9. Which concept is most closely related to the main idea of the illus traduction - 9. Which concept is most closely related to the main idea of the illus Créole haïtien comment dire

9. Which concept is most closely re

9. Which concept is most closely related to the main idea of the illustration?
(1) isolation (2) cultural diffusion (3) armed conflict (4) urbanization

10. What was one effect of Alexander the Great’s conquests?
(1) expansion of Hellenistic culture (2) formation of the Christian church
(3) decreased importance of the Silk Roads
(4) increased support of the Mayan leaders

11. Which statement about Greek civilization is an opinion rather than a fact?
(1) Boys in Sparta were trained to be soldiers.
(2) Athens had a better culture than that of Sparta.
(3) Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were Greek philosophers.
(4) Many adults in Athens did not have the right to vote.

12. Olympic games, the poems of Homer, and Hellenistic culture are associated with which ancient civilization?
(1) Egyptian (2) Greek (3) Roman (4) Phoenician
13. One effect of rugged, mountainous geography on the civilization of ancient Greece was the development of
(1) absolute monarchies (2) separate, independent city-states
(3) extensive trade with the Persians (4) belief in one God

14. In a comparison of the ancient cities of Athens and Sparta, Sparta placed more emphasis on
(1) education (2) military service (3) family order (4) human rights

15. The Age of Pericles in Athens, the Gupta Empire in India, and the Tang dynasty in China all experienced a golden age with
(1) advancements in the principles of democratic governments
(2) outstanding contributions in the arts and sciences
(3) the end of foreign domination
(4) the furthest expansion of their borders

16. An important factor that prevented the ancient Greek city-states from uniting to form a single nation was the
(1) lack of a common language (2) size of the desert regions
(3) mountainous topography of the region (4) cold, hostile climate

17. Which technological advancement helped unify both the Roman and the Inca Empires?
(1) astrolabe (2) road system (3) gunpowder (4) wheeled carts

18. One contribution of ancient Roman culture was the development of
(1) the concept of zero (2) the process of making silk
(3) a republican form of government (4) the printing press

19. •Roman women could own property.
•Roman women could make wills leaving their property to whomever they chose.

A valid conclusion drawn from these facts is that Roman women
(1) had the right to vote (2) enjoyed some legal rights
(3) were equal to men (4) could hold political offices

19. China under the Han dynasty and the Roman Empire were similar in that both grew wealthy because they
(1) developed extensive trade networks (2) created classless societies
(3) encouraged democratic ideals (4) established free-market economies

