The Collapse of CommunismI. The Collapse of Communism in the Soviet Un traduction - The Collapse of CommunismI. The Collapse of Communism in the Soviet Un Créole haïtien comment dire

The Collapse of CommunismI. The Col

The Collapse of Communism
I. The Collapse of Communism in the Soviet Union (1991)
A) Between 1989 and 1991, the Cold War ended and Communism disappeared from Europe.

B) Mikhail Gorbachev
1) He was the Soviet leader who helped bring an end to Communism in the Soviet Union.

2) Perestroika
a) This was a program in which Gorbachev changed the economy of the Soviet Union from a communist/command economy (where the government owns and operates businesses) to a market/capitalist/free enterprise economy (where individuals own and operate businesses.)

3) Glasnost
a) This was a program in which Gorbachev allowed freedom of speech within the Soviet Union.
b) It was a major step towards democracy in the Soviet Union.

C) Boris Yeltsin
1) He was the first democratically elected president in the history of Russia

II. The Collapse of Communism in Germany (1989)
A) Throughout the Cold War, Germany had been divided into two nations: West Germany (a democratic country) and East Germany (a communist country controlled by the Soviet Union).

B) 1989-The Berlin Wall (the symbol of the Cold War) was finally torn down. This symbolized the end of the Cold War and the end of Communism.

C) 1990-West Germany and East Germany were reunited to form one democratic country.

Recent Issues and Concerns
I. Ethnic Conflicts
A) Currently, there are many areas of the world where there is tension between ethnic groups. Some examples include the following:
1) Palestinians are fighting the Jews for more control over the Holy Land in the Middle East.
2) Tibet is a Buddhist region that wants independence (self-government) from China.
3) Catholics and Protestants have fought for control of Northern Ireland.
4) Muslims in Pakistan and Hindus in India both claim control over the region called Kashmir.
5) Serbs, Croatians, and Muslims have battled for control over the Balkans (southeastern Europe).
6) The Kurds are a group of people who are scattered throughout areas of Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. They want to create their own nation called
7) Chechnya is a Muslim region that has used terrorism to gain independence from Russia.

II. Environmental Problems
A) Ozone Layer
1) Small layer of gases in the atmosphere that absorbs the sun’s ultraviolet rays and protects us from skin cancer.
2) Currently being destroyed by chemicals due to pollution.
3) Demonstrates a need for stricter pollution laws throughout the world.

B) Acid Rain
1) Rain that contains chemicals due to pollution.
2) Demonstrates a need for stricter pollution laws throughout the world.

C) Deforestation
1) Elimination of rainforests in Brazil (Amazon Basin), Costa Rica, and the Congo (in Central Africa).
2) Are we destroying possible cures for cancer and AIDS?

D) Desertification
1) Change from arable (fertile) land to desert. Causes include deforestation and overgrazing.
2) Especially a concern in the Sahel (region south of the Sahara Desert in Africa).

E) Chernobyl
1) Nuclear disaster in Ukraine (a republic of the Soviet Union) in 1986.
2) Thousands exposed to radiation/cancer.

F) Greenhouse Effect
1) Trapping of warm air in the atmosphere (leads to global warming).
2) Caused by chemicals (like carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere.
3) Could lead to flooding of coastal areas.

G) Solutions
1) Kyoto Protocol (1997)- International agreement calling for a decrease in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses from the 1990 levels.

III. Science and Technology
A) Green Revolution
1) The term Green Revolution refers to the use of technology to increase the food supply (began in the 1960s).
2) Methods included improved irrigation, machinery, fertilizer, pesticides, and better seeds and livestock.
3) The Green Revolution has helped increase food production and decrease hunger in areas of Asia, Latin America, and Africa.
NOTE: The Green Revolution has been especially successful in India.

B) Nuclear Proliferation
1) Nuclear proliferation refers to the spread of nuclear technology to countries that do not currently posses them.
2) Although nuclear technology can be used to develop energy (i.e. electricity), at the same technology can also be used to create nuclear weapons.

