2) Each manor had homes, farmland, artisans, water, and serfs (peasant traduction - 2) Each manor had homes, farmland, artisans, water, and serfs (peasant Créole haïtien comment dire

2) Each manor had homes, farmland,

2) Each manor had homes, farmland, artisans, water, and serfs (peasants that could not leave the land and who performed farm labor for the noble).

3) Since each manor was mostly self-­sufficient (provided for its own needs), trade decreased during the Middle Ages.

D) Religion
During the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church (especially the Pope) was very wealthy and influential in Western Europe.

II. CRUSADES!!!!! (1100-­1300)
A) The Crusades were the religious wars of the Middle Ages in which Christians from Europe fought to regain control of the Holy Land from Muslims. The Holy Land is a sacred area of the Middle East that includes the city of Jerusalem.

B) Why did European Christians participate in the Crusades?
- They believed they would be forgiven for their sins if they fought for God.
- They believed the Holy Land should not be controlled by Muslims.
- Many poor Europeans wanted to escape from feudalism.

C) Effects / results of the Crusades: Important!!!!
- After years of fighting, trade between Europe and the Middle East increased (Italian cities such as Venice gained control over much of this trade since they had a central location in the Mediterranean Sea).

- Europeans learned about the many achievements that Muslims had made during their Golden Age (i.e.-­achievements in math, science, medicine, philosophy and art)

- Feudalism in Europe began to decline as many nobles and knights had been killed and many serfs left manors.

A) The Black Death refers to the major disease (called bubonic plague) that killed 25 million people in Europe (almost 1/3 of the population) during the late Middle Ages.

B) The disease started in East Asia (Mongolia) and spread to Europe over trade routes such as the Silk Road. The interaction of different groups of people helped spread the disease.

C) Major effects (results) of the Black Death: Important!!!!
- Decreased population: from 85 million to 60 million.
- Feudalism continued to decline as serfs fled from manors for better opportunities.
1. In Europe during the Middle Ages, increases in trade and commerce resulted in
(1) lower living standards for industrial workers
(2) decreased economic rivalry between kings
(3) increased political power for the clergy (4) development of towns and cities

2. During the Middle Ages, Europeans did not eat potatoes or corn because these vegetables
(1) were forbidden by the Catholic Church for religious reasons
(2) had not yet been introduced to Europe from the New World
(3) were believed to be poisonous (4)were too expensive to import from China

3. “All things were under its domain...its power was such that no one could hope to escape its scrutiny.”

Which European institution during the Middle Ages is best described by this statement?
(1) the Guild (2) Knighthood (3) the Church (4) the nation-state

4. The Middle Ages in Western Europe was characterized by
1. the manor system and the importance of land ownership
2. absolute monarchies and strong central governments
3. decreased emphasis on religion in daily life
4. extensive trade with Asia and the Middle East

5. Feudal societies are generally characterized by
(1) an emphasis on social order (2) a representative government
(3) many economic opportunities (4) the protection of political rights

6. In Europe, a long-term effect of the Crusades was
(1) the strengthening of the feudal system
(2) the adoption of Islamic religious practices
(3) an increased demand for goods from the East (4) increased European isolation

7. The art, music, and philosophy of the medieval period in Europe generally dealt with
(1) human scientific achievements (2) religious themes
(3) materialism (4) classic Greek and Roman subjects

8. The Roman Catholic Church during the Middle Ages in Europe can best be described as a church that
1. favored separation from secular governments
2. avoided involvement in social and educational matters
3. was a strong force that divided many people
4. was a stabilizing influence during a period of weak central governments

9. What were two indirect results of the Crusades?
1. trade and commerce increased and the feudal system was strengthened
2. trade and commerce declined and the feudal system was strengthened
3. trade and commerce increased and the feudal system was weakened
4. trade and commerce declined and the feudal system was weakened

10. In Europe during the Middle Ages, the force that provided unification and stability was the
(1) central government in Rome (2) military alliance between France and Germany
(3) federation of the craft guilds (4) Roman Catholic Church

