12. During the Indian independence movement, the activity shown in thi traduction - 12. During the Indian independence movement, the activity shown in thi Créole haïtien comment dire

12. During the Indian independence

12. During the Indian independence movement, the activity shown in this photograph inspired the Indian people to
(1) stop buying British goods (2) reject Muslim rule
(3) join the Indian army (4) expand British textile manufacturing

13. Mohandas Gandhi is most closely associated with the
(1) support of violence and terrorism to end British rule
(2) desire to strengthen the caste system
(3) use of civil disobedience to gain political freedom
(4) establishment of a national religion in India

14. Which heading best completes the partial outline below?
I. _________________________________
A. Unification of Italy
B. Formation of the Indian National Congress
C. Founding of the Muslim League D. Breakup of Austria-Hungary

(1) Tensions of the Cold War (2) Effects of Nationalism
(3) Causes of World War II (4) Results of Economic Revolutions

15. “Gandhi Calls for Boycott of British Textiles”
“Gandhi and Followers Complete March to the Sea”
“Gandhi Begins Hunger Fast”

These headlines reflect Gandhi’s belief in
(1) nonalignment (3) appeasement (2) isolationism (4) nonviolence

16. “. . . Passive resistance is a method of securing rights by personal suffering, it is
the reverse of resistance by arms. When I refuse to do a thing that is repugnant
[objectionable] to my conscience, I use soul-force. For instance, the Government
of the day has passed a law which is applicable to me. I do not like it. If by using
violence I force the Government to repeal the law, I am employing what may be
termed body force. If I do not obey the law and accept the penalty for its breach,
I use soul-force. It involves sacrifice of self. . . .”
Source: M.K.Gandhi, Indian Home Rule, Navajivan Publishing

This statement reflects the belief that individuals
(1) have no control over events
(2) can influence events by following moral guidelines
(3) must use violence to influence events
(4) can influence events by using military force

17. “Moral results can only be obtained through moral restraints.” — Mohandas Gandhi
This quotation best represents the policy of
(1) westernization (2) neutrality (3) balance of power (4) passive resistance

18. Which situation contributed to the success of Mohandas Gandhi’s campaign of civil disobedience in India?
(1) Pakistan and Bangladesh were involved in civil wars.
(2) The United States came to Gandhi’s aid with food and clothing.
(3) Sikhs and Muslims wanted to create a new nation.
(4) Great Britain was weakened by World War II.

18. Statement 1: “This organization is created for the purpose of realizing the national ideal: the union of all Serbs.” — Bylaws of the Black Hand

Statement 2: “. . . people . . . would think themselves happier even under their bad
government than they might be under the good government of a foreign power.” — Mohandas Gandhi

Statement 3: “. . . above all, we want Germany to be considered one land and the
German people one people.” -- Heinrich von Gagern, The Call for German Unity

Statement 4: “We ardently wish to free Italy from foreign rule. We agree that we must put aside all petty differences in order to gain this most important goal. We wish to drive out the foreigners not only because we want to see our country powerful and glorious, but also because we want to elevate the Italian people in intelligence and moral development.” — Count Camillo di Cavour

The foreign power referred to in Statement 2 is
(1) Russia (2) Brazil (3) Great Britain (4) Japan
19. Which idea is expressed by all the statements?
(1) War is a means of achieving national policies.
(2) Industrial growth is critical to a country’s prosperity.
(3) Social class differences are the source of all conflicts.
(4) Self-determination of the people is an important goal.

