1. A common goal of Philip II of Spain and Louis XIV of France was to  traduction - 1. A common goal of Philip II of Spain and Louis XIV of France was to  Créole haïtien comment dire

1. A common goal of Philip II of Sp

1. A common goal of Philip II of Spain and Louis XIV of France was to
a. spread Calvinism b. promote political revolutions
c. maintain absolute power d. isolate their nations

2. From the 15th to the 18th centuries, absolute monarchs of Europe and Asia sought to a. increase the power of the Catholic Church b. strengthen feudalism
c. centralize their political power d. redistribute land to the peasants
3. Which person is credited with saying “L ’état, c’est moi ” (I am the state)?
a. Louis XIV b. John Locke c. Karl Marx d. Queen Isabella

4. “. . . The power of God can be felt in a moment from one end of the world to the other: the royal power acts simultaneously throughout the kingdom. It holds the whole kingdom in position just as God holds the whole world. If God were to withdraw his hand, the entire world would return to nothing: if authority ceases in the kingdom, all lapses into confusion. . . .” — Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet

This passage describes the idea of
a. divine right rule b. parliamentary democracy c. Marxism d. totalitarianism

6. Speaker A: Although I spread serfdom in my country, I tried to modernize our society by incorporating western technology.

Speaker B: I promoted culture with my support of the arts. Unfortunately, I drained my country’s treasury by building my palace at Versailles and involving my country in costly wars.

Speaker C: I gained much wealth from my overseas empire in the Americas. I waged war against the Protestants and lost.

Speaker D: I inherited the throne and imprisoned my foes without a trial. I dissolved Parliament because I did not want to consult with them when I increased taxes.

Which speaker represents the view of King Louis XIV of France?
a. A b. B c. C d. D

7. Which nation was most likely governed by Speaker D?
a. Russia b. France c. Spain d. England

8. Which type of government is most closely associated with all these speakers?
a. limited monarchy b. absolute monarchy
c. direct democracy d. constitutional democracy

10. The theory justifying a monarch’s rule by God’s authority is called
a. laissez faire b. totalitarianism c. predestination d. divine right
11. One similarity in the rule of Peter the Great, Suleiman I, and Louis XIV is that each leader
a. shared power with a legislature b. practiced religious toleration
c. expanded his territory d. decreased the amount of taxes collected

12. “. . . Finally, gather together all that we have said, so great and so august [important], about royal authority. You have seen a great nation united under one man: you have seen his sacred power, paternal and absolute: you have seen that secret reason which directs the body politic, enclosed in one head: you have seen the image of God in kings, and you will have the idea of majesty of kingship. God is holiness itself, goodness itself, power itself, reason itself. In these things consists the divine majesty. In their reflection consists the majesty of the prince. . . .”
— Jacques-Benigne Bossuet

Which individual most likely opposed the form of government described in this quotation?
a. Ivan the Terrible b. Thomas Hobbes c. John Locke d d. Louis XIV

14. Many European monarchs of the 1600s maintained that they should have absolute power to rule because they
a. needed to defend their nations against threats from the Western Hemisphere
b. thought that all people should have the right to a good ruler
c. had been given their power to govern from God
d. thought that communism was the superior political system

15. King Louis XIV of France, Peter the Great of Russia, and Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire were all considered absolute rulers because they
a. broke from the Roman Catholic Church b. helped feudal lords build secure castles
c. instituted programs that provided more power to their parliaments
d. determined government policies without the consent of their people

16. During the Age of Absolutism (1600s and 1700s), European monarchs tried to
a. increase individual rights for their citizens
b. develop stronger relations with Islamic rulers
c. encourage the growth of collective farms
d. centralize political power within their nations

17. Niccolò Machiavelli in The Prince and Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan both advocated that a ruler should
a. obtain power from a social contract with the governed
b. place the needs of subjects first c. apply Christian teachings to all decisions
d. employ absolute power to maintain order in the areas under their rule

18. Speaker A: “The state of monarchy is supreme on earth: for kings are not only God’s lieutenants upon earth and sit upon God’s throne, but even by God himself they are called gods.”

Speaker B: “If government fails to fulfill the end for which it was established —the preservation of the individual’s right to life, liberty, and property—the people have a right to dissolve the government.”

Speaker C: “But what if the compact between the ruler and ruled is violated by the ruler? He thus becomes a tyrant, a criminal who forfeits his rights to the obedience of his subjects, who may now exercise their right to rebel and form a new compact.”

