6. Comparing Leaders of Nationalist Movements(The Global Regents exam  traduction - 6. Comparing Leaders of Nationalist Movements(The Global Regents exam  Créole haïtien comment dire

6. Comparing Leaders of Nationalist

6. Comparing Leaders of Nationalist Movements
(The Global Regents exam often compares leaders of nationalist movements)

an educated creole who came to admire Enlightenment ideas and the French Revolution during a stay in Europe. He was also inspired by the American Revolution.

Called “the Liberator,” Bolívar was one of the most important leaders of Spanish America's successful struggle for independence against Spain.

He led a series of military campaigns that won independence for Venezuela, New Granada (present-day Colombia), Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia (named after Bolívar). He then joined forces with JOSÉ DE SAN MARTÍN, who defeated the Spanish in Argentina and Chile in the 1810s.

Despite his victories against the Spanish, Bolívar failed in his attempt to create a large, united Latin American state (similar to the United States). Spain’s former empire thus became divided into a number of separate independent states.

a self-educated former slave of a French plantation owner on the Caribbean island of Haiti. Nearly half a million enslaved Africans like Toussaint worked in terrible conditions on Haitian sugar plantations.

Familiar with the works of Enlightenment thinkers, Toussaint wanted to lead his people to liberty. He led a slave revolt that gained him control over much of the island and Haitian slaves were granted their freedom.

- GUISSEPE GARIBALDI, CAMILLO CAVOUR, GUISSUPE MAZZINI – Italy GIUSSEPE MAZZINI formed the Young Italy national movement. He was exiled for his views, but his writings and speeches provided inspiration to the nationalist movement.

CAMILLO CAVOUR used his power as the prime minister of the Italian state of Sardinia to form alliances with France and Prussia. These alliances would assist Italian nationalists efforts to drive Austrian power from Italy.

GIUSSEPE GARIBALDI was a nationalist soldier whose force of 1,000 RED SHIRT volunteers gained control over southern Italy. He then helped to unite southern Italy with northern Italy to create a unified state.

- SUN YAT-SEN (aka SUN YIXIAN) – China
Sun Yat-sen was a Chinese revolutionary and political leader.

Sun played an important role in overthrowing the Qing (Manchu) Dynasty in 1911 (the last imperial dynasty of China) and he is frequently referred to as the Father of the Nation.

He was the first provisional president when the Republic of China
(ROC) was founded in 1912 and later co-founded the CHINESE NATIONALIST PARTY, or Kuomintang (KMT) where he served as its first leader.

Sun developed a political philosophy known as the THREE PRINCIPLES OF THE PEOPLE (nationalism, democracy, and livelihood).

Jiang Jieshi was a political and military leader of 20th century China.

He was an influential member of the the CHINESE NATIONALIST PARTY, or Kuomintang (KMT) and SUN YAT-SEN's close ally. He took over leadership of the party when Sun died in 1925.

During the Chinese Civil War, Jiang attempted to eradicate MAO ZEDONG and the Communist Party of China but ultimately failed, forcing the NATIONALIST government to retreat to TAIWAN.

Ruling as the Chairman of the Nationalist Government of China (Taiwan) and Director- General of the Kuomintang, Chiang died in 1975.

After World War I, the Ottoman Empire (the Sick Man of Europe) fell apart. Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal) led a NATIONALIST movement that overthrew the sultan. A new Turkish republic was established.

Mohandas Gandhi was the leader of the Indian independence movement.
He pioneered the concept of satyagraha (soul force)—resistance to tyranny through mass CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE (PASSIVE RESISTANCE), firmly founded upon the Hindu principle of AHIMSA (NON-VIOLENCE). Gandhi credited Thoreau's famous essay "Civil Disobedience" as a key influence on his life.

Gandhi famously led the “HOMESPUN” MOVEMENT, an effort that encouraged Indians to boycott British textiles and instead wear homespun cloth. (The British profited from the practice of taking India's raw cotton and selling it back to the Indian people as finished clothing.)

Gandhi also led Indians in protest against the British-imposed salt law, which made it illegal to possess salt not bought from the government. Hundreds of followers joined Gandhi on a 240-mile “SALT MARCH” to the sea, where they made salt from seawater. He was imprisoned after the Salt March—and on many other occasions—because of his protests.

Gandhi!s tactics of non-violent civil disobedience led India to independence (achieved in 1947) and he is officially honored in India as the Father of the Nation. His life has inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.


