GIVE US A BREAK FROM HOLIDAYSby Paul MartinWARNING: Holidays can damag traduction - GIVE US A BREAK FROM HOLIDAYSby Paul MartinWARNING: Holidays can damag Français comment dire


by Paul Martin

WARNING: Holidays can damage your health. Psychologists believe that many of millions of Britons returning to work this week would have been better off staying at the office instead of taking their annual break.
Increasing evidence that holidays can cause harmful stress rather than provide welcome rest and reinvigoration is to be scientifically tested later this year. Researchers from the University of Manchester's institute of science and technology plan to attach telemeters, small instruments that measure stress intake, to a selected sample of holidaymakers before, during and after their yearly break.
Kerry Cooper, professor of organisational psychology at the institute, is even more determined to go ahead with the project after taking his two children to Disneyland on a study tour in the United States last week.
“I'm shattered, I'm exhausted,” he told The Sunday Times from Los Angeles. “It’s been very stressful indeed; so much so that I'm looking forward to a business breakfast tomorrow.”
Cooper maintains that even the most smooth-running holiday produces stress simply by being a change in routine. Whether the stress builds up to health-harming levels depends, he says, on your personality, on the relationships within the family, and on the type of holiday you take.
Type A people, the more dynamic, goal-oriented, hard-driving, take far longer to unwind than the more relaxed less ambitious type B group.
A two-week holiday would often not relax a type A person who would spend the time worrying about work he could have been doing at the office, the cost of the holiday, or whether their home is being broken into. As one holiday-maker put it: “I spent the first part of my holiday worrying if I locked up the house properly, and the rest of the time worrying if it'll still be safe when I come back.”
One reason why the hazards of holidays had until recently escaped the attentions of stress researchers is the bland response most people give when asked how they enjoyed it.
“People have invested so much time and energy into a holiday that if they had a bad time they won't admit it, even to themselves,” said Vanja Orlans, of the stress research and control centre at London University's Birkbeck College.
Professor Cooper pointed out that family tensions, kept at bay during the rest of the year, often erupt when the family is thrust together incessantly.
The vacation itself may cause conflicts through each holiday-maker preferring a different sort of activity, or inactivity, the 'museums versus sandcastles' syndrome, added Vanja Orlans.
Even those who said they had a successful holiday came back worried. “I was depressed at the thought of going back to work,” said Lynn Hartley, a part-time secretary in a garage.
“When I walked in my front door I felt a pain right round my head as all the pressures piled back on me.”
The stress specialists debunk the notion that a good holiday necessarily helps people start work with renewed enthusiasm. “People who come back from a terrific holiday are often disorientated and can't work well,” Orlans said.
She added that the fixed yearly holiday period has big drawbacks: people may postpone dealing with things that are getting them down at work or at home, believing the holiday will be the cure.
Cooper believes new research could help provide guidelines for people to design the right sort of holiday for their personality, family structure and work position. Some may need passive ones, others active, some short, some long. Going on holiday when work stress is affecting you, or taking several short ones during a year, often meets the individual's needs better
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Résultats (Français) 1: [Copie]
DONNEZ-NOUS UNE PAUSE DE VACANCESpar Paul MartinATTENTION : Jours fériés peuvent nuire à votre santé. Psychologues croient que beaucoup de millions de britanniques à reprendre le travail cette semaine auraient été mieux de rester au bureau au lieu de prendre leur pause annuelle. Plus en plus évident que vacances peuvent causer du stress nuisible plutôt que fournir repos Bienvenue et relance doit être testé scientifiquement plus tard cette année. Des chercheurs de l'Institut de l'Université de Manchester de la science et la technologie plan fixer les télémètres, petits instruments qui mesurent la consommation contrainte, pour un échantillon de vacanciers avant, pendant et après leur pause annuelle.Kerry Cooper, professeur de psychologie organisationnelle à l'Institut, est encore plus déterminé à aller de l'avant avec le projet après avoir pris ses deux enfants à Disneyland sur un voyage d'étude aux Etats-Unis la semaine dernière. « Je suis bouleversée, que je suis épuisé », dit-il du Sunday Times de Los Angeles. « Ça a été très stressante, en effet ; tellement de choses alors que je suis impatient pour un petit déjeuner d'affaires demain."Cooper maintient que même les vacances plus bon fonctionnement produit stress simplement en étant un changement dans la routine. Si le stress s'accumule aux niveaux de nuire à la santé dépend, dit-il, votre personnalité, sur les relations au sein de la famille, et sur le type de vacances que vous prenez.Tapez un peuple, le plus dynamique, axé sur les buts, dur-conduite, prendre beaucoup plus de temps pour se détendre que plus détendu moins ambitieux groupe de type B.Un séjour de deux semaines serait souvent pas détendre une personne de type A qui passe le temps à se préoccuper de travail il pourrait ont fait à l'office, le coût de la fête, ou si leur maison est être cambriolée. Comme un vacancier a dit: « J'ai passé la première partie de mes vacances inquiétant si j'enferme la maison correctement et le reste de la temps s'inquiéter si elle va encore être en sécurité quand je reviens. »Une des raisons pourquoi les dangers des vacances avaient jusqu'à récemment échappé à l'attention des chercheurs de stress sont la réponse fade, la plupart des gens donnent quand demandé comment ils ont aimé ça.