11. Feudalism in Western Europe was similar to feudalism in Japan in that
1. power was based on class relationships 2. equality among the social classes
3. direct democracy 4. monotheism

12. Which is a characteristic of a feudal society?
(1) rapid social change (2) high literacy rate
(3) industrial-based economy (4) rigid class structure

13. In Europe, the Crusades resulted in
1. greater isolation of the region from the world
2. an increased demand for goods from the Middle East and Asia
3. the adoption of Islam as the official religion of many European nations
4. the strengthening of the feudal system

14. One important effect of the Crusades on Western Europe was that they
1. led to a decline in the importance of the church in Western Europe
2. furthered cultural diffusion throughout Western Europe
3. introduced the Industrial Revolution to Western Europe
4. ended the western European quest for an overseas empire

15. The Crusades have been called “history’s most successful failures.” Which statement best explains this expression?
(1) The Crusades did not achieve their original goals, but they brought about many desirable changes in Europe.
(2) Although the Crusaders captured the Holy Land, they were unable to bring about democratic reforms.
(3) The Crusades helped bring about the fall of the Roman Empire
(4) The Crusaders prevented the Turks from capturing Constantinople for many centuries

16. One major result of the Crusades was the
1. permanent occupation of the Holy Land by the Europeans
2. long-term decrease in European trade
3. conversion of most Muslims to Christianity
4. spread of Middle Eastern culture and technology to Europe

17. Which economic system existed in Europe during the early Middle Ages?
(1) free market (2) socialism (3) manorialism (4) command

18. The growth of feudalism in Europe during the Middle Ages was primarily caused by the
(1) rivalry between the colonial empires (2) suppression of internationalism
(3) decline of the Roman Catholic Church (4)collapse of a strong central government

19. In European feudal society, an individual’s social status was generally determined by (1) birth (2) education and training (3) individual abilities (4) marriage

20. Which statement best describes the result of the Crusades?
1. Europeans maintained a lasting control over much of the Middle East
2. Islamic influence dominated Europe
3. Europeans developed tolerance of Non-Christian religions
4. trade between Europe and the Middle East was expanded

21. The terms Bushido, samurai, and daimyo are most closely associated with which group in Japanese history?
(1) emperors (2) warriors (3) peasants (4) merchants

22. A major goal of the Christian Church during the Crusades (1096–1291) was to
(1) establish Christianity in western Europe
(2) capture the Holy Land from Islamic rulers (3) unite warring Arab peoples
(4) strengthen English dominance in the Arab world

23. Both European medieval knights and Japanese samurai warriors pledged oaths of
(1) loyalty to their military leader (2) devotion to their nation-state
(3) service to their church (4) allegiance to their families

24. The feudal systems in both medieval Europe and early Japan were characterized by (1) a decentralized political system (2) religious diversity
(3) an increased emphasis on education (4) the development of a wealthy middle class

25. Feudalism influenced Europe and Japan by
(1) providing social stability (2) fostering the growth of religion
(3) eliminating warfare (4) encouraging formal education

26. The geographic isolation of a society most often leads to the
(1) development of trade (2) strengthening of traditional culture
(3) promotion of cultural diffusion (4) growth of international alliances

27. One way in which the code of chivalry in Europe and the code of Bushido in Japan were similar is that both codes were intended to
(1) help the ruler control his people (2) guide the behavior of a warrior class
(3) benefit all the social classes (4) support revolutionary ideas 1

29. Which statement about government during the Tokugawa period in Japan is most accurate?
(1) The power of the emperor was absolute and supreme.
(2) The real power was held by foreign countries.
(3) Actual power was held by the shogun.
(4) Political power was in the hands of the merchant class.

32. Which situation best illustrates the concept of isolationism?
(1) The Spanish government required that gold found in its colonies be brought directly to Spain.
(2) Japan closed its ports to trade with other nations.
(3) France, Germany, Belgium, and Great Britain negotiated to divide various areas of Africa into colonies.
(4) The British ruled much of India through the control of local rulers.

