1. One way in which the Twelve Tables and Justinian’s Code were simila traduction - 1. One way in which the Twelve Tables and Justinian’s Code were simila Chinois comment dire

1. One way in which the Twelve Tabl

1. One way in which the Twelve Tables and Justinian’s Code were similar is that both provided
1. a standardized system of laws 2. a means of achieving social equality
3. the freedom to pursue their own religion 4. the right to a public education

2. King Louis XIV of France, Peter the Great of Russia, and Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire were all considered absolute rulers because they
1. broke from the Roman Catholic Church
2. helped feudal lords build secure castles
3. instituted programs that provided more power to their parliaments
4. determined government policies without the consent of their people

3. The Justinian Code is considered a milestone because it
1. preserved many ancient Chinese legal decrees in writing
2. served as a model for European legal systems
3. became the first democratic constitution
4. united Muslim and Roman thought

4. One similarity in the rule of Peter the Great, Suleiman I, and Louis XIV is that each leader
1. shared power with a legislature 2. practiced religious toleration
3. expanded his territory 4. decreased the amount of taxes collected

5. One way in which Asoka, Mansa Musa, and Suleiman the Magnificent are similar is that they
1. established republics 2. led nationalist movements
3. ruled during times of prosperity 4. discouraged scientific advancements

6. The Pillars of Emperor Asoka of the Mauryan Empire and the Code of Hammurabi of Babylon are most similar to the
1. ziggurats of Sumeria 2. map projections of Mercator
3. Great Sphinx of the Egyptians 4. Twelve Tables of the Romans

7. One of the major achievements of Byzantine Emperor Justinian was that he
1. established a direct trade route with Ghana
2. defended the empire against the spread of Islam
3. brought Roman Catholicism to his empire
4. preserved and transmitted Greek and Roman culture

8. One way in which Suleiman the Magnificent and Akbar the Great are similar is that they both brought about periods of
1. political stability and religious tolerance 2. religious conquest and persecution
3. isolationism and cultural stagnation 4. modernization and political disunity

9. Which historic figure is correctly paired with the empire he ruled?
1. Charlemagne — Spanish Empire 2. Peter the Great — Ottoman Empire
3. Justinian — Byzantine Empire 4. Sulieman the Magnificent-Russian Empire

10. Peter the Great and Catherine the Great changed Russia by
1. abolishing all social class distinctions 2. becoming constitutional monarchs
3. preventing wars with neighboring nations 4. introducing Western ideas and customs

11. Which was characteristic of France under Napoleon’s rule and Germany under Hitler’s rule?
1. Democratic ideas and diversity were encouraged.
2. Authoritarian control and a strong sense of nationalism prevailed.
3. Peaceful relations with neighboring countries were fostered.
4. Artistic and literary freedom flourished.

12. Czar Peter the Great of 18th-century Russia and Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi of 20th-century Iran were similar in that both leaders
1. established democratic institutions in their nations
2. converted their nations to Christianity
3. introduced Western ideas and technology into their nations
4. expanded political and human rights in their nations

13. The national policies of most countries in Europe in the decade immediately following the defeat of Napoleon in 1815 are best described as
1. liberal 2. Moderate 3. Reactionary 4. revolutionary

14. Changes in Russia under Peter the Great were most similar to changes that occurred in
1. China before the Opium War 2. Japan during the Meiji Restoration
3. Iran after the fall of Shah Pahlevi 4. France during the feudal period

15. "Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely."
- Lord Acton, British historian
Which individual would most likely agree with this quotation?
1. Louis XIV 2. Niccolò Machiavelli 3. John Locke 4. Joseph Stalin

16. Which list of French leaders is in the correct chronological order?
1. Louis XVI→Napoleon→Robespierre 2. Robespierre → Napoleon →Louis XVI
3. Louis XVI→Robespierre→Napoleon 4. Napoleon → Louis XVI → Robespierre

17. One similarity between the rule of Peter the Great of Russia and that of Akbar the Great of India was that both leaders
1. implemented strict religious codes of conduct within their nations
2. modernized and expanded their empires using ideas from other cultures
3. relied on peaceful resolutions of conflicts with neighboring peoples
4. introduced democratic ideas into their political systems

18. One major effect of Napoleon’s rule of France was that it led to
1. an increase in the power of the Roman Catholic Church
2. massive emigration to the Americas
3. trade agreements with Great Britain
4. a restoration of political stability

