1. The Neolithic Revolution• The Neolithic Revolution is a turning poi traduction - 1. The Neolithic Revolution• The Neolithic Revolution is a turning poi Créole haïtien comment dire

1. The Neolithic Revolution• The Ne

1. The Neolithic Revolution
• The Neolithic Revolution is a turning point in history.
Before the Neolithic Revolution (during the Paleolithic Age), nomads used simple stone tools and relied on hunting and gathering for food.

During the Neolithic Age, peoples’ diet and shelter dramatically changed. The domestication of animals and the planting* of crops (such as wheat and barley) led to the development of civilizations**.
*planting = cultivation
**civilizations = permanent homes and villages = settled communities

2. The Scientific Revolution
• Names associated with the Scientific Revolution:
Nicolaus Copernicus, René Descartes, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler
Sir Isaac Newton

• One effect of the works of Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Newton, is the use of the scientific method to solve problems.

• The heliocentric model (the theory that the sun is the center of the universe) and the inductive reasoning (inductive reasoning is reasoning from a specific case or cases and deriving a general rule) are products of the Scientific Revolution.

• Seventeenth-century scholars (i.e. Galileo Galilei and René Descartes) faced serious challenges to their scientific theories because their ideas contradicted traditional medieval European beliefs. Galileo rejected the heliocentric theory when he faced the Inquisition because he feared that the Church might excommunicate him.

• Ways the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment were similar: Both encouraged the spread of new ideas Both emphasized the value of human reasoning

• The Scientific Revolution had a great influence on the Enlightenment ideas of natural law and reason.

3. The Industrial Revolution (mid-1700s-1800s)
• the change from producing goods by hand to producing goods with machines in factories. Started in Great Britain. (Why in GB? The Agrarian Rev?)

• Results of the Industrial Revolution:
1) Industrialization- Machines were used to produce goods in factories.
2) Urbanization (-> pollution)
3) Bad working / living conditions (incl. children & women)
4) Formation of Labor Unions
5) Reform Legislation
6)  imperialism!

• Laissez Faire Capitalism, Adam Smith “the Wealth of Nations”

• Communism, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
1) “the Communist Manifest”
2) All of history has been about class struggles
3) Bourgeoisie were taking advantage of the poor factory workers the Proletariat. The Proletariat should rise up, overthrow the bourgeoisie in a violent revolution,
4) The Proletariat could then create a new kind of society where work and wealth was shared equally (and it will be classless and stateless).

4. The Green Revolution (began in the 1960s)
• the use of technology to increase the food supply
• Methods included improved irrigation, machinery, fertilizer, pesticides, and better seeds and livestock.
• The Green Revolution has helped increase food production and decrease hunger in areas of Asia, Latin America, and Africa. It has been especially successful in India.
1.• Planting wheat and barley
•Domesticating animals
•Establishing permanent homes and villages

At the beginning of the Neolithic Revolution, the most direct impact of these developments was on (1) religion and government (2) transportation and trade
(3) diet and shelter (4) climate and topography

2. What is the main reason the Neolithic Revolution is considered a turning point in world history?
(1) Fire was used as a source of energy for the first time.
(2) Spoken language was used to improve communication.
(3) Domestication of animals and cultivation of crops led to settled communities.
(4) Stone tools and weapons were first developed.

3. How did the introduction of agriculture affect early peoples?
(1) Societies became nomadic. (2) Food production declined.
(3) Civilizations developed. (4) Birthrates decreased rapidly.

