1. One similarity between Martin Luther and Henry VIII is that they (1 traduction - 1. One similarity between Martin Luther and Henry VIII is that they (1 Créole haïtien comment dire

1. One similarity between Martin Lu

1. One similarity between Martin Luther and Henry VIII is that they
(1) argued against the establishment of a theocratic state
(2) protested against the ideas of the Enlightenment
(3) died during the Reign of Terror
(4) challenged the teachings of the Catholic Church

4. •Martin Luther stresses the central role of faith.
•The belief of predestination spreads throughout Switzerland.
•The Council of Trent clarifies the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

These statements describe ideas and events that
(1) brought religious unity to Europe (2) ended the Glorious Revolution
(3) shaped the Reformation and the Counter Reformation
(4) expanded the importance of the Orthodox Church

5. In western Europe, Martin Luther’s Ninety-five Theses and Henry VIII’s Act of Supremacy led to
(1) an end to Christian unity (2) a strengthening of economic unity
(3) better relations between peasants and merchants
(4) fewer violent outbreaks between ethnic groups

6. Which innovation had the greatest impact on the Protestant Reformation?
(1) movable-type printing press (2) Mercator map projection
(3) magnetic compass (4) triangular sail

7. In the early 1500s, Martin Luther’s “Ninety-five Theses,” Henry VIII’s “Act of Supremacy,” and John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion contributed to
(1) a decline in the power of the Catholic Church
(2) an increased sense of nationalism in Tudor England
(3) the growing power of the feudal nobility in Europe
(4) a major conflict among Eastern Orthodox Christians

8. Prior to the Protestant Reformation, the medieval church in western Europe was criticized for
(1) sponsoring explorations to the Middle East
(2) allowing the Bible to be printed and distributed to the people
(3) being too concerned with worldly power and riches
(4) refusing to sell indulgences to peasants

9. Which action could be considered an effect of the Protestant Reformation?
(1) posting of the Ninety-five Theses (2) end of religious warfare
(3) sale of indulgences (4) decline in the power of the Roman Catholic Church

10. An important effect of the Protestant Reformation in Europe was that it strengthened the
(1) power of monarchies (2) power of the pope
(3) belief in polytheism (4) unity of Europe

13. A major goal of the Counter-Reformation was to
(1) reinstate the power of the Roman Catholic Church
(2) reduce the authority of absolute monarchs
(3) encourage new ideas in science and philosophy throughout Europe
(4) compromise with European Protestants

14. • Sale of indulgences authorized by Pope Leo X to raise money to build St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome (1515)
•Ninety-five Theses posted (1517)
•Hearing held at Worms, Germany (1521)

These events are most closely associated with
(1) Charles V and absolutism (2) Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation
(3) John Locke and the Enlightenment (4) Karl Marx and scientific socialism
15. “Kings and Princes coin money only out of metals, but the Pope coins money out of everything, -- indulgences, ceremonies, dispensations, pardons; all fish come to his net.” -- Martin Luther, 1519

In this passage, Martin Luther presents his
(1) objections to practices of the Catholic Church
(2) plan for economic change in Central Europe
(3) objections to using only metals as the basis for money
(4) justification for the dethroning of an absolute monarch

18. In Spain, an effect of the Inquisition during the 16th century was to
(1) prevent the introduction of Protestant religions
(2) reintroduce Moorish culture to the Iberian Peninsula
(3) encourage the development of the Industrial Revolution
(4) implement the ideas of the Renaissance in major cities

