1. •Kushites adapted Egyptian art and architecture. •Greeks adopted Ph traduction - 1. •Kushites adapted Egyptian art and architecture. •Greeks adopted Ph Créole haïtien comment dire

1. •Kushites adapted Egyptian art a

1. •Kushites adapted Egyptian art and architecture.
•Greeks adopted Phoenician characters for an alphabet.
•Arabs used the Indian mathematical concept of zero.
These actions are examples of
(1) filial piety (2) cultural diffusion (3) scientific research (4) ethnocentrism

2. What was one result of large armies traveling great distances during the Crusades? (1) Europe’s population severely declined. (2) Democracy in the Middle East grew.
(3) Cultural diffusion increased. (4) Slavery was eliminated.

3. Which circumstance best describes a long-term result of the Crusades?
(1) Muslim control of Jerusalem ended. (2) Feudalism began in western Europe.
(3) Cultural exchanges between the Middle East and Europe grew.
(4) Christians and Muslims achieved a lasting peace.

4. What was one long-term impact of Marco Polo’s visit to China?
(1) The Chinese began construction of the Great Wall.
(2) The principle of divine right was introduced to China.
(3) Christianity rapidly spread throughout the Yuan Empire.
(4) Europeans increased trade with China.

5. •Buddhist temples are found in Japan.
•Most Indonesians study the Koran.
•Catholicism is the dominant religion in Latin America.

These statements illustrate a result of
(1) westernization (2) cultural diffusion
(3) economic nationalism (4) fundamentalism

6. What was a significant effect of Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage to Mecca?
(1) The African written language spread to southwest Asia.
(2) Military leaders eventually controlled Mali.
(3) Islamic learning and culture expanded in Mali.
(4) The trading of gold for salt ended.

7. A major reason for Zheng He’s voyages during the 15th century was to
(1) promote trade and collect tribute (2) establish colonies in Africa and India
(3) seal off China’s borders from foreign influence (4) prove the world was round

8. The spread of Islam into the kingdoms of Ghana and Mali resulted from
(1) imperialism (2) ethnocentrism
(3) cultural diffusion (4) self-determination

9. What was a long-term impact of Marco Polo’s trips to China?
(1) The Silk Roads replaced the all-water route to Asia.
(2) The Chinese forced the Europeans to trade only in Peking.
(3) China was isolated from other countries.
(4) Trade increased between China and Europe.

10. What was one effect of Alexander the Great’s conquests?
(1) expansion of Hellenistic culture (2) formation of the Christian church
(3) decreased importance of the Silk Roads (4) increased support of the Mayan leaders

11. The travels of Marco Polo and of Ibn Battuta were similar in that these travels
(1) led to nationalistic movements (2) helped to spread the ideas of religious leaders
(3) stimulated the expansion of trade (4) supported democratic forms of government

12. The Phoenicians are often referred to as the “carriers of civilization” because they (1) introduced Islam and Christianity to Central Africa
(2) established colonies throughout northern Europe
(3) developed the first carts with wheels
(4) traded goods and spread ideas throughout the Mediterranean region

13. Zheng He contributed to the prosperity of China under the Ming dynasty by
(1) defeating the Manchu invaders
(2) constructing the Great Wall along the northern frontier
(3) expanding trade with nations of Asia and Africa
(4) establishing colonies in Korea and Japan

14. The exchange of silks and spices and the spread of Buddhism along the Silk Roads are examples of
(1) cultural diffusion (2) self-sufficiency
(3) ethnocentrism (4) desertification

15. Which two cultures most influenced the development of early Japan?
(1) Greek and Roman (2) Chinese and Korean
(3) Egyptian and Mesopotamian (4) Indian and Persian

16. The growth of maritime and overland trading routes led to
(1) decreased interest in inventions and technology
(2) the limited migration of peoples
(3) increased cultural diffusion
(4) the development of subsistence agriculture

18. Which statement about cultural diffusion in Asia is most accurate?
(1) Byzantine traders brought the Justinian Code to China.
(2) Roman legions introduced Christianity to India.
(3) Indian monks brought Islam to the Middle East.
(4) Chinese ideas and practices spread into Korea and Japan.