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
Disparisyon sistèm kominisKraponnen disparisyon sistèm kominis nan Inyon Sovyetik (1991)UN) ant 1989 Et 1991, lagè fwèt la te fini ak sistèm kominis ki te disparèt sòti de Ewop. B) la Mikayèl Gòbatchèv 1) li te genyen lidè Sovyetik la ki te ede pote yon fen a sistèm kominis nan Inyon Sovyetik la. 2) perestroika a) sa se te yon pwogram nan ki Mikayèl Gòbatchèv tounen vin jwenn Bondye ekonomi an de Inyon Sovyetik la an de yon ekonomi kominis/kòmand (kote gouvènman an est ak opere biznis yo kap) pou yon ekonomi mache/sistèm kapitalis la kòm/lib antrepwiz (kote moun ki posede ak opere biznis yo kap.) 3) glasnost a) sa te yon pwogram nan ki Mikayèl Gòbatchèv pèmèt libète lapawòl nan Inyon Sovyetik la. b) se te yon gwo pa nan direksyon pou demokrasi a nan Inyon Sovyetik la. C) Boris Yeltsin 1) li te genyen pwemye pwezidan ki te eli demokratikman nan istwa peyi LawisiII. A disparisyon sistèm kominis nan peyi Almay (1989) UN) atravè lagè fwèt la, Almay t te pran yo an de nasyon yo: peyi Lwès Almay (yon demokratik peyi) Et Almay de lès (yon peyi kominis la ki te kontwole pa Inyon Sovyetik la an). B) 1989-a mi (la senbòl lagè Fwad) te tounen a la fen. Sa symbolisé fen gè fwad la ak tou sa li sistèm kominis. C) 1990-West Germany ak Almay de lès te reyini pou fòme yon demokratik peyi.Dènye kesyon Et PréoccupationsTou konfli etnikUN) aktyèlman, gen yen plizyè zòn nan mond lan kote ki genyen tansyon ant gwoup etnik yo. Kèk egzanp inclure la suivantes: 1) palestinyen ap goumen jwif yo pou plis kontwòl sou peyi Bondye a nan Mwayen Oryan. 2) Tibet se yon rejyon Boudis ki vle endepandans li (l') nan men Lachin. 3) Katolik Et Protèstan ont kap goumen pou pwan kontwòl Iland di Nò. 4) Mizilman ki nan Pakistan Et Aux nan peyi Zend les reklame kontwòl sou rejyon an te rele Kashmir. 5) Sèb yo, ont, e mouzlèm ont te batay pou kontwole (Sidès Europe), le Balkan an. 6) Kurdes yo se yon gwoup moun kap sont dispersés tout zòn peyi Turkey, Irak, ak Iran. Yo vle kreye nasyon yo te rele Kurdistan. 7) Tchétchénie se yon rejyon Mizilman ki te itilize teworis vin pi endepandans li nan men Larisi.II. anviwònman pwoblèm Yon) Ozone ouch 1) ouch ti de gaz nan atmosfè ki absorbe rayons reyon solèy la epi pwoteje nou kansè sou po. 2) aktyèlman ap detwi pa pwodwi chimik yo dwe polisyon. 3) montre yon nesesite pou sevèr lwa polisyon atravè lemond. B) lapli asid 1) lapli ki gen ladann pwodwi chimik yo dwe polisyon. 2) montre yon nesesite pou sevèr lwa polisyon atravè lemond. C) la 1) eliminasyon de forêts nan Brezil (Amazon du), Costa Rica, ak Kongo a (an Afrik santral). 2) sont nou bagay remèdes posib pou kansè ak SIDA? D) la 1) chanje de èkta (anpil) tè pou du. Gwo zafè inclure la Et le. 2) èspesyalman yon pwoblèm nan a Sahel (rejyon sid dezè Sahara an Afwik). E) Chernobyl 1) nikleyè ozanviwon de dezas Ikrèn (yon Repiblik Inyon Sovyetik la) an 1986. 2) Des an kontak avè l tretman ak maladi kansè. F) mezon enfimyè Effet 1) recouvrement lè cho nan atmosfè a (kondwi a global, t' ap chofe kò). 2) koze pa pwodwi chimik yo (tankou kabòn) nan atmosfè a. 3) ta ka mennen inondations zòn côtières. G) solisyon yo 1) Kyoto pwotokòl (1997)-entènasyonal akò ap rele pou yon bès nan kabòn Et gasses serre lòt nan ki nivo 1990. MALAD. syans, teknoloji Yon) Green revolisyon 1) tèm a revolisyon Green se pou itilize teknoloji pou ogmante pwovisyon manje (a nan lane 1960). 2) metòd gen ladan yo amelyore irigasyon, machin, angrè, pestisid, ak pi bon grenn ak bèt vivan. 3) revolisyon Green an ki te ede ogmante pwodiksyon manje Et réduire grangou nan zòn nan Azi, Amerik Latin ak Afwik. NOTE: Revolisyon Green an te gen espesyalman siksè nan peyi Zend. B) pwopagasyon nikleyè 1) pwopagasyon nikleyè an relasyon a gaye de nikleyè teknoloji a peyi yo kap fè pa aktyèlman peut yo. 2) atravè nikleyè teknoloji ka itilize pou devlope enèji (c'est-à-dire elèktrisite), nan menm teknoloji a kapab tou pou itilize pou kreye zam nikleyè yo.
