encouraged Indians to boycott British textiles and instead wear homesp traduction - encouraged Indians to boycott British textiles and instead wear homesp Créole haïtien comment dire

encouraged Indians to boycott Briti

encouraged Indians to boycott British textiles and instead wear homespun cloth. (The British profited from the practice of taking India's raw cotton and selling it back to the Indian people as finished clothing.)

• Gandhi led Indians in protest against the British-imposed salt law, which made it illegal to possess salt not bought from the government. Hundreds of followers joined Gandhi on a 240-mile “SALT MARCH” to the sea, where they made salt from seawater. He was imprisoned after the Salt March—and on many other occasions—because of his protests.

• Gandhi also engaged in several famous HUNGER STRIKES to protest British colonialism.

• Gandhi’s tactics of non-violent civil disobedience led India to independence (achieved in 1947) and he is officially honored in India as the Father of the Nation. His life has inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.

• The Indian National Congress (aka the Congress Party or INC) became the leader of the Indian Independence Movement, in its struggle against British rule in India. After independence in 1947, it became the nation's dominant political party.

• India has a constitutional government modeled after the government of Great Britain. This fact illustrates the influence of the British colonial period on modern-day life in India.

• The success of Mohandas Gandhi’s campaign of civil disobedience in India was aided by the fact that Great Britain was weakened by World War II

5. Middle East and Africa
After World War I, the Ottoman Empire (the Sick Man of Europe) fell apart.
Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal) led a NATIONALIST movement and overthrew
the sultan. A new Turkish republic was established.

• Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal) is comparable to Sun Yat-sen because both men led nationalist movements.

• Atatürk changed the Turkish government by introducing DEMOCRATIC REFORMS. A secular constitution was adopted, women were granted the right to vote and hold office, and the government funded industrial programs.

• Atatürk used Western practices to MODERNIZE Turkey. The clothing rules established by him show that he wanted Turkey to WESTERNIZE its society. Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal) is comparable to Peter the Great because both men sought to adopt western-style reforms.

• Kemal Atatürk’s efforts to modernize Turkish culture were most strongly opposed by religious forces (Islamic fundamentalists).

The Global Regents Exam may feature maps comparing the Middle East before and after the nationalist movements that followed World War I and World War II. The maps will illustrate the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and will show that many Middle Eastern countries gained independence.

• JOMO KENYATTA (Kenya), KWAME NKRUMAH (Ghana), LEOPOLD SENGHOR (Senegal), and JULIUS NYERERE (Tanzania) were leaders of nationalist movements in Africa. The Global Regents Exam is likely to compare these men to leaders of other nationalist movements.

• The Global Regents Exam may feature maps comparing Africa before and after nationalist movements. The maps will illustrate the fact that many African countries gained independence between 1950 and 1980.