19. What was the effect of the extensive Mongol Empire on the people who lived in Europe and Asia in the 1200s?
(1) development of a common language
(2) adoption of Confucian ideas and practices
(3) expansion of Japanese cultural traditions
(4) significant increases in trade and travel
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 1: [Copie]
1. •Kushites adapté èv Ejipsyen an Et Achitekti. •Greeks te adopte caractères Phénicien pou yon sirilik. •Arabs te itilize konsèp matematik Endyen la zewo. Aksyon sa yo se egzanp de(1) devosyon fwatènèl (2) kiltirèl piblikasyon (3) syantifik rechèch (4) ethnocentrism2. sa ki te yon rezilta laj ki gen tout pouvwa vwayaje gwo distans pandan Croisades yo? (1) lane Ewop de yon malè sou a. (2) demokrasi nan Mwayen Oryan a. (3) piblikasyon kiltirèl te ogmante. (4) esklavaj te elimine. 3. ki sikonstans pi bon dekri yon rezilta yon tan ki long de Croisades yo? (1) kontwòl Mizilman ki rete lavil Jerizalèm te fini. (2) • te kòmanse nan lwès Ewòp. (3) kiltirèl dechanj ant Mwayen Oryan an ak nan Ewòp la a. (4) kretyen e mouzlèm atteint yon denye la pè.4. sa ki te yon enpak yon tan ki long vizit Marco Polo peyi Lachin? (1) Chinwa an te kòmanse konstriksyon de gwo miray lavil la. (2) a pwensip de dwa divine te a bay Lachin. (3) Krisyanis rapidman simaye nan tout anpi Yuan an.(4) Ewopeyen te ogmante komès ak Lachin.5. •Buddhist manch sont te twouve nan Japon. Sans Auraient etidye Coran a. •Catholicism se jan dominan nan Amerik Latin nan. Deklarasyon sa yo ilistre yon rezilta de (1) piblikasyon (2) kiltirèl westernization (3) fondamantalis ekonomik nasyonalism (4) 6. sa ki te yon gwo efè pelerinaj pye fig Mansa pou Muslim? (1) Africaine a ekri lang se sidwès Azi te di. (2) lidè militè yo te evantyèlman kontwole Mali. (3) formation Islamik ak kilti elaji nan Mali.(4) la négociation an lò pou sèl te fini. 7. yon pi gwo rezon pou voyages Zheng li yo pandan se 15zyèm syèk la se te pou(1) pwomouvwa komès Et hommage collect (2) etabli koloni an Afrik ak Zend (3) so sou fontyè an yo peyi Lachin nan de etranje enfliyans (4) pwouve ke te bò kote kreye tout bagay 8. la gaye afiche pwisans Islam nan peyi ki Gana Et Mali a de (1) l' (2) ethnocentrism (3) l' kiltirèl piblikasyon (4)9. sa ki te yon enpak yon tan ki long de Marco Polo vwayaj Lachin? (1) ti wout swa ranplase Et tout dlo Azi te di. (2) Chinwa te fòse Ewopeyen pou echanje lisans sèlman nan Pékin. (3) Lachin te izole sot nan lòt peyi.(4) komès ogmante ant peyi Lachin ak nan Ewòp la.10. sa ki te yon efè lide Alexander gran a?