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
1. yon similitude ant Martin Luther Et Henry VIII se sa yo (1) a kont etablisman yon eta theocratic (2) te pwoteste kont lide de la Lumières (3) te mouri pandan epòk laterè (4) te defye ansèyman legliz Katolik4. •Martin Lutè Kin nimewo aksantye santral wòl konfyans nan Bondye. ' Kwè de predestination se atravè Swis. ' Konsèy Trent clarifies kòmandman de legliz Katolik Romen. Deklarasyon sa yo dekri ide Et evènman sa (1) a relijye inite an Ewòp (2) est glwa revolisyon an (3) en la Réforme Et la Réforme fas a (4) elaji enpòtans legliz ki Orthodox 5. nan peyi rejyon lwès Ewòp, Martin Luther 90 - senk Thèses Et Sur Suprématie Henry VIII a pou (1) yon fen kretyen inite (2) yon renforcement de inite ekonomik(3) meyè relasyon ant peyizan yo ak marchands (4) mwens foyers vyolan ant gwoup etnik yo 6. famasyetik ki gen pi gwo enpak sou la Réforme Pwotestan?(1) Sur l' mobiles woulèt boul tip pwojeksyon kat Mercator (2) (3) vwal sikwolojis teknik konpa (4) 7. nan 1500s byen bonè, Martin Luther "Dix - senk Thèses," Henry VIII "Loi Des Suprématie", ak Jan Batis Calvin Institute relijyon Christian la a pou (1) yon bès nan nesesite, legliz Katolik (2) yon sans une nasyonalism nan Angletè Tudor(3) a kap grandi pouvwa ki rich feodal an Ewòp (4) yon pi gwo konfli nan mitan lès Orthodox kretyen 8. Avant pou Pwotestan Réforme, médiéval legliz ki nan peyi rejyon lwès Ewòp te kwitike pou (1) parenn explorations sou bò solèy leve nan mitan (2) qui règ bib la pou fè desen ak lank Et distribués pèp la(3) twò te konsène avèk pouvwa a travè lemond antye, riches(4) refize vann indulgences pou peyizan yo 9. aksyon ki ta kapab konsidere pwofite de la Réforme Pwotestan? (1) validation de Dix - senk Ces (2) fen gè relijye (3) vann de indulgences (4) bès nan nesesite, legliz Katolik Romèn 10. yon enpòtan effet de la Réforme Pwotestan an Ewòp te genyen ke li redwi a(1) pouvwa Monaki (2) pouvwa a pap la (3) kwè nan polytheism (4) Inite Ewòp 13. yon gwo objectif de la Réforme kont li te genyen pou(1) retounen tou de legliz Katolik Romèn(2) è vin pi piti a otorite Des rois absoli (3) ankouraje nouvo lide yo nan syans ak Filozofi atravè Europe (4) konpwomi ak Protèstan Ewopeyen 14. • vant indulgences X Leo pap otorize pou ranmase lajan pou konstwi katedral Saint Peter lavil Wòm, (1515) •Ninety-senk Ces validées (1517) •Hearing ki te fèt nan vè nan Almay (1521)Evènman sa yo ki pi kole ak asosye avèk (1) Charles V Et sistèm absoli (2) Martin Luther Et la Réforme Pwotestan (3) John Locke Et Karl Marx Lumières (4) Et syantifik sosyalis 15. "wa ak chèf pyès lajan sèlman sou metal yo, men, Pap la lajan sou tout en - indulgences, seremoni, économies, pardons, tout pwason vini pou l' tann pèlen."- Martin Luther, 1519Nan pasaj sa a, Martin Luther prezante l(1) objeksyon pou pwatik legliz Katolik(2) plan pou chanjman ekonomik nan Ewòp santral (3) objeksyon pou itilize sèlman metal yo kòm baz pou lajan (4) rezon pou dethroning yon monak absoli18. nan peyi Espay, yon efè a lè enkizisyon pandan jou sèz syèk la te pou(1) anpeche yon ti rale de Protèstan relijyon(2) rétablir kilti Musulmane pou la Péninsule Ibérique (3) ankouraje devlopman revolisyon Industriels la (4) aplike lide de renesans a nan gwo vil nan
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
1. Yon resanblans ant Martin Luther ak Henry VIII se yo ke yo