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
1. la revolisyon Néolithique• Revolisyon Néolithique an se yon pwen nan istwa. Devan Néolithique revolisyon (pandan du laj), nomades itilize ti zouti wòch ou byen Et s' sou chasse Et rekèyi pou manje. Pandan Néolithique laj yo, lòt nasyon yo ki pa gen anpil ak ebèjman dramatikman tounen vin jwenn Bondye. Domestication D' animaux Et tan nan plante * de rekòt yo (tankou ble ak lòj) a pou devlòpman civilisations **. * plante = Kiltivasyon ** civilisations = pèmanan kay ak vilaj yo = etabli kominote yo2. la revolisyon syantifik• Non asosye ak syantifik revolisyon an: Nicolaus Copernicus, Rene Descartes, Galilei Jipitè, Johannes Kepler Sir Isaac Newton•, Yon sèl effet tou sa fè de Copernicus, Galilei Jipitè, Newton, se itilize syantifik metòd pou rezoud pwoblèm.• Heliocentric modèl (a teori sa solèy la se sant Linivè) Et la rezonman endiktif (inductif ap fè lide se raisonnement de yon ka espesifik ou ka Et découlant yon regleman jeneral) sont pwodwi de syantifik revolisyon an.• Xviie syèk universitaires (c'est-à-dire Jipitè Galilei Et Rene Descartes) fè fas défis serye pou filozòf syantifik yo paske lide yo a été tradisyonèl médiéval croyances Ewopeyen an. Jipitè te rejte a teori heliocentric lè li fè fas a lè enkizisyon paske li te pè ke legliz la te ka excommunicate li.• Revolisyon syantifik an ak Lumières a te menm jan an te fè: les ankouraje gaye de nouvo lide yo tou de te ensiste rapòte ou lajan pou moun konnen lide• Revolisyon syantifik lan te gen yon gwo enfliyanse kòripsyon nan lide Lumières yo de lwa natirèl ak konprann.3. la revolisyon Industrielle (mitan-du-années) • a chanje de pwodwi marchandises par men pou pwodwi marchandises ak machin nan faktori yo. Te kòmanse an Grann Bretay. (Poutèt nan GO? A Agraire fevriye?)• Rezilta revolisyon Industriel a: 1) endistriyalizasyon machin ki te itilize pou pwodwi genyen nan faktori yo. 2) ibanizasyon (-> polisyon) 3) move travay / rete kondisyon yo (avec pou timoun ak fanm) 4) fòmasyon travay nan tèt ansanm 5) refòm lejislasyon an 6) l' .• Laissez Faire kapitalis, Smith Adam "richès nasyon yo"• Kominis, Karl Marx Et Friedrich Engels 1) "a kominis Manifest" 2) tout istwa ki te sou nan lit klas 3) bourgeoisie te pwan avantaj sou moun k'ap pòv faktori Pwoletè a. A Pwoletè ta dwe leve, jete bourgeoisie la nan yon revolisyon vyolan, 4) Pwoletè a lè sa a te kapab kreye yon nouvo jan sosyete kote travay ak richès te pataje tout (e li pwal classless Et sans). 4. la revolisyon Green (a nan lane 1960)• a sèvi ak teknoloji pou founi manje fè vini pi gran • Metòd gen ladan yo amelyore irigasyon, machin, angrè, pestisid, ak pi bon grenn ak bèt vivan. • Revolisyon Green an ki te ede ogmante pwodiksyon manje Et réduire grangou nan zòn nan Azi, Amerik Latin ak Afwik. Li te gen espesyalman siksè nan peyi Zend. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1. • plante ble, pa gen lòjBèt •Domesticating yo •Establishing pèmanan kay yo ak vilaj yo Nan koumansman Néolithique revolisyon an, de enpak ki pi dirèk nan abitasyon sa yo te nan relijyon (1) ak gouvènman an (2) transpò ak komès (3) alimentation Et ebèje klima Et topographie (4) 2. sa ki pi gwo rezon Néolithique revolisyon an te konsidere kòm yon pwen nan istwa li sou latè? (1) dife ki te sèvi kòm yon sous enèji pou la pwemye fwa. (2) pale lang te itilize pou amelyore kominikasyon.(3) domestication D' animaux Et Kiltivasyon de rekòt yo te dirije pou etabli kominote yo.(4) zouti wòch ak zam yo te konmanse devlope. 3. Jan te fè yon ti rale agrikilti yo aji sou pèp byen bonè? (1) sosyete est nomadik. (2) pwodiksyon manje a. (3) civilisations devlope. (4) birthrates ki diminye rapidman.
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
