1. What was a major cause of the French Revolution?a. inequalities in  traduction - 1. What was a major cause of the French Revolution?a. inequalities in  Créole haïtien comment dire

1. What was a major cause of the Fr

1. What was a major cause of the French Revolution?
a. inequalities in the tax structure b. economic success of mercantilism
c. failure of the Congress of Vienna d. Continental System in Europe

2. Which statement is best supported by information found in this chart?
a. Clergy were spared from the Reign of Terror.
b. The Reign of Terror affected all classes equally.
c. The Reign of Terror crossed social and economic boundaries.
d. Peasants were the most frequent victims of the Reign of Terror.

3. A comparison of the actions of the Jacobins during the French Revolution and the actions of the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution indicates that revolutions sometimes
a. occur in a peaceful manner b. gain the support of wealthy landowners
c. ignore urban workers d. bring radicals to power

4. Which factors protected Russia from control by Napoleon’s army?
a. religious and cultural similarities b. industrialization and modernization
c. geographic size and location d. political and economic instability

5. How did geography affect both Napoleon’s invasion and Hitler’s invasion of Russia?
a. Deserts made invasion possible. b. The climate created obstacles to success.
c. The tundra enabled the movements of troops.
d. Warm-water ports prevented the flow of supplies.

6. Before the French Revolution, the people of France were divided into three estates based mainly on their
a. education level b. geographic region c. social class d. religious beliefs

7. Which two revolutions most influenced 19th-century Latin American independence movements? a. Agricultural and Industrial b. French and American
c. English and Russian d. Commercial and Green

8. Which geographic factor in Russia played a role in Napoleon’s defeat in 1812 and Hitler’s defeat at Stalingrad in 1943?
a. Siberian tundra b. Caspian Sea c. arid land d. harsh climate

9. “. . . Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good. . . .”
—Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, 1789

Which principle of the Enlightenment philosophers is expressed in this quotation from the French Revolution?
a. natural law b. nationalism c. free trade d. socialism

10. One similarity between the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution and the Cultural Revolution in China was that both
a. limited the power of absolute leaders
b. illustrated the power of public opinion in forming national policy
c. established social stability and economic growth
d. used violent methods to eliminate their opponents

11. Which action taken by both Hitler and Napoleon is considered by historians to be a strategic military error?
a. invading Russia with limited supply lines
b. introducing combined ground and naval assaults
c. invading Great Britain by land d. using conquered peoples as slave laborers

12. “During the greater part of the day the guillotine had been kept busy at its ghastly work . . . . Every aristocrat was a traitor . . . . For two hundred years now the people had sweated, and toiled, and starved to keep a lustful court in lavish extravagance; now the descendants of those who had helped to make these courts brilliant had to hide for their lives.”

Which event is referred to in this passage?
a. French Rev. b. Sepoy Mutiny c. Protestant Reformation d. Mexican Rev.

13. Which list of French leaders is in the correct chronological order?
a. Louis 16th=>Napoleon=>Robespierre b. Robespierre=>Napoleon=>Louis 16th
c. Louis 16th=>Robespierre=>Napoleon d. Napoleon=>Louis 16th=>Robespierre

