7. Aggression and Appeasement• The Japanese, the Germans (Hitler), and traduction - 7. Aggression and Appeasement• The Japanese, the Germans (Hitler), and Créole haïtien comment dire

7. Aggression and Appeasement• The

7. Aggression and Appeasement

• The Japanese, the Germans (Hitler), and the Italians (Mussolini) pursued a policy of expansionism before World War II to gain natural resources.

• The weakness of the LEAGUE OF NATIONS prevented it from stopping Japan, Germany, and Italy’s, aggressive military actions during the 1930s.
Aggression led to the start of World War II.

• (1931) Japan invades Manchuria
• (1933) Japan resigns from the League of Nations
• (1935) Italy Attacks Ethiopia
• (1936) Germany Takes the Rhineland Back
• (1936) Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis formed, (Axis Powers)
• (1937) Japan invades China,
• (1938) Germany Makes Austria Part of its Empire
• (1938)Germany annexes the Sudetenland
• (1939) Italy takes over Albania
• (1939)Germany and Russia (Stalin) Divide Poland
• (December, 7, 1941) Japanese aggression during the 1930s led up to the attack on Pearl Harbor
• (1941) the US places embargo on scrap iron, steel, and oil exports to Japan

• When some European leaders agreed to Hitler’s demands concerning Czechoslovakia in 1938, they were supporting a policy of appeasement.
APPEASEMENT = an attempt to avoid conflict by meeting the demands of an aggressor

• One reason that Britain, France, and Italy agreed to appease Hitler at the MUNICH CONFERENCE was to prevent the start of another world war.

• The policy of appeasement helped cause World War II because this policy allowed the aggressive actions of Germany to go unchecked
1. The term appeasement is best defined as
(1) an attempt to avoid conflict by meeting the demands of an aggressor
(2) a period of peace and prosperity, resulting in cultural achievement
(3) a declaration of war between two or more nations
(4) an agreement removing economic barriers between nations

3. “Mussolini Attacks Ethiopia”(1935)
“Germany Takes the Rhineland Back”(1936)
“Germany and Russia Divide Poland”(1939)

These headlines might be used to illustrate the weakness of the
(1) United Nations (2) Congress of Vienna
(3) Warsaw Pact (4) League of Nations

4. One reason that Britain and France agreed to appease Hitler at the Munich Conference was to
(1) prevent the start of another world war
(2) stop the Nazis from invading the Soviet Union
(3) obey an order from the League of Nations
(4) obtain advanced German military weapons in exchange

5. When some European leaders agreed to Hitler’s demands concerning Czechoslovakia in 1938, they were supporting a policy of
(1) détente (2) balance of power (3) collective security (4) appeasement

6. The policy of appeasement helped cause World War II because this policy
(1) reduced the armaments of major European powers
(2) gave too much power to the United Nations
(3) increased sea trade between England and the United States
(4) allowed the aggressive actions of Germany to go unchecked

7. •Japan resigns from the League of Nations, 1933
•Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis formed, 1936
•Japan invades China, 1937
•United States places embargo on scrap iron, steel, and oil exports to Japan, 1941

Which event occurred immediately after this series of developments?
(1) Manchuria became a Japanese protectorate. (2) Pearl Harbor was attacked.
(3) The Japanese fleet was destroyed.
(4) The atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.

8. “It took the Big Four just five hours and twenty-five minutes here in Munich today to dispel the clouds of war and come to an agreement over the partition of Czechoslovakia. There is to be no European war, after all. There is to be peace, and the price of that peace is, roughly, the ceding by Czechoslovakia of the Sudeten territory to Herr Hitler’s Germany. The German Führer gets what he wanted, only he has to wait a little longer for it. Not much longer though — only ten days. . . .” William Shirer, recording of CBS radio report from Prague, September 29, 1938
The policy that France, Britain, and Italy chose to follow at this meeting is known as
(1) appeasement (2) self-determination (3) liberation (4) pacification