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
2) gwan chak te gen kay, Des, artisans, dlo, ak serfs (peyizan yo ki pa ta kite peyi a e ki jwe fèm travay pou noble a). 3) depi gwan chak pou te autonomes (bay pou pwòp bezwen), komès diminye pandan Mwayenaj yo. D) relijyonPandan Mwayenaj, legliz Katolik Romen an (espesyalman pap la) li te genyen trè rich ak moun nan peyi rejyon lwès Ewòp. II. CROISADES LAPRÈS (1100 - 1300) UN) Croisades yo te gen lagè relijye de Mwayenaj ki kretyen sòti de Ewop se pou repwann kontwòl nan peyi Bondye a de Mizilman. Peyi Bondye a se yon zòn sakre nan Mwayen Oryan ki gen ladann vil moun lavil Jerizalèm. B) Poukisa n' kretyen Ewopeyen an patisipe nan Croisades yo? -Yo te kwè yo ta va pardonner pou tout peche yo si yo te batay pou Bondye. -Yo te kwè ke peyi Bondye a ta dwe kontwole nan Mizilman. -Anpil pòv Ewopeyen yo te vle chape tèt ou anba •. C) effets / résultats de Croisades: enpòtan laprès-Apre ans de lutte, Commerce ant an Ewòp ak mitan lès ogmante (Italyen vil yo tankou Venice pran kontwòl sou anpil nan komès sa a depi ke yo te gen yon sant kote nan lanmè Mediterane an). -Ewopeyen te apwann sou anpil réalisations Mizilman te fè pandan yo laj Golden (c'est-à-dire-réalisations nan matematik, syans, medikaman, Filozofi ak atis) -• An Ewòp te kòmanse deperi tou sa anpil nobles ak knights yo te fin tiye li anpil serfs te kite manors. MALAD. NWA TOUYE LAPRÈS UN) a touye Black se pi gwo lafyèb la (rele apès bibonik) ki te tiye 25 milyon moun nan Ewòp (pwèske 1/3 de lane) pandan byen ta Mwayenaj. B) maladi a te kòmanse an Azi de lès (Mongoli) Et se sou wout komès yo tankou wout swa la an Ewòp la. Entèraksyon de diferan gwoup moun ki te ede se move maladi. C) majò efè (rezilta) nwa mouri: enpòtan laprès-Diminye lane: de 85 milyon dola pou 60 milyon dola. -• Te kontinye refuser kòm serfs te vole kite de manors pou pi bon opòtinite. 1. an Ewòp pandan Mwayenaj yo, nan komès ak komès yo ogmante sa a nan(1) plus normes vivan pou travayè endistryèl yo (2) a ekonomik rivalite ant wa (3) augmenté pouvwa politik pou le developman klèje (4) de ak vil 2. pandan Mwayenaj, Ewopeyen te fè pa manje ponmdetè ou mayi paske sa yo legim(1) te interdit pa legliz Katolik pou rezon relijye (2) te pa encore te a an Ewòp de New mond lan (3) ont te kwè ki te gen pwazon (4) ont twò chè pou yo te enpòte de Lachin 3. "tout bagay te anba domèn li... pouvwa li te yon lòt sa a, pa gen moun te kapab espere pou te chape UN li."Ki enstitisyon Ewopeyen an pandan Mwayenaj yo te meyè ke deklarasyon sa a?