25. After 1880, European nations sought colonies in Africa primarily b traduction - 25. After 1880, European nations sought colonies in Africa primarily b Créole haïtien comment dire

25. After 1880, European nations so

25. After 1880, European nations sought colonies in Africa primarily because the Europeans were
(1) in need of land for their surplus populations
(2) competing of raw materials and markets
(3) determined to bring Christianity to the Moslem world
(4) interested in completing their geographic knowledge of the world
26. The 19th century term “White Man’s Burden” reflects the idea that
(1) Asians and Africans were equal to Europeans
(2) Asians and Africans would be grateful for European help
(3) imperialism was opposed by most Europeans
(4) Europeans had a responsibility to improve the lives of the colonial peoples

27. The Sepoy Mutiny in India, the Boxer Rebellion in China, and the Islamic Revolution in Iran were similar in that they
(1) restored power to the hereditary monarchies
(2) attempted to reject the traditional cultures in these countries
(3) resisted foreign influence in these countries
(4) reestablished the power of religious leaders

28. During the 19th century, Europeans were able to divide China in Spheres of Influence mainly because the
(1) Chinese were eager to adopt western culture
(2) Europeans had technologically superior military forces
(3) Europeans were willing to adopt Chinese customs
(4) Chinese lacked raw materials and resources

29. Both the French and the British were interested in controlling Egypt in the mid-19th century because Egypt had
(1) control of the spice trade (2) an industrial-based economy
(3) vital mineral resources (4) a strategic location

30. In the past, European nations have conquered other lands, made them into colonies, and controlled their economies.

This statement describes a situation that resulted from the
(1) industrialization of Europe and the need for raw materials
(2) desire of Europeans to spread communism throughout the world
(3) European belief in human rights for all people
(4) requests of developing nations for modern machines and technology

31. The borders that were established for many African nations during the late 1800’s were based primarily on
(1) natural geographic barriers (2) easy access to natural resources
(3) territorial claims of colonial rulers (4) cultural differences between ethnic groups

32. During the 18th and 19th centuries, increased contact between European and the continents of Africa, Asia, and South America resulted in
(1) closer cultural cooperation between Europe and these continents
(2) the exploitation of the labor and resources of these continents
(3) return to the political and economic systems of feudal Europe
(4) preservation of the rights of the indigenous peoples
33. The poem “White Man’s burden” refers to the
(1) negative attitude of Europeans toward peoples of the non-Western world
(2) advantages Europeans would gain by colonizing Africa, Asia, and Latin America
(3) positive role of the Roman Catholic Church in Africa and Asia
(4) challenges non-Europeans faced when trading with the Europeans

34. …, you, Africa, suffered like a beast
Your ashes strewn to the wind that roams the desert,
Your tyrants built the lustrous, magic temples
To preserve your soul, preserve your suffering.
Barbaric right of fist and the white right to whip,
You had the right to die, you could also weep.
----Patrice Lumumba, “Dawn in the Heart of Africa”

This African poem is discussing the evils of
(1) imperialism (2) communism (3) nationalism (4) regionalism

35. During the 18th and 19th centuries, Europeans improved roads and bridges and built railroads in their colonies primarily to
(1) provide jobs for the colonists
(2) obtain raw materials needed for industrialization
(3) impress the colonists with their technological knowledge
(4) help missionaries spread Christianity

36. “Compared to other peoples of the world we have the greatest (largest) population and our civilization is four thousand years old…Today we are the poorest and weakest nation in the world and occupy the lowest position in international affairs. Other men are the carving knife and serving dish, we are the fish and the meat. As a consequence…we are being transformed everywhere into a colony of the foreign powers.”

