• The mountainous topography (terrain) of Greece led to the creation o traduction - • The mountainous topography (terrain) of Greece led to the creation o Créole haïtien comment dire

• The mountainous topography (terra

• The mountainous topography (terrain) of Greece led to the creation of widely scattered settlements that developed into small, independent CITY-STATES.
(The mountainous terrain prevented the Greek city-states from uniting to form a single nation.)

• Greece’s IRREGULAR COASTLINE and many islands provided excellent HARBORS that encouraged SEAFARING TRADE.

(c) Africa
• The topography and climate of Africa has limited migration and economic development.
The presence of waterfalls (cataracts) and rapids slowed river travel. Highlands and steep cliffs limited exploration.
The large deserts that dominate the landscape of northern (the Sahara desert) and southern (the Kalahari desert) Africa slowed land travel. These areas receive less than ten inches of rainfall annually!

• These barriers (waterfalls, rapids, highlands, steep cliffs, deserts) delayed European colonization of central Africa (European investors were attracted to southern Africa and southeast Asia because of their NATURAL RESOURCES.)

• The variety of geographic barriers has also served to promote cultural diversity.

(d) India and Southeast Asia

• In India, Bangladesh, and much of Southeast Asia, agricultural productivity is affected by the seasonal monsoons.

• The history of India (including the Maurya Empire has been shaped by the monsoon cycle, the Himalaya Mountains, and the Indus River.

• In the 1500s and 1600s, control of the Strait of Malacca (located in Indonesia) determined who traded in the Spice Islands.

(e) 13th – 15th Italy
• Access to important trade routes was a major reason the Renaissance began in Italian cities. Italian city-states grew wealthy from trade between Europe and Asia during the Commercial Revolution. Wealthy patrons supported the arts and education, prompting the Renaissance.
• The favorable location of the city-states (Venice, Naples, Pisa, Genoa) along the Italian peninsula (Italy juts out into the Mediterranean Sea) was a major reason these city-states became thriving centers of trade during the Commercial Revolution.

•The cities in the Hanseatic League (in northern Europe) were successful during this era because they too were accessible by water (these cities bordered the North Sea and Baltic Sea in northern Europe).

• During the 1400s, the cities of VENICE (Italy), Constantinople (Byzantine Empire), and Canton (China) achieved prominence because their geographic locations were favorable for trade.

(f) the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire

• Constantinople (the capital of the Byzantine Empire) was a prosperous center of trade. Its strategic location (on the Bosporus Strait) gave the Byzantine Empire control of key trade routes between Europe and Asia.

• The Ottoman Turks conquered Constantinople in 1453. This event marked the end of the Byzantine Empire. The city of Constantinople (called Istanbul by the Turks) became the new capital of the Ottoman Empire. Ottoman control of the region caused the disruption of overland trade between Europe and Asia. This motivated Europeans (Spain and Portugal) to begin the Age of Exploration - an attempt to discover new overseas trade routes that would link Europe to the Spice Islands in the eastern world.

•The ability of the Ottoman Empire to expand its borders depended on its strategic location between Europe and Asia.

(g) Russia
• The topography and climate of Russia have caused Russian rulers (Peter the Great, Catherine the Great) to seek access to warm-water ports. Peter the Great established the warm-water port of St. Petersburg on the Baltic Sea.

• A strategic military error made by both Napoleon and Hitler was invading Russia with limited supply lines. Russia’s large size, geographic location, and climate (severe winters) prevented Napoleon and Hitler from seizing control of the country.

(h) Mesoamerica and South America
• South America’s economic and political development has been influenced by the Andes Mountains and the Amazon River. How?
These diverse landforms prevented Latin American unity, particularly during the era of the Latin American independence movements in the early 19th century.

•A study of Aztec, Maya, and Inca agricultural systems would show that these civilizations adapted to their environments with creative farming techniques
Mayas = slash and burn agriculture
Aztecs = chinampas (floating gardens)
Incas = terrace farming

• The Andes Mountains had a great influence on the development of the Inca Empire.

• The Inca adapted to their physical environment by building footbridges that connected their roads across the Andes Mountains.
One similarity between the Mongols of Central Asia and the Incas of South America was that both societies adapted to difficult physical environments (The Mongols adapted to the STEPPES and the Incas adapted to the Andes Mountains.)

(i) the Mongols, China, Korea, and Japan
• Japan is an archipelago (a chain of islands) with irregular coastlines. Irregular coastlines provide natural harbors that promote seafaring trade.

