16. Which title best completes this graphic organizer?(1) Centers of W traduction - 16. Which title best completes this graphic organizer?(1) Centers of W Créole haïtien comment dire

16. Which title best completes this

16. Which title best completes this graphic organizer?
(1) Centers of World Trade (2) Latin American Societies
(3) Cities of Origin for Major Religions (4) Sites of Early Civilization

17. During the 1400s, the cities of Venice, Constantinople, and Canton achieved prominence because their
(1) locations were favorable for trade
(2) pleasant climates led to an increase in population
(3) democratic governments attracted trade
(4) military power led to industrialization

19. •Leonardo DaVinci used movement and perspective in his work. •Machiavelli’s The Prince advised rulers on how to gain and maintain power. •Humanist scholars examined worldly subjects and classical culture. Which period is associated with these statements?
(1) French Revolution (2) Renaissance (3) Early Middle Ages (4) Enlightenment

20. What is meant by Machiavelli’s belief that “the end justifies the means”?
(1) Leaders may use any method to achieve what is best for the state.
(2) The general public always acts in its own best interest.
(3) Pleasing all of the people at any given time is possible.
(4) Leaders must always act for the common good.

21. In his book The Prince, Niccolò Machiavelli advises that a wise ruler is one who
(1) keeps taxes and food prices low (2) encourages education and the arts
(3) allows advisors to speak their minds(4) does what is necessary to stay in power

22. Niccolò Machiavelli in The Prince and Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan both advocated that a ruler should
(1) obtain power from a social contract with the governed
(2) place the needs of subjects first
(3) apply Christian teachings to all decisions
(4) employ absolute power to maintain order in the areas under their rule

23. “. . . and in the actions of men, and especially of princes, . . . the end justifies the means.” Which philosopher most likely wrote this statement?
(1) Baron de Montesquieu (2) Niccolò Machiavelli
(3) Voltaire (4) John Locke

24. • Literacy rates rise.
• Shakespeare's sonnets circulated.
• Secular ideas spread.

Which innovation led directly to these developments?
(1) printing press (2) astrolabe (3) paper currency (4) caravel

25. Which innovation had the greatest impact on the Protestant Reformation?
(1) movable-type printing press (2) Mercator map projection
(3) magnetic compass (4) triangular sail

26. In western Europe, a long-term effect of the invention of Gutenberg’ s printing press was that the
(1) monarchies were restored to absolute power
(2) feudal system declined (3) literacy rate increased
(4) development of new ideas was discouraged

27. Cervantes’ literary classic Don Quixote, the rule of Isabella and Ferdinand, and the art of El Greco are associated with the
(1) Golden Age in Spain (2) Hanseatic League in Germany
(3) Glorious Revolution in England (4) Renaissance in Italy

28. “In 1469, Isabella of Castile married Ferdinand of Aragon. This marriage between the rulers of two powerful kingdoms opened the way for a unified state. Using their combined forces, the two monarchs made a final push against the Muslim stronghold of Granada. In 1492, Granada fell. . . .”