9. The Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 and Hitler’s rebuilding of the German military in 1935 demonstrate the
(1) success of defensive alliances (2) fear of communist expansion
(3) support for the Treaty of Versailles (4) failure of the League of Nations

10. The Japanese, the Germans, and the Italians pursued a policy of expansionism before World War II to gain
(1) natural resources (2) warm-water ports
(3) manufacturing plants (4) freedom of the seas

Speaker A: “What was actually happening on the battlefield was all secret then, but I thought that the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere would be of crucial importance to backward races.”
Speaker B: “We Nazis must hold to our aim in foreign policy, namely to secure for the German people the land and soil to which they are entitled. . . .”
Speaker C: “The Munich Pact saved Czechoslovakia from destruction and Europe from Armageddon.”
Speaker D: “We shall defend our island, whatever the cost shall be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets. . . . We shall never surrender.”

The clearest example of the policy of appeasement is in the statement made by Speaker
(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
7. agresyon Et Apaisement• Japonè an, Almay yo, (Hitler), Et les Italyen (Mussolini) poursuivi yon politik expansionism devan gè MONDYAL pou jwenn resous natirèl.• Feblès LIG NASYON a li de bouche Japon, Almay, ak Itali a, agresif aksyon militè pandan la années.Agresyon te dirije pou kòmansman gè MONDYAL. • (1931) Japon invades Manchuria • (1933) Japon sa soti nan lig de lòt peyi• (1935) Itali atak Etyopi • (1936) Almay Prend Rhénanie a tounen • (1936) Rome Berlin-Tokyo aks fòme, (aks pouvwa)• Japon (1937), invades Lachin, • (1938) Almay ap fè pati Autriche de anpi l • (1938) Almay annexes Sudetenland a • Itali (1939) prend sou Albani • (1939) Almay ak Lawisi, (Stalin) ki divize Polòy • (Desanm, 7, 1941) agresyon Japonè pandan 30 l' a pou atak la sou Pearl Harbor • (1941) Etazini kote anbago sou feray, fe ak petwòl pou Japon• Lè kèk lidè Ewopeyen yo ki te dakò pou Hitler a mande konsènan Czechlovaki an 1938, yo te sipòte yon plan de apaisement.APAISEMENT = yon tantativ pou evite konfli pa kontre demand yo de yon agresseur•, Youn nan rezon ke Lagrann Bwetay, Fwans ak Itali te dakò pou apeze Hitler nan yon KONFERANS MUNICH se te pou anpeche yon lòt gè mondyal fèk konmanse.• Politik apaisement a lakòz gè MONDYAL paske politik sa a ki te pèmèt agresif aksyon yo de Almay ale non++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1. a apaisement tèm meyè defini antanke(1) yon tantativ pou evite konfli pa kontre demand yo de yon agresseur(2) yon peryòd viv ak kè poze ak pwosperite, sa réalisation kiltirèl (3) yon deklarasyon lagè ant de oswa plis nasyon (4) yon kontra ki te retire ekonomik baryè nan mitan lòt nasyon 3. "Mussolini atak Ethiopia"(1935) "Almay Prend la Back"(1936) Rhénanie "Almay ak Lawisi divize Poland"(1939) Titres sa yo te ka itilize pou ilistre feblès de la (1) nasyon zini (2) kongrè an de Vienna (3) (4) pak Warsaw lig de nasyon 4. youn nan rezon ke Lagrannbwetay ak Lafwans te dakò pou apeze Hitler nan yon konferans