JOMO KENYATTA led the struggle for independence in Kenya. He was a spokesman for the Kikuyu people, who had been driven off their land by European settlers. When some Kikuyu turned to violent means (THE MAU MAU MOVEMENT) to gain liberation, the British jailed Kenyatta. Later, however, Kenyatta was released. In 1963, he became the first prime minister of an independent county.

- HO CHI MINH – Vietnam
Vietnam was ruled by French imperialists since the mid-1800s. During World War II, the Japanese seized control of Vietnam from the French. The Vietminh (League for the Independence of Vietnam), an alliance of NATIONALIST and COMMUNIST groups, fought the occupying Japanese. After Japan!s defeat in World War II, the French hoped to regain Vietnam. Instead, HO CHI MINH, leader of the Vietminh, declared Vietnam free. Defeated by the Vietminh, the French abandoned Vietnam.
Vietnam was then divided into a communist north and a non- communist south. Ho Chi Minh became the LEADER OF NORTH VIETNAM. He supported the Viet Cong, a group of communists rebels who attempted to overthrow the American-supported South Vietnamese government.

In 1975, SAIGON, the capital of South Vietnam, fell to the communists. The country was reunited under communist control and Saigon was renamed HO CHI MINH CITY, in honor of the North Vietnamese leader who had died six years prior (1969).