Speaker D: “The ruling authority in the state, the sovereign, must have supreme power, or society will collapse and the anarchy of the state of nature will return.”

Which two speakers would support absolutism?
a. A and D b. B and C c. C and D d. A and B

18. Which quotation was most likely made by an absolute monarch?
a. “The government that governs best, governs least.”
b. “I am the state.”
c. “The government must be based on a sound constitution.”
d. “It is the parliament that must make the laws.”

21. The primary goal of most of Europe’s absolute monarchs was to
a. support political freedom for the new middle classes
b. prevent contact with areas beyond Europe’s borders
c. centralize their political control over their nations
d. maintain peaceful relations with neighboring nations

25. The topography and climate of Russia have caused Russia to
a. depend on rice as its main source of food b. seek access to warm-water ports
c. adopt policies of neutrality and isolation
d. acquire mineral-rich colonies on other continents

26. One similarity in the rule of Peter the Great, Suleiman I, and Louis XIV is that each leader
a. shared power with a legislature b. practiced religious toleration
c. expanded his territory d. decreased the amount of taxes collected

27. The foreign policy of many Russian rulers supported the country’s desire for
a. access to inland cities b. more mineral resources
c. extensive canal systems d. warm-water ports

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
1. yon bi komen de Philippe peyi Espay Et Louis XIV de Lafwans se te pou Aiyalam gaye Calvinism b pwomouvwa tours politik c kenbe pouvwa absoli. d izole nasyon yo 2. de l' 15th de 18tyèm syèk la, absoli rois an Ewòp ak asie a pou ogmantasyon Aiyalam pouvwa b legliz Katolik la bay/pote jarèt • c Santralize pouvwa politik d. redistribuer peyi yo pou yo, peyizan yo 3. ki moun ki au ak di "L ' état, c'est moi" (mwen se leta a)?Aiyalam Louis XIV. b John Locke c Karl Marx d. larenn Isabella 4. “. . . Pouvwa Bondye ka fè te santi nan yon ti moman depi yon bout nan mond lan pou lòt la: wayal pouvwa zak simultanément atravè peyi wa a. Li kenbe tout peyi wa ki nan pozisyon menm jan Bondye a chaje sou tout latè. Si Bondye te pou li retire nan men l, tout mond ta pwal retounen nan anyen: Si otorite cesse nan peyi kote wa a, tout est nan konfizyon.... "— Bishop Jacques-Benigne BossuetPasaj sa a dekri lideAiyalam divine dwa t' ap mache sou demokrasi palmantè a b c Marxism d. totalitarisme 6. oratè r: Malgre mwen se and nan peyi m, mwen te eseye pou modènize sosyete nou pa enkòporamman teknoloji lwès.Oratè B: mwen monte kilti ak soutni m' de èv yo. Malerezman, mwen vide trezorye peyi m' pa bati palè m' nan Versailles Et impliquant peyi m' nan lagè koute.Oratè, C: m pwofi anpil richès nan m' l' anpi nan Amerik yo. M a ap kontinye goumen kont Protèstan yo e te pèdi.Oratè D: mwen te resevwa byen twòn Et te anprizone lènmi m' san yon jijman. Mwen te kraze palman an paske mwen pa vle pou konsilte avèk yo lè mwen te ogmante taks.Oratè ki repwezante vi a de wa Louis XIV Auguste? Aiyalam yon b, B c, C d. D7. ki nasyon li te genyen ki pou pi si gouvènen peyi D oratè? Aiyalam Lawisi Lafwans b c Espay. d Angletè8. ki kalite gouvènman an pi kole ak asosye avèk tout moun sa yo? Aiyalam limite monarchie absoli b monarchie c dwe dirije demokrasi konstitisyonèl demokrasi d. 10. la teori qui t' ap mache sou monak yon ou avèk otorite Bondye a te rele Aiyalam