1. Characteristics (Elements) of CivilizationA civilization has the fo traduction - 1. Characteristics (Elements) of CivilizationA civilization has the fo Créole haïtien comment dire

1. Characteristics (Elements) of Ci

1. Characteristics (Elements) of Civilization
A civilization has the following characteristics (elements):
1. Centralized government
2. Organized religion(s)
3. Social classes
4. Specialization of labor (different jobs)
5. Art and architecture
6. Cities
7. Public Works (e.g. roads, bridges, temples)
8. System(s) of writing

2. Early River Valley Civilizations
• The architectural achievements of ancient Rome (e.g. the Coliseum), ancient Egypt (e.g. the Pyramids), and ancient China (e.g. the Great Wall of China) indicate that advanced technology existed in early civilizations.

• The Phoenicians are often referred to as the “carriers of civilization” because they traded goods and spread ideas throughout the Mediterranean region.

• Ancient Egypt was nicknamed “The Gift of the Nile.”

• Ancient Egyptian history is broken into three eras—the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms

• Ancient Egypt was protected by natural boundaries of deserts, mountains, and the sea.

• Yearly flooding enriched Egyptian farmlands.

• The ancient Egyptians harvested the papyrus plant to create a material used for writing.

• The ancient civilizations in Egypt and in China both developed written forms of communication.

3. Ancient Greece
• Ancient Greece produced the Olympic games, the poems of Homer and Hellenistic culture.

• The mountainous topography (terrain) of Greece resulted in widely scattered settlements that developed into many small independent city-states. (The geography of Greece prevented the ancient Greek city-states from uniting to form a single nation.)

• The city-state of Athens practiced direct democracy.

• The city-state of Sparta was very different from Athens.

• Sparta placed more emphasis on military service. Boys in Sparta were trained to be soldiers.

• Sparta’s government was not democratic. People had little voice in government.

• Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were philosophers of ancient Greece.

• The Age of Pericles in Athens was a golden age that produced outstanding contributions in the arts and sciences.

• The Global Regents Exam may compare the Age of Pericles to other golden ages from history such as the Gupta Empire in India and the Tang dynasty in China.

• Alexander the Great’s conquests caused the expansion of Hellenistic culture. The blending of Greek, Persian, Egyptian, and Indian cultures into Hellenistic culture demonstrates cultural diffusion.

4. Ancient Rome
• The Roman Empire extended over three continents, surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Be familiar with a map of the Roman Empire.

• The Mediterranean Sea was the center of Roman trade. The Roman Empire grew wealthy because it developed extensive trade networks. (The Han Dynasty of China grew wealthy for the same reason.)

• A system of roads helped unify the Roman Empire. (A system of roads helped to unify the Inca Empire in the Andes Mountains of South America, too.)