Which events formed the basis for the ideas expressed in this early 1900’s passage?
(1) Opium War and Boxer Rebellion
(2) Mau Mau uprising and adoption of apartheid
(3) Sepoy Mutiny and the Salt March
(4) Haitian Revolution and Cortes’ march on Mexico City

37. One result of British colonialism in India was that India
(1) adopted a parliamentary system of government
(2) developed religious unity
(3) supported Western foreign policies in the United Nations
(4) created programs to increase its population

38. “The Ashanti and Ijebu... strongly resisted missionary incursion [interference]-for a time at least . . . Both groups grudgingly [reluctantly] accepted missionaries and their schools only after military defeat by imperial forces.” — Edward H. Berman
A valid conclusion based on this quotation would be that some Africans
(1) opposed giving up their religious and cultural heritage
(2) returned to the worship of their traditional gods after the defeat of the missionaries
(3) cooperated with the missionaries for economic gain
(4) feared that missionaries would refuse to teach their children

39. Which statement best expresses the motive for 19th-century European imperialism?
(1) Living space was needed for the excess population in western Europe.
(2) European leaders believed imperialism was an effective method of reducing the number o
(3) European nations would benefit from some aspects of the conquered nation’s culture.
(4) Imperialism would benefit the economies of the colonial powers.

40. Which is an accurate statement about the partitioning of Africa by European imperialist nations during the 1800’s?
(1) new nations were based on old tribal boundaries
(2) the cultural and ethnic diversity of the African people was disregarded
(3) the continent was divided equally among the colonial powers
(4) African unity was encouraged

41. During the 1840’s, China signed “unequal treaties” with Western nations mainly because
(1) China had won the Opium War
(2) Western nations had superior military technology
(3) leaders in China favored expansion
(4) China had requested economic assistance from the West