(1) te diskite kont etablisman an nan yon eta teyokratik
(2) pwoteste kont lide yo nan Syèk Limyè a
(3) te mouri pandan Rèy la nan Laterè
(4) defye ansèyman yo nan Legliz Katolik 4. • Martin Luther ensiste wòl santral la nan lafwa. • kwayans a nan predestinasyon gaye nan tout Laswis. • Konsèy la nan Trent klarifye ansèyman yo nan Legliz Katolik Women an. Deklarasyon sa yo dekri lide ak evenman ki (1) te fè inite relijye nan Ewòp (2 ) te fini Revolisyon an Glorye (3) ki gen fòm Refòm lan ak Counter Refòm lan (4) agrandi enpòtans ki genyen nan Legliz Otodòks la 5. Nan lwès Ewòp, Martin Luther an Katrevenkenz Tèz ak Lwa Henry VIII la nan Sipremasi mennen nan (1) yon fen nan inite kretyen (2) yon ranfòsman inite ekonomik (3) pi bon relasyon ant peyizan ak machann (4) mwens epidemi vyolan ant gwoup etnik 6. Ki inovasyon te gen pi gwo enpak sou Refòm Pwotestan an? (1) laprès enprime mobil-kalite (2) Mercator kat pwojeksyon (3) konpa mayetik (4) vwal triyangilè 7. Nan ane 1500 yo byen bonè, Martin Luther an "Katrevenkenz Tèz," Henry VIII la "Lwa Sipremasi," ak John Calvin la Enstiti Relijyon Kretyen an kontribye nan (1) yon bès nan pouvwa a nan Legliz Katolik la (2) yon sans ogmante nan nasyonalis nan Tudor England (3) pouvwa a ap grandi nan noblès feyodal la nan Ewòp (4) yon konfli gwo nan mitan lès kretyen Otodòks 8. Anvan yo fè Refòm Pwotestan an, yo te legliz la medyeval nan lwès Lewòp kritike pou (1) patwone eksplorasyon nan Mwayen Oryan an (2) pèmèt Bib la yo dwe enprime, epi distribye yo bay moun (3) ke yo te twò konsène ak pouvwa monn lan ak richès ( 4) refize vann endiljans peyizan 9. Ki aksyon yo ta ka konsidere yon efè nan Refòm Pwotestan an? (1) afiche nan Katrevenkenz Tèz yo (2) fen nan lagè relijye (3) vann nan endiljans (4) bès nan pouvwa a nan Legliz la Katolik Women 10. Yon efè enpòtan nan Refòm Pwotestan an nan Ewòp te ke li ranfòse (1) pouvwa a nan monachi (2) pouvwa a Pap (3) kwayans nan nan politeyis (4) inite nan Ewòp 13. Yon objektif prensipal Counter-Refòm lan te (1) retabli pouvwa a nan Legliz Katolik Women an (2) diminye otorite nan monak absoli (3) ankouraje nouvo lide nan syans ak filozofi toupatou nan Ewòp (4) konpwomi ak Ewopeyen pwotestan 14 . • Vann nan endiljans otorize pa Pap Leo X ranmase lajan yo bati Saint Peter katedral nan lavil Wòm (1515) • Katrevenkenz Tèz poste (1517) • Odisyon fèt nan Vè, Almay (1521) Evenman sa yo pi asosye deprè avèk ( 1) Charles V ak absolitis (2) Martin Luther ak Refòm Pwotestan an (3) John Locke ak Syèk Limyè a (4) Karl Marx ak sosyalis syantifik 15. "Wa ak Princes pyès monnen lajan sèlman soti nan metal, men Pap monnen lajan an soti nan tout bagay, - endiljans, seremoni, dispansasyon, gras; tout pwason vini nan nèt l '. "- Martin Luther, 1519 Nan pasaj sa a, Martin Luther prezante l ' (1) objeksyon li fè ak pratik nan Legliz Katolik (2) plan an pou yon chanjman ekonomik nan Ewòp Santral (3) lè l sèvi avèk objeksyon metal sèlman kòm baz pou lajan (4) jistifikasyon pou dethroning a nan yon monak absoli 18. Nan Espay, yon efè nan enkizisyon la pandan syèk la 16th te (1) anpeche entwodiksyon an nan relijyon pwotestan (2) reentrodwi kilti mor ibèr Peninsula a (3) ankouraje devlopman nan Revolisyon Endistriyèl la (4) aplike ide yo nan Renesans la nan gwo vil yo

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