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Résultats (Chinois) 1: [Copie]
1.一种方法中的十二铜表和查士丁尼的代码是相似是两者都提供1.法 2 标准化的体系。实现社会平等的一种手段3.自由去追求他们自己的宗教 4。公共的受教育权2.国王 Louis 十四的法国,彼得俄罗斯的伟大和苏莱曼大帝奥斯曼帝国是所有被视为绝对的统治者,因为他们1.打破了从罗马天主教会2.帮助建立安全的城堡的封建领主3.制定的程序,提供更多的权力给他们的议会4.坚定的政府政策未经其人民同意3.查士丁尼法典是一个里程碑,因为它1.保留在写作中的很多古代中国法律法令2.担任欧洲法律系统模型3.成为了第一部民主宪法4.美国的穆斯林和罗马思想4.有一个相似性对法治的彼得大帝,苏莱曼又 Louis XIV 是每个领导者1.立法会 2 分享权力。实行宗教信仰自由3.扩大他的疆土 4。减少的税收金额5.一种方法在哪些阿育王、 曼萨穆萨和苏莱曼大帝是类似的是他们1.成立共和国 2。led 的民族主义运动3.裁定 4 的繁荣时期。气馁的科学进步6.支柱阿育 Mauryan Empire 和巴比伦的汉谟拉比的代码是最类似于1.金字形神塔的苏美尔 2。地图墨卡托的投影3.埃及 4 大狮身人面像。罗马人的十二铜表7.拜占廷皇帝查士丁尼的主要成就之一是他1.建立直接的贸易路线,与加纳2.辩护反对伊斯兰教的传播帝国3.对他的帝国的带来了罗马天主教。4.保存和传播的希腊和罗马文化8.一种方法中,苏莱曼大帝和阿克巴大帝是类似是他们俩都带来的时期1.政治稳定和宗教容忍 2。宗教的征服和迫害3.孤立主义和文化停滞 4。现代化和政治分裂9.哪位历史人物正确搭配他统治的帝国?1.查理曼大帝 — — 西班牙帝国 2。彼得一世 — — 奥斯曼帝国3.查士丁尼 — — 拜占廷帝国 4。Sulieman 宏伟俄罗斯帝国10.改变由俄罗斯的伟大和凯瑟琳大帝的彼得1.废除所有社会阶层区别 2。成为宪法的君主3.防止战争与邻近国家 4。引入西方的观念和习俗11.这是由拿破仑的统治德国在希特勒统治下的法国特点?1.鼓励民主思想和多样性。2.威权控制和强烈的民族主义占了上风。3.和平与周边国家的关系被促进。4.艺术和文学的自由蓬勃发展。12.沙皇彼得大帝 18 世纪俄罗斯和 20 世纪伊朗沙 Mohammed 礼萨 · 拉芙 · 巴列维均相似,两位领导人1.建立在他们的国家的民主机构2.将他们的国家改信基督教3.引入西方思想和技术到他们的国家4.扩大政治权利和人权的权利,在他们的国家13.在十年之后在 1815 年拿破仑战败立即在欧洲大多数国家的国家政策是最好被描述为1.自由 2。适度的 3。反动的 4。革命14.变化下彼得的俄国伟大的人最为相似中发生变化1.2 鸦片战争前的中国。日本在明治维新期间3.伊朗国王拉芙 · 巴列维 4 倒台后。封建时期的法国15."权力导致腐败 ;绝对的权力导致绝对的腐败。"-英国历史学家阿克顿勋爵指个体最有可能会同意这句话呢?1.Louis 十四 2。马基雅维里尼 3。约翰 · 洛克 4。约瑟夫 · 斯大林16.法国领导人哪个列表是在正确的时间顺序?1.Louis XVI→Napoleon→Robespierre 2。罗伯斯庇尔 → 拿破仑 →Louis 十六3.Louis XVI→Robespierre→Napoleon 4。拿破仑 → Louis XVI → 罗伯斯庇尔17.有一个相似性彼得俄罗斯伟大的规则与阿克巴尔 · 印度伟大的是,两位领导人1.实施严格宗教在他们的国家内的行为守则2.现代化和扩大他们的帝国使用来自其他文化的想法3.依赖与周边民族冲突的和平解决4.将民主思想引入自己的政治制度18.一个主要影响的法国的拿破仑就是统治的它导致1.罗马天主教教会权力的增加2.大规模移民到美洲3.贸易协定与英国4.恢复政治稳定