20. “It has impoverished the dumb millions by a system of progressive exploitation. . . . It has reduced us politically to serfdom. It has sapped the foundation of our culture . . . and degraded us spiritually.” — Mohandas K. Gandhi, 1930

In the statement, the “It” referred to by Gandhi is
(1) British imperialism in India
(2) India’s involvement in World War II
(3) the exploitation of the proletariat by the bourgeoisie
(4) the British endorsement of apartheid in South Africa

21. One similarity in the unification of Italy, the Zionist movement, and the breakup of the Ottoman Empire was that each was influenced by
(1) humanism (2) polytheism (3) nationalism (4) imperialism

22. Which statement is the most appropriate heading for the partial outline below?
I. _________________________________
A. Atatürk and nationalists overthrow sultan
B. Secular constitution adopted
C. Women granted the right to vote and hold office
D. Government funds industrial programs

(1) Turkish Republic Established (2) Islamic Fundamentalism Increases
(3) Constantinople Falls (4) Turks Capture Jerusalem

23. Which name would best complete this partial outline?
I. African Nationalists of the 20th Century
A. Leopold Senghor B. Jomo Kenyatta
C. Julius Nyerere D. _________________________________

(1) Atatürk [Mustafa Kemal] (2) Ho Chi Minh
(3) José de San Martín (4) Kwame Nkrumah

24. Which action is most closely associated with Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal)?
(1) beginning the Zionist movement
(2) starting the Palestine Liberation Organization
(3) using Western practices to modernize Turkey
(4) enforcing Islamic law

25. One way in which Peter the Great and Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal) are similar is that they sought to
(1) gain a warm-water port (2) adopt western-style reforms
(3) limit the role of women in society (4) return to traditional values

26. One similarity in the unification of Italy, the Zionist movement, and the breakup of the Ottoman Empire was that each was influenced by
(1) humanism (2) polytheism (3) nationalism (4) imperialism

27. In the 1920s and 1930s, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk changed the Turkish government by (1) introducing democratic reforms (2) increasing the power of the sultan
(3) supporting absolutism (4) incorporating religious teachings into civil law

28. “A civilized, international dress is worthy and appropriate for our nation, and we will wear it. Boots or shoes on our feet, trousers on our legs, shirt and tie, jacket and waistcoat—and of course, to complete these, a cover with a brim on our heads. I want to make this clear. This head-covering is called ‘hat’.” — Kemal Atatürk

The clothing rules established by Kemal Atatürk indicated that he wanted Turkey to
(1) retain its traditional culture (2) westernize its society
(3) give women equal rights (4) establish Islamic fundamentalism

29. Kemal Atatürk’s efforts to modernize Turkish culture were most strongly opposed by (1) Indian nationalists (2) republicans
(3) industrialists (4) religious forces

30. One way in which Sun Yat-sen and Kemal Atatürk were similar is that each
(1) led a nationalist movement in his country
(2) rejected violence as a way to gain political power
(3) supported Marxist political principles
(4) promoted a society ruled by religious leaders