(1) a Fait Guild (2) (3) a legliz (4) a nasyon separe 4. Mwayenaj an Ewòp peyi rejyon lwès te karakterize pa1. la sistèm gwan Et sou enpòtans peyi an komen 2. absoli Monaki ak fòs gouvènman santral 3. a l' sou relijyon nan lavi chak jou 4. sou komès ak asie Et Mwayen Oryan5. feodal sosyete sont jeneralman karakterize pa(1) yon pwogram pou lòd sosyal (2) yon gouvènman repwezantatif (3) anpil opòtinite ekonomik (4) pwoteksyon dwa politik yo 6. nan Ewòp, yon tan ki long effet de Croisades t(1) a renforcement de la sistèm feodal (2) a adopsyon de pwatik relijye Islamik (3) yon demand anpil pou tou de bò solèy leve, (4) augmenté Ewopeyen blanch 7. la atizay, mizik, ak Filozofi peryòd médiéval la an Ewòp jeneralman traité ak(1) thèmes (2) relijye moun réalisations syantifik (3) matérialisme (4) klasik moun lòt nasyon ak sitwayen women sujets 8. legliz Katolik Romen pandan Mwayenaj an Ewòp kapab meyè être te dekri tankou yon legliz ki1. an separasyon de gouvènman relijye yo 2. éviter enplike nan zafè sosyal ak edikasyon 3. li te genyen yon gwo lame ki te divize anpil moun 4. li te genyen yon enfliyans stabilisation pandan yon peryòd de feblès gouvènman santral 9. Poukisa ou te de rezilta endirèk Croisades yo?1. komès ak komès plis moun pou sistèm feodal la te redwi 2. komès ak komès te refize Et feodal sistèm lan te redwi 3. komès ak komès une Et feodal sistèm lan te emèfle 4. komès ak komès te refize Et feodal sistèm lan te emèfle 10. an Ewòp pandan Mwayenaj yo, fòs la te founi inifikasyon ak estabilite t' a(1) gouvènman santral nan Rome (2) militè alyans ant frans, e an Almay (3) federasyon de plaisance aux (4) legliz Katolik Romèn legliz la 11. • an Ewòp peyi rejyon lwès te menm jan a • nan Japon nan sa1. pouvwa te baze sou relasyon klas 2. egalite nan mitan klas sosyal 3. dirèk demokrasi a 4. Monoteyis 12. sa se yon karakteristik de yon sosyete feodal?(1) pousantaj l' (2) gwo chanjman sosyal rapid (3) èstrikti rèd nan klas endistriyèl baze nan ekonomi (4) 13. an Ewòp, les Croisades a nan1. une blanch rejyon an nan mond lan 2. yon ogmante demand pou piye Mwayen Oryan an ak moun Lazi 3. la adopsyon afiche pwisans Islam kòm ofisyèl jan de anpil nasyon Ewopeyen 4. la renforcement de la sistèm feodal 14. yon enpòtan efè Croisades yo sou peyi rejyon lwès Ewòp te genyen sa yo1. a yon bès nan enpòtans legliz ki nan peyi rejyon lwès Ewòp 2. favorisé piblikasyon kiltirèl atravè peyi rejyon lwès Ewòp 3. a revolisyon Industriels la an Ewòp oksidantal 4. est demand Ewopeyen rejyon Lwès lan pou yon lòt bò dlo anpi 15. les Croisades yo te rele "ki gen plis siksè défaillances istwa a." Deklarasyon ki pi bon eksplike espresyon sa a?(1) Croisades yo te acheve objektif orijinal yo, men, yo te pote sou anpil souhaitable chanjman an Ewòp. (2) atravè Crusaders yo te kaptire peyi Bondye a, yo pa t ' kapab fè sa rive la refòm demokratik. (3) Croisades l' a fè sa rive tonbe anpi women an (4) Crusaders yo a Turks de capture Constantinople pou anpil Des 16. yon gwo rezilta Croisades yo te genyen an1. pèmanan okipasyon kwen peyi Bondye a pa Ewopeyen 2. yon tan ki long vini pi piti nan Komès Ewopeyen 3. konvèsyon Mizilman pi fò pou Krisyanis 4. gaye nan mitan lès kilti ak teknoloji an Ewòp 17. sistèm ekonomik ki egziste e ki kontinye nan Ewòp pandan byen bonè Mwayenaj?