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
6. comparaison lidè nasyonalis Mouvements de(Ekzamen Global Regents an souvan compares lidè nasyonalis mouvements)-SIMÓN BOLÍVAR yon enteresan kreyòl ki vin admire ide Lumières e revolisyon Fransè a diran yon sejou an Ewòp. Li te tou te enspire pa revolisyon amerikèn lan. Yo rele "a Liberator", Bolívar te youn nan lidè ki pi enpòtan nan siksè lit Amerik di panyòl pou endepandans kont Lespay. Li te dirije yon seri de campagnes militè ki genyen endepandans pou Venezyela, New Granada (actuelle Kolonbi), Ekwatè, Perou, ak Bolivi (non Bolívar). Li te lè sa a fòs ak JOSÉ DE SAN MARTÍN, ki te defèt Èspanyòl la nan ajantin Et Chili nan 1810s la. Malgre li viktwa kont Espanyòl la, Bolívar ki te echwe nan tantativ li pou kreye yon laj, te ini nan Amerik Latin nan eta (sanble ak eta Zini). Anpi ansyen Espay la konsa, ki moute pran yo an yon kantite separe eta endepandan.-TOUSEN L.OUVERTURE yon pwòp enteresan ansyen esklav de yon mèt plantation Fwansè sou zile Karayib la Ayiti. Pwèske mwatye yon milyon kaptire Africains tankou Tousen te travay nan kondisyon ase rale mennen vini sou plantasyon sik Ayisyen an. Abitye ak travay penseurs Lumières, Tousen te vle mennen pèp li a libète. Li te dirije yon revòlt esklav ki pran l' kontwòl sou anpil nan zile a Et èsklav Ayisyen an te ba yo libète yo.-GUISSEPE GARIBALDI, CAMILLO CAVOUR, GUISSUPE, MAZZINI-MAZZINI GIUSSEPE nan peyi Itali fòme mouvman nasyonal peyi Itali Jeunes. Li te ekzile pou pwen de vi li, men, li ekri nan liv la, discours te founi ouf pou mouvman nasyonalis la. CAMILLO CAVOUR a sèvi pouvwa li ak pwemye minis leta Italyen Sardinia pou alyans fòm ak frans, e an Prusse. Alyans sa yo ta ede efò nasyonalis Italyen an pou li kondi pouvwa Ostralyen soti an Itali. GIUSSEPE GARIBALDI te genyen yon sòlda nasyonalis ki fòs de 1,000 volontè CHEMIZ WOUJ, ki pran kontwòl sou pati Sid Itali. Li lè sa a yo te ede pati Sid Itali ak pati Nò peyi Itali pou kreye yon eta inifye fè yon tèt ansanm.-SUN YAT-SEN (aka SUN YIXIAN)-Lachin Sun Yat-sen li te genyen yon Revolisyonè Et politik lidè Chinwa. Solèy te jwe yon wòl enpòtan nan ranvèse a met Qing (Mandchou) nan 1911 (a dènye imperial dinasti Lachin) Et li anpil fwa te endike sa papa a nasyon an. Li te genyen pwemye pwezidan pwovizwa a lè Lachin de repiblik (ROC) te fonde nan 1912 Et pita co-te fonde pati NASYONALIS CHINWA a, ou Kuomintang (KMT) kote ke li te sèvi kòm pwemye lidè li a. Solèy devlope yon politik Filozofi, ke yo rekonèt kòm TWA PRINCIPES DE a PÈP la (nasyonalism, demokrasi, Et vie).-JIESHI JIANG (aka CHIANG KAI-SHEK)-Lachin Jiang Jieshi li te genyen yon politik ak militè lidè nan peyi Lachin 20tyèm syèk lan. Li te gen yon manb enfliyan de la CHINWA pati NASYONALIS ou Kuomintang (KMT) Et SUN YAT ki SEN an fèmen alye. Li te pwan relèv ak lidè pati an lè solèy te mouri nan 1925. Pandan Chinwa gè sivil lan, Jiang tap fè tantativ pou éradiquer MAO ZEDONG ak pati kominis Lachinn yo Men, pa rive, fòse gouvènman NASYONALIS pou retraite Taiwan. Ap gouvènen tankou ki se pwezidan an nasyonalis gouvènman peyi Lachin (Taiwan) Et direktè jeneral Kuomintang la, Chiang te mouri an 1975.-ATATÜRK (aka ke MUSTAFA KEMAL)-peyi Turkey Apwè gè mondyal, disparisyon anpi Ottoman an (a malad moun pou tounen an Ewòp) a apa. Atatürk (ke Mustafa Kemal) ki te dirije yon mouvman NASYONALIS ki te retire sultan a. Yon nouvo Repiblik peyi Turkey te etabli.-MOHANDAS GANDHI-End Mohandas Gandhi te genyen lidè mouvman endepandans Endyen an. Li pionnier ke satyagraha (âme fòs) — rezistans pou tyrannie nan mas SIVIL DEZOBEYISANS (PASSIF REZISTANS), bien te fonde sou pwensip Hindu AHIMSA (NON-VYOLANS). Gandhi au essai célèbre Thoreau an "Dezobeyisans sivil" kòm yon kle enfliyans sou lavi l. Famously Gandhi te dirije MOUVMAN "HOMESPUN", yon efò pou ankouraje Endyen pou yo bòykote Britanik tekstil Et au usure twal homespun. (Britanik yo rapòte ou de la pratique en koton kri Zend lan ak vann li tounen Endyen yo tankou rad ki te fini sou.) Gandhi tou te dirije Endyen nan yon pwotestasyon kont Britanik te enpoze kòm sèl lwa a, ki fè li ilegal pou genyen sèl pa te achte nan men gouvènman an. Dè santèn de patizan à Gandhi sou yon 240 kilomèt "SÈL mwa MAS" pou lanmè a, kote yo te konn sèl de Mer. Li te anprizone après a sèl mach — Et nan plizyè okazyon lòt — poutèt rale l. Gandhi! s taktik de vyolans dezobeyisans sivil te dirije peyi Zend pou endepandans (acheve an 1947) Et li ofisyèlman onore nan peyi Zend sa papa a nasyon an. Lavi l' ki te enspire mouvements pou dwa sivil e libète atravè mond lan.