• The Romans developed a republican form of government
• Roman women enjoyed some legal rights.
• Roman women could own property.
• Roman women could make wills leaving their property to whomever they chose.
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
1. caractéristiques (eleman) de CivilisationYon sivilizasyon an gen les caractéristiques suivantes (eleman yo): 1. centralisée gouvènman an 2. òganize religion(s) 3. klas sosyal yo 4. spesyalizasyon travay (diferan travay) 5. Art Et Achitekti 6. vil yo 7. travo piblik (pa egzanp lè w wout, ponts, manch) 8. system(s) de ekri2. bonè Civilisations River Valley• Les réalisations architectural ansyen Rome (pa egzanp lè w la kote moun jwe teyat), ansyen peyi Lejip (pa egzanp lè w Pyramides), ak ansyen peyi Lachin (pa egzanp lè w a gwo miray lavil la de Lachin) endike teknoloji avanse ekziste nan byen bonè civilisations.• Phoenicians sont souvan refere li kòm "transporteurs de civilisation" paske yo komèsyal marchandises Et se lide atravè rejyon an Méditerranée.•, Ansyen peyi Lejip la te surnommé "Kado larivyè Nil la." • Vye istwa moun peyi Lejip ap fann nan twa époques — vye granmoun, nan mitan ak peyi New• Ansyen peyi Lejip ki te pwoteje pa natirèl limit désert, mòn yo, ak lanmè a.• Anyèl inondations anrichi farmlands moun peyi Lejip.•, Moun peyi Lejip yo ansyen récoltés plant papyrus la pou kreye yon materyèl ki te itilize pou ekri. • Ansyen civilisations nan peyi Lejip ak nan peyi Lachin les devlope ekri fòm kominikasyon.3. ansyen grès• Ansyen Lagrès te pwodwi je olenmpik yo, poèmes Homer ak kilti Époque.• A mòn topographie (tèren) peyi Lagrès a nan zòn lajman établissements ki devlope nan anpil ti endepandan city-states. (Jewografi peyi Lagrès a ansyen city-states grèk de tou ki te vle pou fòme yon sèl nasyon.)• City-state de lavil Atèn pratiqué dirèk demokrasi. • City-state de Sparta li te genyen anpil diferan de lavil Atèn.• Sparta mete plis pwogram pou sèvis militè. Gason nan Sparta te antrene pou sòlda yo.• Sparta gouvènman an pat demokratik. Moun ki te tande vwa ti nan gouvènman an.• Socrates, Plato, Et Aristote ont philosophes peyi Lagrès ansyen. • Laj Pericles nan lavil Atèn li te genyen yon laj golden produits en kontribisyon nan divinò ak syans yo.• Ekzamen Regents Global an ka konpare laj Pericles pou lòt âge golden nan istwa tankou anpi Gupta an nan peyi Zend Et met Tang la nan peyi Lachin.• Alexander grannèg nan lide a ekspansyon kilti Époque. La fusion de moun lòt nasyon yo, Gòlf Pèsik, moun peyi Lejip, ak Endyen reyinifikasyon nan kilti Époque montre piblikasyon kiltirèl.4. ansyen Ròm• Anpi women an pwolonje pase twa continents, entourant bò lanmè Mediterane an. Être abitye ak yon kat anpi women an.•, Bò lanmè Mediterane an li te genyen komès sant sitwayen women an. Anpi women an te pli long ke rich paske li devlope rezo sou komès. (Han dinasti Lachin a rich poutèt sa tou.)• Yon sistèm de wout te ede fè youn anpi women an. (Yon sistèm de wout yo te ede inifye anpi Inca an nan Andes mòn peyi Amerik di sid la, tou.)• Women devlope yon fòm Repibliken de gouvènman an• Fanm Romen te jwi dwa legal kèk. • Romen fanm te kapab posede propriété. • Romen fanm ki te kapab fè wills ki te kite peyi yo pou whomever yo chwazi.
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
1. Karakteristik (Eleman) nan Sivilizasyon
yon sivilizasyon gen karakteristik sa yo (eleman):
1. Santralize gouvènman
2. Òganize relijyon (yo)
3. Klas sosyal
4. Spesyalizasyon nan travay (travay diferan)
5. Atizay ak achitekti
6. Vil
7. Travo Piblik (egzanp wout, pon, tanp)
8. System (s) nan ekri 2. Early River Valley Sivilizasyon • reyalizasyon yo achitekti nan Wòm ansyen (egzanp Coliseum la), ansyen peyi Lejip (egzanp piramid yo), ak ansyen peyi Lachin (egzanp miray la Great nan Lachin) endike ke teknoloji avanse te egziste nan sivilizasyon bonè. • Fenisyen yo yo souvan refere yo kòm "transpòtè yo nan sivilizasyon" yo paske yo te fè kòmès machandiz ak gaye lide nan tout rejyon an Mediterane. • Ansyen peyi Lejip yo te surnome "kado nan larivyè Nil la." • Yo Ansyen istwa moun peyi Lejip kase nan twa epòk-Old, Mwayen, ak nan New Wayòm • Ansyen peyi Lejip yo te pwoteje pa limit natirèl nan dezè, mòn yo, ak lanmè a. • Anyèl inondasyon rich èksplwatasyon moun peyi Lejip. • Moun peyi Lejip yo ansyen rekolt plant la papiris yo kreye yon materyèl yo itilize pou ekri. • sivilizasyon yo ansyen nan peyi Lejip ak nan Lachin tou de devlope fòm ekri nan kominikasyon. 3. Ansyen Grès • ansyen Grès pwodwi jwèt yo Olympic, powèm yo nan Homer ak kilti Elenistik. • relief nan montay (tèren) nan Lagrès a nan zòn lakòt yo lajman gaye ki te devlope nan anpil ti eta-vil endepandan. (Jewografi la nan Lagrès anpeche ansyen vil-eta yo grèk soti nan inifikasyon yo fòme yon nasyon sèl.) • vil-eta a nan Atèn pratike demokrasi dirèk. • vil-eta a nan Sparta te trè diferan soti nan lavil Atèn. • Sparta mete plis enpòtans sou sèvis militè. Ti gason nan Espat te antrene yo dwe sòlda. • gouvènman Sparta a pa t 'demokratik. Moun te gen ti kras vwa nan gouvènman an. • Socrates, Plato, ak Aristòt te filozòf nan ansyen Grès. • Laj la nan Pericles nan Atèn te yon laj lò ki pwodwi kontribisyon eksepsyonèl nan atizay ak syans. • Egzamen an Global Regents ka konpare Laj la nan Pericles nan lòt ki gen laj an lò nan istwa tankou Anpi Gupta nan Lend epi nan dinasti Tang la nan peyi Lachin. • Alexander konkèt Great a ki te koze ekspansyon an nan kilti Elenistik. Melanje a nan grèk, Pèsik, moun peyi Lejip, ak kilti Ameriken nan kilti Elenistik demontre difizyon kiltirèl. 4. Wòm ansyen • Anpi Women an pwolonje plis pase twa kontinan, ki antoure Lanmè Mediterane a. Dwe abitye avèk yon kat jeyografik nan Anpi Women an. • Lanmè Mediterane a te sant la nan komès Women. Anpi Women an te grandi rich paske li devlope rezo komès vaste. (Dinasti a Han nan Lachin te grandi rich pou menm rezon an.) • Yon sistèm nan wout te ede inifye Anpi Women an. (Yon sistèm nan wout te ede inifye Anpi Enka nan mòn yo andin nan Amerik di Sid, tou.) • Women yo devlope yon fòm gouvènman repibliken • Fanm women te jwi kèk dwa legal. • Fanm women ta ka posede pwopriyete. • Fanm women ta ka fè testaman kite pwopriyete yo nan nenpòt moun yo chwazi.

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