1. Cultural Diffusion (a) the Phoenicians • The Phoenicians are often  traduction - 1. Cultural Diffusion (a) the Phoenicians • The Phoenicians are often  Créole haïtien comment dire

1. Cultural Diffusion (a) the Phoen

1. Cultural Diffusion

(a) the Phoenicians
• The Phoenicians are often referred to as the “carriers of civilization” because they traded goods and spread ideas throughout the Mediterranean region.

(b) Hellenistic culture
• Alexander the Great’s conquests caused the expansion of Hellenistic culture. The blending of Greek, Persian, Egyptian, and Indian cultures into Hellenistic culture demonstrates cultural diffusion.

(c) The Silk Road
• The Silk Road was important because it allowed for the exchange of goods between Asia and the Middle East. The exchange of silks and spices and the spread of Buddhism along the Silk Roads are examples of cultural diffusion.
The technology of papermaking traveled from China to Baghdad along the Silk Roads.

• The Silk Road was located primarily in Asia. The Silk Road was important because it allowed for the exchange of goods between Asia and the Middle East. The exchange of goods {silk, spices} between Asia and the Middle East, the spread of papermaking technology, and the spread of Buddhism along the Silk Roads are examples of cultural diffusion.

• The impact of geography on China – Before the Silk Road, the mountains and deserts in western and southwestern China slowed the exchange of ideas.

(d) a long-term result of the Crusades
• As a result of the Crusades, cultural exchanges (cultural diffusion) between the Middle East and Europe grew (increased). One result of large armies traveling great distances during the Crusades was an increase of cultural diffusion. Many achievements of Islamic civilization reached European society by way of the Crusades and eastern Mediterranean trading networks.

(e) the impact of the travels of Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta
• The growth of maritime and overland trading routes led to increased cultural diffusion.

• The travels of Marco Polo and of Ibn Battuta were similar in that these travels stimulated the expansion of trade. Marco Polo’s visit to China resulted in increased trade between Europe and China.

• The travels of Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta resulted in increased trade between Europe and China and an increased interest in different cultures

• The writings of Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta serve as primary sources about trade and culture

(f) the effect of the extensive Mongol empire
• The size and stability of the Mongol Empire during the 1200s eased trade and travel for people living in Europe and Asia.

(g) Zheng He’s Voyages and the Ming Dynasty [1368 C.E. – 1644 C.E.]
• On his voyages, Chinese explorer Zheng He explored Arabia and the east coast of Africa. Be prepared to see a map. One result of the voyages of Zheng He was that Chinese merchants began trading with Africa.

• A map is likely.

• A major reason for Zheng He!s voyages during the 15th century was to promote trade and collect tribute. The Ming dynasty also wished to demonstrate supremacy and strength in China.

• On his voyages, Zheng He explored Arabia and the east coast of Africa.

• As a result of Zheng He!s voyages, the Chinese came into contact with peoples of other cultures between 1405 and 1422. China interacted and traded with many diverse cultures including Africa. Zheng He contributed to the prosperity of China under the Ming dynasty by expanding trade with nations of Asia and Africa

• Zheng He’s voyages are evidence that advanced navigation technology (e.g. the compass) was available in China during Ming rule.

• The journals of Zheng He are an example of a primary source

(h) the spread of religion

(i) Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage to Mecca
• The spread of Islam into the kingdoms of Ghana and Mali resulted from cultural diffusion. Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage to Mecca resulted in the expansion of Islamic learning and culture in Mali.

(j) China and Korea’s influence on Japan
• Chinese ideas and practices spread into Korea and Japan.

(k) The Byzantine Empire
• Influence on Russia: The Byzantine Empire influenced the development of early Russia – Russia adopted the Eastern Orthodox religion, the Cyrillic alphabet, and different styles of art [mosaics] and architecture [domes] through contact with missionaries from the Byzantine Empire [this is an example of cultural diffusion]

•Trade: (Constantinople’s location on the Bosporus Strait was one reason that the Byzantine Empire was able to control key trade routes between Europe and Asia.)

• Interdependence: Interdependence is the mutual dependence of countries on goods, resources, labor, and knowledge from other parts of the world.

