8. World War III. Introduction to World War II (1939-­1945)  A) World  traduction - 8. World War III. Introduction to World War II (1939-­1945)  A) World  Créole haïtien comment dire

8. World War III. Introduction to W

8. World War II
I. Introduction to World War II (1939-­1945)

A) World War II was the second major global conflict of the 20th century. It was fought mainly in Europe and East and Southeast Asia.

II. Events leading up to World War II

A) Japanese Aggression
1) Japan took over Korea, Manchuria (northeastern China), and much of Southeast Asia in order to gain natural resources/raw materials.
2) Rape of Nanking-­ Brutal event in which the Japanese killed Chinese civilians in the city of Nanking. It was a major human rights violation.

B) Italian Aggression-­ Benito Mussolini of Italy invaded and took over Ethiopia

C) German Aggression-­ Adolf Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles in a number of ways:
1) built up the German military and drafted soldiers into the army
2) placed soldiers in the Rhineland (an area between Germany and France).
3) took over the neighboring country of Austria
4) took over the neighboring country of Czechoslovakia

D) NOTE: WWII took place mainly because very little was done early on to stop Hitler, Mussolini, or Japan. For example:

1) The League of Nations failed to stop Hitler, Mussolini, and Japan from being aggressive.
2) Appeasement-­ A policy where an aggressive nation is given what they want by other nations in order to avoid war. At the Munich Conference in Germany, Great Britain appeased Hitler by giving him control over Czechoslovakia. This led Hitler to demand even more land.

E) WWII started when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939. Three days later, Britain and France declared war on Germany.

III. Key Events of WWII

A) Invasion of Poland-­ This event started WWII. Poland was quickly defeated by Germany because Poland lacks natural boundaries (i.e.-­ it has very flat plains that were easy to conquer).

B) Pearl Harbor-­ Japan launched a surprise attack against the US. This event brought the US into WWII.

C) Battle of Stalingrad—Germany lost against the Soviet Union. A Turning point in the course of the war.

D) D-­Day Invasion-­ Another turning point. This was the beginning of the final Allied push against Germany. It resulted in the eventual defeat of Germany.

E) Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki-­ This was the final event of WWII. The US dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. Japan surrendered.

F) The Holocaust
1) Hitler and the Nazis tried to kill all Jews in Europe. 6 million Jews and 6 million non-­Jews were killed during this event.
2) It is an example of genocide-­ the attempt to exterminate an entire group of people. All genocides are considered human rights violations.

IV. Effects (Results) of WWII

A) Formation of the United Nations
1) The UN was in order to solve international problems (like poverty and disease) and prevent future wars.
2) The UN is made of six main bodies. Three of them are:
a) The Security Council
b) International Court of Justice-
c) General Assembly
3) Declaration of Human Rights-­ a document created by the UN that lists the rights that ALL people should have within their nations. This includes the right to freedom of speech, the right to life, and the right to participate in government.

B) Nuremberg Trials
1) The court case where the surviving Nazis who helped Hitler carry out the Holocaust were put on trial.
2) 19 Nazi leaders were executed or sentenced to imprisonment as a result of “crimes against humanity”
3) NOTE: The Nuremberg Trials are important because they demonstrated that individuals in government could be held accountable (responsible) for their actions.
1. Which was a characteristic of Germany under Adolf Hitler and the Soviet Union under Josef Stalin?
a. an official foreign policy of isolationism b. governmental control of the media
c. public ownership of business and industry d. the absence of a written constitution
2. World War II is often considered to be a turning point in history because
a. the League of nations demonstrated that an international organization could maintain world peace
b. the war brought an end to dictatorships as a form of government
c. European domination of the world began to weaken as nationalism in colonies increased
d. religious and ethnic differences were no longer a source of conflict between nations

3. “From as early as I can remember, the Emperor was an important presence even in our remote home. He was a descendant of the gods from thousands of years before, never to be looked at or listened to by mere mortals, a presence to be revered and protected and obeyed…Finally…, my family and neighbors gathered around the radio and listened in stunned silence to the voice that had never before been heard, saying he was only human after all. Everyone was crying. I was sad and confused…”

