21. One result of the voyages of Zheng He was that(1) Chinese merchant traduction - 21. One result of the voyages of Zheng He was that(1) Chinese merchant Créole haïtien comment dire

21. One result of the voyages of Zh

21. One result of the voyages of Zheng He was that
(1) Chinese merchants began trading with Africa
(2) Christian missionaries arrived in China
(3) Indian artisans showed the Chinese how to make Ming porcelain
(4) China set up colonies in Europe

22. Many achievements of Islamic civilization reached European society by way of the
(1) Crusades and eastern Mediterranean trading networks
(2) merchant guilds and the Industrial Revolution
(3) Middle Passage and the Columbian Exchange
(4) conquests of the Germanic tribes and trade along the Silk Road

23. The Silk Road was important because it allowed for the
(1) exploration of China by the Roman Army
(2) development of agriculture by the nomadic people of Central Asia
(3) movement of Chinese armies through Southeast Asia
(4) exchange of goods between Asia and the Middle East

25. The travels of Marco Polo resulted in the
(1) introduction of gunpowder to China (2) decline of Mongol rule in China
(3) expansion of trade between China and Europe
(4) use of Confucian teachings in Europe

28. The Silk Road was important because it allowed for the
(1) exploration of China by the Roman Army
(2) development of agriculture by the nomadic people of Central Asia
(3) movement of Chinese armies through Southeast Asia
(4) exchange of goods between Asia and the Middle East

29. “The countries beyond the horizon and from the ends of the Earth have all become subjects and to the most western of the western or the most northern of the northern countries however far away they may be.” — Ming dynasty official

The intent of this statement about the Ming dynasty was to
(1) demonstrate supremacy and strength in China
(2) control the Mongols (3) stop European imperialism
(4) impose Chinese culture and slavery on neighboring countries

31. One reason for the growth and success of 9th-century cities such as Baghdad, Constantinople, and Ch’ang-an (Xian) was that they
(1) were part of the Roman Empire (2) tolerated religious diversity
(3) traded only with people from their immediate region
(4) were located on major trade routes

35. Which group introduced the Cyrillic alphabet, Orthodox Christianity, and domed architecture to Russian culture?
(1) Mongols (2) Jews (3) Vikings (4) Byzantines

40. The Eastern Orthodox Church and the Cyrillic alphabet originated in the Byzantine Empire. What does the practice of this religion and the use of this alphabet in Russia indicate?
(1) Russia was conquered by the Byzantine Empire.
(2) Russia’s leaders eliminated the influence of the Mongols.
(3) Russia was influenced by cultural diffusion.
(4) Russia’s geographic isolation led to cultural diversity.

41. Which development in Russian history led to the other three?
(1) Orthodox Christianity was adopted in Russia.
(2) Trade developed along rivers linking Russia and the Byzantine Empire.
(3) The Cyrillic alphabet became the basis of Russian written language.
(4) Russian rulers took the title of czar, or Caesar.

44. Constantinople was a thriving city in the 1200s mainly because of its location on a major trade route between
(1) China and southern Africa (2) the Atlantic Ocean and the Baltic Sea
(3) the Inca Empire and the Aztec Empire (4) Asia and eastern Europe

45. Before the use of the Silk Road, how did geography affect early China?
(1) The mountains and deserts in western and southwestern China slowed the exchange of ideas.
(2) The northwestern region provided many fertile areas suitable for farming.
(3) The three major river systems provided barriers against invasion.
(4) The lack of deep-water ports on the eastern coast prevented China from developing trade with other nations.

46. “. . . The circumference of the city of Constantinople is eighteen miles; one-half of the city being bounded by the continent, the other by the sea, two arms of which meet here; the one a branch or outlet of the Russian, the other of the Spanish sea. Great stir and bustle prevails [dominates] at Constantinople in consequence of the conflux [meeting] of many merchants, who resort thither [come there], both by land and by sea, from all parts of the world for purposes of trade, including merchants from Babylon and from Mesopotamia, from Media and Persia, from Egypt and Palestine, as well as from Russia, Hungary, Patzinakia, Budia, Lombardy and Spain. In this respect the city is equalled only by Bagdad, the metropolis of the Mahometans. . . .”