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
1. ki te yon nan pi gwo kòz revolisyon Fwansè an?Aiyalam inegalite nan taks lan strikti ekonomik siksè b de mercantilism c échec de la Kongrè Vienna. d Continental sistèm nan Ewòp 2. deklarasyon ki meyè te sipòte pa enfòmasyon te jwenn nan graphique sa a? Aiyalam klèje te gzan nan epòk laterè. b la simen latèrè afèkte tout klas egal-ego. c la simen latèrè travèse limit sosyal ak ekonomik. d. peyizan yo se te pi souvan viktim yo nan epòk laterè. 3. yon pawoli aksyon de Jacobins yo pandan revolisyon Fwansè an ak aksyon Bolsheviks yo pandan revolisyon Wis la endike ke tours pafwa Aiyalam se yon pwofi b fason la pè nan sipò de propriétaires richc inyore vil travayè d. pote radikal sou pouvwa4. ki faktè protégé Lawisi de kontwòl lame Napoleon a? Aiyalam similitudes relijye ak kiltirèl b endistriyalizasyon Et modènizasyon an c géographique taille Et kote yo ye. d politik ak ekonomik une 5. jan n' jewografi afekte Napoleon a envazyon Et envazyon Hitler a Larisi? Aiyalam désert fè envazyon posib. b klima te kreye obstak pou siksè. c tundra a pèmèt mouvements de twoup yo.d. warm-dlo pò a flux de ak ekipman. 6. devan revolisyon Fwansè a, pèp la Fwans te pran yo an twa estates basée principalement sou yo Aiyalam edikasyon kiyè rejyon géographique b c klas sosyal d. relijye croyances 7. ki de tours ki pi influencé 19 syèk lan nan Amerik Latin nan endepandans mouvements? Aiyalam agrikòl e endistriyèl b Fwansè e Ameriken c anglè ak komèsyal Wis. d Et Green 8. ki géographique dekonpoze an faktè nan Lawisi te jwe yon wòl nan defèt Napoleon a nan 1812 lan ak defèt Hitler a nan Stalingrad nan 1943 nan Pòtoprens? Aiyalam Orientale tundra b Mer lanmè c tè sèk. d dure klima9. “. . . Moun yo ki fèt ak rete libre Et égale nan dwa. Distinctions sosyal pou fondée sèlman sou bon jeneral.... " — Deklarasyon dwa moun ak sitwayen Ameriken, lane 1789Prensip ki de philosophes Lumières yo te rapòte nan sa a proposition de revolisyon Fwansè an? Aiyalam natirèl lwa nasyonalism b c komès lib. d sosyalis10. yon similitude ant Reign of Terror pandan revolisyon Fwansè an e revolisyon Culturel a nan Lachin te genyen ki tou le de Aiyalam limite pouvwa lidè absoli b illustré pouvwa pou opinyon piblik nan qui politik nasyonal la c te etabli sosyal estabilite pwofi an ak kwasans ekonomik metòd vyolan d. te itilize pou elimine opozan yo11. ki aksyon ki te pwan pa nan tou de Hitler Et Napoleon te konsidere kòm pa istoryen yo yon estrateji erreur militè? Aiyalam il Lawisi ak ekipman pou limite lignes b introducing konbine tè ak baz naval agressionsc il Grann Bretay pa. peyi d itilize konkeri pèp la tankou esklav laborers 12. "pandan a pi gwo pati nan jounen an guillotine la te kenbe okipe nan ghastly li travay.... Tout aristocrat li te genyen yon trèt.... Desan (200) ans koulye a pou pèp la te lòt anba lasyè, Et toiled, e te kondane pou kenbe yon tribinal lustful nan resevwa lwanj granchire Koulye a desandan yo moun ki te pou a pou yo fè sa, tribinal yo klere yo te gen pou kache pou sove lavi yo."Evènman ki te endike nan pasaj sa a?Aiyalam Fwansè Reveran Sepoy b revòl c Protèstan Réforme. d Meksiken fevriye. 13. ki lis lidè Fwansè yo se nan a kòrèk òd kwonolojik? Aiyalam Louis 16th = > Napoleon = > Robespierre b Robespierre = > Napoleon = > Louis 16th c Louis 16th = > Robespierre = > Napoleon. d Napoleon = > Louis 16th = > Robespierre
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
