19.The Treaty of Versailles angered many Germans after WWI because the traduction - 19.The Treaty of Versailles angered many Germans after WWI because the Créole haïtien comment dire

19.The Treaty of Versailles angered

19.The Treaty of Versailles angered many Germans after WWI because the treaty
(1) divided Germany into Communist and non-Communist zones
(2) made Germany restore its emperor
(3) required all German-speaking Europeans to return to Germany
(4) forced Germany to pay large war reparations

20. The Treaty of Versailles contributed to the economic collapse of Germany after World War I by
(1) mandating economic reforms in Germany
(2) requiring that Germany pay for war damages
(3) placing a quota on goods exported from Germany
(4) devaluing German currency

24. What was a major reason for Adolf Hitler’s rise to power?
(1) provisions of the Treaty of Versailles
(2) Germany’s military support of Poland and France
(3) strong German economy
(4) refusal by the League of Nations to admit Germany as a member

25.. . . A weary, exhausted, nerve-racked group of men it was indeed that, about noon November 1, assembled in a gully north of Sommerance [France] to rest and dig in for the night. The artillery was still firing furiously, but the enemy’s barrage [bombardment] had ceased very suddenly about 10:00 a.m. and now only occasional shells from long- range rifles would explode in the vicinity. The weather was gloomy and the moist air chilled one to the bones. Yet it was with that meticulous [methodical] care that is characteristic of worn-out men, that we prepared our foxholes, carrying boards and iron sheeting from abandoned machine-gunners’ dugouts in order to make our “houses” ascomfortable as possible, even though only for one night. . . .”

Which means of warfare is described in this passage?
(1) guerilla (2) nuclear (3) biological (4) trench

26. What was a direct result of World War I?
(1) Nicholas II was named czar of Russia.
(2) Germany lost its colonies in Africa and Asia.
(3) Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a terrorist.
(4) The Ottoman Empire expanded.

27. Which heading best completes the partial outline below?
I. _________________________________
A. Unification of Italy
B. Formation of the Indian National Congress
C. Founding of the Muslim League
D. Breakup of Austria-Hungary

(1) Tensions of the Cold War (2) Effects of Nationalism
(3) Causes of World War II (4) Results of Economic Revolutions

28. “Bombardment, barrage, curtain-fire, mines, gas, tanks, machine-guns, hand-grenades — words, words, but they hold the horror of the world.”
— Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front

This quotation best describes the effects of the
(1) technological developments used during World War I
(2) formation of alliances in World War II
(3) tension between the superpowers during the Cold War
(4) protests against reforms during the Indian independence movement

29. One similarity in the unification of Italy, the Zionist movement, and the breakup of the Ottoman Empire was that each was influenced by
(1) humanism (2) polytheism (3) nationalism (4) imperialism

30. One action that many governments took during World War I was to
(1) encourage political dissent and freedom of the press
(2) regulate their economic systems to increase production
(3) prevent women from seeking employment in factories
(4) raise tariffs to encourage trade

31. Which set of events is in the correct chronological order?
(1) Renaissance - Middle Ages - Roman Empire
(2) Treaty of Versailles - World War II - Korean War
(3) Reformation - Crusades - European exploration of the Americas
(4) Bolshevik Revolution - French Revolution - American Revolution

32.Which event occurred first and led to the other three?
(1) rise of fascism in Europe (2) Bolshevik Revolution
(3) World War I (4) signing of the Treaty of Versailles
33.Control of the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits was a strategic objective in both World War I and World War II because these straits
(1) link Africa to Europe (2) allow waterway passage into Germany
(3) separate Italy from the Balkan peninsula
(4) provide access from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea

34. Which statement explains the decline in unemployment rates in Britain between 1914 and 1918?
(1) World War I generated jobs at home in England and in the military.
(2) Many new jobs were available in Britain’s African colonies.
(3) Assembly-line production of consumer goods required more workers.
(4) The British were buying huge amounts of war materials from the United States.

