1. The RenaissancePART 1: What Happened During the Renaissance?The Ren traduction - 1. The RenaissancePART 1: What Happened During the Renaissance?The Ren Créole haïtien comment dire

1. The RenaissancePART 1: What Happ

1. The Renaissance

PART 1: What Happened During the Renaissance?

The Renaissance was a golden age in western Europe. The period was marked by great intellectual and artistic creativity.

The rebirth of art, technology, and learning was a central theme. Wealthy patrons supported the arts and education.

The classical cultures of Greece and Rome (Greco-Roman ideas) were revived and imitated.

One way in which the writers of the Renaissance were influenced by the writers of ancient Greece was that the Renaissance writers stressed the power of human reason.

Literature began to appear in the vernacular (languages spoken by ordinary people) rather than in Latin.

Humanism spread throughout western Europe.

In addition to the traditional study of sacred matters, humanist scholars examined worldly subjects and classical culture.

Art produced during the Renaissance reflected the ideas of humanism and individualism. It had religious as well as secular themes.

Leonardo DaVinci used movement and perspective in his work.

PART 2: Why Did the Renaissance Begin in Italy?

• Access to important trade routes was a major reason the Renaissance began in Italian cities. Italian city-states grew wealthy from trade between Europe and Asia during the Commercial Revolution. Wealthy patrons supported the arts and education, prompting the Renaissance.

• The favorable location of the city-states (Venice, Naples, Pisa, Genoa) along the Italian peninsula (Italy juts out into the Mediterranean Sea) was a major reason these city-states became thriving centers of trade during the Commercial Revolution.

• The cities in the Hanseatic League (in northern Europe) were successful during this era because they too were accessible by water (these cities bordered the North Sea and Baltic Sea in northern Europe).
• During the 1400s, the cities of VENICE (Italy), Constantinople (Byzantine Empire), and Canton (China) achieved prominence because their geographic locations were favorable for trade.

PART 3: Niccolo Machiavelli

• In his book, The Prince, Niccolò Machiavelli advises rulers how to gain and maintain power. He advises that a wise ruler does what is necessary to stay in power.

• Machiavelli believed leaders should use any method to achieve what is best for the state (“the end justifies the means”).

• Niccolò Machiavelli in The Prince and Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan both advocated that a ruler should employ absolute power to maintain order in the areas under their rule.

PART 4: The Printing Press

• Johann Gutenberg is credited for having invented the movable-type printing press in 1439.

• Effects of the invention of the printing press: Literacy rates rise
The spread of ideas (i.e. secular ideas, Protestant ideas) The printing press was a reason for the success of the Protestant Reformation.
Shakespeare's sonnets circulated.

2. Spanish Golden Age
Things associated with the Golden Age of Spain (15th – 17th centuries):
• The rule of Isabella and Ferdinand

• The Spanish Inquisition (prevented the introduction of Protestant religions)

• The Spanish Inquisition was established (1478) by Ferdinand and Isabella.

• The purpose of the Spanish Inquisition was to discover and punish converted Jews (and later Muslims) who were insincere. However, soon no Spaniard could feel safe from it; thus, St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Theresa of Ávila were investigated for heresy.