laissez faire b totalitarisme c predestination d. divine dwa11. yon similitude nan Peter grannèg, Suleiman t' ap mache sou mwen, Et Louis XIV se ke lidè chak Aiyalam pataj pouvwa ak yon pouvwa lejislatif b pratiqué tolérance relijye c elaji tèritwa li. d diminye kantite taks kolekte 12. “. . . Finalman, sanble tout sa nou te di, se konsa gwo Et se konsa out [enpòtan], sou otorite wayal. Nou te wè yon gwo pèp ansanm sou yon sèl moun, nou te wè pouvwa sakre, kote papa Et absoli: ou wè poutèt sekrè sa ki dirige politic kò a, mete andedan nan yon sèl chèf: ou wè imaj Bondye wa nan, epi nou p'ap mete nan tèt de majesté de kingship. Bondye se sainteté tèt li, merci tèt li, pouvwa li menm, se sak tèt li. Nan bagay sa yo se Bondje kap majesté a. Nan refleksyon yo se majesté de lizyè.... " — Bossuet Jacques BenigneKi moun ki pi probablement opoze fòm gouvènman an te dekri nan guillemets sa a? Aiyalam Ivan a ase rale mennen vini Thomas Hobbes b c d è John Locke. Louis XIV14. anpil Ewopeyen rois de tonb toujou kenbe yo ta dwe gen pouvwa absoli pou li t' ap mache sou paske yo Aiyalam bezwen pou defann nasyon pa nasyon sou menas nan Emisfè Lwès la b te panse ke tout moun ta dwe gen dwa pou yon chèf gen bonc te resevwa yo te gen pouvwa pou li gouvène nan Bondyed. te panse ke sistèm kominis li te genyen siperyè sistèm politik 15. wa Louis XIV Auguste, Pyè a gwo peyi Lawisi, Et Suleiman la Magnifique de disparisyon anpi Ottoman an te tout chèf comme absoli paske yo Aiyalam est de legliz Katolik Romèn chèf feodal à b créer sécurisé châteauxc a pwogram ki bay plis pouvwa pou yo Angletèd. te fè lide gouvènman politik san konsantman moun, yo16. pandan a laj de sistèm absoli (tonb Et du), rois Ewopeyen an eseye pou Aiyalam ogmante dwa endividyèl pou sitwayen yo b devlope pi fò relasyon li ak chèf Islamik c ankouraje pyebwa ki donnen farms kolektifd. Santralize pouvwa politik nan nasyon yo17. Niccolo Machiavelli nan Prince a Et Thomas Hobbes nan zèb les advoke ke gen yon pouvwa a ta dwe Aiyalam pran pouvwa de yon kontra sosyal ak a régis b lieu bezwen yo de sujets premye c aplike kretyen kòmandman pou tout décisionsd. bay travay absoli pouvwa pou kenbe lòd nan zòn sa yo anba pouvwa yo18. oratè r: "Eta de monarchie sipwèm sou latè: Paske, wa yo, se pa sèlman lieutenants Bondye te sou latè ak chita sou twòn Bondye a, men pa Bondye li menm yo rele Bondye."Oratè B: "Si gouvènman dabò pou tou sa li pou li ki te etabli — la conservation de la moun dwat pou lavi, libète, ak propriété — pèp yo gen dwa pou elye gouvènman an."Oratè C: "Men e si kontra ant pouvwa a ak rejim te vyole chèf? Li konsa devient yon Tiran, yon kriminèl ki te forfeits li dwa pou soumisyon de sujets l, ki ka koulye a fè egzèsis yo dwa pou fè rebèl ak fòm yon nouvo kontra."Oratè D: "la décision otorite nan eta a, souverain a, se pou fè pouvwa Sipwèm nan, ou sosyete ap tonbe feblès, wa anachi de eta an de nati pral retounen.Ki pale de yon ki tap ka sipòte sistèm absoli? Aiyalam UN Et b D a, B Et c C C Et D d. UN Et B 18. prix kote li te genyen ki pou pi si boule nan yon absoli monak? Aiyalam "Gouvènman an ki régit meyè, régit moins." b "mwen leta a. c "gouvènman an dwe baze sou yon son konstitisyon an." d. "Se sa yo ki dwe fè lwa nan palman an."21. a objectif principal de pi fò nan absoli rois Ewop de se te pou Aiyalam sipòte libète politik pou nouvo klas nan mitan b anpeche kontak ak zòn yo a nan fontyè yo Ewop de c Santralize kontwòl politik yo sou nasyon yo d. kenbe