De: -
Vers: -
Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
12. pandan ke mouvman endepandans Endyen, aktivite a te montre foto sa a nan sa te enspire cho Endyen moun yo pou yo (1) sispann! / rete ap achte marchandises Anglè (2) rejete Mizilman t' ap mache sou(3) antre nan lame Endyen (4) elaji manifakti textile Anglè 13. Mohandas Gandhi pi kole ak asosye avèk a (1) sipò de vyolans Et teworis jerans Britanik lan fin (2) vle pou fòtifye sistèm nan fanmi wayal (3) utiliser de dezobeyisans sivil pran libète politik (4) etablisman yon relijyon nasyonal nan peyi Zend 14. sa position meyè konplete pasyèl plan ki pi ba?I. _________________________________ Aiyalam inifikasyon ke ItaliB fòmasyon Endyen kongrè nasyonalC fondateur de la Dissolution Mizilman lig D. de Austria-Hungary(1) tansyon fredi lagè (2) efè nasyonalism(3) gwo zafè gè MONDYAL (4) rezilta yo de Tours ekonomik 15. "Gandhi fè yon apèl pou yo bòykote Britanik tekstil" "Gandhi ak disip nèt sou tout pwen mwa Mas pou lanmè a" "Gandhi kòmanse grangou vit"Titres sa reflete Gandhi yo ki kwè nan (1) nonalignment (3) apaisement nonviolence (2) Izolatè (4)16. “. . . Rezistans passif se yon metòd de sécurisation dwa pa pèsonèl pa bon,a inverse rezistans pa bra yo. Lè mwen refize pou fè yon bagay sa a se repiyan[répréhensible] pou konsyans mwen, mwen sèvi ak nanm-fòs. Pa ekzanp, nan gouvènman anjounen an ki te pase yon lwa ki aplikab pou m. M pa renmen l. Si itilizevyolans mwen fòs gouvènman an veto li pou anile lalwa Moyiz la, se mwen menm ki qui sa ki ka konsiderel'on kò fòs. Si mwen pa obeyi lalwa Moyiz la ak aksepte pèn pou violation li,Mwen sèvi ak nanm-fòs. Li enplike sakrifis engra.... " Sous: M.K.Gandhi, règle Indian kay, Navajivan PublicationDeklarasyon sa a reflete a kwè sa personnes (1) gen ankenn kontwòl sou evènman yo (2) kapab enfliyanse evènman pou gid moral (3) dwe itilize vyolans pou enfliyanse evènman yo (4) kapab enfliyanse evènman yo itilize fòs militè 17. "rezilta moral yo kapab sèlman être obtenus par moral restrictions." — Mohandas GandhiPi bon prix sa a repwezante politik (1) westernization (2) neutralité (3) balans pouvwa (4) passif rezistans18. ki sitiyasyon a pou siksè kanpay Mohandas Gandhi de dezobeyisans sivil nan peyi Zend? (1) Pakistan Et Bangladèch te patisipe nan gè sivil. (2) a nan Etazini te vini pou èd Gandhi an ak manje ak rad ki te sou.(3) Sikhs Et Mizilman yo te vle kreye yon nouvo nasyon.(4) Grann Bretay te emèfle pa gè MONDYAL.18. deklarasyon 1: "òganizasyon sa a te kreye l ' al réaliser ideal nasyonal la: Inyon an de tout Sèb yo." — Règlements de men l ' nwaDeklarasyon 2: "...... moun ta ka panse yo menm sou yo nan move zak gouvènman an ke yo te ka anba bon gouvènman an de yon etranje pouvwa."— Mohandas GandhiDeklarasyon 3: "... pi wo tout, nou vle Almay pou konsidere kòm yon peyi Et la Alman moun yon sèl pèp."­ Heinrich von Gagern, rele a pou inite AlmanDeklarasyon 4: "nou ardently swete pou libere Itali de etranje ki t' ap mache sou. Nou dakò ke nou dwe mete akote tout petite diferans pou ou kapab genyen ki pi enpòtan atenn objektif sa a. Nou swete pou li kondi soti etranje yo pa sèlman paske nou vle wè peyi nou pwisan Et glwa, men tou paske nou vle élever Italyen yo nan sèvis entèlijans Et moral devlòpman."