Munich se te pou (1) anpeche kòmansman de yon lòt gè mondyal (2) arrêter renmen itilize nan elèksyon de il Inyon Sovyetik la(3) obeyi lòd soti nan lig de lòt peyi (4) jwenn Alman militè zam modèn tè nan tout pèyi5. Lè kèk lidè Ewopeyen yo ki te dakò pou Hitler a demand yo konsènan Czechlovaki an 1938, yo te sipòte yon plan de (1) détente (2) balans pouvwa (3) kolektif sekirite (4) apaisement6. a politik de apaisement a lakòz gè MONDYAL paske règleman sa a (1) te redwi armes de gwo peyi Ewopeyen (2) te bay twòp pouvwa nasyon Zini (3) augmenté lanmè komès ant Angletè ak eta Zini(4) te pèmèt agresif aksyon yo de Almay ale non7. •Japan sa soti nan lig de lòt peyi, 1933 Aks •Rome Berlin Tokyo fòme, 1936 •Japan invades Lachin, 1937 •United Etazini kote anbago sou feray, fe ak petwòl pou Japon, 1941Evènman ki te pase touswit aprè sa a seri de devlopman yo? (1) Manchuria ki te yon pwotektora Fwansè sòti Japonè. (2) Pearl Harbor te atake. (3) flòt Japonè a te detwi. (4) bonb atomik a te tonbe sou Hiroshima. 8. "li te gwo kat sèlman senk lè Et vingt-senk minit isit la nan Munich jodi a pou dissiper nwaj yo lagè Et vini a yon akò sou patisyon de Czechlovaki. La se pou pa gen lagè Ewopeyen, apre tou. N' a viv ak kè poze, Et pri lapè sa yo se, la cession pa Czechlovaki nan teritwa Sudeten an pou Herr Hitler a Almay. Führer Alman an jwenn sa li te vle, se sèlman li gen pou ret tann yon ti jan plis pou li. Pa pi lontan ankò si — dis jou sèlman.... " William Shirer, enregistrement de CBS radyo rapò ki soti nan Prague, 29 septanm 1938Plan an Fwans, Grann Bwetay ak Itali chwazi pou yo swiv nan reyinyon sa a rekonèt kòm(1) apaisement l' (2) (3) liberasyon (4) tonbe 9. a envazyon Japonè an Manchuria nan 1931 Et Hitler a rekonstwi Alman lame a nan 1935 demontre a (1) siksè defansiv alyans (2) pè ekspansyon kominis(3) sipò pou fayit trete de Versailles (4) la moun lòt nasyon ki nan lig10. Japonè, Almay yo ak Italyen poursuivi yon politik expansionism gè MONDYAL vin pi devan (1) pò warm dlo (2) resous natirèl(3) manifakti plant (4) libète de la lanmè12. Oratè r: "Ki aktyèlman te pase sou chan batay la te genyen tout konnen lè sa a, men mwen panse ke pi gwo esfè ko-Prosperity Azi de lès ta dwe de kritik enpòtans pou courses en."Oratè B: "Nou renmen itilize nan elèksyon yo dwe òganize pou bi nan zafè politik etranje, à pou mete sekirite pou Alman moun peyi a Et du pou sa yo gen...."Oratè C: "Munich pak la te sove Czechlovaki de fini ak nan Ewòp la nan Armageddon."Oratè D: "Nou dwe defann nou zile a, tou sa pri a dwe fè. Nou dwe goumen sou plaj yo, nou dwe goumen sou baz aterisaj yo, nou dwe goumen nan jaden ak nan tout lari.... Nou dwe janm rann tèt yo."Plus ekzanp de politik apaisement se nan deklarasyon ki te fèt pa oratè (1) YON D (3) C (4) B (2)
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
7. Aggression and Appeasement

• The Japanese, the Germans (Hitler), and the Italians (Mussolini) pursued a policy of expansionism before World War II to gain natural resources.

• The weakness of the LEAGUE OF NATIONS prevented it from stopping Japan, Germany, and Italy’s, aggressive military actions during the 1930s.
Aggression led to the start of World War II.