-KENYATTA JOMO (Kenya), NKRUMAH KWAME (Gana), LÉOPOLD SENGHOR (Senegal), NYERERE JULIUS (Tanzani)-Afrik JOMO KENYATTA te dirije nan lit pou endepandans yo an Kenya. Li te gen yon pòt pawòl pou pèp Kikuyu la, ki te kondwi sou peyi yo pa kolonizatè Ewopeyen an. Lè kèk Kikuyu tounen vin jwenn vyolan mwayen (MAU MAU MOUVMAN) pou l jwenn liberasyon, ke se Bwitich ki patizan Kenyatta. Pi ta, sepandan, Kenyatta te libere. 1963, li t' ap moute pwemye pwemye minis yon eta endepandan. Vyetnam - HÔ CHI-Minh- Vyètnam te soumèt devan kote enperyalis Fwansè depi mitan-années. Pandan gè MONDYAL, Japonè an te sezi kontwòl Vyetnam de Fwansè yo. Vietminh (an pou endepandans Vyetnam), alyans de NASYONALIS Et KOMINIS gwoup, se occupation Japonè an. Après Japon! s defèt li nan gè MONDYAL, Fwansè yo te espere pou reprann Vyetnam. Okontrè, HÔ CHI-Minh-, lidè Vietminh la, te deklare nan Vyetnam libre. Te defèt ke Vietminh la, Fwansè yo te abandone Vyetnam. Vyètnam te divize lè sa a nan yon nò ki kominis ak yon sid ki pa kòminis. Hô-Chi Minh-est a LIDÈ nan NÒ VIETNAM. Li te sipòte Cong kwè yo, yon gwoup rebèl kominis yo ki tap fè tantativ pou jete en Amerik sid ban-n vyetnamiz gouvènman an. An 1975, SAIGON, kapital peyi sid Vietnam, te tonbe pou kominis yo. Peyi a te reyini sou kontwòl kominis Et Saigon te renommée HÔ-CHI-Minh-vil, maraton a lonè de lidè dirijan Vietnamyen North an ki te mouri yon sis zan alavans (1969).
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
6. Konparezon Lidè yo nan mouvman nasyonalis
(Egzamen an Global Regents souvan konpare lidè yo nan mouvman nasyonalis) - Simon Bolivar yon kreyòl edike ki te vin nan lide Syèk Limyè ak admire Revolisyon an franse pandan yon rete nan Ewòp. Li te tou enspire pa Revolisyon Ameriken an. Yo rele "liberateur a," Bolívar te youn nan lidè ki pi enpòtan nan siksè lit Panyòl Amerik la pou endepandans kont Espay. Li mennen yon seri de kanpay militè ki te genyen endepandans pou Venezyela, New Granada (prezan -day Kolonbi), Ekwatè, Perou, ak Bolivi (rele apre Bolívar). Apre sa, li mete tèt ansanm ak José de San Martín, ki moun ki bat Panyòl la nan Ajantin ak Chili nan 1810s yo. Malgre viktwa l 'kont Panyòl la, Bolívar echwe nan tantativ l' yo kreye yon gwo, ini eta Amerik Latin (menm jan ak peyi Etazini) . Ansyen anpi Espay la konsa te vin divize an yon kantite separe eta endepandan. -! TOUSSAINT L Ouverture yon pwòp tèt ou-edike ansyen esklav nan yon pwopriyetè plantasyon franse sou zile a Karayib, nan Ayiti. Prèske mwatye yon milyon esklav Afriken tankou Toussaint te travay nan kondisyon terib sou plantasyon sik ayisyen. Ki abitye avèk travay yo nan Syèk Limyè panser, Toussaint te vle mennen pèp li a libète. Li mennen yon revòlt esklav ki te vin jwenn li kontwòl sou anpil nan zile a ak ayisyen esklav yo te akòde libète yo. - GUISSEPE GARIBALDI, Camillo Cavour, GUISSUPE mazeni - Itali GIUSSEPE mazeni fòme Young Itali mouvman nasyonal la. Li te depòte pou opinyon l ', men l', li ekri diskou bay enspirasyon nan mouvman an nasyonalis yo. Camillo Cavour itilize pouvwa li kòm premye minis la nan eta a Italyen an Sardinia yo fòme alyans avèk Lafrans ak lapris. Alyans sa yo ta ede nasyonalis Italyen efò nan kondwi Ostralyen pouvwa soti nan peyi Itali. GIUSSEPE GARIBALDI te yon sòlda nasyonalis ki gen fòs de 1,000 volontè chemiz wouj pran kontwòl sid peyi Itali. Apre sa, li te ede yo ini Sid Itali ak nò peyi Itali yo kreye yon eta ki ini. - Sun Yat-sen (aka SUN Yixian) - Lachin . Sun Yat-sen te yon Chinwa lidè revolisyonè ak politik