— konte Camillo depo CavourPouvwa etranje a di nan deklarasyon 2 se (1) Larisi (2) Brezil (3) Grann Bretay (4) Japon 19. ki konnen te eksprime pa tout deklarasyon yo? (1) sòlda se yon mwayen ede politik nasyonal. (2) croissance endistriyèl pou pwosperite yon peyi. (3) diferans nan klas sosyal sont sous la de tout konfli. (4) l' pèp la se yon objektif enpòtan. 20. "li te pòv sòt dè milyon pa yon sistèm de eksplwatasyon pwogresif.... Li te redwi nou politik pou and. Li te sapped fondasyon de kilti nou... Et dégradation nou spirituelle."— Mohandas Kollagunta Gandhi, 1930Nan deklarasyon an, a "l" te endike ke Gandhi se(1) l' Britanik nan peyi Zend(2) participation Zend lan nan gè MONDYAL (3) a kap fè eksplwatasyon sou Pwoletè pa bourgeoisie a (4) la siyen Britannique de apated nan Afrik di sid 21. yon similitude nan a inifikasyon Itali, mouvman Sioniste an ak rupture de disparisyon anpi Ottoman an te genyen pou chak te enfliyanse tèren yo (1) humanism (2) polytheism (3) nasyonalism (4) l' 22. deklarasyon kote se la dirèksyon ki pi apwopwiye pou pasyèl plan ki pi ba?I. _________________________________ Aiyalam Atatürk Et nasyonalis jete sultan B eksklizyon konstitisyon an te adopte C, fanm kou gason, ki bay dwa pou vote Et kenbe biwo D. gouvènman an lajan pwogram endistriyèl yo(1) Repiblik peyi Turkey te etabli (2) Islamik fondamantalis yo ogmante sa (3) Iles Falls Constantinople (4) pran lavil Jerizalèm 23. non ki pwal konplete meyè plan pasyèl sa a?Kraponnen nasyonalis Afriken 20tyèm syèk la Aiyalam Léopold Senghor b Jomo Kenyatta C Julius Nyerere D. ___(1) Atatürk [Kemal ke Mustafa] (2) Hô Chi-Minh- (3) José de San Martín (4) Kwame Nkrumah 24. aksyon ki pi kole ak asosye avèk Atatürk (ke Mustafa Kemal)? (1) kòmanse ke mouvman Sioniste (2) kòmanse òganizasyon Liberasyon Palestine (3) ap itilize rejyon lwès pwatik pou modènize peyi Turkey(4) Application lwa Islamik 25. yon sèl chemen Pyè ki gwo ak Atatürk (ke Mustafa Kemal) se menm jan an se ke yo te ap chache pou (1) pwofi warm-dlo yon pò (2) adopte peyi rejyon lwès ak stil refòm(3) fwontyè wòl fanm nan sosyete (4) retounen pou valè tradisyonèl 26. yon similitude nan a inifikasyon Itali, mouvman Sioniste an ak rupture de disparisyon anpi Ottoman an te genyen pou chak te enfliyanse tèren yo (1) humanism (2) polytheism (3) nasyonalism (4) l' 27. nan les années Et années, ke Mustafa Kemal Atatürk tounen vin jwenn Bondye gouvènman peyi Turkey an pa (1) présentation refòm demokratik (2) rèy sultan a (3) en sistèm absoli (4) enkòporamman ansèyman relijye nan lwa sivil 28. "yon rad yo te sivilize, entènasyonal ki merite Et apwopriye pou nasyon nou. nou yo dwe pote l. Bòt nan komansman ou mete sapat nan pye nou, pantalon sou nou janm, chemiz Et mare, veste Et UN — Et de kou, pou konplete sa yo, yon lòt kouvèti ak yon rebò sou tèt nou. Mwen vle fè sa ou konnen. Tèt Sur sa a te rele 'chapo'."— Kemal AtatürkRad ki te sou lòd mwen te etabli pa Kemal Atatürk te endike ke li te vle peyi Turkey pou (1) conserver tradisyonèl li kilti (2) westernize li sosyete (3) pou fanm menm dwa (4) etabli fondamantalis Islamik 29. Kemal Atatürk efò pou modènize peyi Turkey kilti ki pi fortement te opoze pa nasyonalis (1) Endyen (2) Repibliken (3) fòs relijye industriels (4)30. yon sèl chemen nan solèy Yat-sen ki ak Kemal Atatürk te menm jan an se sa chak(1) te ap dirije yon mouvman nasyonalis nan peyi l(2) a vyolans kòm ke se yon fason pou pran pouvwa politik (3) te sipòte rebèl Marxist politik principes (4) monte yon sosyete a dapre chèf relijye yo
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
