2. The Enlightenment- The SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION had a great influence  traduction - 2. The Enlightenment- The SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION had a great influence  Créole haïtien comment dire

2. The Enlightenment- The SCIENTIFI

2. The Enlightenment
- The SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION had a great influence on the Enlightenment ideas of NATURAL LAW and REASON.
- The SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION and the Enlightenment were similar is that they encouraged the SPREAD OF NEW IDEAS.

Enlightenment Ideas:
• All individuals have NATURAL RIGHTS.
• The use of REASON would lead to human progress.
• Philosophers of the Enlightenment period believed that society could
best be improved by applying REASON and the LAWS OF

Philosophes and Their Ideas:
• John Locke’s (wrote Two Treatises of Government)
- governments should be based on the consent of the people
- the chief role of government was to protect natural rights
• Rousseau (wrote The Social Contract)
• Montesquieu (wrote The Spirit of the Laws)
• The writings of Jean Jacques ROUSSEAU, Baron de
MONTESQUIEU, and John LOCKE were similar in that each
supported the principles of a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.
• The ideas of Rousseau, Voltaire, and Montesquieu influenced
movements for POLITICAL REFORM.
• The writings of the 18th-century French philosophers Diderot,
Rousseau, and Voltaire influenced the policies of the
Catherine the Great = Enlightened Despot

- The Enlightenment and the AMERICAN REVOLUTION were both major influences on 19th century uprisings in LATIN AMERICA.
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
2. a Lumières-REVOLISYON SYANTIFIK la te gen yon gwo enfliyanse kòripsyon nan lide Lumières yo de LWA NATIRÈL ak KONPRANN.-REVOLISYON SYANTIFIK la ak Lumières a te menm jan an se pou yo ankouraje la PROPAGATION DE nouvo LIDE yo.Ide Lumières: • Tout moun gen dwa NATIRÈL. • REZON yo itilize ki ta mennen a pwogrè imen. • Philosophes peryòd Lumières la te kwè ke sosyete a te kapab meyè pou amelyore pa aplike RAISON yo ak la LWA NATI.Philosophes Et ide yo: •, John Locke a (te pale a tou de diskisyon yo gouvènman) -gouvènman yo ta dwe baze sou konsantman de pèp la -wòl chèf gouvènman an te gen pou pwoteje dwa natirèl • Rousseau (te ekri kontra sosyal a) • Montesquieu (a lespri a lòd) • Jean Jacques ROUSSEAU, Baron de te ekri: MONTESQUIEU, ak John LOCKE te menm jan an nan chak sa en principes de yon REPIBLIK DEMOKRATIK. • Ide Rousseau, Voltaire, ak Montesquieu influencé mouvman yo pou REFÒM politik. • 18-syèk Fwansè philosophes Diderot, te ekri: Rousseau, Et Voltaire influencé politik la ÉCLAIRÉ ANCIENS. Catherine a gwo = Éclairé diktatè-A Lumières ak REVOLISYON AMERIKEN an te tou de gwo yo ki sou ont 19 syèk lan nan Amerik LATIN nan.
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
2. Syèk Limyè a
- SCIENTIFIC revolisyon an te gen yon gwo enfliyans sou lide yo Syèk Limyè a NATURAL LAW Ak rezon.
- Revolisyon Syantifik la ak Syèk Limyè a te sanble se yo ke yo ankouraje a gaye nouvo lide. limyè a Ideas: • Tout moun ki gen dwa natirèl . • Itilize nan REZON ta mennen a pwogrè imen. • Filozòf nan peryòd la Syèk Limyè kwè ke sosyete te kapab pi bon dwe amelyore pa aplike rezon ak lwa yo nan lanati. Philosophes ak lide yo: • John Locke a (ekri De Trete Gouvènman) - gouvènman ta dwe baze sou konsantman an nan moun yo - wòl nan chèf nan gouvènman an te pwoteje dwa natirèl • Rousseau (ekri Kontra a Sosyal) • Montesquieu (ekri Lespri a nan lwa yo) • ekri a nan Jean Jacques Rousseau, Baron de Montesquieu , ak Jan LOCKE te sanble paske chak sipòte prensip yo nan yon demokratik REPUBLIC. • lide yo nan Rousseau, Voltaire, ak Montesquieu enfliyanse mouvman pou POLITIK refòm. • ekri yo nan 18th syèk la filozòf franse yo Diderot, Rousseau, ak Voltaire enfliyanse politik yo nan dèspot yo fòs ankò. Catherine Great = Éclairé diktater la - Syèk Limyè a ak Revolisyon an AMERICAN tou de te pi gwo enfliyans sou boulvès 19yèm syèk nan Latin AMERICA.

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