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Résultats (Chinois) 2:[Copie]
3。自由地追求自己的宗教4.有权向公共教育2。法国国王路易十四,俄国彼得大帝和苏莱曼的奥斯曼帝国的辉煌都认为是绝对的统治者,因为他们1。从罗马天主教会爆出2。帮助领主建立安全城堡3。制定方案,提供了更多的权力,他们的议会4。确定政府的政策没有人民的同意3。查士丁尼法典被认为是因为它的一个里程碑1。以书面形式保留了许多中国古代的法律法规2。担任过一款型号为欧洲法律体系3。成为第一个民主宪法4。团结穆斯林和罗马思想4。一个相似的彼得大帝,苏莱曼我和路易十四的统治是每个领导者1。与立法机关2.共享权力实行宗教宽容3。扩大自己的领地4.降低的收税量5。其中阿育王,曼萨·穆萨和苏莱曼大帝是相似的方法之一是,他们1。共和国成立领导2.民族主义运动3。在经济繁荣时期4.鼓励统治科学昌明6。孔雀帝国阿育王和巴比伦的汉谟拉比法典的支柱是最相似的1。墨卡托的苏美尔2.地图投影的通灵塔3。埃及人大狮身人面像四十二铜表的罗马7。一个拜占庭皇帝查士丁尼的主要成就是他1。建立了直接贸易路线与加纳2。抵御伊斯兰教的传播帝国3。带来了罗马天主教对他的帝国4。保存和传播希腊罗马文化8。在苏莱曼大帝和阿克巴大帝是类似的一种方法是,他们都带来了周期1。政治稳定和宗教宽容2.宗教征服和迫害3。孤立主义和文化停滞4.现代化和政治分裂9。其中历史人物是正确配对与他统治?帝国1。查理-西班牙帝国2彼得大帝-奥斯曼帝国3。查士丁尼-拜占庭帝国4. Sulieman壮丽,俄罗斯帝国10。彼得大帝和叶卡捷琳娜大帝改由俄罗斯1。废除所有的社会阶级差别2.成为立宪君主3。防止战争与邻国4.引进西方的观念和习俗11。这是法国在拿破仑的统治,并在希特勒统治德国的特点呢?1。民主思想和多样性进行了鼓励。2。专制控制和民族主义意识强占了上风。3。与邻国的和平关系是促进。4。艺术和文学自由蓬勃发展。12。18世纪俄国沙皇彼得大帝和20世纪伊朗国王穆罕默德·礼萨·Pahlevi是这两位领导人类似1。建立民主机构在他们的国家2。转换自己的国家基督教3。西方引进理念和技术融入到他们的国家4。在他们的国家扩大政治和人权13。在欧洲大多数国家在十年立刻拿破仑在1815年战败之后的国家政策形容为1。2.宽松适度3.反动4.革命性的14。彼得大帝下的改变,在俄罗斯最为相似,发生在改变1。中国前鸦片战争2.日本明治维新期间3。伊朗国王后4 Pahlevi法国在封建时期沦陷15。“权力导致腐败,绝对的权力导致绝对的腐败。” -阿克顿勋爵,英国历史学家个别将最有可能与此报价同意吗?1。路易十四2.马基雅弗利3.约翰·洛克4.约瑟夫·斯大林16。其中法国领导人的名单是在正确的时间顺序?1。路易十六→拿破仑→罗伯斯庇尔2.罗伯斯庇尔→拿破仑→路易十六3。路易十六→罗伯斯庇尔→拿破仑,拿破仑4→路易十六→罗伯斯庇尔17。彼得俄罗斯的伟大的阿克巴印度的大的原则和的一个相似之处是,双方领导人1。他们的国家内实行严格的行为规范宗教2。现代化,使用的想法来自其他文化的扩张自己的帝国3。依靠冲突和平解决与邻国的人民4。引入民主的理念融入到他们的政治制度18。法国拿破仑统治的一个主要影响是,它导致了1。增加了罗马天主教会的力量2。大规模移民到美洲3。与英国贸易协定4。一个恢复政治稳定

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Résultats (Chinois) 3:[Copie]







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