lapè relasyon li ak peyi vwazen 25. la topographie Et klima Larisi te koze Lawisi pou Aiyalam depann de diri kòm li sous manje b demander aksè pou warm-dlo pò pwensipal c adopte politik la neutralité Et blanchd. acquérir koloni mineral rich ak sou lòt continents 26. yon similitude nan Peter grannèg, Suleiman t' ap mache sou mwen, Et Louis XIV se ke lidè chak Aiyalam pataj pouvwa ak yon pouvwa lejislatif b pratiqué tolérance relijyec elaji tèritwa li. d diminye kantite taks kolekte 27. politik etranjè a de chèf Lawisi anpil en ta renmen peyi a pou Aiyalam accès pou b intérieure vil yo plis resous mineral c vaste/tande/zòrèy sistèm d. warm-dlo pò
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
1. Yon objektif komen Philip II nan nan Espay ak Louis XIV nan Lafrans te
yon. gaye kalvinism b. ankouraje revolisyon politik
c. kenbe pouvwa absoli d. izole nasyon yo 2. Soti nan 15 a syèk yo 18th, monak absoli nan Ewòp ak Azi t'ap chache a. ogmante pouvwa a nan b la Legliz Katolik. ranfòse feyodalis c. santralize pouvwa politik yo d. redistribiye peyi yo peyizan yo 3. Se Ki moun kredite yo ak li di: "L 'état, c'est moi" (mwen menm eta a)? a. Louis XIV b. John Locke c. Karl Marx ta. Rèn Isabella 4. ". . . Ka pouvwa Bondye dwe te santi nan yon moman soti nan yon pwent nan mond lan nan lòt la: pouvwa wayal la aji ansanm nan tout peyi a. Lwa sa a bay wa a tout antye nan yon pozisyon menm jan Bondye kenbe tout lemonn. Si Bondye te yo retire men l ', lemonn antye ta retounen nan pa gen anyen: si otorite fini nan wayom nan, tout bagay ap tonbe nan konfizyon. . . . "- Bishop Jacques-benigne bossuet pasaj sa a dekri lide a nan yon. diven règ dwat b. palmantè demokrasi c. Maksis d. totalitaris 6. Oratè A: Malgre ke mwen gaye sèvitid nan peyi m nan, mwen te eseye modènize sosyete nou an pa enkòporamman teknoloji lwès yo. Oratè B: Mwen ankouraje kilti ak sipò mwen an boza. Malerezman, mwen vide kès tanp peyi mwen an pa bati palè mwen an Vèsay ak ki enplike peyi mwen nan lagè koute chè. Oratè C: mwen te vin jwenn anpil richès nan anpi lòt bò dlo mwen an Amerik yo. Mwen fè lagè kont pwotestan yo ak pèdi. Oratè D: Mwen eritye fòtèy la ak prizon lènmi m 'san yo pa yon pwosè. Mwen fonn Palman an paske mwen pa t 'vle konsilte avèk yo lè m' ogmante taks. Ki oratè reprezante gade nan, wa Louis XIV nan Lafrans? a. Yon b. B c. C d. D 7. Ki nasyon te gen plis chans ki reji pa Oratè D? a. Larisi b. Lafrans c. Espay d. Angletè 8. Ki kalite gouvènman ki pi asosye ak tout ki pale natif sa yo? a. limite monachi b. monachi absoli c. dirèk demokrasi d. demokrasi konstitisyonèl 10. Se teyori a jistifye règ yon monak la pa otorite Bondye a rele yon. laissez faire b. totalitaris c. predestinasyon d. diven dwat 11. Yon resanblans nan règ la nan Peter Legran a, Suleyman I, ak Louis XIV se ke chak lidè a. pataje pouvwa a ak yon b lejislati. pratike tolerans relijye c. agrandi teritwa li d. diminye kantite lajan an nan taks kolekte 12. ". . . Finalman, nou mete ansanm tout ke nou te di, se konsa gran anpil ak gwo si jis [enpòtan], sou otorite wayal. Ou gen pou wè yon gwo nasyon ini anba yon sèl moun: nou te wè pouvwa sakre li, patènèl ak absoli: ou te wè ke rezon ki fè sekrè ki dirije kò politik la, ki fèmen nan yon sèl tèt: ou te wè imaj la nan Bondye nan wa yo, ak ou pral gen lide a nan majeste yon wayote. Bondye se sen li menm, bonte tèt li, pouvwa tèt li, rezon ki fè tèt li. Nan bagay sa yo majeste diven an. Nan refleksyon yo majeste a nan chèf