• Because Japan is mostly mountainous, people live in densely populated areas along the coast.

• The earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and typhoons experienced in Japan led to the development of the nature-based religion known as Shinto.

• Before the use of the Silk Road, the mountains (the Himalayan Mountains) and deserts (the Gobi Desert) in western and southwestern China slowed the exchange of ideas.
• Chinese ideas and practices spread into Korea and Japan.

• Korea is a peninsula that juts out from Asia between China and Japan. This location has caused Korea to function as a cultural bridge between China and Japan. It is also the reason Korea has been the victim of invasion and occupation by other nations.

• When Koreans call their land “a shrimp among whales,” they are referring to their location between powerful neighbors: Russia, China, and Japan.

• One similarity between the Mongols of Central Asia and the Incas of South America was that both societies adapted to difficult physical environments (The Mongols adapted to the STEPPES and the Incas adapted to the Andes Mountains.)

(k) Poland
• The northern European Plain has made Poland vulnerable to invasion. Poland lacks natural barriers (e.g. mountains, desert, water bodies) that serve as an impediment to invaders.

• One reason Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939 (This event marks the beginning of WWII) was successful is that Poland lacked natural barriers.

(j) the Middle East
• The continued importance of the Middle East to the global economy is based on its quantity of oil reserves.
• The Muslim world once extended from southern Spain, across northern Africa, occupying the Arabian penninsula to Southeast Asia.

