanjman c separasyon pouvwa, chèk ak soldes d. Monoteyis Et tolerans relijye 29. a tèm cottage endistri yo, mercantilism, aux, ak laissez-faire yo ki pi kole ak asosye avèk sistèm politik Aiyalam sistèm sosyal b c sistèm ekonomik d. kwè sistèm 30. “. . . A relèv de boujwa the leta a enposib san yon revolisyon vyolan. Abolisyon de la the leta, c'est-à-dire, de tout Etazini, se sèl posib par 'eperisman.'... "— V.I.Lenin, 1917Prix sa a asosye avèk seri de pwensip de Aiyalam l' kapitalis b c sistèm kominis d. militarism 31. evènman sa te fè pi gwo enfliyans sou devlopman moun kapitalis laissez-faire? Aiyalam tonbe de envansyon b anpi women de Sur l' a c d. Industriels revolisyon Green revolisyon 32. titre sa ki pi ke ta gen te parèt nan yon ti liv pandan revolisyon Industriels la? Aiyalam "Michelangelo konplete Chapel Sixtine" b "Karl Marx atak kapitalis" c "Martin Luther pale sou vant Indulgences" d. "John Locke apèl pou pèp la pou yo chwazi wa a" 33. politik lide de Hô-Chi Minh-, Fidel Castro ak Pol te fortement te enfliyanse tèren yo te ekri: Aiyalam Confucius Mohandas Gandhi b c d Desmond Tutu. Karl Marx34. kapitalis laissez-faire kòm ke w pat Adam Smith te rele pou Taksasyon lou Aiyalam de manifakti yo b kè di gouvènman an kontwòl ekonomi an c nan gouvènman minimòm enplikasyon li nan ekonomi an d. gouvènman an envèstisman nan pi gwo endistri yo 35. yon kle pwensip a teori ekonomik sistèm kominis se Aiyalam restorasyon de yon troc sistèm b òganizasyon pou Inyon c gouvènman an komen travayè de propriété. d pwivatizasyon de biznis 36. “. . . Yo [kominis yo] di ouvètman ke yo ka être atteint [atteint] sèlman sou non la force renversement de tout kondisyon ki ekziste sosyal. Pou klas décision brannen nan yon revolisyon kominis. Proletarians yo pa gen anyen pou pèdi nan men ti chenn yo. Yo gen yon tan ki gen pou genyen. Travay moun tout peyi sa, fè yon tèt ansanm! "— Friederich Engels Et Karl Marx, kominis manifeste, 1848Vues sa yo, yo te eksprime Engels ak Marx, ki te devlope nan reaksyon a inifikasyon Aiyalam revolisyon komèsyal Almay b c Kongrè revolisyon Industriels Vienna d.37. a teori ekonomik moun kapitalis laissez-faire pwopoze sa Aiyalam kòmand ekonomi ta dwe bay pi gran opòtinite pou devlòpman nasyonal b rich ta dwe gen kè di kontwole biznis ak endistric pwatik de mercantilism ta dwe elaji d. gouvènman pa ta dwe entèfere ak biznis
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
18. Anba politik la nan mèkantilis, pouvwa kolonyal konsidere kòm koloni yo yo dwe (1) nasyon endepandan ki te fè kòmès nan tout mond lan
(2) nasyon endepandan ki te gen relasyon espesyal ak pouvwa Ewopeyen an
(3) byen nan avantaj pouvwa a Imperial
(4) byen ke yo te prepare pou endepandans 19. Karl Marx prevwa ke kapitalis lesefè ta lakòz yon. yon retounen nan manoryalis b. yon revolisyon ki te dirije pa proletariat c la . mwens règleman gouvènman ta. yon distribisyon egal nan richès ak revni 20. Yon fason Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, ak Kim Jong Il sanble sèke chak yon. mete kanpe gouvènman demokratik b. itilize Maksis prensip politik c. detwi yon monak dirije d. ankouraje prensip confucian 21. Oratè A: Gouvènman pa ta dwe entèfere nan relasyon ant travayè yo ak mèt biznis. Oratè B:. Travayè yo ap monte leve, li jete klas la privilejye Oratè C: pwopriyete Prive ap oblije sispann egziste. Foul moun yo pral posede vle di la a pwodiksyon an. Oratè D: Yon balans favorab nan komès yo ta dwe konsève yo pa itilize nan tarif. Ki de ki pale natif reprezante lide Karl Marx la nan kominis? a. A ak B b. B ak C c. B ak D d. C ak D 22. Ki oratè se refere li a lesefè kapitalis? a. Yon b. B c. C d. D 23. Anba kominis nan ansyen Inyon Sovyetik, moun yo te oblije yon. mete enterè yo nan eta a anvan moun b. limite gwosè a nan fanmi yo c. onore zansèt yo ak tradisyon relijye ta. rejte teknoloji modèn 24. Karl Marx ak Friedrich Engels ankouraje travayè yo amelyore lavi yo lè yo yon. eli reprezantan sendika b. k ap patisipe nan gouvènman lokal c. ranvèse sistèm kapitalis d la. mande pansyon ak asirans pou andikape 25. Ki lidè ki baze règ l 'sou ide yo nan Karl Marx ak Friedrich Engels? a. Neville Chamberlain b. Vladimir Lenin c. Adolf Hitler d. Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-chek) 26. Ki kote Karl Marx te prevwa yon revolisyon nan proletariat a ta rive an premye? a. endistriyèl Ewòp b. endepandan Amerik Latin c. Lafrik di kolonyal ta. Larisi agrikòl 27. Ekonomis lesefè nan 19yèm syèk la te diskite ke yon. gouvènman an ta dwe kontwole ekonomi ak komès etranje yo b la . moun ta dwe gen dwa pouswiv yo enterè pwòp tèt ou-nan yon mache lib c. gouvènman ta dwe devlope yon sistèm bankè eta-kouri yo anpeche enstabilite d. anachi ta lakòz si sifraj inivèsèl gason te akòde 28. Ki de gwo lide ki genyen nan yo nan ekri yo nan Karl Marx? yon. siviv nan apt ak natirèl seleksyon b la . lit klas ak chanjman revolisyonè c. separasyon pouvwa ak chèk ak balans ta. monoteism ak tolerans relijye 29. Endistri tèm kaye, mèkantilis, asosyasyon, ak lesefè a yo pi asosye deprè avèk yon. sistèm politik b. sistèm sosyal c. sistèm ekonomik ta. sistèm kwayans 30. ". . . Ranplasman an nan boujwa a pa eta a pwoletè se enposib san yo pa yon revolisyon vyolan. Abolisyon a nan eta a pwoletè, sa vle di, nan tout eta yo, se sèlman posib nan 'meprizan ale.' . . . "- VILenin, 1917 se sitasyon pi ba Sa a ki asosye ak prensip yo nan yon. enperyalis b. kapitalis c. kominis d. militaris 31. Ki evènman te gen pi gwo enfliyans sou devlopman nan kapitalis lesefè? yon. tonbe nan b la Anpi Women an. envansyon nan laprès enprime c la . Revolisyon Endistriyèl ta. Revolisyon Vèt 32. Ki gran tit ta gen plis chans te parèt nan yon bwochi pandan Revolisyon Endistriyèl la? a. "Michelangelo reyalis Sistine Chapel" b. "Karl Marx atak Kapitalis" c. "Martin Luther Pale soti Kont vann nan endiljans" d. "John Locke apèl pou Pèp la yo chwazi wa a" 33. Lide politik yo nan Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, ak Pol Pot te fòtman enfliyanse pa ekri yo nan yon. Confucius b. Mohandas Gandhi c. Desmond Tutu d. Karl Marx 34. Lesefè kapitalis kòm atribiye a Adam Smith te rele pou yon. taksasyon lou nan manifaktirè b. strik kontwòl gouvènman an sou ekonomi c la . patisipasyon gouvènman minim nan ekonomi d la . envestisman gouvènman an nan pi gwo endistri 35. Yon prensip kle nan teyori ekonomik la nan kominis se yon. restorasyon nan yon sistèm troke b. òganizasyon travayè 'sendika c. an komen nan pwopriyete gouvènman d. pwivatizasyon de biznis 36. ". . . Yo [Kominis yo] ouvètman deklare ke bout yo ka rive [reyalize] sèlman pa ranvèse gouvènman an fòs nan tout kondisyon sosyal ki egziste deja. Se pou klas dominan yo tranble nan yon revolisyon kominis. Pwoletè yo pa gen anyen pèdi men chenn yo. Yo gen yon mond pou pou genyen. K ap travay moun nan tout peyi, ini! "- Friederich Engels ak Karl Marx, Kominis Manifès, 1848 opinyon sa yo, pa Engels ak Marx eksprime, te devlope nan reyaksyon a yon an . inifikasyon nan Almay b. Revolisyon Komèsyal c. Kongrè a nan Vyèn d. Revolisyon Endistriyèl 37. Teyori ekonomik la nan kapitalis lesefè pwopoze ke yon. ekonomi lòd ta dwe bay opòtinite nan pi gran pou kwasans nasyonal b. noblès la ta dwe gen strik kontwòl sou biznis ak endistri c. pratik sa yo ki mèkantilis yo ta dwe elaji d. gouvènman yo pa ta dwe entèfere ak biznis

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