• The Spanish Reconquista
The period during which the Christian kingdoms of Spain gradually conquered the territories that had been ruled by the Muslims since 711. The Reconquista ended with the fall of Granada in 1492.)
• Famous author – Cervantes (wrote Don Quixote)
• Famous painter - El Greco
El Greco is credited for having brought the Italian Renaissance to Spain. As his name implies (El Greco = The Greek), El Greco was not Spanish at all, he was actually born in Greece.
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
1. la renesansPATI 1: Sa k te pase pandan renesans a?Renesans a te genyen yon laj golden nan peyi rejyon lwès Ewòp. Peryòd a te make pa anpil kreyativite intellectuelle Et atistik.La Renaissance de zèv, teknoloji, ak aprann li te genyen yon tèm santral. Rich clients en divinò ak edikasyon.Klasik reyinifikasyon peyi Lagrès Et Rome (lutte ide) yo te vle fè reviv Et imiter.Yon sèl chemen kote ekriven de renesans a te pwofondman pa ekriven peyi Lagrès ansyen te ekriven renesans yo a pouvwa ki rezon moun genyen.Literati ki te kòmanse parèt nan la langue (di ki lang ki gen pèp) olye ke se nan Latin.Humanism simaye nan tout peyi rejyon lwès Ewòp.San konte tradisyonèl etid de questions sakre, chercheurs humanist konsilte sijè a travè lemond antye ak kilti klasik.Atis ki te pwodwi pandan renesans a te reflete nan lide yo de humanism Et individualism. Li te gen relijye osi byen ke eksklizyon thèmes.Leonardo DaVinci te itilize mouvman Et pèspektiv nan afè nan travay li.PATI 2: Poukisa n' a renesans Commencer nan peyi Itali?• Aksè pou wout enpòtan komès yo te genyen yon pi gwo rezon renesans la te kòmanse nan vil Italyen yo. Italyen an city-states a rich nan komès ant an Ewòp ak asie pandan revolisyon komèsyal la. Rich clients en divinò ak edikasyon, vous renesans a.•, Ki kote favorab de city-states (Venice, Naples, Pisa, Genoa) nan Italyen péninsule (Itali juts soti nan lanmè Mediterane an) li te genyen yon pi gwo rezon city-states sa yo, ki moute nan bòl li sant de komès pandan revolisyon komèsyal la.• Vil yo nan lig hanse la (nan pati Nò Ewop) te pote anpil siksè pandan peryòd sa a paske yo tou te aksesib a avèk dlo (vil sa yo aréolées a lanmè nò a ak lanmè Baltic nan pati Nò Ewop).• Pandan 1400s lan, vil yo VENICE (Itali), Constantinople (Byzantine Empire) ak Canton (Lachin) te rive fè importance paske emplacements géographiques yo te favorab pou komès.PATI 3: Niccolo Machiavelli• Nan li liv, Pwens a, te Niccolo Machiavelli avize chèf kijan pou yo pran e pou kenbe pouvwa. Li avize ke yon chèf gen bon konprann fè sa ki nesesè pou yo rete sou pouvwa.• Machiavelli te kwè ke lidè yo ta dwe sèvi ak tout metòd pou reyisi rive nan sa yo ki meyè pou eta a ("tou sa li justifies vle di").• Niccolo Machiavelli nan Prince a Et Thomas Hobbes nan zèb tou de te advoke ke yon chèf ta dwe bay travay absoli pouvwa pou kenbe pase lòd nan zòn ki yo soumèt devan yo.PATI 4: L' lapwès• Johann Gutenberg au pou gen a Sur l' mobiles tip nan 1439.• Efè a denonse moun Sur l' a: l' taux ogmantasyonIde (c'est-à-dire eksklizyon lide, lide Protèstan) Sur l' a li te genyen yon rezon pou siksè de Réforme Pwotestan a gaye.Sonnets Shakespeare a distribué.2. èspanyòl Golden lajBagay ki asosye ak a laj Golden de Espay (Des 15th-17th):• A t' ap mache sou de Isabella Et Ferdinand• A panyòl lè enkizisyon (a yon ti rale de Protèstan relijyon)• A lè pou enkizisyon Espanyòl te genyen te etabli (1478) Ferdinand ak Isabella.• Sa a lè pou enkizisyon Espanyòl te gen pou jwenn e pini en jwif (Et plus Mizilman) ki te insincere. Sepandan, dès tout pa te kapab santi chape anba men l. konsa, St Inias Loyola Et St Theresa de Ávila, Kiba te envestige pou hérésie.• A Reconquista èspanyòlPeryòd a pandan ke peyi kretyen yo peyi Espay piti piti a tèritwa yo ki te swiv pa Mizilman yo depi 711. Reconquista an te fini avèk mo tonbe Granada nan 1492.)• Célèbre otè-Sèvantès (a Don don) • Célèbre bòs pent - El GrecoEl Greco au pou te pote renesans Italyen an Èspay. Menm jan rele l' implique (El Greco = a moun lòt nasyon), El Greco pa t ' panyòl tout, li aktyèlman te fèt nan Lagrès.