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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
• A mòn topographie (tèren) peyi Lagrès te mennen kreyasyon lajman dispersés établissements ki devlope nan ti, endepandan CITY-STATES.(A tèren mòn prevni yon city-states grèk yo tou ki te vle pou fòme yon sèl nasyon.)CÔTE IRRÉGULIÈRE • grès e nan zile yo anpil te founi trè bon HARBORS ki ankouraje KOMÈS MARITIME.(c) Afrik• La topographie Et klima Afrik la limite imigrasyon ak devlòpman ekonomik. Pwezans rale (une) Et rapids te ralanti vwayaj bò larivyè Lefrat. Yo e falaises forte limite eksplorasyon. Gwo désert dominent jaden flè nan pati Nò (la Sahara pati kite) ak pati sid (a Kalahari pati kite) Afrika te ralanti peyi vwayaj. Zòn sa yo resevwa mwens ke dis pous lapli an!• Baryè sa yo (rale, rapids, highlands, falaises rèd, désert) an ta colonisation Ewopeyen an Afrik santral (envèstisè Ewopeyen yo te gen a pou Afwik di sid ak Asia poutèt resous NATIRÈL yo.)• Varyete de géographique baryè ki a tou pou ankouraje divèsite kiltirèl.(d) peyi Zend Et Azi di Disès• Nan peyi Zend, Bangladèch, ak anpil nan sidès Azi an, agrikòl pwodwisite touche monsoons sezon yo.• Istwa peyi Zend (, anpi Maurya an te fòme pa ik mousson a, mòn yo Himalaya yo, ak Indus bò larivyè Lefrat la.• Nan 1500s la Et tonb, kontwòl de la kanal de Malacca (sitiye nan Endonezi) te detèmine ki komèsyal nan zile Karayib yo gayak.(e) Itali 13zyèm-15th• Aksè pou wout enpòtan komès yo te genyen yon pi gwo rezon renesans la te kòmanse nan vil Italyen yo. Italyen an city-states a rich nan komès ant an Ewòp ak asie pandan revolisyon komèsyal la. Rich clients en divinò ak edikasyon, vous renesans a.•, Ki kote favorab de city-states (Venice, Naples, Pisa, Genoa) nan Italyen péninsule (Itali juts soti nan lanmè Mediterane an) li te genyen yon pi gwo rezon city-states sa yo, ki moute nan bòl li sant de komès pandan revolisyon komèsyal la.' Vil yo nan lig hanse la (nan pati Nò Ewop) te pote anpil siksè pandan peryòd sa a paske yo tou te aksesib a avèk dlo (vil sa yo aréolées a lanmè nò a ak lanmè Baltic nan pati Nò Ewop).• Pandan 1400s lan, vil yo VENICE (Itali), Constantinople (Byzantine Empire) ak Canton (Lachin) te rive fè importance paske emplacements géographiques yo te favorab pou komès.(f) anpi an Byzantine ak disparisyon anpi Ottoman an• Constantinople (kapital peyi a Empire Byzantine) li te genyen yon yon sant komèsyal. Èstratejik kote yo ye (nan kanal Bosporus) ki te bay kontwòl Byzantine Empire kle komès wout yo ant an Ewòp ak asie.• Turks Ottoman an a Constantinople nan 1453. Evènman sa a te make tou sa anpi Byzantine an. Nan vil Constantinople (yo rele Istanbul pa Turks yo) est nouvo kapital peyi disparisyon anpi Ottoman an. Kontwòl Ottoman rejyon an te koze interruption de rejwen komès ant an Ewòp ak asie. Sa te motive Ewopeyen (Lèspay ak Pòtigal) kòmanse a laj de eksplorasyon - yon tantativ pou jwenn nouvo à komès wout ki ta Lien Europe pou zile gayak yo nan pati lès mond lan.Abilite ' anpi Ottoman an pou elaji fontyè li dépend sou èstratejik kote yo ye ant an Ewòp ak asie.(g) Larisi• La topographie Et klima Larisi te koze Russe chèf (Peter grannèg, Catherine gran) pou chache aksè a pò warm-dlo. Peter grannèg te etabli a warm-dlo port de Saint Petersburg sou lanmè Baltic.• Yon estrateji militè erreur boule nan Napoleon Et Hitler te il Lawisi ak ekipman pou limite lignes. Wis la taille laj, kote géographique, Et klima (sevè winters) a Napoleon Et Hitler de saisir kontwòl nan peyi a.(h) Mesoamerica Et Amerik di sid laDevlòpman • Amerik di sid la nan ekonomik ak politik ki te pwofondman pa mòn Andes Et Amazon bò larivyè Lefrat la. Kijan?Relief divès sa yo a nan Amerik Latin nan inite, patikilyèman pandan peryòd mouvman nan Amerik Latin nan endepandans yo nan syèk 19 byen bonè la.• Etid Aztèk, Maya ak Inca sistèm agrikòl ta montre ke civilisations sa yo pou yo environnements ak teknik l' kreyatifMayas = dechikete Et boule agrikilti Aztecs = chinampas (flotan jaden) Incas = terrace agriculture• Andes mòn yo te gen yon gwo enfliyans sou devlopman anpi Inca an.