(l) More Examples of Cultural Diffusion
• Kushites adapted Egyptian art and architecture.
•Greeks adopted Phoenician characters for an alphabet.
•Arabs used the Indian mathematical concept of zero.
•Buddhist temples are found in Japan.
•Most Indonesians study the Koran.
•Catholicism is the dominant religion in Latin America.
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
1. kiltirèl piblikasyon (a) Phoenicians • Phoenicians sont souvan refere li kòm "transporteurs de civilisation" paske yo komèsyal marchandises Et se lide atravè rejyon an Méditerranée.(b) Époque kilti• Alexander grannèg nan lide a ekspansyon kilti Époque. La fusion de moun lòt nasyon yo, Gòlf Pèsik, moun peyi Lejip, ak Endyen reyinifikasyon nan kilti Époque montre piblikasyon kiltirèl.(c) a wout swa • Swa wout la li te genyen enpòtan paske li te pèmèt pou a vann yon tè ant asie Et Mwayen Oryan. Echanj appelés ak fèy santi bon ak gaye de Boudis nan tout ti wout swa se egzanp piblikasyon kiltirèl.Teknoloji de papier te vwayaje nan peyi Lachin pou Bagdad nan tout ti wout swa.• Swa wout la li te genyen se premyèman nan pwovens Lazi. Wout swa la te enpòtan paske li te pèmèt pou a vann yon tè ant asie Et Mwayen Oryan. A vann yon tè {swa, fèy santi bon} ant asie Et Mwayen Oryan, gaye de papier teknoloji ak gaye de Boudis nan tout ti wout swa sont egzanp piblikasyon kiltirèl.• Enpak jewografi sou Lachinn-devan the swa wout, mòn yo ak désert nan rejyon lwès Et sidwès peyi Lachin te ralanti chanje lide. (d) yon rezilta yon tan ki long de Croisades• Kòm yon rezilta Croisades yo, kiltirèl dechanj (kiltirèl piblikasyon) ant Mwayen Oryan an ak nan Ewòp la a (anpil). Rezilta yon sèl gwo ki gen tout pouvwa vwayaje gwo distans Croisades yo pandan li te genyen yon ogmantasyon de piblikasyon kiltirèl. Anpil réalisations de civilisation Islamik te rive sosyete Ewopeyen lage kò Croisades a ak zòn lès rezo komèsyal Méditerranée.(e) de enpak se de Marco Polo Et Ibn Battuta • A grandi nan depans lajan maritim Et rejwen komès wout yo a pou ogmante piblikasyon kiltirèl.• Se de Marco Polo Et de Ibn Battuta te gen menm jan an sa a se sa stimuler la ekspansyon komès. Marco Polo vizit pou peyi Lachin a augmenté komès ant an Ewòp ak Lachin nan. • Se de Marco Polo Et Ibn Battuta a nan anpil komès ant an Ewòp ak Lachin, ak yon ogmantasyon enterè nan diferan reyinifikasyon• Ekri nan liv yo Marco Polo ak Ibn Battuta sèvi kòm principal sous sou komès ak kilti(f) a effet de la vaste anpi Mongol • La taille Et estabilite demokrasi a anpi Mongol an pandan 1200s la facilité komès, e vwayaj pou moun ki rete an Ewòp ak asie.(g) Zheng li a Voyages Et met Ming a [1368 C.E.-1644 C.E.]• Sou voyages, onn Chinwa a, li Zheng explorer Saoudi e sou kòt lès Afrik. Être pwepare pou li wè yon kat. Yon rezilta de voyages de Zheng li te genyen ke marchands Chinwa a komèsyal ak Afwik. • Yon kat pwobab.• Yon pi gwo rezon pou Zheng li! voyages s pandan se 15zyèm syèk la se te pou pwomouvwa komès Et kolekte pwi ki pi gran. Dinasti Ming a tou vle montre suprématie ak fòs li genyen nan peyi Lachin.• Sou voyages l, li Zheng explorer Saoudi e sou kòt lès Afrik.