Solèy te jwe yon wòl enpòtan nan ranvèse Qing a ( se Manchu) Dinasti nan 1911 (dènye dinasti a Imperial nan Lachin) ak li souvan refere yo kòm Papa a nan peyi a. Li te premye prezidan an pwovizwa lè Repiblik la nan Lachin (ROC) te fonde nan 1912 epi pita ko-te fonde an CHINESE nasyonalis pati, oswa Kuomintang (KMT) kote li te sèvi kòm lidè premye li yo. Solèy devlope yon filozofi politik li te ye tankou twa prensip yo nan moun yo (nasyonalis, demokrasi, ak mwayen poul viv). - Jiang JIESHI (aka Chiang Kai-chek) - Lachin Jiang Jieshi te yon lidè politik ak militè nan 20yèm syèk Lachin. Li te yon manm enfliyan nan CHINESE nasyonalis PATI la a, oswa Kuomintang (KMT) epi fèmen alye Sun Yat-sen an. Li te pran plis pase lidèchip nan pati a lè Solèy te mouri nan 1925. Pandan Lagè Sivil la Chinwa, Jiang eseye detwi Mao Zedong ak Pati Kominis la nan Lachin men finalman echwe, fòse gouvènman an nasyonalis a fè bak Taiwan. dirije antanke Prezidan an nan la nasyonalis Gouvènman an Lachin (Taiwan) ak dirèktè Jeneral nan Kuomintang la, Chiang te mouri nan lane 1975. - ATATÜRK (aka Mustafa Kemal) - Turkey Apre Premyè Gè Mondyal la, Anpi Ottoman an (Malad la nan Ewòp) tonbe apa. Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal) te dirije yon mouvman nasyonalis ki detwi Sultan la. Yo te fè yon nouvo repiblik Turkish etabli. - Mohandas Gandhi - peyi Zend . Mohandas Gandhi te lidè nan mouvman an endepandans Endyen Li pionnier konsèp nan Satyagraha (fòs nanm) -resistance tirani nan mas dezobeyisans sivil (rezistans pasif), byen fèm fonde sou la Endou prensip nan ahimsa (non-vyolans). Gandhi kredite pi popilè redaksyon "Sivil Dezobeyisans" Thoreau a kòm yon enfliyans kle sou lavi l '. Gandhi famezman dirije "Natif natal" mouvman an, yon efò ki ankouraje Endyen bòykote tekstil Britanik, ak olye pou mete moso twal Natif natal. (Britanik nan pwofite de pratik la nan pran koton kri peyi Zend a ak vann li tounen nan moun yo Ameriken kòm fini rad.) Gandhi dirije tou Endyen nan yon pwotestasyon kont lwa a sèl Britanik-enpoze, ki te fè li ilegal yo posede sèl pa achte nan men nan gouvènman an. Dè santèn de disip Joined Gandhi sou yon 240-mil "SALT MARCH" nan lanmè a, kote yo te fè sèl nan dlo lanmè. Li te nan prizon apre yo fin Salt nan Mas-yo, epi sou anpil lòt okazyon-paske nan manifestasyon l 'yo. Gandhi! s taktik nan dezobeyisans sivil ki pa vyolan dirije peyi Zend a endepandans (reyalize nan 1947) e se li ki ofisyèlman onore nan peyi Zend jan Papa a nan la Nation. Te lavi li enspire mouvman pou dwa sivil ak libète atravè mond lan. - Jomo Kenyatta (Kenya), Kwame Nkrumah (Gana), LEOPOLD Senghor (Senegal), JULIUS NYERERE (Tanzani) - Lafrik di Jomo Kenyatta dirije lit la pou endepandans nan Kenya. Li te yon pòtpawòl pou pèp la Kikuyu, ki moun ki te kondwi wete peyi yo lè yo kolon Ewopeyen an. Lè kèk Kikuyu tounen vin jwenn mwayen vyolan (mouvman an mo Mau) jwenn liberasyon, Britanik la nan prizon Kenyatta. Apre sa, sepandan, Kenyatta te lage. Nan 1963, li te vin premye premye minis la nan yon konte endepandan. - Ho Chi Minh - Vyetnam Vyetnam te te dirije ak enperyalis franse depi mitan ane 1800 yo-. Pandan Dezyèm Gè Mondyal, Japonè yo te sezi kontwòl nan Vyetnam soti nan franse a. Vietminh a (Lig pou Endepandans la nan Vyetnam), yon alyans nan nasyonalis ak gwoup Kominis la, t'ap goumen Japonè a okipe. Apre defèt Japon! A nan Dezyèm Gè Mondyal la, franse a te espere reprann Vyetnam. Olye de sa, Ho Chi Minh, ki se lidè Vietminh a, te deklare Vyetnam gratis. Bat yo Vietminh a, franse a abandone Vyetnam. Vyetnam te Lè sa a divize an yon nò kominis ak yon non- sid kominis. Ho Chi Minh te vin lidè nan North Vyetnam. Li sipòte kong lan Vyetnamn, yon gwoup rebèl kominis ki te eseye jete gouvènman Ameriken an-sipòte South Vietnamese. Nan 1975, Saigon, kapital la nan Vyetnam Sid, te tonbe nan Kominis yo. Peyi a te reyini anba kontwòl kominis ak Saigon te chanje non Ho Chi Minh City, nan onè nan lidè nan North Vyetnamyen ki te mouri sis ane anvan (1969).

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