• Inca l' adapter pou anviwònman fizik yo bati footbridges ki konekte wout yo atravè mòn Andes.Yon sèl similitude ant an Mongols nan Azi santral Et la Incas nan Amerik di sid la te genyen ke sosyete les adapter difisil fizik environnements (a Mongols pou ALI Et Incas pou mòn Andes.)(m) a Mongols, Lachin, Kore, ak Japon• Japon se yon gwoup zile (yon chenn zile yo) ak dat côtes. Dat côtes bay harbors natirèl pou pwomouvwa komès maritime.• Paske Japon pwèske mòn, moun ap viv nan zòn forte rempli nan kòt la.• A ebranle, éruptions vòlkan, tsunamis Et peuvent eksperyans nan Japon a pou devlòpman an nati ki gen baz relijyon ke yo rekonèt kòm Shinto.• Devan itilize swa wout la, (Himalayan mòn) mòn yo ak tout désert (a Gobi pati kite) nan lwès ak sidwès peyi Lachin te ralanti chanje lide.• Ide Chinwa ak pratik ki se nan Kore di ak Japon.• Kore di se yon zile ki juts soti nan pwovens Lazi ant peyi Lachin ak Japon. Kote sa a ki te koze Kore di pou travay kòm yon pon kiltirèl ant peyi Lachin ak Japon. Se tou a raison Kore di ki te viktim de envazyon Et okipasyon pase lòt nasyon yo.• Lè Coréens rele peyi yo a "yon kribich la nan mitan baleines", yo sont se pou tout kote yo ye ant gwo vwazen: Lawisi, Lachinn ak Japon.•, Yon sèl similitude ant an Mongols nan Azi santral Et la Incas nan Amerik di sid la te genyen ke sosyete les adapter difisil fizik environnements (a Mongols pou ALI Et Incas pou mòn Andes.)(k) Poland• Pati nò plenn Ewopeyen te Polòy vulnérables pou envazyon an. Poland pas natirèl baryè (pa egzanp lè w mòn yo, dezè, dlo kò) ki te sèvi kòm yon obstacle pou repouse anvayisè yo.Envazyon an • youn nan rezon Almay nan Polòy nan 1939 (evènman sa a make kòmansman de SECONDE) te yon reyisit se Polòy pas baryè natirèl.(j) bò solèy leve nan mitan• Kontinye anpil enpòtans Mwayen Oryan pou ekonomi mondyal an te baze sou li quantité de réserves lwil oliv.• A mond Mizilman une pwolonje nan zòn Sid peyi Espay, atravè rejyon Nò Afrik okipe an eklate penninsula Sidès Azi te di.
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
• relief nan montay (tèren) nan Lagrès te mennen nan kreyasyon an nan zòn lakòt yo lajman gaye ki te devlope nan ti, endepandan CITY-eta yo.
(Tèren an montay anpeche vil la eta yo-grèk soti nan inifikasyon yo fòme yon nasyon sèl.) • iregilye COASTLINE peyi Lagrès la ak zile anpil bay HARBORS ekselan ki ankouraje maritimes TRADE. (c) Lafrik di • relief a ak klima nan Lafrik di li te limite migrasyon ak devlopman ekonomik. Prezans nan kaskad dlo (katarat) ak Rapids ralanti vwayaj rivyè. Highlands ak falèz apik limite eksplorasyon. dezè yo gwo ki domine peyizaj la nan nò (dezè a Sahara) ak sid (dezè a Kalahari) Lafrik di ralanti vwayaj peyi. Zòn sa yo resevwa mwens pase dis pous lapli ki tonbe chak ane! • baryè sa yo (kaskad dlo, Rapids, mòn, falèz apik, dezè) reta kolonizasyon Ewopeyen nan Afrik santral (envestisè Ewopeyen an te atire Afrik di sid ak sidès Azi paske nan resous natirèl yo.) • Varyete a nan baryè jeyografik te gen tou te sèvi ankouraje divèsite kiltirèl. (d) Lend ak Azi Sidès • Nan peyi Zend, Bangladèch, ak anpil nan Azi Sidès, se pwodiktivite agrikòl ki afekte nan mousson yo sezon an. • Istwa a nan peyi Zend (ki gen ladan nan Anpi Maurya te gen fòm pa sik la mouason, mòn yo Himalaya, ak larivyè Lefrat la Indis. • Nan ane 1500 yo ak ane 1600, kontwòl nan kanal la nan Malezi (ki sitiye nan Endonezi) detèmine ki moun ki te fè kòmès nan Zile yo Spice. (e) 13 - 15 Itali • Aksè nan wout komès enpòtan te yon rezon ki fè gwo Renesans lan te kòmanse nan vil Italyen. eta-vil Italyen te grandi rich ki sòti komès ant Ewòp ak Azi pandan Revolisyon an Komèsyal. Patwon rich yo sipòte boza ak edikasyon, sa ki pouse Renesans la. • nan favorab kote nan eta yo ki nan lavil-(Venice, Naples, Piz, Genoa) ansanm penensil Italyen an (Itali juts deyò nan lanmè Mediterane a) te yon rezon ki fè gwo eta-vil sa yo te vin sant pwospere nan komès pandan Revolisyon an Komèsyal. • Lavil yo nan Lig la anseatik (nan pati nò Lewòp) yo te siksè pandan epòk sa a paske yo menm tou yo te aksesib pa dlo (lavil sa yo entoure Lanmè Nò ak Lanmè Baltik la nan nò Ewòp). • Pandan ane 1400 yo, lavil