• Kòm yon rezilta Zheng li! s voyages, Chinwa an te vin into contact with peuples de lòt reyinifikasyon ant 1405 ak 1422. Lachin a ak komèsyal ak anpil divès reyinifikasyon, Afrik. Zheng li te kontribye pwosperite Lachin anba a met Ming ke agrandisman mache ak nasyon Azi ak AfwikVoyages • Zheng li sont evidans ki avanse teknoloji navigasyon (pa egzanp lè w an bòn) li te genyen disponib nan la chin pandan Ming t' ap mache sou.• Les feuilles de Zheng li se yon egzanp de yon sous principal(h) a gaye relijyon (m) pelerinaj pye fig Mansa pou Muslim • A gaye afiche pwisans Islam nan peyi ki Gana Et Mali a nan piblikasyon kiltirèl. Pelerinaj pye fig Mansa pou Muslim a nan ekspansyon Islamik formation Et kilti nan Mali.(j) Lachin ak Kore di a enfliyans sou Japon• Ide Chinwa ak pratik ki se nan Kore di ak Japon.(k) anpi Byzantine an• Enfliyanse kòripsyon nan Lawisi: devlopman byen bonè Lawisi te enfliyanse tèren The Byzantine Empire – Lawisi te adopte relijyon rejyon lès Orthodox a, alfabèt sirilik a, ak diferan estil de atis [mosaïques] Et Achitekti [dômes] atravè kontak ak misyonè de a Byzantine Empire [sa se yon egzanp kiltirèl piblikasyon]•Trade: (Constantinople a kote yo ye sou Bosporus kanal la li te genyen youn nan rezon ke anpi Byzantine an pa t ' kapab kontwole kle komès wout yo ant an Ewòp ak asie.)•, Entèdepandans, Entèdepandans, ki se la dépendance mityèl de peyi yo sou marchandises, resous, travay ak konesans nan lòt pati nan mond la.(l) egzanp plis de piblikasyon kiltirèl• Kushites adapté èv Ejipsyen an Et Achitekti. •Greeks te adopte caractères Phénicien pou yon sirilik. •Arabs te itilize konsèp matematik Endyen la zewo. Anch linèt •Buddhist sont te twouve nan Japon. Sans Auraient etidye Coran a. •Catholicism se jan dominan nan Amerik Latin nan.
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
1. Kiltirèl Difizyon (a) Fenisyen yo • Fenisyen yo yo souvan refere yo kòm "transpòtè yo nan sivilizasyon" yo paske yo te fè kòmès machandiz ak gaye lide nan tout rejyon an Mediterane. (b) kilti Elenistik • Alexander konkèt Great a ki te koze ekspansyon an nan Elenistik kilti. Melanje a nan grèk, Pèsik, moun peyi Lejip, ak kilti Ameriken nan kilti Elenistik demontre difizyon kiltirèl. (c) Wout Swa a • Wout Swa a te enpòtan paske li pèmèt pou echanj la nan machandiz ant Azi ak Mwayen Oryan an. Echanj la nan swari ak epis santi bon ak a gaye Boudis sou wout yo Swa yo se egzanp difizyon kiltirèl. Teknoloji a nan papermaking vwayaje soti nan Lachin nan Bagdad sou wout yo Swa. • Wout Swa a te chita prensipalman nan pwovens Lazi. Wout Swa a te enpòtan paske li pèmèt pou echanj la nan machandiz ant Azi ak Mwayen Oryan an. Echanj la nan machandiz {swa, epis santi bon} ant Azi ak Mwayen Oryan an, a gaye nan teknoloji papermaking, ak a gaye Boudis sou wout yo Swa yo se egzanp difizyon kiltirèl. • Enpak la nan jewografi sou peyi Lachin - Anvan Wout Swa a, mòn yo ak dezè nan lwès ak sidwès Lachin ralanti echanj la nan lide. (d) yon rezilta ki dire lontan nan Kwazad • nan Kòm yon rezilta nan Kwazad yo, echanj kiltirèl (difizyon kiltirèl) ant Mwayen Oryan an ak Lewòp yo te te grandi (ogmante) . Youn nan lame gwo vwayaje vwayaje gran distans pandan Kwazad yo rezilta te yon ogmantasyon de difizyon kiltirèl. Reyalizasyon Anpil nan