Which event caused the Emperor to announce that he was “only human after all”?
a. his overthrow by communist forces b. defeat of the Japanese in World War II c. signing of the Versailles Treaty d. conclusion of the Russo-Japanese War

4. Which reform took place in Japan after World War II?
a. Japan’s industrial capability was greatly reduced
b. the Emperor’s position was abolished
c. Japan became a representative democracy d. labor unions were declared illegal

5. A major factor in the economic recoveries of Japan and West Germany after World War II was their
a. desire to avoid an invasion from China b. acceptance into the United Nations
c. ability to produce nuclear weapons d. need to replace destroyed factories

6. Which factor most enabled Japan to rebuild and modernize rapidly after WWII?
a. vast mineral reserves b. large amounts of fertile land
c. a strong military d. a well-trained workforce

7. Which is one major reason the Holocaust is considered a unique event in modern European history?
1. Jews of Europe have seldom been victims of persecution.
2. Civilians rarely were killed during air raids on Great Britain.
3. Adolf Hitler concealed his anti-Jewish feelings until after he came to power.
4. The genocide was planned in great detail and required the cooperation of many people.

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
8. gè MONDYALTou entwodiksyon pou gè MONDYAL (1939 1945) UN) gè MONDYAL li te genyen dezyèm konfli sou gwo 20tyèm syèk la. Li te genyen se principalement an Ewòp ak bò solèy leve ak sidès Azi.II. evènman ki mennen ale nan gè MONDYAL Yon) agresyon Japonè 1) Japon te pran anfen mete la Corée, Manchuria (Nòdès Lachin), ak plis nan Azi di Disès pou jwenn resous natirèl kri materyèl.2) fè kadejak sou Nanking-brital evènman ki Japonè an te tiye Chinwa sivil yo nan yon vil ki Nanking. Se te yon vyolasyon dwa zimen. B) Italyen agresyon - Benito Mussolini nan peyi Itali a e te fè sou peyi Letiopi C) Alman agresyon-ke Nazis Adolf Hitler te vyole trete Versailles, nan yon kantite façons: 1) devlope Alman militè Et a sòlda yo nan lame a 2) placé sòlda an a Rhénanie (yon zòn ant Almay ak Lafwans). 3) te pwan relèv ak tout peyi nan vwazinaj de Autriche 4) te pwan relèv ak tout peyi nan vwazinaj de Czechlovaki D) nòt: GUERRE te pran plas principalement paske tou piti te fèt byen bonè nan pou yo sispann Hitler, Mussolini, ou Japon. Pa egzanp: 1) lig de nasyon te tonbe pou yo sispann Hitler, Mussolini, ak Japon D' être agresif. 2) apaisement an li fè yon règleman ki kote yon nasyon agresif. sa sa yo vle lòt nasyon yo pou yo evite lagè. Nan yon Munich konferans nan peyi Almay, Grann Bretay appeased Hitler pa ba l' yon kontròl sou Czechlovaki. Sa te dirije Hitler pou te mande plis toujou. nou nan peyi. E) MONDIALE te kòmanse lè Hitler a Polòy an 1939. Twa jou pi ta, Lagrannbwetay ak Lafwans te deklare nan lagè ak Almay. Evènman Key MALAD. nan GMII UN) envazyon de Cette Polòy evènman an te kòmanse MONDIALE. Poland te rapidman te defèt ke Almay paske Polòy pas natirèl limit (c'est-à-dire-li gen anpil sou vant plèn ki ont fasil pou li konkeri). B) Pearl Harbor Japon te lanse yon atak sipwiz kont Etazini. Evènman sa a te pote nan peyi Etazini nan MONDIALE. C) batay Stalingrad — Almay pèdi kont Inyon