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
25. après 1880, peyi Ewopeyen yo tap chache koloni an Afwik premyèman paske Ewopeyen te(1) bezwen pou peyi pou yo sipli laplipa moun lan zile (2) concurrents materyèl bwit yo ak mache yo (3) detèmine pou pote Krisyanis Moslem mond lan (4) enterese nan yo te fin fè yo konnen géographique de mond lan 26. 19 syèk tèm "blanch moun an fado" reflete lide sa(1) tout ak Africains te rive fè Ewopeyen (2) asie Et la nan trenen ta dwe remercie pou èd Ewopeyen (3) l' te opoze pa pifò Ewopeyen (4) Ewopeyen te gen responsablite pou li amelyore lavi moun lòt kolonyal 27. a revòl Sepoy nan peyi Zend, Boxer rebelyon an nan la chin ak revolisyon Islamik la nan Iran ont menm jan an nan sa yo(1) rètorasyon pouvwa pou rasyal Monaki (2) a pou voye jete tradisyonèl reyinifikasyon yo nan peyi sa yo (3) reziste enfliyans etranje nan peyi sa yo (4) rétablie pouvwa antèt relijye yo 28. pandan 19 syèk la, Ewopeyen yo ka pou divize peyi Lachin nan Domaines de enfliyans te sitou paske a(1) Chinwa a été pou adopte rejyon lwès kilti (2) Ewopeyen te gen plan siperyè fòs militè yo (3) Ewopeyen te deside pou adopte douane Chinwa (4) Chinwa pas materyèl bwit yo ak resous 29. les Fwansè e ke se Bwitich ki te enterese nan contrôle peyi Lejip nan mitan-19 syèk la paske peyi Lejip la te(1) kontwòl ki gen bon sant la Commerce (2) yon ekonomi endistriyèl baze (3) enpòtan resous mineral (4) yon estrateji kote yo ye 30. nan tan lontan, peyi Ewopeyen gen a lòt bèt yo, sa te fè yo antre nan koloni, e te kontwole ekonomi yo.Deklarasyon sa a dekri yon sitiyasyon sa a de la(1) endistriyalizasyon an Ewòp ak bezwen pou materyèl bwit yo (2) désir de Ewopeyen mache sistèm kominis atravè lemond (3) Ewopeyen kwè nan dwa zimen pou tout moun (4) demandes de devlope peyi moun lòt nasyon pou machin avanse modèn ak teknoloji 31. fontyè yo ki te etabli pou anpil nasyon Afwik pandan byen ta du yo te gen baz premyèman sou(1) natirèl baryè géographique (2) fasil aksè pou resous natirèl (3) tèritoryal revandikasyon de chèf kolonyal (4) kiltirèl diferans ant gwoup etnik yo 32. Pandan yo 18 Et 19 de syèk, une kontak ant Ewopeyen Et les continents de Afrik, Azi ak Amerik di sid la te bay an rezilta(1) plus kiltirèl koperasyon ant an Ewòp ak continents sa yo (2) a kap fè eksplwatasyon sou travayè ak resous de continents sa yo (3) retounen nan sistèm politik ak ekonomik feodal an Ewop (4) préservation de dwa endijèn yo 33. a Powèm "Blanch moun tèt ou bay bojan" se pou la(1) negatif atitid de Ewopeyen anvè lòt nasyon sou latè ki pa Ouest (2) avantaj Ewopeyen ta jwenn pa colonisation Afrik, Azi ak Amerik Latin (3) wòl pozitif de legliz Katolik Romèn nan Afrik ak moun Lazi (4) défis ki pa-Ewopeyen fè fas a lè komèsyal ak Ewopeyen 34...., ou menm, Afrik, te soufri tankou yon bètCendres ou ces ak van ki roams pati kite,Tiran ou te konstwi lustrous, majik manchPou kenbe nanm nou, kenbe ou pa bon.Barbare droit de pwen Et blan dwa pou fwèt,Ou pa gen dwa pou mouri, ou te kapab tou a.---Patrice Lumumba, "Solèy nan mitan Afrik"Powèm Afriken sa a pou diskite les maux de(1) l' sistèm kominis (2) (3) nasyonalism (4) sous 35. Pandan yo 18 Et 19 de syèk, Ewopeyen amelyore wout yo ak ponts Et te konstwi premyèman pou natirel nan koloni yo(1) bay travay pou kolonyalis yo (2) jwenn materyèl bwit yo bezwen pou endistriyalizasyon (3) enpresyone kolonyalis yo ak yo konnen teknolojik (4) ede misyonè se Krisyanis 36. "te konpare pou lòt nasyon ki sou latè a, nou gen pi gwo lane (plus) Et sivilizasyon nou an gen katmil (4.000) an...Jòdi a nou menm nasyon ki pi pòv Et plus nan mond lan Et occuper le pozisyon an nan zafè entènasyonal. Lòt moun, se kouto Sur la Et au plat, nou se pwason ak vyann lan. Kòm yon konsekans... nou te tout kò m tounen tankou nan sal yon koloni de pouvwa etranje yo."Evènman ki te fòme baz pou tout lide ki te rapòte nan pasaj ki byen bonè 1900's sa a?