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
Tonbe nan kominis
I. Tonbe nan kominis nan Inyon Sovyetik (1991)
A) Ant 1989 ak 1991, Lagè Fwad la te fini ak kominis disparèt nan Ewòp. B) Mikhail Gorbachev 1) Li te lidè a Sovyetik ki te ede mete yon fen nan kominis nan Inyon Sovyetik . 2) Perestroika a) Sa a te yon pwogram nan kote Gorbachev chanje ekonomi an nan Inyon Sovyetik ki sòti nan yon ekonomi kominis / lòd (kote gouvènman an posede epi opere biznis) nan yon ekonomi de mache / kapitalis / lib antrepriz (kote moun posede ak opere biznis yo.) 3) glasnòs a) Sa a te yon pwogram nan kote Gorbachev pèmèt libète lapawòl nan Inyon Sovyetik. b) Se te yon gwo etap nan direksyon pou demokrasi nan Inyon Sovyetik. C) Boris Yeltsin 1) Li te premye eli demokratikman an prezidan nan istwa a nan Larisi II. Tonbe nan kominis nan Almay (1989) A) Nan tout Gè Fwad la, Almay te divize an de nasyon: West Almay (yon peyi demokratik) ak Almay Lès (yon peyi kominis kontwole pa Inyon Sovyetik). B) 1989-la Mi Bèlen (senbòl la nan Lagè Fwad la) te finalman kraze nèt vide atè. Sa a senbolize nan fen Lagè Fwad la ak nan fen kominis. C) 1990-West Almay ak Almay Lès te reyini yo fòme yon peyi demokratik. Pwoblèm Recent ak Enkyetid I. Etnik Konfli A) Kounye a, gen anpil zòn nan mond lan kote ki gen tansyon ant gwoup etnik yo. Men kèk egzanp sa a se: 1). Palestinyen yo ap goumen jwif yo pou plis kontwòl sou Tè Sent la nan Mwayen Oryan an 2) Tibet se yon rejyon Boudis ki vle endepandans (pwòp tèt ou-gouvènman an) soti nan Lachin. 3) katolik ak pwotestan te goumen pou kontwòl nan Northern Ireland. 4) Mizilman nan Pakistan ak Endou nan peyi Zend tou de kontwòl reklamasyon sou rejyon an rele Kashmir. 5) Sèb, Kwoasyen, ak Mizilman yo te batay pou kontwòl sou Balkan yo ak nan (sidès Ewòp). 6) Kid yo se yon gwoup moun ki yo gaye nan tout zòn nan peyi Turkey, Irak, ak Iran. Yo vle yo kreye pwòp peyi yo rele kurd. 7) Chechenya se yon rejyon Mizilman ki te itilize teworis jwenn endepandans li nan men Larisi. II. Anviwonman Pwoblèm A) Ozòn Kouch 1) Ti kouch gaz nan atmosfè a ki absòbe reyon iltravyolè solèy la ak pwoteje nou soti nan kansè po. 2) Kounye a ke yo te detwi pa pwodwi chimik akòz polisyon. 3) Demontre yon bezwen pou sevè lwa polisyon nan tout la lemonn. B) Lapli asid 1) Lapli ki gen pwodwi chimik akòz polisyon. 2) Demontre yon bezwen pou sevè lwa polisyon nan tout mond. C nan ) Debwazman 1) Eliminasyon nan fore nan peyi Brezil (Amazon Basen), Costa Rica, ak Kongo a (nan Afrik santral). 2) Èske nou detwi gerizon posib pou kansè nan ak SIDA? D) Dezètifikasyon 1) Chanjman nan arab (fètil) peyi yo dezè. Kòz gen ladan debwazman ak surpaturaj. 2) Espesyalman yon enkyetid pou nou nan saelyèn (rejyon an nan sid dezè a Sahara nan Lafrik di). E) Chernobyl 1) dezas Nikleyè nan Ikrèn (yon repiblik nan Inyon Sovyetik) nan 1986. 2) Dè milye ekspoze a radyasyon / kansè. F) Greenhouse Efè 1) pyèj nan lè cho nan atmosfè a (mennen nan rechofman planèt la). 2) Aparey Okazyone Pa pwodwi chimik (tankou gaz kabonik) nan atmosfè a. 3) Te kapab mennen nan inondasyon nan zòn kotyè. G) Solutions 1) Kyoto pwotokòl (1997) - Creole akò rele pou yon diminisyon nan gaz kabonik ak lòt gaz lakòz efè tèmik nan nivo yo 1990. III. Syans ak Teknoloji A) Green Revolisyon 1) Tèm nan Revolisyon Vèt refere a itilize nan teknoloji nan ogmante rezèv la manje (te kòmanse nan ane 1960 yo). 2) Metòd enkli amelyore irigasyon, machin, angrè, pestisid, ak pi bon grenn ansanm ak tout bèt. 3) Revolisyon Vèt la ki te ede ogmante pwodiksyon manje ak diminye grangou nan zòn nan nan pwovens Lazi, Amerik Latin nan, ak Lafrik. REMAK: Revolisyon Vèt la te espesyalman siksè nan peyi Zend. B) Nikleyè proliferasyon 1) pwopagasyon nikleyè refere a gaye nan nikleyè teknoloji nan peyi ki pa kounye a posèd yo. 2) Malgre ke ka teknoloji nikleyè dwe itilize yo devlope enèji (sa vle di elektrisite), nan teknoloji a menm kapab tou gen pou itilize yo kreye zam nikleyè.

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