12. Pandan mouvman an endepandans Endyen, aktivite a montre nan foto sa a enspire moun yo Ameriken
(1) sispann achte machandiz Britanik (2) rejte règ Mizilman
(3) rantre nan lame a Ameriken (4) elaji twal Britanik fabrikasyon 13. Mohandas Gandhi ki pi asosye ak (1) sipò nan nan vyolans ak teworis nan fen règ Britanik (2) moun vle fè ranfòse sistèm kas (3) pou sèvi ak dezobeyisans sivil jwenn libète politik (4) kreyasyon yon relijyon nasyonal nan peyi Zend 14. Ki tit ki pi ale ak deskripsyon an pati ki anba a? I. _________________________________ A. Inifikasyon Itali B. Fòmasyon nan Ameriken Kongrè Nasyonal C. a Fondasyon nan separasyon an Mizilman Lig D. nan Otrich-Ongri (1) Tansyon nan Lagè Fwad la (2) Efè Nasyonalis (3) Kòz nan Dezyèm Gè Mondyal (4) Rezilta Revolisyon Ekonomik 15. "Gandhi apèl pou Bòykòt nan tekstil Britanik" "Gandhi ak disip Ranpli mas rive lanmè a" "Gandhi kòmanse grangou vit" Tit sa yo reflete kwayans Gandhi a an (1) non-aliyman (3) apezman (2) izolasyonis (4) san vyolans 16. ". . . Rezistans pasif se yon mwayen pou garanti dwa pa soufrans pèsonèl, li se ranvèse a nan rezistans pa zam. Lè m 'refize fè yon bagay ki repiyan [insuportabl] konsyans mwen, mwen itilize non-fòs. Pou egzanp, Gouvènman an te nan jounen an te pase yon lwa ki aplikab a mwen. Mwen pa renmen li. Si lè l sèvi avèk vyolans mwen fòse Gouvènman an anile lwa a, mwen itilize sa yo ka rele fòs kò. Si mwen pa obeyi lwa a epi aksepte penalite a pou vyolasyon li yo, mwen sèvi ak nanm-fòs. Sa enplike sakrifis pwòp tèt ou. . . . " Sous: MKGandhi, Indian Otonòm, Navajivan Piblikasyon Deklarasyon sa a reflete kwayans ki di moun (1) pa gen okenn kontwòl sou evènman (2) ka enfliyanse evènman pa swiv direktiv moral (3) dwe itilize vyolans gen enfliyans sou evènman (4) kapab enfliyanse evènman lè l sèvi avèk fòs militè 17. "Rezilta Moral kapab fèt sèlman jwenn nan restrictions moral." - Mohandas Gandhi sitasyon sa a pi byen reprezante politik la nan (1) oksidantalizasyon (2) netralite (3) balans nan pouvwa (4) rezistans pasif 18. Ki sitiyasyon kontribye nan siksè nan kanpay Mohandas Gandhi a nan dezobeyisans sivil nan peyi Zend? (1) Pakistan ak Bangladèch te enplike nan lagè sivil yo. (2) Etazini te rive nan èd Gandhi a ak manje ak rad. (3) sik ak Mizilman te yo kreye yon nouvo nasyon. (4) Grann Bretay te febli pa Dezyèm Gè Mondyal. 18. Deklarasyon 1: "Sa a se òganizasyon kreye nan bi pou yo ka akonpli ideyal nasyonal la: sendika a nan tout Sèb." - Règleman entèn nan Nwa men Deklarasyon an 2: ". . . moun. . . ta panse tèt yo pi kontan menm anba move yo gouvènman pase yo ta kapab anba gouvènman an bon nan yon pouvwa etranje "- Mohandas Gandhi. Deklarasyon 3: ". . . pi wo a tout, nou vle Almay yo dwe konsidere kòm youn peyi ak moun yo Alman yon sèl pèp. "- Heinrich von Gagern, Rele a pou German Inite Deklarasyon 4: "Nou Hardeman vle libere peyi Itali soti nan règ etranje yo. Nou dakò ke nou dwe mete sou kote tout diferans peti nan lòd yo jwenn objektif pi enpòtan sa a. Nou swete nan kondwi soti lòt nasyon yo pa sèlman paske nou vle wè peyi nou an pwisan ak bèl pouvwa, men tou, paske nou vle elve moun yo Italyen an nan entèlijans ak devlopman moral. "- Count Camillo Cavour di Pouvwa a etranje refere yo bay nan Deklarasyon 2 se (1) Larisi (2) Brezil (3) Grann Bretay (4) Japon 19. Se Ki lide eksprime tout deklarasyon sa yo? (1) Lagè se yon mwayen pou reyalize politik nasyonal la. (2) Endistriyèl kwasans se kritik nan pwosperite yon peyi a. (3) diferans klas Sosyal yo se sous la nan tout konfli. (4) Self -determination nan moun yo se yon objektif enpòtan. 