Sovyetik la. Yon pwen devwa lagè a.D) j envazyon an ak yon lòt pwen. Sa te kòmansman dènye alye pouse sou Almay. Li te bay an rezilta a bat l pretann ki ta de Germany. E) atomik babondaj de Hiroshima Et Nagasaki-nonm sa a te genyen dènye evènman an de SECONDE. Etazini te lage bonm atomik de yo sou Japon. Remise Japon.F) la te di 1) Hitler Et renmen itilize nan elèksyon yo te eseye pou tiye tout jwif an Ewòp. 6 milyon jwif yo, 6 milyon ki pa-jwif yo te tiye pandan evènman sa a. 2) sa se yon egzanp de jenosid-a tantativ pou ekstèmine yon gwoup moun tout antye. Tout genocides yo konsidere kòm vyolasyon dwa zimen yo. IV. efè (rezilta) GMII Yon) fòmasyon nasyon Zini 1) UN a te genyen pou yo rezoud pwoblèm entènasyonal (tankou lavi nan povrete ak maladi) an e anpeche pwochen lagè san rete. 2) Des a moun k'ap fè sis pwensipal kò. Twa nan yo sont: a) konsèy sekirite a b) entènasyonal tribinal la jistis- c) asanble jeneral 3) deklarasyon dwa zimen nan yon dokiman kreye sou Des ki bay lis dwa pou tout moun ki dwe genyen nan tout nasyon yo. Sa gen ladann dwa pou libète lapawòl, dwa pou viv ak dwa pou patisipe nan gouvènman an. B) tras Nuremberg 1) tribinal ka a kote survivant renmen itilize nan elèksyon ki te ede Hitler pote te di a te mete yo nan tribinal. 2) 19 lidè Nazi yo te egzekite ou kondane pou D' kòm yon rezilta "krim kont imanite" 3) nòt: A Nuremberg tras yo enpòtan paske yo te demontre ke moun nan gouvènman an te kapab fèt responsab (responsable) pou aksyon yo.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1. ki te yon karakteristik Almay anba ke Nazis Adolf Hitler ak Inyon Sovyetik la anba Jozèf Stalin?Aiyalam, yon ofisyèl politik etranje Izolatè b gouvènmantal kontwòl de pwès la c piblik propriété de biznis ak endistri. d absans yon konstitisyon an ekri 2. gè MONDYAL souvan te konsidere kòm yon pwen nan istwa paskeAiyalam lig lòt nasyon te demontre ke yon òganizasyon entènasyonal te kapab kenbe lapè mondyal b, la gè a fini pou lajè avèk diktati ant kòm yon fòm de gouvènman an c dominasyon Ewopeyen de mond lan te kòmanse pou vin pi fèb tankou nasyonalism nan koloni te ogmante d. diferans relijye ak etnik ont ankò yon sous konfli ant nasyon yo 3. "de ke lè yo rive jan mwen ka sonje, anperè a li te genyen yon enpòtan pwezans menm nan kay à nou. Li te gen yon desandan Bondye yo kont dè milye de lanne anvan an, pou pa janm pase nou nan betiz nan ou koute pa sèlman mortals, repwezantan yo pou yo te rekonèt Et protégé respectées...A la fen..., fanmi m' ak vwazen andeyò rasanble ansanm alantou radyo a Et écouté toudi silans pou tande vwa ki te pa t ' janm te tande pale, li di: li te gen sèlman moun fin fè tout. Tout moun t' ap kriye. M' santi yon lapenn ak Confusion..."Evènman ki te lakòz anperè a pou yo pat anonse ke li te "sèlman moun apwè tout"?Aiyalam li pou ranvèse pa kominis fòs b defèt de Japonè an nan gè MONDYAL c siyen de Versailles trete konklizyon d. lagè Russo-Japonè a 4. ki refòm te fèt nan Japon apwè gè MONDYAL?Aiyalam kapasite endistriyèl Japon an te redwi considérablement b pozisyon anperè a te abolished c Japon, ki moute yon d représentant demokrasi. travayè inyon yo te deklare ilegal 5. yon gwo faktè Des ekonomik yo Japon an ak peyi Lwès Almay apwè te genyen gè MONDYAL yoAiyalam désir pou evite yon envazyon sòti de acceptation b peyi Lachin nan nasyon Zini c abilite pou pwodwi zam nikleyè d. bezwen pou ranplase usines detri6. dekonpoze an faktè kilès ki pèmèt Japon pou rekonstwi e modènize rapidman après GUERRE?Aiyalam vas mineral se gwo montants b bon venn tè jaden c, yon fòs militè d. yon byen une population 7. ki se yon pi gwo rezon te di a te konsidere kòm yon evènman inik nan nouvo istwa Ewopeyen an?1. jwif an Ewop ont été raman viktim pèsekisyon. 