29. What is being described in this passage?
(1) a crusade to the Holy Land (2) the reasons for the voyages of Columbus
(3) the Spanish Reconquista (4) the start of the Italian Renaissance
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
16. ki Tit pi bon konplete òganizatè grafik sa a?(1) sant du Monde Commerce (2) nan Amerik Latin nan sosyete (3) vil orijin pou pozisyon relijyon majò (4) de Civilisation byen bonè 17. pandan 1400s lan, vil Venice, Constantinople, ak Canton atteint importance paske yo (1) sites ont favorab pou komès (2) plezan climats ki te ap dirije pou yon ogmantasyon nan lane(3) gouvènman Demokratik atire komès (4) militè pouvwa ki te ap dirije pou endistriyalizasyon 19. •Leonardo DaVinci te itilize mouvman Et pèspektiv nan afè nan travay li. Prince a •Machiavelli an te avize chèf sou kijan pou yo pran e pou kenbe pouvwa. •Humanist chercheurs konsilte sijè a travè lemond antye ak kilti klasik. Peryòd ki asosye avèk deklarasyon sa yo? (1) mitan (3) bonè (2) renesans revolisyon Fwansè ki nan laj Lumières (4) 20. sa vle di ke Machiavelli an kwè ke "tou sa li justifies vle di"?(1) lidè yo ka sèvi ak tout metòd pou yo rive a sa ki pi bon pou peyi a.(2) jeneral piblik la toujou zak nan pwòp enterè pi bon. (3) plezi tout pèp la nan nenpòt moman posib. (4) lidè yo dwe aji toujou pou byen.21. nan li liv te a Pwens, Niccolo Machiavelli avize ke yon chèf gen bon konprann se yon sèl moun ki (1) conserve taks epi yo ba pwi yo manje (2) ankouraje edikasyon ak èv yo (3) ki pèmèt konseye ki genyen pou pale minds(4) yo fè sa ki nesesè pou yo rete nan pouvwa22. Niccolo Machiavelli nan Prince a Et Thomas Hobbes nan zèb les advoke ke gen yon pouvwa a ta dwe (1) pran pouvwa nan yon kontra sosyal ak a régis (2) lieu bezwen de sujets premye(3) aplike kretyen kòmandman pou tout décisions(4) bay travay absoli pouvwa pou kenbe lòd nan zòn sa yo anba pouvwa yo23. "... Et nan aksyon yo, moun sa a, sitou de chèf nou yo.... tou sa li justifies vle di." Plis ke filozòf ki te ekri a. Men sa? (1) baron de Montesquieu (2) Niccolo Machiavelli(3) Voltaire (4) John Locke 24. • L' taux monte. • Shakespeare sonnets diffusé. • Eksklizyon lide se. Famasyetik ki te dirije dirèkteman pou devlopman sa yo? (1) l' Sur astrolabe (2) (3) papye lajan (4) caravel 25. famasyetik ki gen pi gwo enpak sou la Réforme Pwotestan?(1) Sur l' mobiles woulèt boul tip pwojeksyon kat Mercator (2) (3) vwal sikwolojis teknik konpa (4) 26. nan peyi rejyon lwès Ewòp, yon tan ki long efè a denonse moun Gutenberg' s Sur l' li te genyen sa a (1) Monaki ki te restore sou pouvwa absoli (2) sistèm feodal a (3) pousantaj l' augmentation(4) découragés devlopman de nouvo lide yo 27. littéraires klasik Don don Sèvantès yo, t' ap mache sou de Isabella Et Ferdinand, Et atis ki El Greco sont asosye ak a (1) Golden laj nan lig hanse Espay, (2) nan peyi Almay(3) glwa revolisyon nan Angletè, (4) renesans nan peyi Itali 28. "nan 1469, Isabella de Castile marye ak Ferdinand de Aragon. Sa a maryaj ant chèf peyi pwisan de gouvènman te louvwi wout pou yon eta inifye. W ap itilize fòs konbine yo, rois de yo te fè dènye pouse kont Mizilman e redi Granada. Nan 1492, Granada a.... "29. sa te dekri nan pasaj sa a? (1) yon Kwazad pou pou sèvis Terre (2) rezon pou voyages de Columbus (3) panyòl a Reconquista (4) a ou konmanse a renesans Italyen