This author would most likely agree with the idea that the
(1) size of Constantinople limited trade
(2) cities of western Europe were more impressive than Constantinople
(3) location of Constantinople contributed to its prosperity
(4) government of Constantinople failed to provide order

47. Constantinople’s location on the Bosporus Strait was one reason that the Byzantine Empire was able to
(1) conquer the Russian city of Moscow
(2) spread Judaism throughout western Europe
(3) control key trade routes between Europe and Asia
(4) unite the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches

48. During the 1400s, the cities of Venice, Constantinople, and Canton achieved prominence because their
(1) locations were favorable for trade
(2) pleasant climates led to an increase in population
(3) democratic governments attracted trade
(4) military power led to industrialization

49. •A British bank makes a loan to a South American nation.
•A United States corporation purchases large amounts of land in Guatemala.
•A Japanese investment firm becomes the major shareholder in a Bolivian silver mine.

Which concept is illustrated by these situations?
(1) nationalization (2) isolationism (3) interdependence (4) protectionism

50. An example of economic interdependence is
(1) South Africans mining their gold and diamond resources
(2) the government of France issuing new currency
(3) Japan selling technological goods to buy Middle Eastern oil
(4) an Indian subsistence farmer waiting for the rains to water his crops

54. What was the effect of the extensive Mongol Empire on the people who lived in Europe and Asia in the 1200s?
(1) development of a common language
(2) adoption of Confucian ideas and practices
(3) expansion of Japanese cultural traditions
(4) significant increases in trade and travel

56. The journals of early travelers such as Ibn Battuta of Morocco, Zheng He of China, and Mansa Musa of Mali are examples of
(1) primary sources describing observations of the travelers
(2) works of fiction intended to describe the adventures of the travelers
(3) secondary sources that record the travelers’ interpretations of history
(4) outdated resources for historical research

57. The exchange of silks and spices and the spread of Buddhism along the Silk Roads are examples of
(1) cultural diffusion (2) self-sufficiency (3) ethnocentrism (4) desertification

60. The use of the Silk Road in Asia and caravan routes in northern Africa and southwestern Asia encouraged
(1) self-sufficiency (2) cultural isolation (3) ethnocentrism (4) cultural diffusion