2. sivil raman ki te mouri pandan ke lè yo Grann Bretay. 3. Adolf Hitler sere l' santiman ont jwif yo jis nan apre li vin sou pouvwa. 4. la jenosid te planifye nan tout ti detay ak nan demand koperasyon de anpil moun.
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
8. Dezyèm Gè Mondyal
I. Entwodiksyon nan Dezyèm Gè Mondyal la (1939-1945) A) Dezyèm Gè Mondyal la te dezyèm pi gwo konfli mondyal la nan 20yèm syèk la. Li te goumen sitou nan Ewòp ak East ak Azi Sidès. II. Evènman ki mennen jiska Dezyèm Gè Mondyal la A) Agresyon Japonè 1) Japon te pran plis pase Kore di, Manchouri (nòdès Lachin), ak anpil nan Azi Sidès nan lòd yo jwenn natirèl resous / matyè premyè. 2) Vyòl nan Nanking- evènman brital nan ki nan Japonè touye sivil Chinwa yo nan vil la nan Nanking. Se te yon gwo vyolasyon dwa moun. B) Italyen Aggression- Benito Mussolini nan peyi Itali anvayi epi te pran plis pase peyi Letiopi C) German Aggression- Adolf Hitler vyole Trete Vèsay la nan yon nonb de fason: 1) bati moute militè a Alman yo ak sòlda tire nan lame a 2) mete sòlda nan England a (yon zòn ant Almay ak Lafrans). 3) te pran plis pase peyi a vwazen nan Otrich 4) te pran plis pase peyi a vwazen nan tchekoslovak D) REMAK: GMII te pran plas sitou paske anpil ti te fè byen bonè nan yo sispann Hitler, Mussolini, oswa Japon. Pou egzanp: 1) Lig la Nasyon yo echwe pou pou sispann Hitler, Mussolini, ak Japon nan men yo te agresif. 2) Appeasement- Yon politik ki kote yon nasyon agresif bay sa yo vle pa lòt nasyon yo nan lòd pou fè pou evite lagè. Nan konferans lan Minik nan peyi Almay, Grann Bretay aprezan Hitler pa ba l 'kontwòl sou Tchekoslovaki. Sa a mennen Hitler nan demann menm plis peyi. E) GMII te kòmanse lè Hitler anvayi Polòy nan 1939. Twa jou apre, Grann Bretay ak Lafrans deklare lagè sou Almay. III. Evènman kle nan GMII A) Envazyon nan Poland- Evènman sa a te kòmanse GMII. Polòy te byen vit bat yo Almay paske Polòy manke limit natirèl (ie- li gen plenn trè plat ki te fasil konkeri). B) Pearl Harbor-Japon te lanse yon atak sipriz kont Etazini an. Evènman sa a te fè nou an nan GMII. C) Batay nan Stalingrad-Almay pèdi kont Inyon Sovyetik. Yon pwen vire nan kou a nan lagè a. D) D-Day Invasion- Yon lòt pwen vire. Sa a te nan konmansman an nan final Alye pouse nan kont Almay. Li a nan defèt la evantyèlman nan Almay. E) Atomik bonbadman nan Iwochima ak Nagasaki- Sa a te evènman final la nan GMII. US la tonbe de bonm atomik sou Japon. Japon rann tèt li. F) Olokòs la 1) Hitler ak Nazi yo te eseye touye tout jwif nan Ewòp. 6 milyon jwif ak 6 milyon ki pa jwif yo te touye pandan evènman sa a. 2) Li se yon egzanp nan genocide- tantativ nan ekstèminasyon yon gwoup tout antye de moun. Tout jenosid yo konsidere kòm vyolasyon dwa moun. IV. Efè (rezilta) nan GMII A) Fòmasyon nan Nasyon Zini 1) Nasyonzini an te yo nan lòd yo rezoud pwoblèm entènasyonal (tankou povrete ak maladi) ak pou anpeche lagè nan lavni. 