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
Endyen ankouraje w pou yo bòykote Britanik tekstil Et au usure twal homespun. (Britanik yo rapòte ou de la pratique en koton kri Zend lan ak vann li tounen Endyen yo tankou rad ki te fini sou.)• Gandhi te dirije Endyen nan yon pwotestasyon kont Britanik te enpoze kòm sèl lwa a, ki fè li ilegal pou genyen sèl pa te achte nan men gouvènman an. Dè santèn de patizan à Gandhi sou yon 240 kilomèt "SÈL mwa MAS" pou lanmè a, kote yo te konn sèl de Mer. Li te anprizone après a sèl mach — Et nan plizyè okazyon lòt — poutèt rale l.• Gandhi tou angaje yo nan plizyè célèbre grangou GRÈV pou pwoteste kolonyalis Britanik lan.• Gandhi taktik de vyolans dezobeyisans sivil te dirije peyi Zend pou endepandans (acheve an 1947) Et li ofisyèlman onore nan peyi Zend sa papa a nasyon an. Lavi l' ki te enspire mouvements pou dwa sivil e libète atravè mond lan.• Indian nan Kongrè Nasyonal lan (aka a kongrè pati ou INC) est lidè an de Indian endepandans mouvman an, nan lit li a kont Lagrann nan peyi Zend. Apwè endepandans yo an 1947, sa ki te dominan pati politik nasyon an.• Peyi Zend te gen yon gouvènman konstitisyonèl Sur une gouvènman an Grann Bretay. Sa a fait montre enfliyans règ kolonyal Britanik la sou lavi a la mòd jou nan peyi Zend.• Siksè kanpay Mohandas Gandhi de dezobeyisans sivil nan peyi Zend te par pa a fait Grann Bretay te emèfle pa gè MONDYAL5. Mwayen Oryan ak AfwikAfter gè mondyal, disparisyon anpi Ottoman an (a malad moun pou tounen an Ewòp) a apa. Atatürk (ke Mustafa Kemal) a yon mouvman NASYONALIS Et antrène sultan a. Yon nouvo Repiblik peyi Turkey te etabli.• Atatürk (ke Mustafa Kemal) comparable pou solèy Yat-sen paske tou de moun te dirije mouvman nasyonalis yo.• Atatürk chanje gouvènman peyi Turkey an pa introducing REFÒM DEMOKRATIK. Yo te adopte yon eksklizyon konstitisyon an, fanm kou gason te ba yo dwa pou yo vote Et kenbe biwo ak gouvènman an par pwogram endistriyèl yo.• Atatürk te itilize nan peyi rejyon lwès pwatik pou MODERNISER Latiki. Rad ki te sou lòd etabli li montre ke li te vle peyi Turkey pou WESTERNIZE li sosyete a. Atatürk (ke Mustafa Kemal) comparable Pyè gran paske tou de moun ki tap chèche pou adopte peyi rejyon lwès ak stil refòm.• Kemal Atatürk nan efò pou modènize peyi Turkey kilti te ki te opoze fòmèlman pa fòs relijye yo (Islamik fondamentalistes).Global Egzamen Regents the pou prezante "performance" cartes comparaison Mwayen Oryan devan ak dèyè mouvman nasyonalis yo ki te vini apwe gè mondyal Et gè MONDYAL. Les cartes Sera ilistre disparisyon anpi Ottoman an epi pwal montre ke anpil mitan Lès peyi yo te pwan endepandans. • KENYATTA JOMO (Kenya), NKRUMAH KWAME (Gana), SENGHOR LÉOPOLD (Senegal), Et JULIUS NYERERE (Tanzani) ont lidè mouvman nasyonalis yo an Afwik. Ekzamen Regents Global an gen anpil chans pou konpare lidè yo de mouvements nasyonalis lòt moun sa yo.• Ekzamen Regents Global an ka prezante "performance" kat jewografi comparaison Afrik devan ak dèyè mouvements nasyonalis yo. Les cartes Sera ilistre Lefèt ke anpil peyi Afriken yo te pwan endepandans ant pase ak nan lane 1980.
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
Endyen ankouraje yo bòykote tekstil Britanik, ak olye pou mete moso twal Natif natal. (Britanik nan pwofite de pratik la nan pran koton kri peyi Zend a ak vann li tounen nan moun yo Ameriken kòm fini rad.) • Gandhi dirije Endyen nan yon pwotestasyon kont lwa a sèl Britanik-enpoze, ki te fè li ilegal yo posede sèl pa achte nan men nan gouvènman an. Dè santèn de disip Joined Gandhi sou yon 240-mil "SALT MARCH" nan lanmè a, kote yo te fè sèl nan dlo lanmè. Li te nan prizon apre yo fin Mas la-yo ak Salt sou anpil lòt okazyon-paske nan manifestasyon l 'yo. • Gandhi tou angaje nan plizyè grèv grangou pi popilè yo te pwotèste kont kolonyalis Britanik yo. • taktik Gandhi a nan dezobeyisans sivil ki pa vyolan dirije peyi Zend a endepandans (reyalize nan 1947 ) e se li ki ofisyèlman onore nan peyi Zend kòm Papa a nan peyi a. Te lavi li enspire mouvman pou dwa sivil ak libète atravè mond lan. • Ameriken Kongrè Nasyonal la (aka Pati a Kongrè oswa INC) te vin lidè nan mouvman endepandans Endyen, nan lit li kont gouvènman Britanik nan peyi Zend. Apre endepandans nan 1947, li te vin dominan pati politik nan peyi a. • peyi Zend gen yon gouvènman konstitisyonèl modelize apre gouvènman an nan Grann Bretay yo. Reyalite sa a montre enfliyans nan peryòd la kolonyal Britanik sou lavi modèn-jou nan peyi Zend. • te Siksè nan kanpay Mohandas Gandhi a nan dezobeyisans sivil nan peyi Zend assistée pa lefèt ke Grann Bretay te febli pa Dezyèm Gè Mondyal 5. Mwayen Oryan ak Lafrik After Premyè Gè Mondyal la, Anpi Ottoman an (Malad la nan Ewòp) tonbe apa. Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal) te dirije yon mouvman nasyonalis Li chavire Sultan la. Yo te fè yon nouvo repiblik Turkish etabli. • Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal) se konparab ak Sun Yat-sen paske tou de gason te dirije mouvman nasyonalis yo. • Atatürk chanje gouvènman Tik la pa entwodwi refòm demokratik. Yo te fè yon konstitisyon eksklizyon adopte, fanm yo te akòde dwa pou yo vote epi kenbe nan biwo a, ak gouvènman an finanse pwogram endistriyèl. • Atatürk itilize pratik Western modènize Latiki. Règ yo rad yo ki etabli pa l 'yo fè montre ke li te vle Turkey oksidantalize sosyete li yo. Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal) se konparab ak Peter Legran a paske tou de gason t'ap chache adopte refòm lwès-style. • efò Kemal Atatürk a modènize kilti Tik yo te pi fòtman opoze pa fòs relijye (fondamantalis Islamik). The Global Regents Egzamen ka prezante kat konpare Mwayen Oryan an anvan ak apre mouvman yo ki nasyonalis ki swiv Premye Gè Mondyal la ak Dezyèm Gè Mondyal la. Kat yo pral montre tonbe nan Anpi Ottoman an epi yo pral montre ke anpil Mwayen peyi lès pran endepandans. • Jomo Kenyatta (Kenya), Kwame Nkrumah (Gana), LEOPOLD Senghor (Senegal), ak JULIUS NYERERE (Tanzani) yo te lidè yo nan nasyonalis mouvman nan Lafrik di. Egzamen an Global Regents se chans yo konpare moun sa yo lidè yo nan lòt mouvman nasyonalis. • Egzamen an Global Regents ka prezante kat konpare Lafrik di anvan ak apre mouvman nasyonalis yo. Kat yo pral montre lefèt ke anpil peyi Afriken pran endepandans ant 1950 ak 1980.

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