35.Which 19th century ideology led to the unification of Germany and of Italy and to the eventual breakup of Austria-Hungary and of the Ottoman Empire?
(1) imperialism (2) nationalism (3) liberalism (4) socialism

De: Anglais
Vers: Créole haïtien
Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
19. trete a de Versailles ont anpil Allemands après WWI paske trete a (1) divize Almay nan zòn kominis epi ki pa kòminis yo (2) fè Almay rèstore anperè li (3) mande tout Alman ki pale panyòl Ewopeyen pou retounen nan Almay(4) Germany fòse pou peye gwo lagè réparation 20. a trete de Versailles a ekonomik disparisyon Almay apwè gè mondyal pa (1) ont refòm ekonomik nan peyi Almay (2) mande sa Almay ki peye pou lagè domaj(3) mise yon pati nan marchandises exportées de Almay (4) lajan Alman érosion24. ki te yon pi gwo rezon pou ke Nazis Adolf Hitler a monte sou pouvwa a?(1) dispositions de trete Versailles(2) sipò militè de Polòy ak frans (3) gwo ekonomi Almay (4) refi pa nasyon de lig pou aksepte Almay la kòm yon manm 25. . Yon fatige, pa ret ren ankò, en nè ki desann nan gwoup de mesye li te en sa, apeprè midi 1e Novanm, rasanble nan yon gully nan nò Sommerance [Lafwans] pou mouri, yo fouye pase nwit lan. D' a te toujou tire sou pami, men kwense [bonbadman] lènmi de te a trè sibitman Sur 10:00 a.m. Et koulye a okazyonèl réservoirs de long ranje rafal ta eklate nan à la. Tan an te sombre Et humides syèl réfrigérés yonn pou tout zo nan kò yo. Ankò li te genyen ansanm ak sa méticuleux swen [méthodique] ki se karakteristik moun pa ret ren ankò, sa nou te prepare nou, baz soutèrin de pwotèksyon pote ankadreman ak fèt an fè revêtement de Les machine-gunners te abandone yo pou kapab fè nou "kote" ascomfortable ke posib, menm si sèlman pou yon nwit.... "Ki vle di de gè te dekrive li nan pasaj sa a? (1) guerilla (2) nikleyè (3) Byolojik (4) twou26. sa ki te yon rezilta dirèk de gè mondyal? (1) Nicholas II yo rele kont Larisi. (2) Germany te pèdi li koloni an Afrik ak moun Lazi. (3) Franz Ferdinand-te assassiné pa yon teworis. (4) disparisyon anpi Ottoman an elaji. 27. rubrique ki meyè konplete pasyèl plan ki pi ba?I. _________________________________ Aiyalam inifikasyon ke ItaliB fòmasyon Endyen kongrè nasyonal C fondateur de la lig Mizilman D. rupture de Austria-Hungary(1) tansyon fredi lagè (2) efè nasyonalism(3) gwo zafè gè MONDYAL (4) rezilta yo de Tours ekonomik 28. "bonbadman, kwense, rido nan dife, min yo, gaz, tank, machine-guns, men nan grenad — mo, pawòl, men, yo kenbe sipòte kreye tout bagay." — Erich Maria Remarque, tout silans sou rejyon lwès Avant laPi bon prix sa a dekri efè a(1) teknolojik devlopman yo te itilize pandan gè mondyal(2) fòmasyon alyans nan gè MONDYAL (3) tansyon ant superpuissance pandan lagè Fwad (4) pwotèstasyon kont refòm yo pandan ke mouvman Endyen endepandans 29. yon similitude nan a inifikasyon Itali, mouvman Sioniste an ak rupture de disparisyon anpi Ottoman an te genyen pou chak te enfliyanse tèren yo (1) humanism (2) polytheism (3) nasyonalism (4) l' 