20. "Li te gen pòv dè milyon yo bèbè pa yon sistèm nan eksplwatasyon pwogresif. . . . Li te redwi nou politikman sèvitid. Li te gen sapped fondasyon an nan kilti nou an. . . ak degrade nou espirityèlman. "- Mohandas K. Gandhi, 1930 Nan deklarasyon an, "Li" refere ak li avèk Gandhi se (1) enperyalis Britanik nan peyi Zend (2) patisipasyon peyi Zend a nan Dezyèm Gè Mondyal (3) eksplwatasyon an nan nan proletariat la pa boujwazi a (4) andòsman Britanik la an apated nan Lafrik di sid 21. Yon resanblans nan inifikasyon Itali a, mouvman an syonist, ak separasyon la nan disparisyon Anpi Ottoman an te ke chak te enfliyanse pa (1) imanis (2) politeyis (3) nasyonalis (4) enperyalis 22. Ki deklarasyon ki se tit ki pi apwopriye pou deskripsyon an pati ki anba a? I. _________________________________ A. Atatürk ak nasyonalis jete siltan B. Konstitisyon monden adopte C. Fi akòde dwa pou yo vote epi kenbe biwo D. Gouvènman finanse pwogram endistriyèl (1) turkish Repiblik Etabli (2) Islamik fondamantalis Ogmantasyon (3) Konstantinòp Falls (4) Il Tirk Capture lavil Jerizalèm 23. Ki non ta pi byen konplete sa a yon pati nan deskripsyon? I. Nasyonalis Afriken nan 20yèm syèk A. a Leopold Senghor B. Jomo Kenyatta C. Julius Nyerere D. _________________________________ (1) Atatürk [Mustafa Kemal] (2) Ho Chi Minh (3) José de San Martín (4) Kwame Nkrumah 24. Ki aksyon ki pi asosye ak Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal)? (1) kòmanse mouvman an syonist (2) kòmanse Òganizasyon Liberasyon Palestin (3) lè l sèvi avèk pratik Western modènize Latiki (4) ranfòse lwa Islamik 25. Yon fason Peter Legran a ak Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal) sanble sèke yo t'ap chache (1) genyen yon pò dlo cho (2) adopte refòm lwès-style (3) limite wòl fanm nan sosyete a (4) retounen nan valè tradisyonèl 26. Yon resanblans nan inifikasyon Itali a, mouvman an syonist, ak separasyon la nan disparisyon Anpi Ottoman an te ke chak te enfliyanse pa (1) imanis (2) politeyis (3) nasyonalis (4) enperyalis 27. Nan ane 1920 yo ak ane 1930, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk chanje gouvènman Tik la pa (1) entwodwi refòm demokratik (2) ogmante pouvwa a nan Sultan a (3) sipòte absolitis (4) incorporant ansèyman relijye nan lwa sivil 28. "Yon sivilize, rad entènasyonal se diy ak apwopriye pou nasyon nou an, epi nou pral mete li. Boots oswa soulye nan pye nou, pantalon sou pye nou an, chemiz ak kravat, levit ak vèst-ak nan kou, yo fini sa yo, yon kouvèti ak yon ra bouch sou tèt nou an. Mwen vle fè sa a klè. Sa a se tèt-kouvri yo rele 'chapo' "-. Kemal Atatürk Règ yo rad yo ki etabli pa Kemal Atatürk endike ke li te vle Latiki (1) kenbe kilti tradisyonèl li yo (2) oksidantalize sosyete li yo (3) bay fanm dwa egal (4) etabli Islamik fondamantalis 29. Efò Kemal Atatürk a modènize kilti Tik yo te pi fòtman opoze pa (1) nasyonalis Ameriken (2) Repibliken (3) endistriyalis (4) fòs relijye 30. Yon fason Sun Yat-sen ak Kemal Atatürk te sanble se ke chak (1) te mennen yon mouvman nasyonalis nan peyi l ' (2) rejte vyolans kòm yon fason jwenn pouvwa politik (3) sipòte prensip politik Maksis (4) ankouraje yon sosyete te dirije ak lidè relijye

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