« Des gens ont investi beaucoup de temps et d'énergie en vacances que s'ils avaient un mauvais moment qu'ils ne l'admettront pas, même à eux-mêmes, » a déclaré Vanja Orlans, du centre de recherche et de contrôle de stress de l'Université de Londres Birkbeck College.Professeur Cooper a souligné que les tensions familiales, tenues à distance pendant le reste de l'année, souvent éclatent lorsque la famille est ensemble de Poussée sans cesse.Les vacances lui-même peuvent entraîner des conflits par le biais de chaque vacancier préférant un autre type d'activité ou l'inactivité, le syndrome de « musées et châteaux de sable », a ajouté Vanja Orlans.Même ceux qui ont dit qu'ils avaient des vacances réussies est venu retour inquiets. « J'étais déprimé à l'idée de revenir au travail, » a déclaré Lynn Hartley, une secrétaire à temps partiel dans un garage. "Quand je suis entré dans ma porte d'entrée j'ai senti un droit douleur autour de ma tête comme toutes les pressions empilées sur moi. »Les spécialistes du stress démystifier la notion que de bonnes vacances nécessairement aide les gens à commencer à travailler avec un enthousiasme renouvelé. « Les gens qui reviennent de vacances formidable sont souvent désorientés et ne peut pas bien fonctionner », a déclaré Orlans.Elle a ajouté que le fixe la période de vacances annuelles a gros inconvénients : personnes peuvent reporter traitant de choses qui sont descendant eux au travail ou à la maison, croyant le jour férié sera la guérison.Cooper croit nouveau recherche pourrait aider à fournir des lignes directrices pour les personnes à la conception de la bonne sorte de vacances pour leur personnalité, structure familiale et la position de travail. Certains peuvent avoir besoin passives, d'autres actifs, quelques courtes, peu de temps. Partant en vacances lorsque le stress au travail vous affecte, ou prenant plusieurs courts pendant un an, souvent répond aux besoins de la personne mieux
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Résultats (Français) 2:[Copie]
GIVE US A BREAK FROM HOLIDAYSby Paul MartinWARNING: Holidays can damage your health. Psychologists believe that many of millions of Britons returning to work this week would have been better off staying at the office instead of taking their annual break. Increasing evidence that holidays can cause harmful stress rather than provide welcome rest and reinvigoration is to be scientifically tested later this year. Researchers from the University of Manchester's institute of science and technology plan to attach telemeters, small instruments that measure stress intake, to a selected sample of holidaymakers before, during and after their yearly break.Kerry Cooper, professor of organisational psychology at the institute, is even more determined to go ahead with the project after taking his two children to Disneyland on a study tour in the United States last week. “I'm shattered, I'm exhausted,” he told The Sunday Times from Los Angeles. “It’s been very stressful indeed; so much so that I'm looking forward to a business breakfast tomorrow.”Cooper maintains that even the most smooth-running holiday produces stress simply by being a change in routine. Whether the stress builds up to health-harming levels depends, he says, on your personality, on the relationships within the family, and on the type of holiday you take.Type A people, the more dynamic, goal-oriented, hard-driving, take far longer to unwind than the more relaxed less ambitious type B group.A two-week holiday would often not relax a type A person who would spend the time worrying about work he could have been doing at the office, the cost of the holiday, or whether their home is being broken into. As one holiday-maker put it: “I spent the first part of my holiday worrying if I locked up the house properly, and the rest of the time worrying if it'll still be safe when I come back.”One reason why the hazards of holidays had until recently escaped the attentions of stress researchers is the bland response most people give when asked how they enjoyed it.“People have invested so much time and energy into a holiday that if they had a bad time they won't admit it, even to themselves,” said Vanja Orlans, of the stress research and control centre at London University's Birkbeck College.Professor Cooper pointed out that family tensions, kept at bay during the rest of the year, often erupt when the family is thrust together incessantly.The vacation itself may cause conflicts through each holiday-maker preferring a different sort of activity, or inactivity, the 'museums versus sandcastles' syndrome, added Vanja Orlans.Even those who said they had a successful holiday came back worried. “I was depressed at the thought of going back to work,” said Lynn Hartley, a part-time secretary in a garage. “When I walked in my front door I felt a pain right round my head as all the pressures piled back on me.”The stress specialists debunk the notion that a good holiday necessarily helps people start work with renewed enthusiasm. “People who come back from a terrific holiday are often disorientated and can't work well,” Orlans said.She added that the fixed yearly holiday period has big drawbacks: people may postpone dealing with things that are getting them down at work or at home, believing the holiday will be the cure.Cooper believes new research could help provide guidelines for people to design the right sort of holiday for their personality, family structure and work position. Some may need passive ones, others active, some short, some long. Going on holiday when work stress is affecting you, or taking several short ones during a year, often meets the individual's needs better
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Résultats (Français) 3:[Copie]
Donnez-nous une chance de vacancespar Paul MartinAVERTISSEMENT : Les jours fériés peut nuire à votre santé. Les psychologues croient que bon nombre de millions de Britanniques à retourner au travail de cette semaine aurait été mieux de rester au bureau au lieu de prendre leurs congés annuel.
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