61. Which title is best for the partial outline below?
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
21. yon rezilta de voyages de Zheng li te genyen sa(1) marchands Chinwa te kòmanse komèsyal ak Afwik(2) kretyen misyonè te rive nan peyi Lachin (3) Endyen artisans a Chinwa kijan pou yo fè Ming pòslèn (4) peyi Lachin te etabli koloni an Ewòp 22. anpil réalisations de civilisation Islamik te rive Ewopeyen sosyete par moyen de laCroisades (1) Et zòn lès Mediterane an komès rezo(2) aux komèsan e revolisyon Industriel a (3) au pasaj Et la gen echanj (4) lide Germaniques chak branch fanmi yo ak komès nan wout swa la 23. wout swa la te enpòtan paske li te pèmèt pou a (1) eksplorasyon Lachin ke lame women an (2) devlopman de agrikilti a nomadik moun peyi Azi santral (3) mouvman Chinwa ki gen tout pouvwa nan Azi di Disès (4) vann yon tè ant asie Et Mwayen Oryan 25. Se de Marco Polo te bay an rezilta nan a (1) yon ti rale de à peyi Lachin (2) baisse de règle Mongol nan la chin(3) ekspansyon komès ant peyi Lachin ak nan Ewòp la (4) utiliser de pèp Confucian kòmandman an Ewòp28. wout swa la te enpòtan paske li te pèmèt pou a (1) eksplorasyon Lachin ke lame women an (2) devlopman de agrikilti a nomadik moun peyi Azi santral (3) mouvman Chinwa ki gen tout pouvwa nan Azi di Disès (4) vann yon tè ant asie Et Mwayen Oryan 29. "peyi yo dèyè a horizon Et de nan dènye bout latè a sèvi sujets Et pou plis l' de rejyon Lwès lan ou a ki pi pati Nò de pati Nò peyi yo sepandan lwen yo ka fè." — Ming dinasti ofisyèlTe gen entansyon de deklarasyon sa a ki ta mande dinasti Ming a pou(1) montre suprématie ak fòs li genyen nan la chin (2) kontwole l' Ewopeyen Mongols (3) rete (4) enpoze Chinwa kilti Et esklavaj sou peyi vwazin yo 31. youn nan rezon pou kwasans ak siksè de 9-syèk vil yo tankou Bagdad, Constantinople, ak xi-UN (Xian) li te genyen sa yo (1) te fè pati de (2) tolérer anpi women divèsite relijye(3) komèsyal kont li avèk moun nan rejyon imedyat yo(4) te se sou gwo wout komès yo35. nan ki group a alfabèt sirilik, Orthodox Krisyanis, Et est Achitekti pou kilti Wis? (1) Mongols (2) jwif Byzantines (3) Vikings (4)40. legliz Orthodox de lès la Et alfabèt sirilik Walden nan fè aparisyon nan anpi Byzantine an. Ki sa pratique de sa a relijyon Et utiliser de sirilik sa a nan Lawisi endike? (1) Larisi te a pa anpi Byzantine an.(2) lidè yo Larisi a éliminé enfliyans de Mongols.(3) Larisi te pwofondman pa piblikasyon kiltirèl.(4) blanch géographique Larisi a te mennen divèsite kiltirèl. 41. ki devlòpman nan istwa Lawisi a pou lòt twa? (1) Krisyanis Orthodox yo te adopte nan Lawisi. (2) komès ki devlope ansanm rivières entre Lawisi ak anpi Byzantine an. (3) alfabèt sirilik a est baz Wis ekri lang. (4) chèf Larisi te pran Tit kont, ou Seza. 44. Constantinople te yon florissante vil nan 1200s la principalement paske kote yo ye sou yon gwo wout komès ant (1) Lachin ak Afwik di Sid Oseyan Atlantik (2) a ak lanmè Baltic a(3) anpi Inca an Et Empire Aztèk (4) asie Et Ewop de lès45. devan itilize wout swa a, ki te fè jewografi afekte Lachin byen bonè?(1) mòn yo ak tout désert nan rejyon lwès Et sidwès peyi Lachin te ralanti chanje lide. (2) rejyon Nòdwès an te founi anpil bon venn tè zòn ki fèt nan Kiba agricoles. (3) twa les principaux bò larivyè Lefrat sistèm yo te founi baryè kont envazyon an.