1. Which document limited the power of the English monarchy during the traduction - 1. Which document limited the power of the English monarchy during the Créole haïtien comment dire

1. Which document limited the power

1. Which document limited the power of the English monarchy during the Middle Ages?
a. Magna Carta b. Twelve Tables c Justinian Code d. Rig Veda

2. What was a major result of the Glorious Revolution?
a. Napoleon was restored to power. b. England further limited its monarchy.
c. Oliver Cromwell became the leader of England.
d. The Spanish Armada was defeated.

3. • Parliament offered the throne to King William and Queen Mary.
• Catholic King James II fled England for France.
• Parliament agreed to joint rule with the monarch.

These events are most closely associated with the
a. Crusades b. French Revolution c. Glorious Revolution d. Reconquista society

4. The Magna Carta, the Petition of Right, and the English Bill of Rights were created to
a. limit the power of English monarchs
d. abolish the role of Parliament
b. establish laws protecting the rights of Protestants
c. organize England’s colonial empire

5. One way in which the Magna Carta, the Petition of Right, and the Glorious Revolution are similar is that each
a. strengthened the power of the pope b. led to the exploration of Africa
c. limited the power of the English monarchy d. ended religious conflicts

6. The Magna Carta can be described as a
a. journal about English feudal society
b. list of feudal rights that limited the power of the English monarchy
c. census of all tax-paying nobility in feudal England
d. statement of grievances of the middle class in England

7. Which statement best describes a result of the Glorious Revolution in England (1688)?
a. England formed an alliance with France.
b. The power of the monarchy was increased.
c. Principles of limited government were strengthened.
d. England lost its colonial possessions.

8. • Magna Carta signed by King John
• Habeas Corpus Act passed during the rule of Charles II
• Bill of Rights agreed to by William and Mary

These events in English history were similar in that they all
a. promoted religious freedom b. limited the power of the monarch
c. provided universal suffrage d. supported divine right theory

9. The Glorious Revolution in England resulted in the
a. strengthening of divine right rule
b. formation of a limited monarchy
c. weakening of Parliament’s power of the purse
d. end of civil liberties guaranteed by the Petition of Right

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
1. ki dokiman limite pouvwa Anglè a monarchie pandan Mwayenaj yo?Aiyalam Magna Carta b douz disip yo, tab Veda mare kòd Justinien c d. 2. sa ki te yon gwo rezilta glwa revolisyon an? Aiyalam napoleon te restore sou pouvwa a. b Angletè plus limite monarchie li yo. c Oliver Cromwell est lidè an de Angletè. d. Armada Èspanyòl la te battu genyen.3. • palman an te ofwi twòn pou William wa a ak larenn mari. • Katolik wa James II te vole kite Angletè pou frans. • Palman an te dakò pou commune ki t' ap mache sou ak monak. Evènman sa yo ki pi kole ak asosye avèk aAiyalam b croisades Fwansè revolisyon c glwa revolisyon d. Reconquista sosyete 4. a Magna Carta, petisyon dwa ak Anglè deklarasyon dwa a te kreye pouAiyalam limite pouvwa Anglè rois d. sispann wòl nan palman anb etabli lwa ki pwoteje dwa Protèstan c òganize anpi kolonyal Angletè a 5. yon sèl chemen Carta Magna a, petisyon dwa ak glwa revolisyon an gen menm jan an se sa chak Aiyalam renforcé pouvwa b pap dirije pou eksplorasyon Afrikc limite pouvwa konfli relijye Anglè monarchie d. li te fini 6. a Magna Carta kapab dekri tankou yon Aiyalam jounal sou Anglè sosyete feodal lis b feodal dwa sa limite pouvwa Anglè a monarchie c moun de tout peye taks rich nan Angletè feodal d. deklarasyon ki gen arevwa de tout klas nan mitan nan Angletè 7. ki pi bon deklarasyon dekri yon rezilta glwa revolisyon an nan Angletè, (1688)? Aiyalam Angletè te fòme yon alyans avèk la Fwans. b la pouvwa monarchie la te ogmante. c seri de pwensip de limite nan gouvènman an te redwi. d. Angletè te pèdi li kolonyal biens. 8. • Carta Magna a ki te siyen pa wa Jan Batis • Sur pwezante tèt ou pase pandan a t' ap mache sou Charles II • Deklarasyon dwa a te dakò pou l pa William ak mari Evènman sa yo nan istwa Anglè a été menm jan an nan sa yo tout b Aiyalam monte libète relijyon yo limite pouvwa monak c te founi d. en suffrage inivèsèl dwa divine teori 9. a glwa revolisyon nan Angletè a nan a Aiyalam renforcement de dwa divine t' ap mache sou b fòmasyon de yon monarchie te limite c feblisman palman an a pouvwa à la fin d. de libète sivil ki garanti ke petisyon dwa
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
1. Ki dokiman limite pouvwa a nan monachi angle a pandan Mwayennaj yo?
a. Magna Carta b. Douz Tab c Kòd Jistinyen d. Rig Veda 2. Ki sa ki te yon rezilta pi gwo nan Revolisyon an Glorye? a. Napoleon te retabli sou pouvwa. b. England plis limite li yo monachi a. c. Oliver Cromwell te vin lidè nan Wayòm Ini. d. Armada la Panyòl te bat. 3. • Palman an ofri fòtèy la bay wa William ak Rèn Mari. • Wa Katolik James II kouri met deyò England pou Lafrans. • Palman an te dakò ak dirije ansanm ak monak la. Evenman sa yo pi asosye deprè avèk yon an . Kwazad b. Revolisyon franse c. Revolisyon Glorye d. Sosyete Reconquista 4. Magna Carta a, Petisyon an nan Dwa, ak Bill angle a Dwa te kreye yon. limite pouvwa a nan angle monak d. aboli wòl nan nan Palman an b. etabli lwa pwoteje dwa yo nan pwotestan c. òganize anpi kolonyal England a 5. Yon fason Magna Carta a, Petisyon an nan Dwa, ak Revolisyon an Glorye sanble sèke chak yon. ranfòse pouvwa a nan Pap b la. mennen nan eksplorasyon an nan Lafrik di c. limite pouvwa a nan angle monachi d la. te fini konfli relijye 6. Magna Carta a kapab dekri tankou yon yon. jounal sou angle feyodal sosyete b. lis nan dwa feyodal ki limite pouvwa a nan angle monachi c la . resansman nan tout noblès taks ki peye nan feyodal England d. deklarasyon sou plent nan klas la presegondè nan England 7. Ki deklarasyon ki pi byen dekri yon rezilta nan Revolisyon an Glorye nan England (1688)? a. Angletè ki te fòme yon alyans ak Frans. b. Te pouvwa a nan monachi a ogmante. c. Prensip nan gouvènman limite te fòs ankò. d. England pèdi byen kolonyal li yo. 8. • Magna Carta siyen wa Jan pa • Habeas Corpus Lwa te pase pandan règ la nan Charles II • Deklarasyon Dwa dakò pa William ak Mari Evènman sa yo nan istwa angle te sanble paske yo tout yon. ankouraje libète relijyon b. limite pouvwa a nan monak c la . bay inivèsèl sifraj d. sipòte diven teyori dwa 9. Revolisyon a Glorye nan England a nan yon la . ranfòse nan diven règ dwat b. fòmasyon yon monachi limite c. febli nan pouvwa Palman an nan valiz d la . nan fen libète sivil garanti pa Petisyon an nan Dwa

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