(1) ekspansyon kilti Époque (2) fòmasyon legliz Kretyen (3) sipò a enpòtans wout swa (4) augmenté de l' se lidè yo 11. les voyages de Marco Polo Et de Ibn Battuta ont menm jan an nan ki se sa yo (1) a nationaliste mouvements (2) a gaye lide de antèt relijye yo (3) stimuler la ekspansyon komès (4) en demokratik fòmilè de gouvènman an 12. les Phoenicians sont souvan refere li kòm "transporteurs de civilisation" paske yo (1) a Islamis Et Krisyanis pou Afrik santral (2) établi koloni atravè rejyon Nò Europe (3) devlope premye cha ak woukomèsyal marchandises Et ide gaye atravè rejyon an Méditerranée (4)13. Zheng li a pou pwosperite Lachin anba dinasti Ming pa (1) vaincre l' repouse anvayisè yo Mandchou (2) te gen gwo miray ranpa nan zòn nò fontyè a (3) agrandisman mache ak nasyon Azi ak Afwik(4) etabli koloni nan Kore di ak Japon 14. a echanj appelés ak fèy santi bon ak gaye de Boudis nan tout ti wout swa yo egzanp de (1) kiltirèl piblikasyon (2) sifizans pèsonèl(3) la ethnocentrism (4) 15. ki de reyinifikasyon anpil te enfliyanse tèren devlopman byen bonè Japon? (1) grèk Et Romen (2) Chinwa Et Koreyen (3) moun peyi Lejip yo ak Gòlf Pèsik Endyen Mesopotamian (4) 16. a grandi nan depans lajan maritim Et rejwen wout komèsyal ki te dirije pou (1) a enterè nan traka bay tèt ak teknoloji (2) a sou imigrasyon te limite de pèp (3) piblikasyon kiltirèl une(4) a devlopman de subsistance agrikilti 18. ki deklarasyon ki ta mande kiltirèl piblikasyon nan pwovens Lazi li ki pi egzat? (1) opérateurs Byzantine te pote nan kòd Justinien a peyi Lachin. (2) Romen légion a Krisyanis a India. (3) mwàn Endyen a Islamis sou bò solèy leve nan mitan.(4) ide Chinwa ak pratik ki se nan Kore di ak Japon.19. sa ki te efè sou Empire Mongol sou pèp la, ki tap viv an Ewòp ak asie 1200s la? (1) devlopman yon lang (2) adopsyon de ide pèp Confucian ak pratik ki(3) ekspansyon traditions kiltirèl Japonè(4) augmente siyifikatif nan komès ak vwayaj
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Résultats (Créole haïtien) 2:[Copie]
1. • Kushites adapte atizay moun peyi Lejip ak achitekti.
• Moun peyi Lagrès te adopte karaktè Phoenician pou yon alfabè.
• Arab itilize konsèp nan Ameriken matematik nan zewo.
Aksyon sa yo se egzanp
(1) pyete filyal (2) difizyon kiltirèl (3) rechèch syantifik ( 4) etnosantris 2. Ki sa ki te yon rezilta ki gen tout pouvwa gwo vwayaje gran distans pandan Kwazad yo? (1) Popilasyon Ewòp la te bese anpil. (2) Demokrasi nan Mwayen Oryan an te grandi. (3) difizyon kiltirèl ogmante. (4) te elimine esklavaj. 3. Ki sikonstans ki pi byen dekri yon rezilta ki dire lontan nan Kwazad yo? (1) Mizilman yo kontwòl nan lavil Jerizalèm te fini. (2) Feyodalis te kòmanse nan lwès Lewòp. (3) echanj kiltirèl ant Mwayen Oryan an ak Lewòp yo te te grandi. (4) Kretyen yo ak Mizilman reyalize yon lapè ki dire lontan. 4. Ki sa ki te yon konsekans ki dire lontan nan vizit Marco Polo nan Lachin? (1) Chinwa yo kòmanse konstriksyon Gran Miray la. (2) te Prensip la nan dwa diven prezante nan peyi Lachin. (3) Krisyanis gaye toupatou byen vit toupatou nan Anpi Yuan. (4) Ewopeyen ogmante komès ak Lachin. 