Si seulement tu pouvais aller dans mon cœur tu verrais que tu es la re traduction - Si seulement tu pouvais aller dans mon cœur tu verrais que tu es la re Français comment dire

Si seulement tu pouvais aller dans

Si seulement tu pouvais aller dans mon cœur tu verrais que tu es la reine de ses lieux ! Je baigne dans l amour ! Un amour qui te sera toujours dévoué et qui ne disparaîtra jamais. Tu me manque mon amourlettre d amour 1 Lettre damour pour elle

La distance ne peut pas être un obstacle, nos liens d’amour sont précieux la confiance est la seule chose qui lie nos coeurs, avant que je dorme et quand je me réveille et toutes les heures tu occupes mes pensées, peu importe où je suis je me sens toujours aimé mon cœur est à toi pour l’éternité tu me manques.

Je me demande toujours, quand est ce qu’il viendra ce jour où on vivra ensemble ??? Il me faut encore combien de temps pour écouter ce que je ne veux plus entendre, et regarder ce que je ne veux plus voir ??? Il me faut encore combien de temps pour vivre en faisant semblant de vivre ??? Il me faut encore combien de temps pour vivre mon amour, et retrouver mon bonheur ??? Beaucoup de questions, mais très peu de réponses. Mais, il y a une certitude pour moi : je t’aime et je t’aimerai toujours et je serai toujours là pour toi. J’ai développé deux choses au fond de moi, deux choses qui vont m’aider à endurer et à surpasser tout cela : l’espoir et la patience.

Tu m’as rendu fou de joie
Tu as embelli tout autour de moi
Tu as pris possession de moi
Tu es devenue ma passion et ma foi.

Déjà du lit mes idées se pressent vers toi mon immortelle bien-aimée, de temps en temps joyeuses, puis de nouveau tristes, attendant du destin de savoir s’il nous écoutera – vivre je ne le puis que totalement avec toi ou pas du tout.

Ton amour est si puissant qu’il me donne des ailes. La force d’avancer, d’affronter les soucis du quotidien et de sourire à la vie, je la puise dans ton sourire, dans ce que je lis au fond de tes yeux.

Dans tes yeux, De la couleur des cieux, S’illumine l’étincelle, Qui fait briller mon ciel, Des yeux de velours
Où je me tisse chaque jour, Un beau manteau d’amour
Pour que brûle la flamme, Rien de plus beau que toi la femme

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Résultats (Français) 1: [Copie]
If only you could go into my heart you would see that you are the Queen of places! I bathed in love! A love that you will be always dedicated and which will never disappear. You miss me my love 1 letter damour for her amourlettreThe distance may not be an obstacle, our bonds of love are precious trust is the only thing that binds our hearts before I sleep and when I wake up and every hour you occupied my thoughts, no matter where I am I feel always loved my heart is yours forever miss me you.I always wonder when is what it will come that day where it will live together? It takes me yet how long to listen to what I want most to hear and watch what I want most to see? It takes me yet how long to live by pretending to live? It takes me yet how long to live my love, and find my happiness? Many questions, but very few answers. But, there is a certainty for me: I t love and I t will always love and I will always be there for you. J have developed two things at the bottom of me, two things that will help to endure and overcome all this m: l hope and patience.You made me overjoyedYou have embellished all around meYou have taken possession of meYou became my passion and my faith.Already of the bed my ideas flock to you my beloved immortal, from time to time happy, then sad again, waiting for fate to know if he will listen to us - live I do not may as totally with you or not at all.Your love is so powerful that it gives me wings. The strength to go forward, to face the cares of everyday life and smile at life, I the draws in your smile, from what I read at the bottom of your eyes.In your eyes, the color of the sky, glows the spark, which brightens my sky, Velvet eyesWhere I weave daily, a beautiful coat of loveFor that burning flame, nothing more beautiful than you women Leave a Reply
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Résultats (Français) 2:[Copie]
If only you could go into my heart you would see that you're the queen of its places! I bathe in love! A love that will always be devoted to you and which will never disappear. I miss you my love amourlettre of 1 Letter of love for her The distance can not be an obstacle, our bonds of love are precious confidence is the only thing that binds our hearts before I sleep and when I wake up and all the hours you occupy my thoughts, no matter where I am I always feel like my heart is yours forever I miss you. I always wonder when is that ?? there will come a day when we will live together? ?? It still takes me how long to hear what I want to hear and watch what I do not want to see ??? It still takes me how long to live pretending to live ??? It still takes me how long to live my love, my happiness and look ??? Many questions, but few answers. But there is a certainty for me: I love t ?? t ?? and I will always love and I will always be there for you. J ??'ve developed two things inside me, two things that will help ?? m to endure and overcome all this. L ?? hope and patience You have made ​​me overjoyed You have embellished all around Me You took possession of me You became my passion and my faith. Even the bed my thoughts hurry to you my immortal beloved, from time to time happy, then sad again, waiting for the fate of whether We listen - I can not live as totally with you or not at all. Your love is so powerful that it gives me wings. The strength to move forward, to face the worries of everyday life and smile at life, I draw from your smile, what I read in the depths of your eyes. In your eyes, from the color of heaven, S ' lights the spark, Who shine my sky, velvet eyes From where I weave myself every day, a beautiful coat of love For the flame burns, is nothing more beautiful than you women Leave a Reply

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Résultats (Français) 3:[Copie]
if only you could go into my heart, you'll see that you're the queen of the scene. i've been in love. love will always be devoted to you, and that won't go away. i miss you, my amourlettre love 1 (all for it in the distance can not be an obstacle to our ties of love are valuable trust is the one thing that binds our hearts.before i go to sleep and when i wake up in the morning and all the hours you occupy my thoughts, no matter where i am, i always feel like my heart is with you forever, i miss you. i always wonder when it will come when we will be together forever. ???? i need more time to listen to what i don't want to listen to, and watch what i do not want to see? ????i still need time to live pretending to live? ???? it takes me much time to live, love, and find my happiness? ???? a lot of questions, but very few answers. however, there is a certainty for me: i t’aime t’aimerai and i, i will always be here for you. i have developed two things in my heart.two things m’aider to endure and overcome it, hope and patience. "you've made me so happy, you made all around me, you have taken possession of me. you're my love and my faith." the bed, my thoughts go out to you, my immortal beloved, sometimes happy and sad again.waiting for fate, whether we can live with, i can totally with you or not at all. "your love is so powerful that it makes me feel like i can fly. the force to move, to deal with the problems of everyday life and smile, i can in your smile, i see it in your eyes. "in your eyes, the color of the sky, light up the sky is bright, velvet eyes. i made every day a good coat of love to let the flame, there's nothing more beautiful than you are the woman leave a reply

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