1. Revolisyon Neyolitik la
• Revolisyon Neyolitik la se yon pwen vire nan listwa.
Anvan Revolisyon Neyolitik la (pandan Laj la Paleyolitik), nomad itilize zouti wòch ki senp epi konte sou lachas ak rasanbleman pou manje. Pandan Laj Neyolitik la, rejim alimantè pèp 'ak abri dramatikman chanje. Domestikasyon la nan bèt ak * a plante nan rekòt (tankou ble, lòj) mennen nan devlopman nan sivilizasyon **. * plante = kiltivasyon ** sivilizasyon = kay pèmanan ak tout ti bouk = rete kominote 2. Syantifik Revolisyon • non yo ki asosye ak Revolisyon Syantifik la: Nikola Copernicus, René Descartes, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler Sir Isaac Newton • Yon efè nan travay yo nan Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Newton, se itilize nan metòd syantifik la yo rezoud pwoblèm. • Modèl la elyosantrik (teyori a ke solèy la se sant lan nan linivè a) ak rezònman an endiktif (rezònman endiktif se rezònman ki sòti nan yon ka espesifik oswa ka ak dekoulan yon règ jeneral) se pwodwi nan Revolisyon Syantifik la. • entelektyèl disetyèm syèk la (sa vle di Galileo Galilei ak René Descartes) te fè fas defi grav nan teyori syantifik yo paske lide yo kontredi kwayans tradisyonèl medyeval Ewopeyen an. Galileo rejte teyori a elyosantrik lè li te fè fas lè enkizisyon a sitèlman li te pè ke Legliz la ta ka èkskomunikasyon l '. • Fason Revolisyon an Syantifik ak Syèk Limyè a te sanble: Tou de ankouraje a gaye nan nouvo lide Tou de ensiste valè a nan rezònman imen • Revolisyon a Syantifik te gen yon gwo enfliyans sou lide yo Syèk Limyè nan lwa natirèl ak rezon. 3. Revolisyon Endistriyèl la (mitan ane 1700-ane 1800-) • chanjman an soti nan pwodwi machandiz nan men pwodwi machandiz ak machin nan faktori. Te kòmanse nan Grann Bretay yo. (? Poukisa nan GB Rev an Agrè) • Rezilta nan Revolisyon Endistriyèl la: 1.) Industrialization- machin yo te itilize yo pwodwi machandiz nan faktori 2) Ibanizasyon (-> polisyon) . 3) k ap travay Move / kondisyon lavi (timoun incl & fanm) 4) Fòmasyon nan sendika yo 5) Lejislasyon Refòm 6)  enperyalis! • lesefè Kapitalis, Adam Smith "Richès Nasyon yo" • kominis, Karl Marx ak Friedrich Engels 1) "Manifès Kominis la" 2) Tout nan istwa te gen sou lit klas 3) boujwazi te pran avantaj de ouvriye faktori a pòv proletariat la. Proletariat la ta dwe monte moute, jete boujwazi a nan yon revolisyon vyolan, 4) proletariat la te kapab Lè sa a, kreye yon nouvo kalite sosyete kote travay ak richès te pataje egalman (epi li pral populè ak pagen atach). 4. Revolisyon Vèt la (te kòmanse nan ane 1960 yo) • sèvi ak teknoloji ogmante rezèv la manje • Metòd enkli amelyore irigasyon, machin, angrè, pestisid, ak pi bon grenn ansanm ak tout bèt. • Revolisyon Vèt la ki te ede ogmante pwodiksyon manje ak diminye grangou nan zòn nan pwovens Lazi, Amerik Latin nan, ak Lafrik. Li te gen espesyalman siksè nan peyi Zend. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ 1. • ble Plante ak lòj • domèstikasyon bèt • Etabli kay pèmanan ak tout ti bouk Nan kòmansman an nan Revolisyon Neyolitik la, enpak la ki pi dirèk nan abitasyon sa yo te sou (1) relijyon ak gouvènman (2) transpò ak komès epi li (3) rejim alimantè ak abri (4) klima ak relief 2. Ki sa ki se rezon ki fè prensipal Revolisyon Neyolitik la ki konsidere kòm yon pwen vire nan istwa lemonn? (1) dife te itilize kòm yon sous enèji la pou premye fwa a. te (2) lang Spoken itilize amelyore kominikasyon. (3) domestikasyon bèt ak kiltivasyon nan rekòt mennen nan kominote etabli yo. (4) te pwemye devlope zouti Stone ak zam. 3. Kouman entwodiksyon an nan agrikilti t 'afekte pèp bonè? (1) Sosyete te vin nomad. (2) pwodiksyon Manje te bese. (3) Sivilizasyon devlope. (4) timoun k ap fèt diminye rapidman.

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