(4) a mank de en pò sou kòt lès la a peyi Lachin nan devlope komès ak lòt nasyon yo. 46. “. . . Sikonferans nan vil Constantinople, ki se dizwit kilomèt moitié de vil lan te bòne pa kontinan an, lòt bò lanmè a, de zam ki rankontre jouk isit la. UN a yon branch ou prise de Larisi a, lòt la bò lanmè èspanyòl. Gwo Madi Et animation prévaut [domine] nan Constantinople in consequence of conflux [réunion] de marchands anpil, ki lan thither [rive gen], deux pa tè bò lanmè a, nan tout pati nan mond lan pou komès, ki enkli marchands soti lavil Babilòn Et de Mezopotami, de Medi ak peyi Pès, depi peyi Lejip ak nan Palestine, osibyen nan Lawisi, Ongri, Patzinakia, Budia, Lombardie Et peyi Espay. Nan respè sa a nan vil égale sèlman sou non Bagdad, metropolis de Mahometans.... "Otè sa a ki pi ke pwal dakò avèk lide sa a (1) taille de Constantinople limite komès (2) vil yo de peyi rejyon lwès Ewòp ont impressionnant plis pase Constantinople (3) kote Constantinople te kontribye pwosperite li (4) gouvènman Constantinople ki te echwe pou bay lòd 47. Constantinople a kote yo ye sou Bosporus kanal la li te genyen youn nan rezon ki anpi Byzantine an pa t ' kapab (1) venk vil Lawisi Moskou (2) se Jidayis atravè peyi rejyon lwès Ewòp(3) kontwòl kle komès wout ant an Ewòp ak asie(4) fè yon tèt ansanm Orthodox pati lès la ak legliz Katolik Romen48. pandan 1400s lan, vil Venice, Constantinople, ak Canton atteint importance paske yo (1) sites ont favorab pou komès (2) plezan climats ki te ap dirije pou yon ogmantasyon nan lane(3) gouvènman Demokratik atire komès (4) militè pouvwa ki te ap dirije pou endistriyalizasyon 49. bank Britannique ' fè yon prè labank pou yon nasyon Amerik di sid. • Nan Etazini Kòporasyon achats montants laj ki rete nan peyi nan Gwatemala. • Japonè envèstisman entreprise devient gran pi gwo aksyonè nan yon Bolivyen an ajan mwen yo ye. Konsèp ki illustré pa sitiyasyon sa a? (1) nationalisation (2) Izolatè (3) Entèdepandans (4) protectionnisme50. yon egzanp Entèdepandans ekonomik se (1) sid la nan trenen minrè yo resous lò ak diaman (2) a gouvènman an Fwans distribiye lajan nouvo (3) Japon vann machandiz teknolojik pou achte lwil nan mitan lès (4) yon Endyen subsistance kiltivatè a gen pasyans ak lapli a pou bay rekòt li fè dlo54. sa ki te efè sou Empire Mongol sou pèp la, ki tap viv an Ewòp ak asie 1200s la? (1) devlopman yon lang (2) adopsyon de ide pèp Confucian ak pratik ki(3) ekspansyon traditions kiltirèl Japonè (4) augmente siyifikatif nan komès ak vwayaj56. les feuilles de byen bonè travelers tankou Ibn Battuta de Moroko, li Zheng nan Lachin, Et Mansa pye fig de Mali sont egzanp de (1) sous yo, qui meteyorolojik de travelers yo principal (2) fonctionne de fiksyon fèt pou kapab dekri l' aventure de travelers(3) dezyèm sous ke dosye travelers l' interprétation de istwa (4) demode resous pou rechèch istorik 57 tan. a echanj appelés ak fèy santi bon ak gaye de Boudis nan tout ti wout swa yo egzanp de (1) kiltirèl piblikasyon sifizans pèsonèl (2) (3) ethnocentrism (4) la60. itilize wout swa la nan Azi ak Karavann wout yo nan pati Nò Afrik ak sidwès asie ankouraje (1) sifizans pèsonèl (2) kiltirèl blanch (3) ethnocentrism (4) kiltirèl piblikasyon61. Tit sa ta pi bon pou pasyèl plan ki pi ba?