(1) gratis pou mache sosyalis (2) (3) manorialism (4) kòmand 18. la croissance de • an Ewòp pandan Mwayenaj premyèman te koze pa la(1) rivalite ant kolonyal empires (2) e internationalism (3) bès legliz Katolik Romèn ki (4) réduire de yon fòs gouvènman santral 19. nan Ewopeyen feodal sosyete sosyal estati yon moun te konn fè lide mariaj (1) fèt edikasyon (2) Et antrènman abilte (3) Endividyèl (4) 20. deklarasyon ki pi bon dekri rezilta Croisades yo?1. Ewopeyen toujou kenbe yon dirab kontwòl sou anpil nan Mwayen Oryan 2. enfliyans Islamik domine Europe 3. Ewopeyen devlope tolerans de Non-ki sèvi ak remèd relijyon 4. komès ant an Ewòp ak Mwayen Oryan te elaji 21. tèm yo Bushido, samurai Et daimyo sont ki pi kole ak asosye avèk gwoup ki nan istwa Japonè? (1) romains (2) ekip Warriors la (3) peyizan yo (4) marchands22. yon gwo objectif de legliz Christian la pandan les Croisades (1096-1291) se te pou(1) etabli Krisyanis nan rejyon lwès Ewòp (2) kaptire w la pou peyi a nan men chèf Islamik (3) s' gèrye peuples Arab (4) bay/pran fòs Anglè dominasyon nan mond Arab lan 23. tou de knights médiéval Ewopeyen an ak Japonè samurai ekip Warriors la ki se fè sèman de(1) fidélité pou yo lidè militè (2) devouman pou nasyon separe yo (3) sèvis fidèlite (4) legliz yo pou yo separe bay chak fanmi pa yo pou yo 24. feodal sistèm nan tou de, médiéval an Ewòp ak Japon byen bonè te karakterize pa (1) yon sistèm politik décentralisée divèsite (2) relijye (3) yon pwogram edikasyon (4) pou ogmante devlopman yon klas rich nan mitan 25. • te enfliyanse tèren an Ewòp ak Japon pa(1) ofri estabilite sosyal (2) promouvoir la croissance de relijyon (3) éliminer gè (4) ankouraje fòmèl edikasyon 26. a géographique blanch de yon sosyete ki pi souvan ki kondwi a la (1) devlopman de (2) komès renforcement de tradisyonèl kilti (3) pwomosyon de croissance kiltirèl piblikasyon (4) de alyans entènasyonal 27. yon sèl chemen nan kòd de 31 an Ewòp ak kòd de Bushido nan Japon te gen menm jan an se sa les codes te fèt pou pou (1) èd ki gen pouvwa, ki kontwole l' moun (2) gid konpòtman yon klas warrior(3) benefis sosyal tout klas (4) sipò Revolisyonè ide 129. ki deklarasyon ki ta mande gouvènman an pandan peryòd Ieyasu nan Japon li ki pi egzat? (1) a pouvwa de anperè a te absoli Et sipwèm. (2) a vrè pouvwa te kenbe pa peyi etranje yo.(3) réel pouvwa te kenbe pa shogun a.(4) pouvwa politik ki te nan men machann klas la. 32. pi bon sitiyasyon ki montre ke Izolatè? (1) gouvènman Panyòl an mande ke an lò te jwenn nan koloni li pote li dirèkteman Espay lan. (2) Japon fèmen tout pò ak kòmès nan ak lòt nasyon yo. (3) Lafwans, Almay, Bèljik, ak Grann Bretay negosye pou divize plizyè zòn Afrik nan koloni. (4) ke se Bwitich ki a anpil nan peyi Zend nan kontwòl chèf lokal.
En cours de traduction, veuillez patienter...
Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