la. . . . " - Jacques-benigne bossuet Ki moun gen plis chans yo te opoze fòm lan nan gouvènman dekri nan sitasyon sa a? a. Ivan b a terib. Thomas Hobbes c. John Locke d d. Louis XIV 14. Anpil monak Ewopeyen an ane 1600 yo kenbe sa yo ta dwe gen pouvwa absoli ak règ paske yo yon. bezwen defann nasyon yo kont menas soti nan Emisfè Lwès b la . te panse ke tout moun ta dwe gen dwa a yon chèf bon c. te resevwa pouvwa yo ki ap gouvène nan men Bondye d. te panse ke kominis te sistèm nan siperyè politik 15. Wa Louis XIV nan Frans, Peter Legran a nan Larisi, ak Suleiman Manyifik nan disparisyon Anpi Ottoman an tout yo te konsidere kòm chèf absoli paske yo yon. kraze soti nan b la Legliz Katolik Women. te ede gran seyè feyodal yo bati chato sekirite c. souplas pwogram ki bay plis pouvwa a palman yo d. règ politik gouvènman an detèmine san konsantman an nan moun yo 16. Pandan Laj la nan Absolitis (ane 1600 ak ane 1700), monak Ewopeyen yo te eseye yon. ogmante dwa endividyèl pou sitwayen yo b. devlope relasyon pi fò ak chèf Islamik c. ankouraje kwasans lan nan kolektif fèm d. santralize pouvwa politik nan nasyon yo 17. Niccolò Machiavelli nan Prince la ak Toma Ana nan jean tou de defann ke yon chèf yo ta dwe yon. jwenn pouvwa soti nan yon kontra sosyal ak gouvène b la . mete bezwen yo nan matyè premye c. aplike ansèyman kretyen nan tout desizyon ta. anplwaye pouvwa absoli yo kenbe lòd nan zòn ki anba règ yo 18. Oratè A: "eta a nan monachi a se sipwèm sou latè, paske wa se pa sèlman sekretè wa Bondye a sou tè ak chita sou fotèy Bondye a, men menm pa Bondye tèt li yo rele yo bondye." Oratè B: "Si gouvènman echwe li kapab akonpli fen a pou ki li te etabli -a prezèvasyon nan dwa moun nan nan lavi, libète, ak pwopriyete-moun yo gen dwa fonn gouvènman an ". Oratè C: "Men, sa ki si kontra enfòmèl ant ki genyen ant chèf la ak te dirije se vyole pa chèf la ? Konsa, li te vin tounen yon tiran, yon kriminèl ki li pèdi dwa li obeyisans a nan sijè l 'yo, ki moun ki ka kounye a egzèse dwa yo nan rebèl ak fòme yon kontra enfòmèl ant nouvo ". Oratè D: "otorite nan desizyon nan eta a, souveren a, dwe gen pouvwa sipwèm, oswa sosyete pral tonbe plat atè ak anachi a nan eta a nan lanati ap retounen. " Ki de ki pale natif ta kapab sipòte absolitis? a. A ak D b. B ak C c. C ak D d. A ak B 18. Ki sitasyon te gen plis chans fèt pa yon monak absoli? a. "Gouvènman an ki rejwisans pi bon, rejwisans pi piti." b. "Se mwen menm eta a." c. "Gouvènman an dwe dwe baze sou yon konstitisyon son." d. "Li se palman an ki dwe fè lalwa yo." 21. Objektif prensipal nan pi fò nan monak absoli Ewòp la te yon. sipòte libète politik pou nouvo klas presegondè b la . anpeche kontak ak zòn pi lwen pase fwontyè Ewòp la c. santralize kontwòl politik yo sou nasyon yo ta. kenbe relasyon lapè ak nasyon vwazen 25. Te relief a ak klima nan Larisi ki te koze Lawisi a yon. depann sou diri kòm sous prensipal li yo nan manje b. chèche aksè a-dlo tyèd pò c. adopte règleman nan netralite ak izolasyon d. jwenn koloni mineral ki rich sou lòt kontinan 26. Yon resanblans nan règ la nan Peter Legran a, Suleyman I, ak Louis XIV se ke chak lidè a. pataje pouvwa a ak yon b lejislati. pratike tolerans relijye c. agrandi teritwa li d. diminye kantite lajan an nan taks kolekte 27. Politik la etranje yo nan anpil chèf Ris sipòte dezi nan peyi a pou yon. aksè nan lavil andedan b. plis resous mineral c. sistèm kanal vaste ta. pò-dlo tyèd

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