(1) ke lagè Et Boxer rebelyon (2) la Mau Mau Et adopsyon apated la (3) revòl sepoy Et a sèl mach (4) revolisyon Ayisyen Et mas Cortes yo sou lavil Meksiko 37. yon rezilta kolonyalis Britanik nan peyi Zend te genyen Zend sa(1) te adopte yon sistèm palmantè de gouvènman an (2) au inite relijye (3) en rejyon lwès politik zafè etranje nan nasyon Zini (4) te kreye pwogram pou popilasyon li a ki fè vini pi gran 38. "a Ashanti ak Ijebu... fortement reziste misyonè enkisyon [entèferans]-pou yon tan nan moins... Les groupes à [à] te asepte misyonè ak lekòl yo sèlman apwè defèt militè sou imperial fòs yo."— Edward H. BermanYon konklizyon valid ki baze sou guillemets sa a ta dwe sa kèk Africains(1) te opoze relijye ak kiltirèl pòsyon tè pa yo pran egzanp sou moun (2) te retounen nan sèvis pou zidòl tradisyonèl yo apwe defèt misyonè yo (3) a ak misyonè yo pou ogmantasyon entansite ekonomik (4) moun respekte misyonè ta refize pou anseye timoun yo 39. deklarasyon ki pi bon exprime a motif pou 19-syèk l' Ewopeyen an?(1) rete pase te bezwen pou popilasyon an plis nan peyi rejyon lwès Ewòp. (2) lidè Ewopeyen yo te kwè ke l' li te genyen yon metòd efficace de réduire la menm nimewo(3) Ewopeyen nasyon sa a pwal benefisye de kèk aspè de kilti konkeri nasyon an. (4) l' a pwal benefisye ekonomi kolonyal pouvwa yo. 40. sa se yon byen mezire deklarasyon ki ta mande a moun ki jwe wòl Afrik pa nasyon impérialistes Ewopeyen an pandan du yo?(1) lòt nasyon ki te baze sou limit tribi ansyen (2) kiltirèl ak etnik divèsite Afriken pèp la te pas (3) kontinan an te divize egal-ego pami kolonyal pouvwa yo (4) Inyon Afriken te ankouraje 41. pandan 1840's yo, Lachin te siyen "de pwa de traités" ak peyi Lwès yo kesyon sa te poze paske(1) Lachin te genyen lagè ke (2) peyi Lwès yo a teknoloji militè siperyè (3) lidè nan peyi Lachin te anfavè pou ekspansyon (4) Lachin te mande asistans ekonomik sou bò solèy kouche
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
25. Apre 1880, nasyon Ewopeyen t'ap chache koloni nan Lafrik di prensipalman paske Ewopeyen yo te
(1) nan bezwen nan peyi pou popilasyon sipli yo
(2) konpetisyon nan matyè premyè ak mache
(3) detèmine yo pote Krisyanis nan mond lan Mizilman
(4) enterese nan ranpli konesans jeyografik yo nan mond lan
26. Tèm nan 19yèm syèk "chay Blan Man la" reflete lide ki fè konnen
(1) Azyatik ak Afriken yo te egal a Ewopeyen
(2) Azyatik ak Afriken ta dwe rekonesan pou èd Ewopeyen
(3) enperyalis te opoze pa pi Ewopeyen
(4) Ewopeyen te gen yon responsablite yo amelyore lavi yo nan pèp yo kolonyal 27. Mitinri Sipay la nan peyi Zend, Rebelyon Boksè nan Lachin, ak Revolisyon Islamik la nan Iran te menm jan an nan yo ke yo (1) retabli pouvwa a monachi yo éréditèr (2) te eseye rejte kilti yo tradisyonèl nan peyi sa yo (3) reziste enfliyans etranje nan peyi sa yo (4) retabli pouvwa a nan lidè relijye 28. Pandan 19yèm syèk la, Ewopeyen yo te kapab divize peyi Lachin nan zòn enfliyans yo sitou paske (1) Chinwa yo te anvi adopte kilti lwès (2) Ewopeyen te gen fòs militè teknoloji siperyè (3) Ewopeyen yo te vle adopte koutim Chinwa (4) Chinwa te manke materyèl bwit ak resous 29. Tou de franse a ak Britanik la te enterese nan kontwole peyi Lejip nan mitan-19yèm syèk la paske peyi Lejip te gen (1) kontwòl komès la epis (2) yon ekonomi endistriyèl ki baze sou (3) resous mineral enpòtan (4) yon kote estratejik 30. Nan tan lontan, nasyon Ewopeyen te konkeri lòt peyi, te fè yo nan koloni, ak kontwole ekonomi yo. Deklarasyon sa a dekri yon sitiyasyon ki te lakòz soti nan (1) endistriyalizasyon an nan Ewòp epi yo bezwen an pou matyè premyè (2) dezi Ewopeyen yo gaye kominis nan tout mond (3) kwayans la Ewopeyen an nan dwa moun pou tout moun (4) demann nan devlope nasyon pou machin modèn ak teknoloji 31. Fontyè yo ki te etabli pou anpil nasyon Afriken pandan 1800 la yo an reta yo te baze sitou sou (1) natirèl baryè jeyografik (2) aksè fasil a resous natirèl (3) reklamasyon teritoryal nan chèf kolonyal (4) diferans kiltirèl ant gwoup etnik 32. Pandan 18th ak 19 syèk yo, ogmante kontak ant Ewopeyen yo ak kontinan yo nan Lafrik di, Azi, ak Amerik di Sid a nan (1) koperasyon pi pre kiltirèl ant Ewòp ak sa yo kontinan (2) eksplwatasyon an nan travay la ak resous nan kontinan sa yo (3 ) retounen nan sistèm yo politik ak ekonomik nan Ewòp feyodal (4) prezèvasyon nan dwa yo nan pèp endijèn yo 33. Powèm nan "chay Blan Man la" vle di (1) atitid la negatif nan Ewopeyen nan direksyon pèp nan mond lan ki pa Western (2) avantaj Ewopeyen ta jwenn pa kolonizasyon Lafrik di, Azi, ak Amerik Latin (3) wòl pozitif nan Katolik Women an Legliz nan Lafrik ak Lazi (4) defi ki pa Ewopeyen te fè fas lè komès ak Ewopeyen yo 34. ..., Ou, Lafrik di, te soufri tankou yon bèt sann dife ou epapiye ak van an ki roams dezè a, tiran ou bati briyan, tanp yo majik Prezève nanm ou, prezève soufrans ou yo. Barbarism dwa nan pwen ak dwa a blan nan fwe, Ou te gen dwa a mouri, ou ta ka tou kriye. ---- Patrice Lumumba, "Dawn nan kè a nan Lafrik di" gade powèm Afriken Sa a se diskite sou mal yo nan (1) enperyalis (2) kominis (3) nasyonalis (4) rejyonalism 35. Pandan 18th ak 19 syèk yo, Ewopeyen amelyore wout ak pon yo bati ray tren nan koloni yo prensipalman nan (1) bay travay pou kolon yo (2) jwenn matyè premyè ki nesesè pou endistriyalizasyon (3) enpresyone kolon yo ak konesans teknolojik yo (4) èd misyonè gaye Krisyanis 36. "Konpare ak lòt pèp nan mond lan nou gen pi gran (pi gwo) popilasyon an ak sivilizasyon nou an, se kat mil ane fin vye granmoun ... Jodi a nou yo se nasyon ki pi pòv ak pi fèb nan mond lan ak rete nan pozisyon ki pi ba a nan zafè entènasyonal yo. Lòt moun yo plat la Sur kouto ak sèvi, nou se pwason an ak vyann lan. Kòm yon konsekans ... nou yo te transfòme toupatou nan yon koloni nan pouvwa yo etranje yo. " Ki evènman ki te fòme baz la pou lide yo eksprime nan pasaj 1900 la byen bonè sa a? (1) Opyòm Lagè ak Rebelyon Boksè (2) soulèvman Mau Mau ak adopsyon nan apated (3) Leve Kanpe Sepoy la ak Mas la Salt (4) Revolisyon ayisyen ak mach Cortes 'sou Mexico City 37. Youn nan kolonyalis Britanik nan peyi Zend rezilta te ke peyi Zend (1) adopte yon sistèm palmantè nan gouvènman (2) devlope inite relijye (3) sipòte Western règleman etranje nan Nasyon Zini (4) kreye pwogram ogmante popilasyon li 38. "Ashanti a ak Ijebu ... fòtman reziste extrusion misyonè [entèferans] -pou yon tan omwen. . . Toude gwoup yo grudgingly [repiyans] aksepte misyonè yo ak lekòl yo sèlman apre yo fin defèt militè pa fòs Imperial. "- Edward H. Berman Yon konklizyon valab ki baze sou sitasyon pi ba sa a ta ka ke kèk Afriken (1) te opoze bay moute eritaj relijye ak kiltirèl yo (2 ) retounen nan adorasyon an nan bondye tradisyonèl yo apre yo fin defèt nan misyonè yo (3) koopere ak misyonè yo pou benefis ekonomik (4) te pè pou misyonè ta refize anseye pitit yo 39. Ki deklarasyon ki pi byen eksprime motif la pou 19yèm syèk Ewopeyen enperyalis? (1) te bezwen espas k ap viv pou popilasyon an depase nan lwès Ewòp. (2) lidè Ewopeyen kwè enperyalis te yon metòd efikas pou diminye o nan nimewo (3) nasyon Ewopeyen ta benefisye de kèk aspè nan kilti peyi a konkeri a. (4) Enperyalis ta benefisye ekonomi yo nan pouvwa yo kolonyal yo. 40. Ki se yon deklarasyon egzat sou séparation a nan Lafrik di pa nasyon enperyalis Ewopeyen pandan la a 1800? (1) nouvo nasyon yo te baze sou limit fin vye granmoun tribi (2) divèsite kiltirèl ak etnik nan moun yo Afriken yo te dezobeyi (3) te kontinan an divize menm jan pami pouvwa yo kolonyal yo te (4) Afriken inite ankouraje 41. Pandan a nan 1840, Lachin te siyen "trete inegal" ak nasyon Lwès sitou paske (1) Lachin te genyen Lagè Opyòm (2) nasyon Lwès te siperyè teknoloji militè (3) lidè nan peyi Lachin te favorize ekspansyon (4) Lachin te mande asistans ekonomik soti nan West la

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