• (1931) Japan invades Manchuria
• (1933) Japan resigns from the League of Nations
• (1935) Italy Attacks Ethiopia
• (1936) Germany Takes the Rhineland Back
• (1936) Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis formed, (Axis Powers)
• (1937) Japan invades China,
• (1938) Germany Makes Austria Part of its Empire
• (1938)Germany annexes the Sudetenland
• (1939) Italy takes over Albania
• (1939)Germany and Russia (Stalin) Divide Poland
• (December, 7, 1941) Japanese aggression during the 1930s led up to the attack on Pearl Harbor
• (1941) the US places embargo on scrap iron, steel, and oil exports to Japan

• When some European leaders agreed to Hitler’s demands concerning Czechoslovakia in 1938, they were supporting a policy of appeasement.
APPEASEMENT = an attempt to avoid conflict by meeting the demands of an aggressor

• One reason that Britain, France, and Italy agreed to appease Hitler at the MUNICH CONFERENCE was to prevent the start of another world war.

• The policy of appeasement helped cause World War II because this policy allowed the aggressive actions of Germany to go unchecked
1. The term appeasement is best defined as
(1) an attempt to avoid conflict by meeting the demands of an aggressor
(2) a period of peace and prosperity, resulting in cultural achievement
(3) a declaration of war between two or more nations
(4) an agreement removing economic barriers between nations

3. “Mussolini Attacks Ethiopia”(1935)
“Germany Takes the Rhineland Back”(1936)
“Germany and Russia Divide Poland”(1939)

These headlines might be used to illustrate the weakness of the
(1) United Nations (2) Congress of Vienna
(3) Warsaw Pact (4) League of Nations

4. One reason that Britain and France agreed to appease Hitler at the Munich Conference was to
(1) prevent the start of another world war
(2) stop the Nazis from invading the Soviet Union
(3) obey an order from the League of Nations
(4) obtain advanced German military weapons in exchange

5. When some European leaders agreed to Hitler’s demands concerning Czechoslovakia in 1938, they were supporting a policy of
(1) détente (2) balance of power (3) collective security (4) appeasement

6. The policy of appeasement helped cause World War II because this policy
(1) reduced the armaments of major European powers
(2) gave too much power to the United Nations
(3) increased sea trade between England and the United States
(4) allowed the aggressive actions of Germany to go unchecked

7. •Japan resigns from the League of Nations, 1933
•Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis formed, 1936
•Japan invades China, 1937
•United States places embargo on scrap iron, steel, and oil exports to Japan, 1941

Which event occurred immediately after this series of developments?
(1) Manchuria became a Japanese protectorate. (2) Pearl Harbor was attacked.
(3) The Japanese fleet was destroyed.
(4) The atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.

8. “It took the Big Four just five hours and twenty-five minutes here in Munich today to dispel the clouds of war and come to an agreement over the partition of Czechoslovakia. There is to be no European war, after all. There is to be peace, and the price of that peace is, roughly, the ceding by Czechoslovakia of the Sudeten territory to Herr Hitler’s Germany. The German Führer gets what he wanted, only he has to wait a little longer for it. Not much longer though — only ten days. . . .” William Shirer, recording of CBS radio report from Prague, September 29, 1938
The policy that France, Britain, and Italy chose to follow at this meeting is known as
(1) appeasement (2) self-determination (3) liberation (4) pacification

9. The Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 and Hitler’s rebuilding of the German military in 1935 demonstrate the
(1) success of defensive alliances (2) fear of communist expansion
(3) support for the Treaty of Versailles (4) failure of the League of Nations

10. The Japanese, the Germans, and the Italians pursued a policy of expansionism before World War II to gain
(1) natural resources (2) warm-water ports
(3) manufacturing plants (4) freedom of the seas

Speaker A: “What was actually happening on the battlefield was all secret then, but I thought that the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere would be of crucial importance to backward races.”
Speaker B: “We Nazis must hold to our aim in foreign policy, namely to secure for the German people the land and soil to which they are entitled. . . .”
Speaker C: “The Munich Pact saved Czechoslovakia from destruction and Europe from Armageddon.”
Speaker D: “We shall defend our island, whatever the cost shall be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets. . . . We shall never surrender.”

The clearest example of the policy of appeasement is in the statement made by Speaker
(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D

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