sivilizasyon Islamik rive sosyete Ewopeyen pa fason pou Kwazad yo ak lès Mediterane rezo komès. (e) enpak la nan vwayaj yo nan Marco Polo ak Ibn Battuta • Kwasans lan nan wout komès maritim ak vwa terès mennen nan ogmante difizyon kiltirèl. • nan vwayaj nan Marco Polo ak nan Ibn Battuta yo te sanble paske vwayaj sa yo ankouraje ekspansyon an nan komès. Vizit Marco Polo nan fè nan peyi Lachin a nan ogmante komès ant Ewòp ak Lachin. • vwayaj yo nan Marco Polo ak Ibn Battuta a nan ogmante komès ant Ewòp ak Lachin ak yon enterè ogmante nan diferan kilti • ekri yo nan Marco Polo ak Ibn Battuta sèvi kòm prensipal sous sou komès ak kilti (f) efè a nan anpi a Mongòl vaste • Gwosè a ak estabilite nan Anpi Mongòl pandan 1200s yo vinn komès ak vwayaj pou moun k ap viv nan Ewòp ak Azi. (g) Voyages Zheng Li a ak Dinasti Ming nan [ 1368 CE - 1644 CE] • Sou vwayaj l 'yo, Chinwa eksploratè Zheng Li eksplore Saoudit ak kòt lès nan Lafrik di. Pou prepare w pou wè yon kat jeyografik. Youn nan vwayaj yo nan Zheng Li rezilta te ke machann Chinwa te kòmanse komès ak Lafrik di. • Yon kat jeyografik se chans. • Yon rezon prensipal ki fè pou vwayaj Zheng He! a pandan 15 zyèm syèk la te ankouraje komès ak kolekte peye lajan taks. Dinasti Ming nan tou te vle yo demontre sipremasi ak fòs nan peyi Lachin. • Sou vwayaj l 'yo, Zheng Li eksplore Saoudit ak kòt lès nan Lafrik di. • Kòm yon rezilta nan vwayaj Zheng He! a, Chinwa yo vin gen kontak ak pèp nan lòt kilti ant 1405 ak 1422. Lachin entèraksyon ak te fè kòmès ak anpil divès kilti ki gen ladan Lafrik di. Zheng Li kontribye nan pwosperite a nan Lachin anba dinasti Ming nan pa agrandi komès ak nasyon nan pwovens Lazi ak Lafrik vwayaj • Zheng Li nan yo se prèv ki montre avanse navigasyon teknoloji (egzanp konpa a) se te disponib nan peyi Lachin pandan Ming règ. • jounal yo nan Zheng Li se yon egzanp yon sous prensipal (h) a gaye nan relijyon (mwen) pelerinaj Mansa Musa nan Lamèk • Gaye nan nan Islam nan peyi ki sou Gana ak Mali a soti nan difizyon kiltirèl. Pelerinaj Mansa Musa nan Lamèk a nan ekspansyon an nan aprantisaj Islamik ak kilti nan Mali. (j) Lachin ak Kore di a enfliyans sou Japon • lide ak pratik Chinwa gaye nan Kore di ak Japon. (k) Anpi Bizanten • Enfliyans nan sou Larisi: Bizanten an Anpi enfliyanse devlopman nan byen bonè Larisi - Larisi te adopte relijyon an lès Òtodòks, alfabè a sirilik, ak diferan estil nan atizay [Mozayik] ak achitekti [dom] nan kontak avèk misyonè ki soti nan Anpi Bizanten an [sa a se yon egzanp sou difizyon kiltirèl] • Komès: (kote Konstantinòp la sou Bosporus kanal la te yon rezon ki fè Anpi Bizan an te kapab kontwole wout komès kle ant Lewòp ak Lazi.) • Entèdepandans: Entèdepandans se depandans a mityèl nan peyi sou machandiz, resous, travay, epi ak konesans ki soti nan lòt pati nan mond lan. (l) Plis Men kèk egzanp sou difizyon kiltirèl • Kushites adapte atizay moun peyi Lejip ak achitekti. • Moun peyi Lagrès te adopte karaktè Phoenician pou yon alfabè. • Arab itilize konsèp nan Ameriken matematik nan zewo. • yo jwenn tanp Boudis nan Japon. • Pifò Indonesians etidye Koran an. • Katolik se relijyon an dominan nan Amerik Latin nan.

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