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
1. Renesans PATI 1:? Ki sa ki te rive pandan Renesans la Renesans la te yon laj lò nan lwès Ewòp. nan Peryòd la te make pa gwo kreyativite entelektyèl ak atistik. rne a nan atizay, teknoloji, ak aprantisaj te yon tèm santral. Patwon rich yo sipòte boza ak edikasyon. kilti a klasik nan Grès ak Wòm (lide greko-Women) yo te vle fè reviv ak imite. Yon fason ekriven sa yo nan Renesans la te enfliyanse pa ekriven sa yo nan ansyen Grès te ke ekriven sa yo Renesans ensiste nan pouvwa nan rezon ki fè moun. Literati te kòmanse parèt nan jargon la (lang ki pale pa moun òdinè) olye ke nan Latin. Imanis gaye nan tout lwès Ewòp. Anplis de sa nan etid la tradisyonèl nan zafè sakre, entelektyèl imanis egzamine sijè monn lan ak kilti klasik. Atizay pwodui pandan Renesans la reflete ide yo nan imanis ak endividyalis. Li te gen relijye kòm byen ke tèm eksklizyon. Leonardo DaVinci te itilize mouvman ak pèspektiv nan travay li. PATI 2: Poukisa Èske Renesans la Kòmanse nan peyi Itali? • Aksè nan wout komès enpòtan te yon rezon ki fè gwo Renesans lan te kòmanse nan vil Italyen. Eta-vil Italyen te grandi rich ki sòti komès ant Ewòp ak Azi pandan Revolisyon an Komèsyal. Patwon rich yo sipòte boza ak edikasyon, sa ki pouse Renesans la. • kote a favorab nan eta yo ki nan lavil-(Venice, Naples, Piz, Genoa) ansanm penensil Italyen an (Itali juts deyò nan lanmè Mediterane a) se te yon gwo rezon sa yo city- eta te vin sant pwospere nan komès pandan Revolisyon an Komèsyal. • Lavil yo nan Lig la anseatik (nan pati nò Lewòp) yo te siksè pandan epòk sa a paske yo menm tou yo te aksesib pa dlo (lavil sa yo entoure lanmè Nò a ak lanmè Baltik nan nò Ewòp). • Pandan ane 1400 yo, lavil ki nan peyi VENICE (Itali), Konstantinòp (Bizanten Anpi), ak Canton (Lachin) reyalize importance paske kote jeyografik yo te favorab pou komès. PATI 3: Niccolo Machiavelli • Nan liv li, Prince la, Niccolò Machiavelli konseye chèf ki jan yo jwenn epi kenbe pouvwa. Li konseye ke yon chèf ki gen bon konprann fè sa ki nesesè yo rete nan pouvwa. • Machiavelli kwè lidè ta dwe itilize nenpòt ki metòd yo reyalize sa ki pi bon pou eta a ("fen an jistifye vle di a"). • Niccolò Machiavelli nan Prince la ak Toma Ana nan jean tou de defann ke yon chèf ta dwe anplwaye pouvwa absoli yo kenbe lòd nan zòn ki anba règ yo. PATI 4: Sur L ' . • Johann Gutenberg a se kredite pou gen envante mobil-kalite près ekri a nan 1439 • Efè envansyon nan près ekri a: to alfabetizasyon monte Gaye nan nan lide (sa vle di lide eksklizyon, lide Pwotestan) Près ekri a se te yon rezon pou siksè yo nan Refòm Pwotestan. sone Shakespeare la nan sikile. 2. Panyòl Golden Laj Bagay ki asosye ak Laj nan Golden nan Espay (15 - syèk 17th): • Règ la nan Isabella ak Ferdinand • enkizisyon a Panyòl (anpeche entwodiksyon an nan relijyon pwotestan) • enkizisyon a Panyòl te etabli (1478) pa Ferdinand ak Isabella . • Rezon ki fè lè enkizisyon a Panyòl te nan dekouvri ak pini jwif konvèti (ak Mizilman pita) ki te ipokrit. Sepandan, pa gen okenn pli vit Espanyòl te kapab santi yo an sekirite nan men li; konsa, St Ignatius te nan Loyola ak St Theresa nan Avila yo te envestige pou erezi. • Reconquista an Panyòl Peryòd la pandan ki peyi ki kretyen nan Espay piti piti konkeri teritwa yo ki te te dirije ak Mizilman yo depi 711. Reconquista nan te fini ak nan tonbe nan Granada nan 1492.) • Pi popilè otè - Cervantes (ekri Don Quixote) • Pi popilè pent - El greko El greko se kredite pou gen mennen Renesans Italyen an nan peyi Espay. Kòm non li implique (El greko = grèk la), El greko pa t 'Panyòl nan tout, li te aktyèlman ki fèt nan Lagrès.

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