5. • yo jwenn tanp Boudis nan Japon. • Pifò Indonesians etidye Koran an. • Katolik se relijyon an dominan nan Amerik Latin nan. Deklarasyon sa yo montre yon rezilta nan (1) oksidantalizasyon (2) difizyon kiltirèl (3) nasyonalis ekonomik (4) fondamantalis 6 . Ki sa ki te yon efè enpòtan nan pelerinaj Mansa Musa nan Lamèk? (1) ekri gaye nan Afriken lang nan sidwès pwovens Lazi. (2) lidè militè evantyèlman kontwole Mali. (3) aprann Islamik ak kilti elaji nan Mali. (4) komès la nan lò pou sèl te fini. 7. Yon rezon prensipal pou vwayaj Zheng Li a pandan 15 zyèm syèk la te (1) ankouraje komès ak kolekte peye lajan taks (2) etabli koloni nan Lafrik ak peyi Zend (3) sele fwontyè peyi Lachin nan nan enfliyans etranje (4) pwouve mond lan te wonn 8. Gaye nan nan Islam nan peyi ki sou Gana ak Mali a soti nan (1) enperyalis (2) etnosantris (3) difizyon kiltirèl (4) otodetèminasyon 9. Ki sa ki te yon enpak ki dire lontan nan vwayaj Marco Polo nan Lachin? (1) Wout an swa yo ranplase wout la tout dlo-a pwovens Lazi. (2) Chinwa yo te fòse Ewopeyen yo nan komès sèlman nan Peking. (3) Lachin te izole nan lòt peyi yo. (4) Komès ogmante ant Lachin ak Lewòp. 10. Ki sa ki te yon efè nan Alexander Great konkèt la? (1) ekspansyon nan kilti Elenistik (2) fòmasyon nan legliz la kretyen (3) diminye enpòtans nan Wout Swa yo (4) ogmante sipò nan lidè yo Maya 11. Vwayaj yo nan Marco Polo ak nan Ibn Battuta yo te sanble paske vwayaj sa yo (1) te mennen nan mouvman nasyonalis (2) te ede gaye lide yo nan lidè relijye (3) ankouraje ekspansyon an nan komès (4) sipòte fòm demokratik nan gouvènman an 12 . Fenisyen yo yo souvan refere yo kòm "transpòtè yo nan sivilizasyon" yo paske yo (1) prezante Islam ak Krisyanis nan Lafrik di Santral (2) etabli koloni nan tout pati nò Lewòp (3) devlope bin yo nan premye ak wou (4) te fè kòmès machandiz ak gaye lide nan tout rejyon an Mediterane 13. Zheng Li kontribye nan pwosperite a nan Lachin anba dinasti Ming nan pa (1) bat anvayisè yo Manchu (2) konstwi Great Wall la ansanm fwontyè a nò (3) agrandi komès ak nasyon nan pwovens Lazi ak Lafrik (4) etabli koloni nan Kore di ak Japon 14. Echanj la nan swari ak epis santi bon ak a gaye Boudis sou wout yo Swa yo se egzanp (1) difizyon kiltirèl (2) vin endepandan (3) etnosantris (4) dezètifikasyon 15. Ki de kilti pi enfliyanse devlopman nan byen bonè Japon? (1) Grèk ak Women (2) Chinwa ak Koreyen (3) moun peyi Lejip ak Mesopotamian (4) Ameriken ak Persian 16. Kwasans lan nan wout komès maritim ak vwa terès mennen nan (1) diminye enterè nan envansyon ak teknoloji (2) migrasyon an limite nan pèp (3) ogmantasyon difizyon kiltirèl (4) devlopman nan agrikilti sibsistans 18. Ki deklarasyon sou difizyon kiltirèl nan Azi ki pi egzat? (1) Machann Bizanten te pote Kòd Jistinyen nan peyi Lachin. (2) lame Women prezante Krisyanis nan peyi Zend. (3) relijyeu Ameriken pote Islam nan Mwayen Oryan an. (4) ide Chinwa ak pratik gaye nan Kore di ak Japon. 19. Ki sa ki te efè a nan Anpi Mongòl vaste sou pèp la ki te rete nan Ewòp ak Azi nan 1200s yo? (1) devlopman nan yon lang komen (2) adopsyon nan lide ak pratik confucian (3) ekspansyon nan tradisyon Japonè kiltirèl (4) ogmante siyifikatif nan komès ak vwayaj

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