2) Nasyonzini an se te fè nan sis kò prensipal la. Twa nan yo yo se: a) Konsèy Sekirite b) Entènasyonal Tribinal la Justice- c) Asanble Jeneral Deklarasyon nan 3) nan Imèn Rights- yon dokiman kreye pa Nasyonzini an ki bay lis dwa yo ke tout moun ta dwe gen nan nasyon yo. Sa a gen ladan dwa a libète lapawòl, dwa a lavi, ak dwa a yo patisipe nan gouvènman an. B) Nuremberg Esè 1) Ka a tribinal kote Nazi yo siviv ki te ede Hitler pote soti nan Olokòs la te mete sou jijman. 2) 19 lidè Nazi te egzekite oswa kondane a prizon kòm yon rezilta nan "krim kont limanite" 3) REMAK:. Esè yo Nuremberg yo enpòtan paske yo demontre ke moun ki nan gouvènman ta ka responsab (responsab) pou aksyon yo ++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. Ki te yon karakteristik nan Almay anba Adolf Hitler ak Inyon Sovyetik anba Josef Stalin? a. yon politik ofisyèl etranje yo nan izolasyonis b. gouvènmantal kontwòl nan medya c la . an komen piblik la biznis ak endistri d. absans la nan yon konstitisyon ekri 2. Dezyèm Gè Mondyal la se souvan konsidere yo dwe yon pwen vire nan istwa paske yon. Lig la nan nasyon demontre ke yon òganizasyon entènasyonal te kapab kenbe mond lapè b. lagè a mennen l 'yon fen nan diktati kòm yon fòm gouvènman c. Dominasyon Ewopeyen nan mond lan yo te kòmanse febli kòm nasyonalis nan koloni ogmante d. diferans relijye ak etnik yo te pa gen okenn ankò yon sous konfli ant nasyon 3. "Soti nan kòm byen bonè mwen ka sonje, Anperè a te gen yon prezans enpòtan menm nan kay remote nou an. Li te gen yon pitit nan bondye yo nan dè milye de ane anvan, pa janm yo dwe gade oswa koute pa Motels sèlman, yon prezans yo dwe venere ak pwoteje ak obeyi ... Finalman ..., fanmi m ak vwazen sanble bò kote radyo a epi yo tande nan etoudi mesye silans vwa a ki te pa janm anvan te tande, li di li te sèlman imen apre tout. Tout moun te kriye. Mwen te tris ak konfonn ... " Ki evènman ki te koze Anperè a anonse ke li te "sèlman moun apre tout"? a. Ranvèse li pa fòs kominis b. defèt nan Japonè yo nan Dezyèm Gè Mondyal la c. siyen Vèsay Trete d la. konklizyon nan Riso-Japonè a Gè 4. Ki refòm te pran plas nan Japon apre Dezyèm Gè Mondyal la? a. Te endistriyèl kapasite Japon an redwi anpil b. te pozisyon Anperè a aboli c. Japon te vin tounen yon demokrasi reprezantan d. sendika yo te deklare ilegal 5. Yon faktè nan pi gwo nan REKOUVREMAN ekonomik yo nan Japon ak Almay Lwès apre Dezyèm Gè Mondyal te yo a. vle pou fè pou evite yon envazyon ki soti nan Lachin b. aksepte nan Nasyonzini c la . kapasite yo pwodwi zam nikleyè d. bezwen ranplase detwi faktori 6. Ki faktè ki pèmèt Japon epi li rekonstwi ak modènize rapidman apre GMII? a. rezèv mineral vas b. gwo kantite peyi fètil c. yon militè fò d. yon mendèv ki byen antrene 7. Ki se youn nan rezon gwo Olokòs la ki konsidere kòm yon evènman inik nan istwa modèn Ewopeyen yo? 1. Jwif nan Ewòp te raman te viktim pèsekisyon. 2. Sivil raman yo te touye pandan lè atak yo sou Grann Bretay yo. 3. Adolf Hitler kache santiman anti-jwif l 'jouk apre li te vin sou pouvwa. 4. Te jenosid la te planifye nan gwo detay e egzije koperasyon nan nan anpil moun.

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