2) Chak manwa te gen kay, tè agrikòl, atizan, dlo, ak peyizan (peyizan ki pa t 'kapab kite peyi a ak ki te bay rannman travay agrikòl pou nòb la). 3) Depi chak manwa te sitou endepandan (bay pou pwòp bezwen li yo) , komès diminye pandan Mwayennaj yo. D) relijyon Pandan Mwayennaj yo, Legliz Katolik Women an (sitou Pap la) te trè rich e enfliyan nan lwès Ewòp. II. Kwazad !!!!! (1100-1300) A) Kwazad yo te lagè yo relijye nan Mwayennaj yo nan ki kretyen soti nan Ewòp goumen reprann kontwòl nan Tè Sent la nan men Mizilman. Tè Sent la se yon zòn sakre nan Mwayen Oryan an ki gen ladan vil la nan lavil Jerizalèm. B) Poukisa kretyen Ewopeyen patisipe nan Kwazad yo? - Yo kwè yo ta jwenn padon pou peche yo si yo te goumen pou Bondye. - Yo kwè Sentespri a Tè pa ta dwe kontwole pa Mizilman. - Anpil Ewopeyen pòv te vle chape soti nan feyodalis. C) Efè / rezilta yo nan Kwazad yo: Enpòtan !!!! - Apre ane nan batay, komès ant Ewòp ak Mwayen Oryan an ogmante (vil Italyen sa yo kòm Venice pran kontwòl anpil nan komès sa a depi yo te gen yon kote santral nan lanmè Mediterane a). - Ewopeyen te aprann enfòmasyon sou reyalizasyon yo anpil moun ki Mizilman te fè pandan Golden Laj (sa vle di reyalizasyon-yo nan matematik, syans, medikaman, filozofi ak atizay ) - Feyodalis nan Ewòp yo te kòmanse dekline kòm anpil chèf ak chevalye te mouri ak anpil peyizan kite MANORS. III. Nwa LANMÒ !!!!!! A) Lanmò nan Nwa refere a maladi a pi gwo (ki rele lapès bibonik) ki te touye 25 milyon moun nan Ewòp (prèske 1/3 nan popilasyon an) pandan fen Mwayennaj yo. B) maladi a te kòmanse nan Azi de lès (Mongoli) epi gaye nan Ewòp sou wout komèsyal tankou Wout Swa a. Entèraksyon an nan diferan gwoup moun te ede gaye maladi a. C) Gwo efè (rezilta) nan lanmò Nwa a: Ki enpòtan !!!! - Diminye popilasyon: soti nan 85 milyon dola a 60 milyon dola. - Feyodalis kontinye dekline kòm peyizan kouri met deyò pou MANORS pou pi bon opòtinite. 1. An Ewòp pandan Mwayennaj yo, ogmantasyon nan komès ak komès a nan (1) pi ba estanda k ap viv pou travayè endistriyèl (2) diminye rivalite ekonomik ant wa (3) ogmantasyon pouvwa politik pou legliz la (4) devlopman nan tout ti bouk ak vil yo 2. Pandan Mwayennaj yo, Ewopeyen pa t 'manje pòmdetè oswa mayi paske sa yo legim (1) te entèdi pa Legliz Katolik pou rezon relijye (2) pa t 'ankò te entwodui nan Ewòp soti nan mond lan New (3) yo te kwè yo dwe pwazon ( 4) yo te twò chè enpòte ki soti nan Lachin 3. "Tout bagay te anba domèn li yo ... pouvwa li te tankou ke pa gen okenn yon sèl te kapab espere yo sove envestigasyon li yo." Ki Ewopeyen enstitisyon pandan Mwayennaj yo se pi bon dekri nan deklarasyon sa a? (1) Guild (2) chvoche an (3 ) Legliz la (4) nasyon-eta a 4. Mwayennaj yo nan Ewòp oksidantal te karakterize pa 1. sistèm nan manwa ak enpòtans ki genyen nan an komen peyi 2. monachi absoli epi fò gouvènman santral 3. diminye anfaz sou relijyon nan lavi chak jou 4. vaste komès ak Azi ak Mwayen Oryan an 5. Sosyete feyodal yo jeneralman karakterize