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
16. Ki tit ki pi byen konplete òganizatè grafik sa a?
(1) Sant nan World Trade (2) Amerik Latin Sosyete
(3) Vil la soti pou Gwo Relijyon (4) Sit nan Bonè Sivilizasyon 17. Pandan ane 1400 yo, lavil yo nan Venice, Konstantinòp, ak Canton reyalize importance paske yo (1) kote yo te favorab pou komès (2) klima bèl mennen nan yon ogmantasyon nan popilasyon (3) gouvènman demokratik atire komès (4) pouvwa militè mennen nan endistriyalizasyon 19. • Leonardo DaVinci te itilize mouvman ak pèspektiv nan travay li. • Machiavelli nan Prince la avize chèf sou kòman yo jwenn epi kenbe pouvwa. • entelektyèl Imanis egzamine sijè monn lan ak kilti klasik. Se ki peryòd ki asosye ak deklarasyon sa yo? (1) Revolisyon franse (2) Renesans (3) Kòmansman Mwayennaj (4) Syèk Limyè 20. Ki sa ki vle di pa kwayans Machiavelli nan ke "fen an jistifye vle di la"? (1) Lidè ka sèvi ak nenpòt ki metòd yo reyalize sa ki pi bon pou eta a. (2) Piblik la an jeneral toujou aji nan pi bon pwòp li yo enterè yo. (3) Plezi tout moun nan pèp la nan nenpòt ki lè yo bay se posib. (4) Lidè yo dwe toujou aji pou byen tout moun. 21. Nan liv li Prince la, Niccolò Machiavelli konseye ke yon chèf ki gen bon konprann se yon moun ki (1) kenbe taks ak pri manje ba (2) ankouraje edikasyon ak atistik-la (3) pèmèt konseye yo pale lespri yo (4) ki sa ki nesesè yo rete nan pouvwa 22. Niccolò Machiavelli nan Prince ak Toma koi a nan Leviathan tou de defann ke yon chèf yo ta (1) jwenn pouvwa soti nan yon kontra sosyal ak gouvène (2) mete bezwen yo nan matyè premye (3) aplike ansèyman kretyen yo tout desizyon (4) anplwaye a pouvwa absoli yo kenbe lòd nan zòn ki anba règ yo 23. ". . . ak nan aksyon sa yo nan moun, epi sitou nan chèf,. . . fen a jistifye vle di la. "Ki filozòf gen plis chans te ekri pawòl sa yo? (1) Baron de Montesquieu (2) Niccolò Machiavelli (3) Voltaire (4) John Locke 24. • pousantaj alfabetizasyon monte. • sone Shakespeare la sikile. • lide monden gaye. Ki inovasyon mennen dirèkteman nan abitasyon sa yo? (1) laprès enprime (2) astwolab (3) lajan papye (4) karavèl 25. Ki inovasyon te gen pi gwo enpak sou Refòm Pwotestan an? (1) laprès enprime mobil-kalite (2) Mercator kat jeyografik pwojeksyon (3) konpa mayetik (4) triyangilè vwal 26. Nan lwès Ewòp, yon efè ki dire lontan nan envansyon nan Gutenberg nan laprès enprime te ke (1) monachi yo te retabli sou pouvwa absoli (2) sistèm feyodal te refize (3) to alfabetizasyon ogmante (4) devlopman nan nouvo lide yo te dekouraje 27. Yo Cervantes 'literè klasik Don Quixote, règ la nan Isabella ak Ferdinand, ak atizay la nan El Greco asosye ak (1) Laj la Golden nan peyi Espay (2) Hanseatic Lig nan Almay (3) Revolisyon Glorye nan England (4) Renesans nan Itali 28. "Nan 1469, Izabèl nan Kastil te marye Ferdinand nan Aragon. Maryaj sa a ant chèf yo ki nan de wayòm pwisan louvri wout la pou yon eta ki ini. Lè l sèvi avèk fòs konbine yo, de monak yo te fè yon pouse final kont gwo fò a Mizilman nan Granada. Nan 1492, Granada te tonbe. . . . " 29. Ki sa se ​​ke yo te dekri nan pasaj sa a? (1) yon kwazad nan peyi Bondye a (2) rezon ki fè yo vwayaj yo nan Columbus (3) Reconquista an Panyòl (4) kòmansman an nan Renesans Italyen an

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