30. yon aksyon sa ki anpil gouvènman te pandan gè mondyal li te genyen pou (1) ankouraje politik an ak libète pou la près (2) réglementer yo sistèm ekonomik pou ogmante pwodiksyon (3) anpeche fanm ap chèche travay nan faktori yo(4) monte tarif pou ankouraje komès 31. ki ansanm de evènman yo, se nan a kòrèk òd kwonolojik? (1) anpi women renesans - pyè nan Mwayenaj- (2) trete de Versailles - gè MONDYAL - lagè Koreyen (3) eksplorasyon Ewopeyen Réforme - Croisades - nan Amerik yo (4) revolisyon amerikèn revolisyon-- Fwansè revolisyon- 32. evènman ki te pase anvan Et a fè lòt twa? (1) ogmantasyon de fascism nan Europe (2)-revolisyon (3) gè mondyal (4) ap siyen de trete Versailles33. kontwòl de Bosporus Et Dardanelles kanal lamè yo te yon objèktif èstratejik nan tou de gè mondyal ak gè MONDYAL paske kanal lamè sa yo (1) lyen Afrika an Ewòp (2) pèmèt pasaj pas dlo nan Almay(3) mitan Itali de la péninsule Balkan(4) bay aksè nan lanmè nwa a soti bò lanmè Mediterane an34. deklarasyon ki eksplike an bès nan to chomaj nan Lagrann Bwetay ant 1914 Et 1918? (1) gè mondyal te pwodwi travay nan kay nan Angletè Et nan militè a. (2) anpil travay nouvo te disponib nan koloni Afriken Lagrann Bwetay.(3) pwodiksyon asanble liy de pwodi mande plis travayè yo. (4) ke se Bwitich ki te achte yon gwo montants materyèl gè nan men Etazini. 35. ideoloji syèk 19 ki te ap dirije pou inifikasyon Almay ak Itali e pou l pretann ki ta rupture de Austria-Hungary ak disparisyon anpi Ottoman an? (1) l' (2) nasyonalism (3) liberalism (4) sosyalis
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
19.The Trete Vèsay fache anpil Alman apre WWI paske trete a
(1) divize Almay nan Kominis ak zòn ki pa Kominis
(2) te fè Almay retabli anperè li yo
(3) egzije tout Ewopeyen Alman ki pale pou li retounen nan Almay
(4) fòse Almay yo peye reparasyon gwo lagè 20. Trete Vèsay la kontribye nan tonbe ekonomik la nan Almay apre Premye Gè Mondyal la pa (1) ki egzije refòm ekonomik nan Almay (2) ki egzije ke Almay peye pou domaj lagè (3) mete yon kota sou machandiz ekspòte soti nan Germany (4) devaliasyon German lajan 24. Ki sa ki te yon gwo rezon pou monte Adolf Hitler nan pouvwa? (1) dispozisyon ki nan Trete Vèsay la (2) sipò militè Almay la nan Polòy ak Lafrans (3) fò ekonomi Alman (4) refi pa Lig Nasyon yo admèt Almay kòm yon manm 25 ... . Yon bouke, fin itilize, gwoup nè-prwa nan moun li te tout bon ki, sou midi Novanm 1, reyini nan yon ravin nan nò Sommerance [Frans] pran yon ti repo ak fouye nan pou nwit la la. Zam nan te toujou tire fou, men pakèt lènmi an [bonbadman] te sispann trè sibitman sou 10:00 am epi kounye a sèlman kokiy okazyonèl nan tan- fizi ranje ta eksploze nan vwazinaj la. Tan an te lugubr ak lè a imid Dlo glasé youn nan zo yo. Men, li te la avèk ki metikuleu [metodik] swen ke se karakteristik nan chire-soti tout moun, pou nou prepare nou an foxholes, pote ankadreman ak kouvèti fè soti nan abri abandone machin-tireur 'yo nan lòd yo fè "kay" nou an ascomfortable ke posib, menm menm si sèlman pou yon jou lannwit. . . . " Ki vle di nan lagè ki dekri nan pasaj sa a? (1) geriya (2) nikleyè (3) byolojik (4) kannal 26. Ki sa ki te yon rezilta dirèk nan Premye Gè Mondyal la? (1) Nicholas II te rele ksar nan Larisi. (2) Almay pèdi koloni li yo nan Lafrik ak Lazi. (3) Archduke Franz Ferdinand te touye pa yon teworis. (4) Otoman an Anpi agrandi. 