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
21. Youn rezilta nan vwayaj yo nan Zheng Li te ke
(1) machann Chinwa te kòmanse komès ak Lafrik di
(2) misyonè kretyen te rive nan Lachin
(3) atizan Ameriken te montre Chinwa ki jan fè Ming porselèn la
(4) Lachin mete kanpe koloni an Ewòp 22. Reyalizasyon Anpil nan sivilizasyon Islamik rive sosyete Ewopeyen pa fason pou la (1) Kwazad ak lès rezo komès Mediterane (2) asosyasyon komèsan ak Revolisyon Endistriyèl la (3) Lookup mwayen ak Echanj nan Kolonbyen (4) konkèt branch nan jèrmen ak komès epi li ansanm Wout Swa a 23. Wout Swa a te enpòtan paske li pèmèt pou (1) eksplorasyon an nan Lachin pa Women Lame (2) devlopman nan nan agrikilti pa moun yo nomad nan Azi Santral (3) mouvman lame Chinwa yo nan Azi Sidès (4) echanj nan machandiz ant Azi ak Mwayen Oryan an 25. Vwayaj yo nan Marco Polo a nan (1) entwodiksyon an nan poud pou zam fè nan peyi Lachin (2) n bès nan règ Mongòl nan peyi Lachin (3) ekspansyon komès ant Lachin ak Lewòp (4) pou sèvi ak ansèyman confucian nan Ewòp 28. Wout Swa a te enpòtan paske li pèmèt pou (1) eksplorasyon an nan Lachin pa Women Lame (2) devlopman nan nan agrikilti pa moun yo nomad nan Azi Santral (3) mouvman lame Chinwa yo nan Azi Sidès (4) echanj nan machandiz ant Azi ak Mwayen Oryan an 29. "Peyi sa yo pi lwen pase orizon an ak soti nan pwent yo sou Latè a gen tout vin sijè ak pi lwès la nan lwès la oswa pi nò a nan peyi nan zòn nò yo sepandan byen lwen yo ye." - Ming dinasti ofisyèl entansyon an nan deklarasyon sa a sou dinasti Ming nan te (1) montre sipremasi ak fòs nan peyi Lachin (2) kontwole Mongòl yo (3) sispann enperyalis Ewopeyen (4) enpoze kilti Chinwa ak esklavaj sou peyi vwazen 31. Youn nan rezon pou kwasans lan ak siksè nan lavil 9yèm syèk la tankou Bagdad, Konstantinòp, ak Ch'ang-yon (Xian) te yo ke yo (1) te yon pati nan Anpi Women an (2) tolere divèsite relijye (3) te fè kòmès sèlman ak moun ki soti nan rejyon imedya yo (4) yo te sitiye sou wout komès pi gwo 35. Ki gwoup prezante alfabè a sirilik, Otodòks Krisyanis, ak achitekti koupol nan kilti Ris? (1) Mongòl (2) jwif (3) mesye Vikings (4) Byzantines 40. Legliz Òtodòks nan Lès ak alfabè a sirilik soti nan Anpi Bizanten an. Ki sa pratik nan relijyon sa a epi sèvi ak nan alfabè sa a nan Larisi montre? (1) Larisi te konkeri pa Anpi Bizanten an. (2) lidè Larisi a elimine enfliyans nan Mongòl yo. (3) Larisi te enfliyanse pa difizyon kiltirèl. (4) izolasyon jeyografik Larisi a mennen nan divèsite kiltirèl. 41. Ki devlopman nan istwa Ris mennen nan lòt twa yo? (1) Otodòks Krisyanis te adopte nan Larisi. (2) Komès devlope bò rivyè ki lye ak Larisi ak Anpi Bizanten an. (3) alfabè a sirilik te vin baz la nan lang ekri Ris. ( 4) chèf Ris te pran tit la nan ksar, oswa Seza. 44. Konstantinòp te yon vil pwospere nan 1200s yo sitou paske nan kote li ye sou yon gwo wout echanj ant (1) Lachin ak Afrik di sid (2) Oseyan Atlantik ak Lamè Baltik (3) Anpi Enka ak Anpi Aztèk (4) Azi ak lès Ewòp 45. Anvan itilize nan Wout Swa a, ki jan jewografi t 'afekte byen bonè Lachin? (1) Mòn yo ak dezè nan lwès ak sidwès Lachin ralanti echanj la nan lide. (2) Rejyon an nòdwès bay anpil zòn fètil apwopriye pou agrikilti. (3) twa sistèm yo gwo larivyè Lefrat pi gwo bay baryè kont envazyon. (4) Mank nan pò gwo twou san fon-dlo sou kòt lès anpeche Chin devlope komès ak lòt nasyon. 