pa (1) yon anfaz sou lòd sosyal (2) yon gouvènman reprezantatif (3) anpil opòtinite ekonomik (4) pwoteksyon pou dwa politik 6. An Ewòp, yon efè ki dire lontan nan Kwazad la te (1) ranfòse nan sistèm nan feyodal (2) adopsyon an nan pratik relijye islamik (3) yon ogmante demand pou machandiz soti nan Lès la (4) ogmante Ewopeyen izolasyon 7. Atizay, mizik, ak filozofi a nan peryòd la medyeval nan Ewòp jeneralman te fè fas ak (1) reyalizasyon imen syantifik (2) tèm relijye (3) materyalism (4) Grèk ak Women klasik sijè 8. Legliz Katolik Women an pandan Mwayennaj yo nan Ewòp kapab pi byen dekri tankou yon legliz ki 1. favorize separasyon nan men gouvènman eksklizyon 2. evite patisipasyon nan zafè ki gen sosyal ak edikasyon 3. te yon fòs fò ki divize anpil moun 4. te yon enfliyans estabilize pandan yon peryòd de fèb gouvènman santral 9. Ki sa ki te de rezilta endirèk nan Kwazad yo? 1. komès ak komès ogmante ak sistèm feyodal la te ranfòse 2. komès ak komès te refize ak sistèm feyodal la te ranfòse 3. komès ak komès ogmante ak sistèm feyodal la te febli 4. komès ak komès te refize ak sistèm feyodal la te febli 10. An Ewòp pandan Mwayennaj yo, fòs la ki te bay inifikasyon ak estabilite te (1) gouvènman an santral nan lavil Wòm (2) alyans militè ant Lafrans ak Almay (3) federasyon nan asosyasyon yo navèt (4) Legliz Katolik Women 11. Feyodalis nan Ewòp oksidantal te menm jan a feyodalis nan Japon an ki 1. te pouvwa ki baze sou relasyon klas 2. egalite nan mitan klas sosyal yo 3. demokrasi dirèk 4. monoteism 12. Ki se yon karakteristik nan yon sosyete feyodal? (1) chanjman sosyal rapid (2) to alfabetizasyon segondè (3) endistriyèl ki baze sou ekonomi (4) rijid klas estrikti 13. An Ewòp, Kwazad yo a nan 1. pi gwo izòlman nan rejyon an soti nan mond lan 2. yon ogmante demand pou byen yo depi nan Mwayen Oryan an ak Azi 3. adopsyon an nan Islam kòm relijyon ofisyèl la nan anpil nasyon Ewopeyen 4. ranfòse nan sistèm nan feyodal 14. Youn efè enpòtan nan Kwazad yo sou Ewòp oksidantal te yo ke yo 1. mennen nan yon bès nan enpòtans ki genyen nan legliz la nan lwès Ewòp 2. favorize difizyon kiltirèl nan tout Ewòp oksidantal 3. prezante Revolisyon Endistriyèl la nan Western Ewòp 4. te fini Ewopeyen lwès demand la pou yon anpi lòt bò dlo 15. Kwazad yo ki te rele "echèk istwa a ki gen plis siksè." Ki deklarasyon ki pi byen eksplike ekspresyon sa a? (1) Kwazad la pa t 'reyalize objektif orijinal yo, men yo te pote sou anpil chanjman dezirab nan Ewòp. (2) Malgre ke krwaze yo pran Sentespri a Tè, yo te kapab pote sou refòm demokratik. (3) Kwazad yo te ede pote sou sezon otòn la nan Anpi Women an (4) krwaze yo anpeche Il Tirk yo soti nan kaptire Konstantinòp pou anpil syèk 16. Youn nan pi gwo rezilta nan Kwazad yo te 1 a . okipasyon pèmanan nan Tè Sent la pa Ewopeyen yo 2. alontèm diminisyon nan Ewopeyen an komès 3. konvèsyon nan pi Mizilman yo nan Kretyènte 4. gaye nan kilti Mwayen Oryan ak