1. Ki sa ki te yon gwo kòz nan Revolisyon an franse?
a. inegalite nan estrikti taks b la. siksè ekonomik mèkantilis
c. echèk nan Kongrè a nan Vyèn d la. Continental System nan Ewòp 2. Ki deklarasyon ki pi byen sipòte pa enfòmasyon yo te jwenn nan tablo sa a? a. Klèje yo te touye soti nan Rèy la nan Laterè. b. Wa peyi Jida a nan Laterè afekte tout klas egalman. c. Wa peyi Jida a nan Laterè janbe lòt limit sosyal ak ekonomik. d. Peyizan yo te viktim yo pi souvan nan Rèy la nan Laterè. 3. Yon konparezon ant aksyon sa yo nan Jakoben yo pandan Revolisyon an franse ak aksyon sa yo nan bolchevik yo pandan Revolisyon Ris la endike ke revolisyon pafwa yon. rive nan yon fason lapè b. jwenn sipò nan mèt tè rich c. inyore travayè iben d. pote radikal sou pouvwa 4. Ki faktè ki pwoteje Larisi soti nan kontwòl nan lame Napoleon an? a. resanblans relijye ak kiltirèl b. endistriyalizasyon ak modènizasyon c. gwosè jeyografik ak kote d. enstabilite politik ak ekonomik 5. Kouman jewografi t 'afekte tou de envazyon Napoleon an ak envazyon Hitler nan Larisi? a. Désert fè envazyon posib. b. Klima a ki te kreye obstak nan siksè. c. Toundra a pèmèt mouvman yo ki nan twoup yo. d. Pò cho-dlo anpeche koule nan pwovizyon. 6. Anvan Revolisyon an franse, moun yo nan Lafrans yo te divize an twa Estates ki baze sitou sou yo a. nivo edikasyon b. rejyon jeyografik c. klas sosyal d. kwayans relijye 7. Ki de revolisyon pi enfliyanse 19yèm syèk mouvman endepandans nan Amerik Latin? yon. Agrikòl ak endistriyèl b. Franse yo ak Ameriken c. Angle ak Ris d. Komèsyal ak Green 8. Ki jeyografik faktè nan Larisi te jwe yon wòl nan defèt Napoleon an nan 1812 ak defèt Hitler a nan Stalingrad nan lane 1943? a. Siberian toundra b. Kaspyèn Lanmè c. arid peyi d. klima piman bouk 9. ". . . Moun fèt epi yo rete lib ak egal nan dwa yo. Distenksyon sosyal yo dwe te fonde sèlman sou bon an jeneral. . . . " -Declaration nan Dwa Moun ak Sitwayen an, 1789 Ki prensip nan filozòf yo Syèk Limyè se ki eksprime nan sitasyon sa a ki soti nan Revolisyon an franse? a. lwa natirèl b. nasyonalis c. komès lib d. sosyalis 10. Yon resanblans ant Rèy la nan Laterè pandan Revolisyon an franse ak Revolisyon Kiltirèl la nan Lachin te ke tou de a. limite pouvwa a nan lidè absoli b. ilistre pouvwa a nan opinyon piblik la nan fòme politik nasyonal c. etabli estabilite sosyal ak kwasans ekonomik d. itilize metòd vyolan elimine opozan yo 11. Se Ki aksyon pran pa tou de Hitler ak Napoleon konsidere kòm pa istoryen yo dwe yon erè estratejik militè? a. anvayi Larisi ak liy alimantasyon ki limite b. entwodwi konbine tè ak atak naval c. anvayi Grann Bretay pa tè d. lè l sèvi avèk konkeri pèp kòm travayè esklav 12. "Pandan pati nan pi gwo nan jounen an te maziko la te kenbe okipe nan travay efreyan li yo. . . . Chak aristocrate te yon trèt. . . . Pou de san ane kounye a moun yo te sweated, ak toiled, ak grangou kenbe yon tribinal luksuryeu nan prodig gaspiyaj; kounye a pitit pitit yo nan moun ki te ede fè sa yo tribinal briyan te gen nan kache pou lavi yo. " Ki evènman ki refere yo bay nan pasaj sa a? a. Franse Rev. b. Leve Kanpe Sepoy la c. Refòm Pwotestan ta. Meksiken Rev. 13. Ki lis ki nan lidè franse se yo nan lòd kwonolojik kòrèk la? a. Louis 16th => Napoleon => Robespierre b. Robespierre => Napoleon => Louis 16th c. Louis 16th => Robespierre => Napoleon d. Napoleon => Louis 16th => Robespierre

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