ki nan peyi VENICE (Itali), Konstantinòp (Bizanten Anpi), ak Canton (Lachin) reyalize importance paske kote jeyografik yo te favorab pou komès. (f) Anpi Bizanten an ak Otoman Anpi • Konstantinòp la (kapital la nan Anpi Bizanten an) se te yon sant gremesi nan komès. Kote estratejik li yo (sou Bosporus kanal la) te bay kontwòl la Bizanten Anpi nan wout komès kle ant Lewòp ak Lazi. • Tik Otoman yo konkeri Konstantinòp nan lane 1453. Evènman sa a make fen a nan Anpi Bizanten. Vil la nan Konstantinòp (yo rele Istanbul pa Il Tirk yo) te vin kapital la nouvo nan Anpi Ottoman an. Ottoman kontwòl nan rejyon an ki te koze dezòd la nan vwa terès komès ant Ewòp ak Azi. Sa a Ewopeyen motive (Espay ak Pòtigal) yo kòmanse Laj Eksplorasyon an -. Yon tantativ yo dekouvri nouvo wout komès lòt bò dlo ki ta lyen Ewòp nan zile yo Spice nan mond lan lès • Kapasite a nan disparisyon Anpi Ottoman an yo elaji fwontyè li yo depann sou li yo estratejik kote ant Ewòp ak Azi. (g) Larisi te • relief a ak klima nan Larisi ki te koze chèf Ris (Peter Legran a, Catherine Great a) al chache aksè a chofe-dlo pò. Peter Legran a te etabli pò a-dlo tyèd, nan St Petersburg sou Lanmè Baltik yo. • Yon erè militè estratejik te fè pa tou de Napoleon ak Hitler te anvayi Larisi ak liy alimantasyon ki limite. Gwo gwosè Larisi a, kote jeyografik, ak klima (sezon ivè grav) anpeche Napoleon ak Hitler nan sezisman kontwòl nan peyi a. (h) Mesoamerica ak Amerik di Sid te devlopman ekonomik ak politik • Amerik di Sid la te enfliyanse pa mòn yo andin ak larivyè Lefrat la Amazon. Ki jan? Sa yo fòm tè divès anpeche inite Amerik Latin nan, patikilyèman pandan epòk la nan mouvman yo ki nan Amerik Latin endepandans nan kòmansman 19yèm syèk la. • Yon etid sou Aztèk, Maya, ak Enka sistèm agrikòl ta montre ke sivilizasyon sa yo adapte ak anviwònman yo ak agrikilti kreyatif teknik maya = koupe ak boule agrikilti Aztèk = chinampas (jaden k ap flote) Enka = teras agrikilti • mòn yo andin te gen yon gwo enfliyans sou devlopman an nan Anpi Enka. • Enka a adapte nan anviwònman fizik yo pa bati pasrèl ki konekte wout yo atravè Mòn yo andin. Yon resanblans ant Mongòl yo nan Azi Santral ak Enka yo nan Amerik di Sid te ke tou de sosyete adapte ak anviwònman fizik difisil (Mongòl yo adapte yo ali yo ak Enka yo adapte yo mòn yo andin.) (mwen) Mongòl yo, Lachin, Kore, ak Japon • Japon se yon achipèl (yon chèn nan zile) ak litoral iregilye. Litoral iregilye bay pò natirèl ki ankouraje maritimes komès. • Paske Japon se sitou montaye, moun ki ap viv nan zòn peple sou kòt la. • tranblemanntè yo, eripsyon vòlkanik, tsoumani ak ouragan te gen eksperyans nan peyi Japon te mennen nan devlopman nan relijyon an ki baze nati- li te ye tankou Shinto. • Anvan itilize nan Wout Swa a, mòn yo (mòn yo Himalayan) ak dezè (dezè a Gobi) nan lwès ak sidwès Lachin ralanti echanj la nan lide. • lide Chinwa ak pratik gaye nan Kore di ak Japon. • Kore di se yon penensil ki juts soti soti nan pwovens Lazi ant Lachin ak Japon. Te kote sa a ki te koze Kore di fonksyone kòm yon pon kiltirèl ant Lachin ak Japon. Li se tou rezon ki fè yo Kore di te viktim nan nan envazyon ak okipasyon pa lòt nasyon yo. • Lè Koreyen rele peyi yo "yon kribich nan mitan balèn," yo ap refere li a kote yo ant vwazen pwisan:. Larisi, Lachin, ak Japon • Yon resanblans ant Mongòl yo nan Azi Santral ak Enka yo nan Amerik di Sid te ke tou de sosyete adapte ak anviwònman fizik difisil (Mongòl yo adapte yo ali yo ak Enka yo adapte yo mòn yo andin.) (k) Polòy • te Plain nan nò Ewopeyen te fè Polòy vilnerab a envazyon. Polòy manke baryè natirèl (egzanp mòn yo, dezè, kò dlo) ki sèvi kòm yon anpèchman ak anvayisè yo. • Youn nan rezon envazyon Almay la nan Polòy nan lane 1939 (Evènman sa a make kòmansman an nan GMII) te gen siksè se ke Polòy te manke baryè natirèl. (j ) Mwayen Oryan an • Enpòtans ki genyen kontinye nan Mwayen Oryan an nan ekonomi global la se ki baze sou kantite li yo nan rezèv lwil oliv. • mond lan Mizilman yo yon fwa pwolonje soti nan sid peyi Espay, atravè nò Lafrik di, okipe Penninsula nan Arabi sidès Lazi.

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