teknoloji nan Ewòp 17. Ki sistèm ekonomik te egziste nan Ewòp pandan Mwayennaj yo byen bonè? (1) mache lib (2) sosyalis (3) manoryalis (4) lòd 18. Kwasans lan nan feyodalis nan Ewòp pandan Mwayennaj yo te sitou ki te koze pa (1) rivalite an ant anpi yo kolonyal (2) soupresyon de entènasyonalis (3) bès nan Legliz Katolik Women (4) tonbe nan yon gouvènman santral fò 19. Nan sosyete feyodal Ewopeyen an, te estati sosyal yon moun jeneralman detèmine pa (1) nesans (2) edikasyon ak fòmasyon (3) kapasite endividyèl (4) maryaj 20. Ki deklarasyon ki pi byen dekri rezilta a nan Kwazad yo? 1. Ewopeyen kenbe yon kontwòl ki dire lontan sou anpil nan Mwayen Oryan an 2. Enfliyans Islamik domine Ewòp 3. Ewopeyen devlope tolerans nan relijyon ki pa Peye-kretyen 4. komès ant Ewòp ak Mwayen Oryan an te elaji 21. Tèm yo Bushido, samurai, ak daimyo yo pi asosye ak ki gwoup nan istwa Japonè? (1) anprè (2) vanyan sòlda (3) peyizan (4) komèsan 22. Yon objektif prensipal nan Legliz la kretyen pandan Kwazad yo (1096-1291) se te (1) etabli Krisyanis nan lwès Lewòp (2) pran Tè Sent la nan chèf Islamik (3) ini lagè pèp Arab (4) ranfòse dominasyon angle nan la mond Arab 23. Tou de chevalye medyeval Ewopeyen an ak vanyan sòlda samurai Japonè pwomèt sèman nan (1) lwayote nan lidè militè yo (2) devosyon yo nasyon-eta (3) sèvis nan legliz yo (4) alejans nan fanmi yo 24. Sistèm yo feyodal nan tou de medyeval Ewòp ak byen bonè Japon te karakterize pa (1) yon sistèm politik desantralize (2) divèsite relijye (3) yon anfaz ogmante sou edikasyon (4) devlopman nan yon klas rich mitan 25. Feyodalis enfliyanse Ewòp ak Japon pa (1) bay estabilite sosyal (2) ankouraje kwasans la nan relijyon (3) elimine lagè (4) ankouraje edikasyon fòmèl 26. Izolasyon nan jeyografik nan yon sosyete ki pi souvan mennen nan (1) devlopman an nan komès (2) ranfòse nan kilti tradisyonèl (3) pwomosyon nan difizyon kiltirèl (4) kwasans nan alyans entènasyonal 27. Yon fason Kòd la chevalri nan Ewòp ak kòd la nan Bushido nan Japon te sanble sèke toulède kòd te gen entansyon (1) ede kontwòl nan chèf pèp li a (2) gide konpòtman an nan yon klas vanyan sòlda (3) benefisye tout klas sosyal yo (4) sipòte ide revolisyonè 1 29. Ki deklarasyon sou gouvènman pandan peryòd la Tokugawa nan peyi Japon ki pi egzat? (1) Pouvwa a nan anperè a te absoli epi siprèm. (2) Pouvwa a reyèl te ki te fèt nan peyi etranje . (3) te aktyèl pouvwa ki te fèt nan chogoun la. (4) Pouvwa politik te nan men yo nan klas la komèsan. 32. Ki sitiyasyon pi byen montre konsèp nan izolasyonis? (1) Gouvènman Panyòl la mande dwe ke lò yo te jwenn nan koloni li yo mennen l 'dirèkteman nan peyi Espay. (2) Japon fèmen pò li yo nan komès ak lòt nasyon. (3) Lafrans, Almay, Bèljik, ak Grann Bretay negosye yo divize plizyè zòn nan Lafrik di nan koloni yo. (4) Britanik la te dirije anpil nan peyi Zend nan kontwòl la nan chèf lokal yo.

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