27. Ki tit ki pi ale ak deskripsyon an pati ki anba a? I. _________________________________ A. Inifikasyon Itali B. Fòmasyon nan Ameriken Kongrè Nasyonal C. a Fondasyon nan Mizilman yo Lig D. an Separasyon nan Otrich-Ongri (1) Tansyon nan Lagè Fwad la (2) Efè Nasyonalis (3) Kòz nan Dezyèm Gè Mondyal (4) Rezilta Revolisyon Ekonomik 28. "Bonbademan, baraj, rido-dife, min, gaz, tank, machin-zam, men-grenad -. Mo, mo, men yo kenbe laterè nan mond lan" - Erich Maria rmark, tout trankil sou devan an Western sitasyon sa a pi byen dekri efè yo nan (1) teknolojik devlopman yo te itilize pandan Premye Gè Mondyal la (2) fòmasyon nan alyans nan Dezyèm Gè Mondyal (3) tansyon ant gran pisans yo pandan Gè Fwad la (4) manifestasyon kont refòm pandan mouvman an endepandans Endyen 29. Yon resanblans nan inifikasyon Itali a, mouvman an syonist, ak separasyon la nan disparisyon Anpi Ottoman an te ke chak te enfliyanse pa (1) imanis (2) politeyis (3) nasyonalis (4) enperyalis 30. Youn aksyon ke gouvènman anpil te pran pandan Premye Gè Mondyal te (1) ankouraje opinyon opoze politik ak libète laprès la (2) kontwole sistèm ekonomik yo ogmante pwodiksyon (3) anpeche fanm ki soti nan k ap chèche travay nan faktori (4) ogmante tarif yo ankouraje komès 31. Ki seri evènman ki nan lòd kwonolojik kòrèk la? (1) Renesans - Mwayennaj - Women Anpi (2) Trete Vèsay - Dezyèm Gè Mondyal la - Lagè Kore (3) Refòm - Kwazad - Ewopeyen eksplorasyon nan Amerik (4) Bòlchevik la Revolisyon - franse Revolisyon - Endyen Revolisyon 32.Which evènman ki te fèt premye ak te mennen nan lòt twa yo? (1) ogmantasyon nan fachis nan Ewòp (2) Revolisyon Bòlchevik (3) Premye Gè Mondyal la (4) siyen nan Trete Vèsay la 33. Kontwòl nan Bosporus ak Dardanelles kanal lamè yo se te yon objektif estratejik yo nan tou de Premye Gè Mondyal la ak Dezyèm Gè Mondyal la paske kanal lamè sa yo (1) Lafrik di lyen an Ewòp (2) pèmèt pasaj sistèm wout marin nan Almay (3) separe peyi Itali nan penensil la Balkan (4) bay aksè nan Lanmè Nwa a Lanmè Mediterane 34 an . Ki deklarasyon ki eksplike n bès nan to chomaj nan Grann Bretay ant 1914 ak 1918? (1) Premye Gè Mondyal pwodwi travay nan kay nan Angletè ak nan militè a. (2) Anpil nouvo djòb yo te disponib nan koloni Afriken bretay la. (3) Assembly- pwodiksyon liy nan byen pou konsomatè yo mande plis travayè yo. (4) Britanik yo te achte gwo kantite lajan nan materyèl lagè soti nan peyi Etazini. 35.Which ideoloji 19yèm syèk mennen nan inifikasyon an nan Almay ak nan peyi Itali ak separasyon an evantyèlman nan Otrich-Ongri ak nan disparisyon Anpi Ottoman an? (1) enperyalis (2) nasyonalis (3) liberalism (4) sosyalis

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