46. ". . . Sikonferans an nan vil la nan Konstantinòp se dizwit kilomèt; yon sèl-mwatye nan lavil la te bòne pa kontinan an, lòt la pa lanmè a, de bra nan ki satisfè isit la; yon sèl nan yon branch oubyen yon debouche pou Larisi a, lòt la nan lanmè a Panyòl. Great brase ak ajitasyon Vanport [domine] nan Konstantinòp nan konsekans conflux a [reyinyon] nan machann anpil, ki moun ki resort laba [vini la], tou de pa tè ak pa lanmè, soti nan tout pati nan mond lan pou rezon nan komès, ki gen ladan machann soti lavil Babilòn ak pou soti nan peyi Mezopotami, ki soti nan Medi ak peyi Pès, ki soti nan peyi Lejip ak Palestin, osi byen ke nan men Larisi, Ongri, Patzinaki, Budia, Lombard ak Espay. Nan respè sa a se lavil la sèlman pa sans Bagdad, Metropolis la nan maometan yo. . . . " otè Sa a ta gen plis chans dakò ak lide ki fè konnen (1) gwosè a nan Konstantinòp limite komès (2) vil yo nan lwès Lewòp yo te pi enpresyonan pase Konstantinòp (3) kote nan Konstantinòp kontribye nan pwosperite li (4) Gouvènman nan Konstantinòp echwe bay lòd 47. Kote Konstantinòp la sou Bosporus kanal la te yon rezon ki fè Anpi Bizanten an te kapab (1) konkeri lavil la Ris nan Moskou (2) gaye Jidayis nan tout lwès Lewòp (3) kontwole wout komès kle ant Lewòp ak Lazi (4) ini lès la Otodòks ak Women Legliz Katolik 48. Pandan ane 1400 yo, vil yo nan Venice, Konstantinòp, ak Canton reyalize importance paske yo (1) kote yo te favorab pou komès (2) klima bèl mennen nan yon ogmantasyon nan popilasyon (3) gouvènman demokratik atire komès (4) pouvwa militè mennen nan endistriyalizasyon 49. • Yon bank Britanik fè pou yon prè pou yon nasyon Amerik di Sid. • Yon acha sosyete Etazini gwo kantite lajan nan peyi nan Gwatemala. • Yon fèm envestisman Japonè vin actionnaire nan pi gwo nan yon m 'an ajan Bolivyen. Ki konsèp ki ilistre pa sitiyasyon sa yo? ( 1) etatizasyon (2) izolasyonis (3) entèdepandans (4) depwoteksyon 50. Yon egzanp sou entèdepandans ekonomik se (1) Sid Afriken min lò yo ak dyaman resous (2) gouvènman an nan Frans founi dokiman yo nouvo lajan (3) Japon vann machandiz teknolojik yo achte lwil oliv Mwayen Oryan (4) yon kiltivatè sibsistans Ameriken ap tann pou lapli yo nan dlo rekòt li 54. Ki sa ki te efè a nan Anpi Mongòl vaste sou pèp la ki te rete nan Ewòp ak Azi nan 1200s yo? (1) devlopman nan yon lang komen (2) adopsyon nan lide ak pratik confucian (3) ekspansyon nan tradisyon Japonè kiltirèl (4) ogmante siyifikatif nan komès ak vwayaj 56. Jounal yo nan vwayajè byen bonè tankou Ibn Battuta nan Maròk, Zheng Li nan Lachin, ak Mansa Musa nan Mali yo se egzanp (1) sous prensipal dekri obsèvasyon nan vwayajè yo (2) travay nan fiksyon gen entansyon dekri avantur yo nan vwayajè yo ( 3) sous segondè ki anrejistre entèpretasyon vwayajè yo 'nan istwa (4) resous demode pou istorik rechèch 57. Echanj la nan swari ak epis santi bon ak a gaye Boudis sou wout yo Swa yo se egzanp (1) difizyon kiltirèl (2) vin endepandan (3) etnosantris (4) dezètifikasyon 60. Itilize nan Wout Swa a nan pwovens Lazi ak wout karavàn nan nò Afrik ak Azi sidwès ankouraje (1) vin endepandan (2) izolasyon kiltirèl (3) etnosantris (4) difizyon kiltirèl 61. Ki tit ki pi bon pou deskripsyon an pati ki anba a?

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