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
9. konsèp ki gen pi en rapò ak pi gwo lide a demonstrasyon pou montre? (1) piblikasyon (2) kiltirèl blanch (3) ki te ame konfli (4) ibanizasyon 10. sa ki te yon efè lide Alexander gran a? (1) ekspansyon kilti Époque (2) fòmasyon legliz Kretyen (3) baissé enpòtans wout swa (4) sipò augmenté de l' se lidè yo11. ki deklarasyon ki ta mande grèk civilisation se yon opinyon olye de yon fait? (1) gason nan Sparta te antrene pou sòlda yo. (2) Athens a yon kilti pi bon pase Sparta. (3) Socrates, Plato Et Aristote ont philosophes grèk.(4) anpil granmoun nan lavil Atèn pa te gen dwa pou vote. 12. je olenmpik yo, poèmes Homer, ak kilti Époque sont asosye avèk ki ansyen civilisation? (1) Phénicien moun peyi Lejip (2) grèk (3) women (4) 13. yon efè jewografi anyan, mòn sou civilisation peyi Lagrès ansyen li te genyen devlòpman (1) Monaki absoli city-states (2) distinct, endepandan(3) sou komès ak a Aux (4) kwè nan Bondye yon sèl 14. nan yon pawoli ansyen vil yo de lavil Atèn Et Sparta, Sparta mis l' plis sou (1) sèvis edikasyon (2) militè a, lòd (3) fanmi (4) dwa zimen 15. a laj de Pericles nan lavil Atèn, anpi Gupta an nan peyi Zend ak dinasti Tang la nan tout peyi Lachin expérimentés yon laj golden ak (1) progrès nan seri de pwensip de gouvènman demokratik (2) en kontribisyon nan divinò ak syans yo(3) a fin de dominasyon etranje (4) an ekspansyon plus de fontyè yo 16. te genyen yon faktè enpòtan sa a ansyen city-states grèk de tou ki te vle pou fòme yon nasyon moun ki pa marye a (1) mank de yon komen lang (2) taille de régions du(3) mòn topographie de la rejyon (4) frèt, ostil klima17. avansman teknolojik ki te ede fè youn sitwayen women an ak Empires Inca la? (1) astrolabe (2) wout sistèm (3) à (4) à kabwa18. yon kontribisyon de ansyen Romen kilti li te genyen devlòpman (1) a konsèp de zéro pwosè (2) a fè swa (3) yon Repibliken fòmilè gouvènman (4) l' a Sur 19. •Roman, fanm kou gason ki te kapab posede propriété. •Roman, fanm kou gason, te kapab fè wills ki te kite peyi yo pou whomever yo chwazi. Yon konklizyon valid établi de faits sa yo se sitwayen women sa fanm (1) te sou dwa pou vote (2) te jwi dwa legal kèk (3) ont bon (4) moun kapab kenbe biwo politik yo19. Lachin anba a met Han ak anpi women an te menm jan an sa a tou de a rich paske yo (1) devlope sosyete classless sou komès rezo (2) te kreye(3) ankouraje idéaux demokratik (4) te etabli nan mache lib ekonomi
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
9. Ki konsèp ki pi pre relasyon ak lide prensipal ki nan parabòl la?
(1) izolasyon (2) difizyon kiltirèl (3) konfli ame (4) ibanizasyon 10. Ki sa ki te yon efè nan Alexander Great konkèt la? (1) ekspansyon nan kilti Elenistik (2) fòmasyon nan legliz la kretyen (3) diminye enpòtans nan Wout Swa yo (4) ogmante sipò nan lidè yo Maya 11. Ki deklarasyon sou sivilizasyon grèk ki se yon opinyon olye de yon reyalite? (1) Ti gason nan Espat te antrene yo dwe sòlda. (2) Atèn te gen yon kilti pi bon pase sa yo ki an Sparta. (3) Socrates, Plato, ak Aristòt te filozòf Grèk . (4) Anpil granmoun nan Atèn pa t 'gen dwa pou yo vote. 12. Jwèt Olympic, powèm yo nan Homer, ak kilti Elenistik yo asosye avèk ki sivilizasyon ansyen? (1) moun peyi Lejip (2) Grèk (3) Women (4) Fenisyen 13. Yon konsekans rezistan, mòn jewografi sou sivilizasyon an nan ansyen Grès la se te devlopman (1) monachi absoli (2) ki apa a, eta lavil endepandan- (3) komès vaste ak peyi Pès yo (4) kwayans nan yon sèl Bondye 14. Nan yon konparezon nan lavil yo ansyen nan Atèn ak Sparta, Sparta mete plis enpòtans sou (1) edikasyon (2) sèvis militè (3) lòd familyal (4) dwa moun 15. Laj la nan Pericles nan Atèn, Anpi Goupta nan peyi Zend, ak dinasti Tang la nan peyi Lachin tout ki gen eksperyans yon laj lò ak (1) pwogrè nan prensip yo nan gouvènman demokratik (2) kontribisyon eksepsyonèl nan atizay ak syans (3) fen a nan dominasyon etranje (4) ekspansyon nan pi lwen nan fwontyè yo 16. Yon faktè enpòtan ki anpeche ansyen vil-eta yo grèk soti nan inifikasyon yo fòme yon nasyon sèl te (1) mank nan nan yon lang komen (2) gwosè nan dezè a rejyon (3) relief montaye nan rejyon an (4) frèt, ostil klima 17. Ki avansman teknolojik te ede inifye tou de Women an ak Anpi Enka a? (1) astwolab (2) sistèm wout (3) poud kanon (4) wou bin 18. Yon kontribisyon ansyen kilti Women te devlopman nan (1) konsèp zewo a (2) pwosesis pou fè swa (3) yon fòm gouvènman repibliken (4) près ekri a 19. • Fanm women ta ka posede pwopriyete. • Fanm women ta ka fè testaman kite pwopriyete yo nan nenpòt moun yo chwazi. Yon konklizyon valab tire nan sa yo fè se ke fanm Women (1) te gen dwa a yo vote (2) te jwi kèk dwa legal (3) te egal ak gason (4) ta ka gen pòs politik 19. Lachin anba dinasti Han ak Anpi Women an te menm jan an nan ke tou de te grandi rich paske yo (1) devlope rezo komès vaste (2) kreye sosyete populè (3) ankouraje ideyal demokratik (4) etabli ekonomi mache lib la

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